639 resultados para Contingency


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An algorithm for optimal allocation of reactive power in AC/DC system using FACTs devices, with an objective of improving the voltage profile and also voltage stability of the system has been presented. The technique attempts to utilize fully the reactive power sources in the system to improve the voltage stability and profile as well as meeting the reactive power requirements at the AC-DC terminals to facilitate the smooth operation of DC links. The method involves successive solution of steady-state power flows and optimization of reactive power control variables with Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) using linear programming technique. The proposed method has been tested on a real life equivalent 96-bus AC and a two terminal DC system under normal and contingency conditions.


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This paper describes an approach for the analysis and design of 765kV/400kV EHV transmission system which is a typical expansion in Indian power grid system, based on the analysis of steady state and transient over voltages. The approach for transmission system design is iterative in nature. The first step involves exhaustive power flow analysis, based on constraints such as right of way, power to be transmitted, power transfer capabilities of lines, existing interconnecting transformer capabilities etc. Acceptable bus voltage profiles and satisfactory equipment loadings during all foreseeable operating conditions for normal and contingency operation are the guiding criteria. Critical operating strategies are also evolved in this initial design phase. With the steady state over voltages obtained, comprehensive dynamic and transient studies are to be carried out including switching over voltages studies. This paper presents steady state and switching transient studies for alternative two typical configurations of 765kV/400 kV systems and the results are compared. Transient studies are carried out to obtain the peak values of 765 kV transmission systems and are compared with the alternative configurations of existing 400 kV systems.


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n many parts of the world, the goal of electricity supply industries is always the introduction of competition and a lowering of the average consumer price. Because of this it has become much more important to be able to determine which generators are supplying a particular load, how much use each generator is making of a transmission line and what is generator's contribution to the system losses. In this paper a case study on generator contributions towards loads and transmission flows are illustrated with an equivalent 11-bus system, a part of Indian Southern Grid, based on the concepts of circuit flow directions, for normal and network contingency conditions.


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The amount of reactive power margin available in a system determines its proximity to voltage instability under normal and emergency conditions. More the reactive power margin, better is the systems security and vice-versa. A hypothetical way of improving the reactive margin of a synchronous generator is to reduce the real power generation within its mega volt-ampere (MVA) ratings. This real power generation reduction will affect its power contract agreements entered in the electricity market. Owing to this, the benefit that the generator foregoes will have to be compensated by paying them some lost opportunity cost. The objective of this study is three fold. Firstly, the reactive power margins of the generators are evaluated. Secondly, they are improved using a reactive power optimization technique and optimally placed unified power flow controllers. Thirdly, the reactive power capacity exchanges along the tie-lines are evaluated under base case and improved conditions. A detailed analysis of all the reactive power sources and sinks scattered throughout the network is carried out in the study. Studies are carried out on a real life, three zone, 72-bus equivalent Indian southern grid considering normal and contingency conditions with base case operating point and optimised results presented.


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With deregulation, the total transfer capability (TTC) calculation, which is the basis for evaluating available transfer capability (ATC), has become very significant. TTC is an important index in power markets with large volume of inter-area power exchanges and wheeling transactions taking place on an hourly basis. Its computation helps to achieve a viable technical and commercial transmission operation. The aim of the paper is to evaluate TTC in the interconnections and also to improve it using reactive optimization technique and UPFC devices. Computations are carried out for normal and contingency cases such as single line, tie line and generator outages. Base and optimized results are presented, and the results show how reactive optimization and unified power flow controller help to improve the system conditions. In this paper repeated power flow method is used to calculate TTC due to its ease of implementation. A case study is carried out on a 205 bus equivalent system, a part of Indian Southern grid. Parameters like voltage magnitude, L-index, minimum singular value and MW losses are computed to analyze the system performance.


