996 resultados para Constant Weight Code
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.
Block copolymers have become an integral part of the preparation of complex architectures through self-assembly. The use of reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) allows blocks ranging from functional to nonfunctional polymers to be made with predictable molecular weight distributions. This article models block formation by varying many of the kinetic parameters. The simulations provide insight into the overall polydispersities (PDIs) that will be obtained when the chain-transfer constants in the main equilibrium steps are varied from 100 to 0.5. When the first dormant block [polymer-S-C(Z)=S] has a PDI of 1 and the second propagating radical has a low reactivity to the RAFT moiety, the overall PDI will be greater than 1 and dependent on the weight fraction of each block. When the first block has a PDI of 2 and the second propagating radical has a low reactivity to the RAFT moiety, the PDI will decrease to around 1.5 because of random coupling of two broad distributions. It is also shown how we can in principle use only one RAFT agent to obtain block copolymers with any desired molecular weight distribution. We can accomplish this by maintaining the monomer concentration at a constant level in the reactor over the course of the reaction. (c) 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Living radical polymerization has allowed complex polymer architectures to be synthesized in bulk, solution, and water. The most versatile of these techniques is reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT), which allows a wide range of functional and nonfunctional polymers to be made with predictable molecular weight distributions (MWDs), ranging from very narrow to quite broad. The great complexity of the RAFT mechanism and how the kinetic parameters affect the rate of polymerization and MWD are not obvious. Therefore, the aim of this article is to provide useful insights into the important kinetic parameters that control the rate of polymerization and the evolution of the MWD with conversion. We discuss how a change in the chain-transfer constant can affect the evolution of the MWD. It is shown how we can, in principle, use only one RAFT agent to obtain a poly-mer with any MWD. Retardation and inhibition are discussed in terms of (1) the leaving R group reactivity and (2) the intermediate radical termination model versus the slow fragmentation model. (c) 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
The dynamics of drop formation and pinch-off have been investigated for a series of low viscosity elastic fluids possessing similar shear viscosities, but differing substantially in elastic properties. On initial approach to the pinch region, the viscoelastic fluids all exhibit the same global necking behavior that is observed for a Newtonian fluid of equivalent shear viscosity. For these low viscosity dilute polymer solutions, inertial and capillary forces form the dominant balance in this potential flow regime, with the viscous force being negligible. The approach to the pinch point, which corresponds to the point of rupture for a Newtonian fluid, is extremely rapid in such solutions, with the sudden increase in curvature producing very large extension rates at this location. In this region the polymer molecules are significantly extended, causing a localized increase in the elastic stresses, which grow to balance the capillary pressure. This prevents the necked fluid from breaking off, as would occur in the equivalent Newtonian fluid. Alternatively, a cylindrical filament forms in which elastic stresses and capillary pressure balance, and the radius decreases exponentially with time. A (0+1)-dimensional finitely extensible nonlinear elastic dumbbell theory incorporating inertial, capillary, and elastic stresses is able to capture the basic features of the experimental observations. Before the critical "pinch time" t(p), an inertial-capillary balance leads to the expected 2/3-power scaling of the minimum radius with time: R-min similar to(t(p)-t)(2/3). However, the diverging deformation rate results in large molecular deformations and rapid crossover to an elastocapillary balance for times t>t(p). In this region, the filament radius decreases exponentially with time R-min similar to exp[(t(p)-t)/lambda(1)], where lambda(1) is the characteristic time constant of the polymer molecules. Measurements of the relaxation times of polyethylene oxide solutions of varying concentrations and molecular weights obtained from high speed imaging of the rate of change of filament radius are significantly higher than the relaxation times estimated from Rouse-Zimm theory, even though the solutions are within the dilute concentration region as determined using intrinsic viscosity measurements. The effective relaxation times exhibit the expected scaling with molecular weight but with an additional dependence on the concentration of the polymer in solution. This is consistent with the expectation that the polymer molecules are in fact highly extended during the approach to the pinch region (i.e., prior to the elastocapillary filament thinning regime) and subsequently as the filament is formed they are further extended by filament stretching at a constant rate until full extension of the polymer coil is achieved. In this highly extended state, intermolecular interactions become significant, producing relaxation times far above theoretical predictions for dilute polymer solutions under equilibrium conditions. (C) 2006 American Institute of Physics
Constacyclic codes with one and the same generator polynomial and distinct length are considered. We give a generalization of the previous result of the first author [4] for constacyclic codes. Suitable maps between vector spaces determined by the lengths of the codes are applied. It is proven that the weight distributions of the coset leaders don’t depend on the word length, but on generator polynomials only. In particular, we prove that every constacyclic code has the same weight distribution of the coset leaders as a suitable cyclic code.
