955 resultados para Courts and courtiers


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Partout dans le monde, des tribunaux empruntent l’autoroute de l’information et choisissent le dépôt électronique comme moyen de faire évoluer les systèmes judiciaires. Certains tribunaux canadiens ont rallié le mouvement, mais la plupart se contentent pour l’instant d’observer, risquant de se voir claquer au nez la porte du cybermonde. Les obstacles invoqués sont divers et vont du manque d’argent et de ressources techniques à l’absence d’une masse critique de dépôts justifiant l’investissement initial nécessaire pour faire entrer le tribunal au XXIe siècle. La Cour fédérale, la Cour suprême et quelques partenaires du secteur privé étudient un modèle de nature à éliminer certains de ces obstacles, qui permettrait de numériser l’information qui circule entre les parties à un litige, leurs avocats et les tribunaux, grâce à la technologie sécurisée de l’Internet, fondée sur le Web. Le présent rapport expose la perspective des praticiens et énonce les avantages, les difficultés et les risques associés au modèle.


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Selon Max Weber, seul l’État (moderne) dispose de l’exercice légitime de la contrainte physique. Il est le seul qui puisse légitimement garantir des droits subjectifs qu’il énonce directement ou indirectement. Toutefois, avec l’arrivée du 21e siècle, caractérisée par le retour du pluralisme juridique et la multiplication des instances juridiques et politiques, le monopole étatique de la contrainte légitime devient menacé. Weber, reconnaissant la présence de multiples sphères de droit extra-étatique, affirme que l’ordre juridique existe partout où existe un certain type d’entité sociale destiné à l’exercice de la contrainte juridique. À ce propos, le droit interne de l’entreprise, qui est un droit appliqué par l’entrepreneur indépendamment du droit de l’État, exerce la contrainte la plus puissante. C'est à propos de ce droit que l’auteur se penche dans cette étude pour nous décrire un droit du travail qui est d’abord caractérisé par un quasi-absentéisme juridique et étatique et également par la prévalence du pluralisme juridique, mais où l’intervention de l’État reste un phénomène relativement récent.


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L’interrelation entre le droit civil et le du droit du travail présente multiples facettes. Le présent mémoire traite de l’une des manifestations de cette interaction, soit du recours à l’appareil contractuel pour donner ouverture à l’application de certaines lois de protection des travailleurs dans la sphère provinciale au Québec. L’accès aux lois du travail étant réservé aux personnes qui possèdent le statut de « travailleur » ou de « salarié » au sens de ces lois, la façon dont ces notions sont définies par le législateur est importante. Nous étudions dans notre texte l’incidence que le recours à la notion de contrat de travail peut avoir dans ce contexte. Dans la première partie du mémoire, nous étudions le rôle du droit civil dans le développement du droit du travail. Nous nous penchons sur l’existence d’un ensemble de droits et d’obligations rattaché au rapport de travail indépendamment de la volonté des parties. Ensuite, nous présentons les deux fondements possibles du rapport visé par les lois du travail, soit la thèse contractuelle et celle fondée sur la « relation du travail », ainsi que la façon dont elles sont reçues au Québec et ailleurs. Dans la troisième partie de notre texte, nous examinons les effets pratiques d’appliquer les critères du droit des contrats lorsqu’il s’agit d’établir si une personne peut bénéficier des lois du travail à partir de l’analyse de certaines décisions jurisprudentielles. Nous nous penchons de façon plus particulière sur le traitement accordé par les tribunaux aux personnes qui occupent des emplois atypiques comme les travailleurs occasionnels, saisonniers et autonomes. Nous explorons également si une approche fondée sur la réalité factuelle, les particularités du travail en cause et les objectifs des lois d’ordre public peut constituer une piste de solution à la problématique que le recours à la figure contractuelle pour déterminer l’application des lois du travail soulève.


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Imprisonment is the most common method of punishment resorted to by almost all legal systems.The new theories of crime causation propounded in the latter half of the nineteenth century gave rise to the feeling that the prisons could be used as appropriate institutions for reforming the offenders. It called for individualisation of punishment.As a result of international movements for humanisation of prisons the judiciary' in tine common law countries started taking active interest in prisoner's treatment.Various studies reveal that much has been done in America to improve the lot of prisoners and to treat them as human beings.The courts there have gone to the extent of saying that there is no iron curtain between a prisoner and the constitution. Most of the rights available to citizens except those which they cannot enjoy due to the conditions of incarceration have also been granted to prisoner.In India also the judiciary has come forward to protect the rights of the prisoners.Maneka Gandhi is a turning point in prisoner's rights.The repeated intervention of courts in prison administration project the view that prisoners have been denied the basic human rights.The High Courts and the Supreme Court of India have been gradually exercising jurisdiction ixl assuming prison justice, including improving the quality of food and amenities, payment of wages and appropriate standards of medical care. Access to courts must be made easier to the aggrieved prisoners.The government should come forward along with some public spirited citizens and voluntary organisations to form a "discharged prisoner“ aid society. The society should exploit opportunities for rehabilitation of prisoners after their release.Most of the prison buildings in the State of Kerala are ill-equipped, ill furnished and without proper ventilation or sanitation and with insufficient water supply arrangements.In India prisoners and prisons today are governed by the old central legislations like Prisons Act l894 Prisoners Act 1900 and the Transfer of Prisoners Act 1950.