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Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) have recently been proposed as an alterative method for salving certain traditional problems in power systems where conventional techniques have not achieved the desired speed, accuracy or efficiency. This paper presents application of ANN where the aim is to achieve fast voltage stability margin assessment of power network in an energy control centre (ECC), with reduced number of appropriate inputs. L-index has been used for assessing voltage stability margin. Investigations are carried out on the influence of information encompassed in input vector and target out put vector, on the learning time and test performance of multi layer perceptron (MLP) based ANN model. LP based algorithm for voltage stability improvement, is used for generating meaningful training patterns in the normal operating range of the system. From the generated set of training patterns, appropriate training patterns are selected based on statistical correlation process, sensitivity matrix approach, contingency ranking approach and concentric relaxation method. Simulation results on a 24 bus EHV system, 30 bus modified IEEE system, and a 82 bus Indian power network are presented for illustration purposes.


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Electric power systems are exposed to various contingencies. Network contingencies often contribute to over-loading of network branches, unsatisfactory voltages and also leading to problems of stability/voltage collapse. To maintain security of the systems, it is desirable to estimate the effect of contingencies and plan suitable measures to improve system security/stability. This paper presents an approach for selection of unified power flow controller (UPFC) suitable locations considering normal and network contingencies after evaluating the degree of severity of the contingencies. The ranking is evaluated using composite criteria based fuzzy logic for eliminating masking effect. The fuzzy approach, in addition to real power loadings and bus voltage violations, voltage stability indices at the load buses also used as the post-contingent quantities to evaluate the network contingency ranking. The selection of UPFC suitable locations uses the criteria on the basis of improved system security/stability. The proposed approach for selection of UPFC suitable locations has been tested under simulated conditions on a few power systems and the results for a 24-node real-life equivalent EHV power network and 39-node New England (modified) test system are presented for illustration purposes.


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As power systems grow in their size and interconnections, their complexity increases. Rising costs due to inflation and increased environmental concerns has made transmission, as well as generation systems be operated closer to design limits. Hence power system voltage stability and voltage control are emerging as major problems in the day-to-day operation of stressed power systems. For secure operation and control of power systems under normal and contingency conditions it is essential to provide solutions in real time to the operator in energy control center (ECC). Artificial neural networks (ANN) are emerging as an artificial intelligence tool, which give fast, though approximate, but acceptable solutions in real time as they mostly use the parallel processing technique for computation. The solutions thus obtained can be used as a guide by the operator in ECC for power system control. This paper deals with development of an ANN architecture, which provide solutions for monitoring, and control of voltage stability in the day-to-day operation of power systems.


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This paper presents an artificial feed forward neural network (FFNN) approach for the assessment of power system voltage stability. A novel approach based on the input-output relation between real and reactive power, as well as voltage vectors for generators and load buses is used to train the neural net (NN). The input properties of the feed forward network are generated from offline training data with various simulated loading conditions using a conventional voltage stability algorithm based on the L-index. The neural network is trained for the L-index output as the target vector for each of the system loads. Two separate trained NN, corresponding to normal loading and contingency, are investigated on the 367 node practical power system network. The performance of the trained artificial neural network (ANN) is also investigated on the system under various voltage stability assessment conditions. As compared to the computationally intensive benchmark conventional software, near accurate results in the value of L-index and thus the voltage profile were obtained. Proposed algorithm is fast, robust and accurate and can be used online for predicting the L-indices of all the power system buses. The proposed ANN approach is also shown to be effective and computationally feasible in voltage stability assessment as well as potential enhancements within an overall energy management system in order to determining local and global stability indices


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Present day power systems are growing in size and complexity of operation with inter connections to neighboring systems, introduction of large generating units, EHV 400/765 kV AC transmission systems, HVDC systems and more sophisticated control devices such as FACTS. For planning and operational studies, it requires suitable modeling of all components in the power system, as the number of HVDC systems and FACTS devices of different type are incorporated in the system. This paper presents reactive power optimization with three objectives to minimize the sum of the squares of the voltage deviations (ve) of the load buses, minimization of sum of squares of voltage stability L-indices of load buses (¿L2), and also the system real power loss (Ploss) minimization. The proposed methods have been tested on typical sample system. Results for Indian 96-bus equivalent system including HVDC terminal and UPFC under normal and contingency conditions are presented.