Mathematics Subject Classification: 26D10.
Ocean acidification (OA) threatens the existence of coral reefs by slowing the rate of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) production of framework-building corals thus reducing the amount of CaCO3 the reef can produce to counteract natural dissolution. Some evidence exists to suggest that elevated levels of dissolved inorganic nutrients can reduce the impact of OA on coral calcification. Here, we investigated the potential for enhanced energetic status of juvenile corals, achieved via heterotrophic feeding, to modulate the negative impact of OA on calcification. Larvae of the common Atlantic golf ball coral, Favia fragum, were collected and reared for 3 weeks under ambient (421 µatm) or significantly elevated (1,311 µatm) CO2 conditions. The metamorphosed, zooxanthellate spat were either fed brine shrimp (i.e., received nutrition from photosynthesis plus heterotrophy) or not fed (i.e., primarily autotrophic). Regardless of CO2 condition, the skeletons of fed corals exhibited accelerated development of septal cycles and were larger than those of unfed corals. At each CO2 level, fed corals accreted more CaCO3 than unfed corals, and fed corals reared under 1,311 µatm CO2 accreted as much CaCO3 as unfed corals reared under ambient CO2. However, feeding did not alter the sensitivity of calcification to increased CO2; Delta calcification/Delta Omega was comparable for fed and unfed corals. Our results suggest that calcification rates of nutritionally replete juvenile corals will decline as OA intensifies over the course of this century. Critically, however, such corals could maintain higher rates of skeletal growth and CaCO3 production under OA than those in nutritionally limited environments.
Rising concentrations of atmospheric CO2 are changing the carbonate chemistry of the oceans, a process known as ocean acidification (OA). Absorption of this CO2 by the surface oceans is increasing the amount of total dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and bicarbonate ion (HCO3) available for marine calcification yet is simultaneously lowering the seawater pH and carbonate ion concentration ([CO3]), and thus the saturation state of seawater with respect to aragonite. We investigated the relative importance of [HCO3] versus [CO3] for early calcification by new recruits (primary polyps settled from zooxanthellate larvae) of two tropical coral species, Favia fragum and Porites astreoides. The polyps were reared over a range of ?ar values, which were manipulated by both acid-addition at constant pCO2 (decreased total [HCO3] and [CO3]) and by pCO2 elevation at constant alkalinity (increased [HCO3], decreased [CO3]). Calcification after 2 weeks was quantified by weighing the complete skeleton (corallite) accreted by each polyp over the course of the experiment. Both species exhibited the same negative response to decreasing [CO3] whether ?ar was lowered by acid-addition or by pCO2 elevation-calcification did not follow total DIC or [HCO3]. Nevertheless, the calcification response to decreasing [CO3] was nonlinear. A statistically significant decrease in calcification was only detected between Omega aragonite = <2.5 and Omega aragonite = 1.1-1.5, where calcification of new recruits was reduced by 22-37% per 1.0 decrease in Omega aragonite. Our results differ from many previous studies that report a linear coral calcification response to OA, and from those showing that calcification increases with increasing [HCO3]. Clearly, the coral calcification response to OA is variable and complex. A deeper understanding of the biomineralization mechanisms and environmental conditions underlying these variable responses is needed to support informed predictions about future OA impacts on corals and coral reefs.
We reconstruct the environmental evolution of the East China Sea in the past 14 kyr based on glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs) in a sediment core from the subaqueous Yangtze River Delta. Two primary phases are recognized. Phase I (13.8-8 cal kyr BP) reflects a predominantly continental influence, showing distinctly higher concentrations of branched GDGTs (averaged 143 ng/g dry sediment weight, dsw) than isoprenoid GDGTs (averaged 36 ng/g dsw), high BIT index (branched vs. isoprenoid tetraethers) values (>0.78) and a fluctuating GDGT-0/crenarchaeol ratio (R0/5, varied from 0.52 to 3.81). Within this interval, temporal increases of terrestrial and marine influence are attributed to Younger Dryas (YD) (ca. 12.9-12.2 cal kyr BP) cold event and melt-water pulse (MWP) -1B (11.5-11.1 cal kyr BP), respectively. The prominent transition from 8 to 7.9 cal kyr BP shows a sharp decrease in BIT index value (<0.4) and increase in crenarchaeol, which marks the beginning of phase II. Afterwards, the proxies remain relatively constant, which indicates that phase II (7.9 cal kyr BP-present) is a shelf sedimentary environment with high stand of sea level. Overall, the BIT index in our record serves as a good marker for terrestrial influence at the site, and likely reflects the flooding history of the region. The TEX86 (TetraEther Index of tetraethers consisting of 86 carbons) proxy is not applicable in phase I because of an excess terrestrial influence; but it seems to be valid for revealing the annual SST in phase II (21.6±0.9°C, n=49). In contrast, the MBT'/CBT (Methylation of Branched Tetraethers and Cyclization of Branched Tetraethers) proxy appears to faithfully record the annual mean air temperature (MAT) (14.3±0.63°C, n=68) and presents an integrated signal over the middle and lower Yangtze River drainage basin.
