964 resultados para Compact Dwarf Galaxies


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Since it is difficult to find the analytical solution of the governing Poisson equation for double gate MOSFETs with the body doping term included, the majority of the compact models are developed for undoped-body devices for which the analytical solution is available. Proposed is a simple technique to included a body doping term in such surface potential based common double gate MOSFET models also by taking into account any differences between the gate oxide thickness. The proposed technique is validated against TCAD simulation and found to be accurate as long as the channel is fully depleted.


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We consider a relativistic, degenerate electron gas at zero temperature under the influence of a strong, uniform, static magnetic field, neglecting any form of interactions. Since the density of states for the electrons changes due to the presence of the magnetic field (which gives rise to Landau quantization), the corresponding equation of state also gets modified. In order to investigate the effect of very strong magnetic field, we focus only on systems in which a maximum of either one, two, or three Landau level(s) is/are occupied. This is important since, if a very large number of Landau levels are filled, it implies a very low magnetic field strength which yields back Chandrasekhar's celebrated nonmagnetic results. The maximum number of occupied Landau levels is fixed by the correct choice of two parameters, namely, the magnetic field strength and the maximum Fermi energy of the system. We study the equations of state of these one-level, two-level, and three-level systems and compare them by taking three different maximum Fermi energies. We also find the effect of the strong magnetic field on the mass-radius relation of the underlying star composed of the gas stated above. We obtain an exciting result that it is possible to have an electron-degenerate static star, namely, magnetized white dwarfs, with a mass significantly greater than the Chandrasekhar limit in the range 2.3-2.6M(circle dot), provided it has an appropriate magnetic field strength and central density. In fact, recent observations of peculiar type Ia supernovae-SN 2006gz, SN 2007if, SN 2009dc, SN 2003fg-seem to suggest super-Chandrasekhar-mass white dwarfs with masses up to 2.4-2.8M(circle dot) as their most likely progenitors. Interestingly, our results seem to lie within these observational limits.


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The focus of this paper is on the practical aspects of design, prototyping, and testing of a compact, compliant external pipe-crawling robot that can inspect a closely spaced bundle of pipes in hazardous environments and areas that are inaccessible to humans. The robot consists of two radially deployable compliant ring actuators that are attached to each other along the longitudinal axis of the pipe by a bidirectional linear actuator. The robot imitates the motion of an inchworm. The novel aspect of the compliant ring actuator is a spring-steel compliant mechanism that converts circumferential motion to radial motion of its multiple gripping pads. Circumferential motion to ring actuators is provided by two shape memory alloy (SMA) wires that are guided by insulating rollers. The design of the compliant mechanism is derived from a radially deployable mechanism. A unique feature of the design is that the compliant mechanism provides the necessary kinematic function within the limited annular space around the pipe and serves as the bias spring for the SMA wires. The robot has a control circuit that sequentially activates the SMA wires and the linear actuator; it also controls the crawling speed. The robot has been fabricated, tested, and automated. Its crawling speed is about 45 mm/min, and the weight is about 150 g. It fits within an annular space of a radial span of 15 mm to crawl on a pipe of 60-mm outer diameter.


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Previous studies on a single-cavity, compact trapped vortex combustor concept showed good flame stability for a wide range of flow conditions. However, achieving good mixing between cavity products and mainstream flow was still a major challenge. In the present study, a passive mixing enhancement strategy of using inclined struts along with a flow guide vane is presented and experimentally tested at atmospheric pressure conditions. Results show excellent mixing and consequently low values of the combustor exit pattern factor in the range of 0.1 and small flame lengths (57 times the main-duct depth). The pressure drop is small in the range of 0.35%, and NOx levels of the order of 12ppm are achieved. The flame stability is excellent, and combustion efficiency is reasonable in the range of 96%. The effectiveness of the proposed strategy is explained on the basis of in-situ OH chemiluminescence images and prior numerical simulations of the resulting complex flow field. The flow guide vane is observed to lead to a counterclockwise cavity vortex, which is conducive to the rise of cavity combustion products along the inclined struts and subsequent mixing with the mainstream flow.


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Exponential compact higher-order schemes have been developed for unsteady convection-diffusion equation (CDE). One of the developed scheme is sixth-order accurate which is conditionally stable for the Peclet number 0 <= Pe <= 2.8 and the other is fourth-order accurate which is unconditionally stable. Schemes for two-dimensional (2D) problems are made to use alternate direction implicit (ADI) algorithm. Example problems are solved and the numerical solutions are compared with the analytical solutions for each case.