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Effective network overload alleviation is very much essential in order to maintain security and integrity from the operational viewpoint of deregulated power systems. This paper aims at developing a methodology to reschedule the active power generation from the sources in order to manage the network congestion under normal/contingency conditions. An effective method has been proposed using fuzzy rule based inference system. Using virtual flows concept, which provides partial contributions/counter flows in the network elements is used as a basis in the proposed method to manage network congestions to the possible extent. The proposed method is illustrated on a sample 6 bus test system and on modified IEEE 39 bus system.


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The spatial error structure of daily precipitation derived from the latest version 7 (v7) tropical rainfall measuring mission (TRMM) level 2 data products are studied through comparison with the Asian precipitation highly resolved observational data integration toward evaluation of the water resources (APHRODITE) data over a subtropical region of the Indian subcontinent for the seasonal rainfall over 6 years from June 2002 to September 2007. The data products examined include v7 data from the TRMM radiometer Microwave Imager (TMI) and radar precipitation radar (PR), namely, 2A12, 2A25, and 2B31 (combined data from PR and TMI). The spatial distribution of uncertainty from these data products were quantified based on performance metrics derived from the contingency table. For the seasonal daily precipitation over a subtropical basin in India, the data product of 2A12 showed greater skill in detecting and quantifying the volume of rainfall when compared with the 2A25 and 2B31 data products. Error characterization using various error models revealed that random errors from multiplicative error models were homoscedastic and that they better represented rainfall estimates from 2A12 algorithm. Error decomposition techniques performed to disentangle systematic and random errors verify that the multiplicative error model representing rainfall from 2A12 algorithm successfully estimated a greater percentage of systematic error than 2A25 or 2B31 algorithms. Results verify that although the radiometer derived 2A12 rainfall data is known to suffer from many sources of uncertainties, spatial analysis over the case study region of India testifies that the 2A12 rainfall estimates are in a very good agreement with the reference estimates for the data period considered.


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In this study, a new reactive power loss index (RPLI) is proposed for identification of weak buses in the system. This index is further used for determining the optimal locations for placement of reactive compensation devices in the power system for additional voltage support. The new index is computed from the reactive power support and loss allocation algorithm using Y-bus method for the system under intact condition and as well as critical/severe network contingencies cases. Fuzzy logic approach is used to select the important and critical/severe line contingencies from the contingency list. The inherent characteristics of the reactive power in system operation is properly addressed while determining the reactive power loss allocation to load buses. The proposed index is tested on sample 10-bus equivalent system and 72-bus practical equivalent system of Indian southern region power grid. The validation of the weak buses identification from the proposed index with that from other existing methods in the literature is carried out to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed index. Simulation results show that the identification of weak buses in the system from the new RPLI is completely non-iterative, thus requires minimal computational efforts as compared with other existing methods in the literature.


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Resumen: El autor expone los argumentos centrales desarrollados tanto por Höffe como por Luhmann respecto de los fundamentos de un orden normativo institucional que garanticen una justicia política y no-metafísica. Así, presenta las contribuciones de ambos pensadores; explica -en la primera sección- la ética luhmaniana, y más adelante describe la crítica de Höffe al positivismo luhmanniano. Finalmente, el autor rescata las contribuciones de Luhmann y Höffe y las ubica como las más relevantes de las últimas décadas en materia de filosofía del derecho alemán.


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[ES] Este artículo contribuye a adquirir un mayor conocimiento acerca del impacto estratégico de la infraestructura de producción en las empresas manufactureras españolas. La influencia de la infraestructura de producción en el rendimiento empresarial puede ser analizada desde dos perspectivas: la contingente y la proactiva. La perspectiva contingente sostiene que tal influencia depende de la postura estratégica de la empresa. Según el enfoque proactivo, el rendimiento empresarial viene determinado por la implantación de prácticas y políticas prometedoras por su contribución a crear capacidades de producción.