Introduction - The present study aimed to describe characteristics of patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D) in UK primary care initiated on dapagliflozin, post-dapagliflozin changes in glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c), body weight and blood pressure, and reasons for adding dapagliflozin to insulin. Methods - Retrospective study of patients with T2D in the Clinical Practice Research Datalink with first prescription for dapagliflozin. Patients were included in the study if they: (1) had a first prescription for dapagliflozin between November 2012 and September 2014; (2) had a Read code for T2D; (3) were registered with a practice for at least 6 months before starting dapagliflozin; and (4) remained registered for at least 3 months after initiation. A questionnaire ascertained reason(s) for adding dapagliflozin to insulin. Results - Dapagliflozin was most often used as triple therapy (27.7%), dual therapy with metformin (25.1%) or added to insulin (19.2%). Median therapy duration was 329 days [95% confidence interval (CI) 302–361]. Poor glycemic control was the reason for dapagliflozin initiation for 93.1% of insulin-treated patients. Avoiding increases in weight/body mass index and insulin resistance were the commonest reasons for selecting dapagliflozin versus intensifying insulin. HbA1c declined by mean of 9.7 mmol/mol (95% CI 8.5–10.9) (0.89%) 14–90 days after starting dapagliflozin, 10.2 mmol/mol (95% CI 8.9–11.5) (0.93%) after 91–180 days and 12.6 mmol/mol (95% CI 11.0–14.3) (1.16%) beyond 180 days. Weight declined by mean of 2.6 kg (95% CI 2.3–2.9) after 14–90 days, 4.3 kg (95% CI 3.8–4.7) after 91–180 days and 4.6 kg (95% CI 4.0–5.2) beyond 180 days. In patients with measurements between 14 and 90 days after starting dapagliflozin, systolic and diastolic blood pressure decreased by means of 4.5 (95% CI −5.8 to −3.2) and 2.0 (95% CI −2.9 to −1.2) mmHg, respectively from baseline. Similar reductions in systolic and diastolic blood pressure were observed after 91–180 days and when follow-up extended beyond 180 days. Results were consistent across subgroups. Conclusion - HbA1c, body weight and blood pressure were reduced after initiation of dapagliflozin in patients with T2D in UK primary care and the changes were consistent with randomized clinical trials.
A series of core samples taken during Cruise 79 of Glomar Challenger, drilling offshore Morocco (Mazagan Plateau), is analyzed for their low-molecular-weight hydrocarbon contents. Fifty-four samples from DSDP Holes 544A, 545, 547A, and 547B, deep frozen on board immediately after recovery, are studied by a hydrogen-stripping/thermovaporization technique combined with capillary gas chromatography. Thirty-eight compounds in the C2-C8 molecular range, including saturated, olefinic, and aromatic hydrocarbons, are identified. Because of large differences in organic carbon contents, the total C2-C8 hydrocarbon concentrations vary from about 20 to 1500 ng/g dry sediment weight in the whole sample series. Organic-carbon normalized values are about 3.2 x 10**4 ng/g Corg for Lithologic Subunits IIIA and IIIB at Site 545 (Cenomanian to Aptian) and 1.0 x 10**5 ng/g Corg for Unit V at Site 547 (Cenomanian to Albian) reflecting the slightly more advanced maturity stage at the latter site. Values exceeding 10**5 ng/g Corg (Site 545) and 2 x 10**5 ng/g Corg (Site 547) are associated with samples that are very lean in organic carbon and are generally rich in carbonate. These samples are enriched by small amounts of gaseous hydrocarbons. A detailed study of individual hydrocarbon concentrations, plotted against depth, reveal additional indications for migration phenomena. At Site 547, for instance, the most mobile hydrocarbons studied (e.g., ethane) appear to migrate by diffusion or a related process from more than 700 m depth toward the surface.