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Patches with variants of fractal Minkowski curves as boundaries are used here to design a polarization dependent electromagnetic bandgap surface. Reflection phases of the proposed structure depends upon the polarization state of the incident wave and frequency. The phase difference between the x-polarized and y-polarized components of the reflected wave can be as high as 200 degrees and this is achieved without excessive increase in unit cell dimensions and vias. The performance of the surface is analyzed numerically using CST microwave studio. The potential applications of the surface are in polarization conversion surfaces, polarimetric radar calibration, and RCS reduction.


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We study the conditions for disc galaxies to produce superbubbles that can break out of the disc and produce a galactic wind. We argue that the threshold surface density of supernovae rate for seeding a wind depends on the ability of superbubble energetics to compensate for radiative cooling. We first adapt Kompaneets formalism for expanding bubbles in a stratified medium to the case of continuous energy injection and include the effects of radiative cooling in the shell. With the help of hydrodynamic simulations, we then study the evolution of superbubbles evolving in stratified discs with typical disc parameters. We identify two crucial energy injection rates that differ in their effects, the corresponding breakout ranging from being gentle to a vigorous one. (a) Superbubbles that break out of the disc with a Mach number of the order of 2-3 correspond to an energy injection rate of the order of 10(-4) erg cm(-2) s(-1), which is relevant for disc galaxies with synchrotron emitting gas in the extra-planar regions. (b) A larger energy injection threshold, of the order of 10(-3) erg cm(-2) s(-1), or equivalently, a star formation surface density of similar to 0.1 M-circle dot yr(-1) kpc(-2), corresponds to superbubbles with a Mach number similar to 5-10. While the milder superbubbles can be produced by large OB associations, the latter kind requires super-starclusters. These derived conditions compare well with observations of disc galaxies with winds and the existence of multiphase halo gas. Furthermore, we find that contrary to the general belief that superbubbles fragment through Rayleigh-Taylor (RT) instability when they reach a vertical height of the order of the scaleheight, the superbubbles are first affected by thermal instability for typical disc parameters and that RT instability takes over when the shells reach a distance of approximately twice the scaleheight.


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Presented in this paper is an improvement over a spring-steel dual-axis accelerometer that we had reported earlier.The fabrication process (which entails wire-cut electro discharge machining of easily accessible and inexpensive spring-steelfoil) and the sensing of the displacement (which is done using off-the-shelf Hall-effect sensors) remain the same. Theimprovements reported here are twofold: (i) the footprint of the packaged accelerometer is reduced from 80 mm square to 40mm square, and (ii) almost perfect de-coupling and symmetry are achieved between the two in-plane axes of the packageddevice as opposed to the previous embodiment where this was not the case. Good linearity with about 40 mV/g was measuredalong both the in-plane axes over a range of 0.1 to 1 g. The first two natural frequencies of the devices are at 30 Hz and 100Hz, respectively, as per the experiment. The highlights of this work are cost-effective processing, easy integration of the Hall-effect sensing capability on a customised printed circuit board, and inexpensive packaging without overly compromising eitherthe overall size or the sensitivity of the accelerometer. Through this work, we have reaffirmed the practicability of spring-steelaccelerometers towards the eventual goal of making it compete with micro machined silicon accelerometers in terms of sizeand performance. The cost is likely to be much lower for the spring-steel accelerometers than that of silicon accelerometers, especially when the volume of production is low and the sensor is to be used as a single packaged unit.


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The low-surface-brightness galaxies are gas rich and yet have a low star formation rate; this is a well-known puzzle. The spiral features in these galaxies are weak and difficult to trace, although this aspect has not been studied much. These galaxies are known to be dominated by the dark matter halo from the innermost regions. Here, we do a stability analysis for the galactic disc of UGC 7321, a low-surface-brightness, superthin galaxy, for which the various observational input parameters are available. We show that the disc is stable against local, linear axisymmetric and non-axisymmetric perturbations. The Toomre Q parameter values are found to be large (>> 1) mainly due to the low disc surface density, and the high rotation velocity resulting due to the dominant dark matter halo, which could explain the observed low star formation rate. For the stars-alone case, the disc shows finite swing amplification but the addition of dark matter halo suppresses that amplification almost completely. Even the inclusion of the low-dispersion gas which constitutes a high disc mass fraction does not help in causing swing amplification. This can explain why these galaxies do not show strong spiral features. Thus, the dynamical effect of a halo that is dominant from inner regions can naturally explain why star formation and spiral features are largely suppressed in low-surface-brightness galaxies, making these different from the high-surface-brightness galaxies.