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En esta tesis se investigó lo relativo al cumplimiento de los fallos dictados en primera instancia por los tribunales administrativos y en segunda instancia por el Consejo de Estado de las acciones populares en materia de aguas, desde el año 1998 hasta el año 2007 aproximadamente de acuerdo con la disponibilidad de los expedientes que reposan en la entidad encargada legalmente de llevar el registro de dichas acciones. Dentro de la investigación se encontró que del porcentaje total de las acciones presentadas, únicamente el 22% es favorable en las dos instancias para los actores y de ese porcentaje se desprendieron los demás ítems analizados, tales como: seguimiento, forma de cumplimiento, tiempo de cumplimiento entre otros. Así mismo se estudiaron los aspectos relevantes del derecho humano al agua y su incidencia en las políticas públicas actuales. Finalmente se presentan unas conclusiones enfocadas al cumplimiento de las acciones populares en materia de aguas y al seguimiento que deben hacer los actores de las mismas, con el fin de que se retome el carácter esencial de éstas y no sean acciones netamente pecuniarias.


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Teniendo en cuenta tres casos dentro del contexto del conflicto armado donde la jurisdicción penal colombiana estudia la admisión o exclusión de medios probatorios producidos a partir de injerencias de comunicaciones, encontramos que no siempre se aplica la regla de exclusión cuando no cuentan con una orden judicial previa. Ante este problema, buscamos como se ha solucionado, teniendo como referente la el Derecho Internacional Humanitario, el Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos. Lo anterior nos da base para entender la regla de exclusión de que se ha venido desarrollando dentro del Derecho Internacional Penal. Si bien estas reglas nos sirven para solucionar estos tres casos, terminan siendo contradictorios a lo que ha venido desarrollando la Corte Constitucional. De esta manera, si bien esta Corte consideró que la regla de Estatuto de Roma, va en concordancia con la nuestra regla de exclusión nacional, tal afirmación es errónea.


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Los TBI (Tratado Bilateral de Inversión) o también denominado los APPI (Acuerdo de Protección y Promoción de las Inversiones) son acuerdos que buscan la Protección y la Promoción de las inversiones que hagan los nacionales de un Estado en otro Estado conocido como el “Estado Receptor”. Los TBI y APPI fueron concebidos dentro del proceso de descolonización que le siguió a la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Esto se debe a que los Estados que habían colonizado otros territorios, ahora Estados soberanos y sus nacionales, seguían teniendo fuertes lazos e intereses económicos. Con el ánimo de protegerse de posibles expropiaciones, los Estados europeos liderados por Alemania, firmaron un número importante de TBI y APPI, no solamente con sus antiguas colonias, sino con otras. De esta manera, Alemania, Suiza, Holanda, Italia, Bélgica y Suecia suscribieron al menos cuarenta tratados de este tipo con varios Estados asiáticos, africanos y del medio oriente entre 1959 y 1965. Estados Unidos se demoró unos veinte o treinta años más, porque los estadounidenses no solamente aspiraban a obtener protección para sus inversionistas, sino que además solicitaban que se abriera y liberara la economía de los Estados firmantes. Finalmente, fue en la administración de Ronald Reagan que los Estados Unidos comenzó a suscribirlos.


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France is known for being a champion of individual rights as well as for its overt hostility to any form of group rights. Linguistic pluralism in the public sphere is rejected for fear of babelization and Balkanization of the country. Over recent decades the Conseil Constitutionnel (CC) has, together with the Conseil d’État, remained arguably the strongest defender of this Jacobin ideal in France. In this article, I will discuss the role of France’s restrictive language policy through the prism of the CC’s jurisprudence. Overall, I will argue that the CC made reference to the (Jacobin) state-nation concept, a concept that is discussed in the first part of the paper, in order to fight the revival of regional languages in France over recent decades. The clause making French the official language in 1992 was functional to this policy. The intriguing aspect is that in France the CC managed to standardise France’s policy vis-à-vis regional and minority languages through its jurisprudence; an issue discussed in the second part of the paper. But in those regions with a stronger tradition of identity, particularly in the French overseas territories, the third part of the paper argues, normative reality has increasingly become under pressure. Therefore, a discrepancy between the ‘law in courtsand the compliance with these decisions (‘law in action’) has been emerging over recent years. Amid some signs of opening of France to minorities, this contradiction delineates a trend that might well continue in future.