C2-C8 hydrocarbons (36 compounds identified) from 56 shipboard sealed, deep-frozen core samples of DSDP Leg 71, Site 511, Falkland Plateau, South Atlantic, were analyzed by a combined hydrogen stripping-thermovaporization method. Concentrations, which represent hydrocarbons dissolved in the pore water and adsorbed to the mineral surfaces of the sediment, vary from 24 ng/g of dry weight sediment in Lithologic Unit 4 to 17,400 ng/g in Lithologic Unit 6 ("black shale" unit). Likewise, the organic carbon normalized C2-C8 hydrocarbon concentrations range from 104 to 3.5 x 105 ng/g Corg. The latter value is more than one order of magnitude lower than expected for petroleum source beds in the main phase of oil generation. The low maturity at 600 meters depth is further supported by light hydrocarbon concentration ratios. The change of the kerogen type from Lithologic Unit 5 (Type III) to 6 (Type II) is evidenced by changes in the C6 and C7 hydrocarbon composition. Redistribution phenomena are observed close to the Tertiary-Cretaceous unconformity and at the contact between the "black shale" unit and the overlying Cretaceous chalks and claystones. Otherwise, the low molecular weight hydrocarbons in Hole 511 are formed in situ and remain at their place of formation. The core samples turned out to be contaminated by large quantities of acetone, which is routinely used as a solvent during sampling procedures onboard Glomar Challenger.
A record of deep-sea calcite saturation (D[CO3**-2]), derived from X-ray computed tomography-based foraminifer dissolution index, XDX, was constructed for the past 150 ka for a core from the deep (4157 m) tropical western Indian Ocean. G. sacculifer and N. dutertrei recorded a similar dissolution history, consistent with the process of calcite compensation. Peaks in calcite saturation (~15 µmol/kg higher than the present-day value) occurred during deglaciations and early in MIS 3. Dissolution maxima coincided with transitions to colder stages. The mass record of G. sacculifer better indicated preservation than did that of N. dutertrei or G. ruber. Dissolution-corrected Mg/Ca-derived SST records, like other SST records from marginal Indian Ocean sites, showed coolest temperatures of the last 150 ka in early MIS 3, when mixed layer temperatures were ~4°C lower than present SST. Temperatures recorded by N. dutertrei showed the thermocline to be ~4°C colder in MIS 3 compared to the Holocene (8 ka B.P.).
Since 2000 long-term measurements of vertical particle flux have been performed with moored sediment traps at the long-term observatory HAUSGARTEN in the eastern Fram Strait (79°N/4°E). The study area, which is seasonally covered with ice, is located in the confluence zone of the northward flowing warm saline Atlantic water with cold, low salinity water masses of Arctic origin. Current projections suggest that this area is particularly vulnerable to global warming. Total matter fluxes and components thereof (carbonate, particulate organic carbon and nitrogen, biogenic silica, biomarkers) revealed a bimodal seasonal pattern showing elevated sedimentation rates during May/June and August/September. Annual total matter flux (dry weight, DW) at ~ 300 m depth varied between 13 and 32 g/m**2/a during 2000 and 2005. Of this total flux 6-13 % was due to CaCO3, 4-21 % to refractory particulate organic carbon (POC), and 3-8 % to biogenic particulate silica (bPSi). The annual flux of all biogenic components together was almost constant during the period studied (8.5-8.8 g/m**2/a), although this varied from 27 to 67 % of the total annual flux. The fraction was lowest in a year characterized by the longest duration of ice coverage (91 and 70 days for the calendar year and summer season, May-September, respectively). Biomarker analyses revealed that organic matter originating from marine sources was present in excess of terrigenious material in the sedimented matter throughout most of the study period. Fluxes of recognizable phyto- and protozooplankton cells amounted up to 60x106 m**2/d. Diatoms and coccolithophorids were the most abundant organisms. Diatoms, mainly pennate species, dominated during the first years of the investigation. A shift in the composition occurred during the last year when numbers of diatoms declined considerably, leading to a dominance of coccolithoporids. This was also reflected in a decrease in the sedimentation of bPSi. The sedimentation of biogenic matter, however, did not differ from the amount observed during the previous years. Among the larger organisms, pteropods at times contributed significantly to both the total matter and CaCO3, fluxes.