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Whether or not someone has the ability to look after his or her own financial affairs is one of the most common problems brought before courts and tribunals in Australia. At present, there is no agreed-upon objective standard for assessing financial competency. The aims of this study were twofold: (1) to clarify which financial skills and tasks are considered important to adults in the Australian community when assessing financial competence; and (2) to evaluate a model of financial competence proposed by Webber, Reeve, Kershaw and Charlton. Professional service providers and students judged the importance of 61 skills, tasks and characteristics related to financial competence. The results supported a 6-factor model of financial competence. The findings suggest that it is possible to identify agreed-upon criteria for financial competency and provide a first step towards the development of a valid scale of financial competency.


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One common problem brought before Courts and Tribunals in Australia is whether or not someone is able to manage his or her own financial affairs. The problem is that currently in Australia there are no universally agreed upon standards for assessing financial competence. The aim of this study was to examine the reliability and validity of a new measure of financial competence, The Financial Competence Assessment Inventory (FCAI), in assessing financial competency of older adults with a cognitive impairment. The sample comprised 18 older adults with acquired brain injury, 10 adults with schizophrenia, 21 adults with dementia and 27 older adults without cognitive impairment. Ages ranged from 55 to 91. Each participant was individually interviewed using the FCAI. The findings revealed that the FCAI is a reliable and valid assessment tool for assessing financial competence of older adults with different types and levels of cognitive impairment. In particular, the FCAI was able to distinguish between older adults with global brain impairment and older adults with specific brain impairment; and older adults who had a legal administrator and older adults who did not. In addition, using the FCAI it was possible to obtain a profile of participants’ strengths and weaknesses across six domains of financial competence including; everyday financial abilities, financial judgment, estate management, cognitive based financial tasks, debt management, and support resources. The FCAI has the potential to assist clinicians and legal decision-makers regarding ‘least restrictive alternatives’ when financial competence is in question.


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“The research paper considers the legal issues arising from the Canadian Native Residential Schools and the Australian ‘stolen generation’. The paper compares and contrasts the approaches taken by the respective courts and governments in these Nations to the various causes of actions stemming from such. Building on this, the paper will focus on the legal issues that are yet to be considered by the courts including breaches of domestic and international treaties, liability for loss of culture and language intergenerational claims.”


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This study examined the relations between neighbourhood socio-economic status and features of public open spaces (POS) hypothesised to influence children's physical activity. Data were from the first follow-up of the Children Living in Active Neighbourhoods (CLAN) Study, which involved 540 families of 5–6 and 10–12-year-old children in Melbourne, Australia. The Socio-Economic Index for Areas Index (SEIFA) of Relative Socio-economic Advantage/Disadvantage was used to assign a socioeconomic index score to each child's neighbourhood, based on postcode. Participant addresses were geocoded using a Geographic Information System. The Open Space 2002 spatial data set was used to identify all POS within an 800 m radius of each participant's home. The features of each of these POS (1497) were audited. Variability of POS features was examined across quintiles of neighbourhood SEIFA. Compared with POS in lower socioeconomic neighbourhoods, POS in the highest socioeconomic neighbourhoods had more amenities (e.g. picnic tables and drink fountains) and were more likely to have trees that provided shade, a water feature (e.g. pond, creek), walking and cycling paths, lighting, signage regarding dog access and signage restricting other activities. There were no differences across neighbourhoods in the number of playgrounds or the number of recreation facilities (e.g. number of sports catered for on courts and ovals, the presence of other facilities such as athletics tracks, skateboarding facility and swimming pool). This study suggests that POS in high socioeconomic neighbourhoods possess more features that are likely to promote physical activity amongst children.


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Examines relevant mental health state legislation relating to criminal, civil and family courts and then sets out a logical structure for writing reports for such matters.


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The thesis analyses judgments from the higher criminal courts in Victoria involving problem gamblers charged with serious crimes, investigates actions brought by gamblers against gaming establishments in the civil courts and examines the legislation governing gambling in Victoria and the effectiveness of recently introduced harm minimisation measures.


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Mental health professionals assist Australian courts and tribunals with explanations about human behaviour and mental processes related to offending behaviour. Contrary to other witnesses who are only allowed to give evidence in relation to what they directly heard or saw, mental health professionals are allowed to express opinions because they are recognised as expert witnesses with specialised knowledge. However, in Australia at least, little is known about how these expert witnesses are chosen and how they meet the requirements of possessing “specialised knowledge”. In this article, we provide a brief history of expert witnesses in the courtroom, including the use of psychologists as expert witnesses. We then highlight some of the concerns that legal professionals have raised about psychologists as expert witnesses in the limited number of studies that have been conducted in Australia, the United States, and the United Kingdom. Finally, we raise questions about how psychologists are chosen to be expert witnesses in Australia and introduce directions for future research.