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The surface brightness distribution in the majority of stellar galactic discs falls off exponentially. Often what lies beyond such a stellar disc is the neutral hydrogen gas whose distribution also follows a nearly exponential profile at least for a number of nearby disc galaxies. Both the stars and gas are commonly known to host lopsided asymmetry especially in the outer parts of a galaxy. The role of such asymmetry in the dynamical evolution of a galaxy has not been explored so far. Following Lindblad's original idea of kinematic density waves, we show that the outer part of an exponential disc is ideally suitable for hosting lopsided asymmetry. Further, we compute the transport of angular momentum in the combined stars and gas disc embedded in a dark matter halo. We show that in a pure star and gas disc, there is a transition point where the free precession frequency of a lopsided mode, Omega - kappa, changes from retrograde to prograde and this in turn reverses the direction of angular momentum flow in the disc leading to an unphysical behaviour. We show that this problem is overcome in the presence of a dark matter halo, which sets the angular momentum flow outwards as required for disc evolution, provided the lopsidedness is leading in nature. This, plus the well-known angular momentum transport in the inner parts due to spiral arms, can facilitate an inflow of gas from outside perhaps through the cosmic filaments.


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We show that the upper bound for the central magnetic field of a super-Chandrasekhar white dwarf calculated by Nityananda and Konar Phys. Rev. D 89, 103017 (2014)] and in the concerned comment, by the same authors, against our work U. Das and B. Mukhopadhyay, Phys. Rev. D 86, 042001 (2012)] is erroneous. This in turn strengthens the argument in favor of the stability of the recently proposed magnetized super-Chandrasekhar white dwarfs. We also point out several other numerical errors in their work. Overall we conclude that the arguments put forth by Nityananda and Konar are misleading.


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Using hydrodynamic simulations, we study the mass-loss due to supernova-driven outflows from Milky Way type disc galaxies, paying particular attention to the effect of the extended hot halo gas. We find that the total mass-loss at inner radii scales roughly linearly with total mass of stars formed, and that the mass loading factor at the virial radius can be several times its value at inner radii because of the swept up hot halo gas. The temperature distribution of the outflowing material in the inner region (similar to 10 kpc) is bimodal in nature, peaking at 10(5) K and 10(6.5) K, responsible for optical and X-ray emission, respectively. The contribution of cold/warm gas with temperature <= 10(5.5) K to the outflow rate within 10 kpc is approximate to 0.3-0.5. The warm mass loading factor, eta(3e5) (T <= 3 x 10(5) K) is related to the mass loading factor at the virial radius (eta(v)) as eta(v) approximate to 25 eta(3e5) (SFR/M-circle dot yr(-1))(-0.15) for a baryon fraction of 0.1 and a starburst period of 50 Myr. We also discuss the effect of multiple bursts that are separated by both short and long periods. The outflow speed at the virial radius is close to the sound speed in the hot halo, less than or similar to 200 km s(-1). We identify two `sequences' of outflowing cold gas at small scales: a fast (approximate to 500 km s(-1)) sequence, driven by the unshocked free-wind; and a slow sequence (approximate to +/- 100 km s(-1)) at the conical interface of the superwind and the hot halo.


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We compute the instantaneous contributions to the spherical harmonic modes of gravitational waveforms from compact binary systems in general orbits up to the third post-Newtonian (PN) order. We further extend these results for compact binaries in quasielliptical orbits using the 3PN quasi-Keplerian representation of the conserved dynamics of compact binaries in eccentric orbits. Using the multipolar post-Minkowskian formalism, starting from the different mass and current-type multipole moments, we compute the spin-weighted spherical harmonic decomposition of the instantaneous part of the gravitational waveform. These are terms which are functions of the retarded time and do not depend on the history of the binary evolution. Together with the hereditary part, which depends on the binary's dynamical history, these waveforms form the basis for construction of accurate templates for the detection of gravitational wave signals from binaries moving in quasielliptical orbits.


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We prove a sub-convex estimate for the sup-norm of L-2-normalized holomorphic modular forms of weight k on the upper half plane, with respect to the unit group of a quaternion division algebra over Q. More precisely we show that when the L-2 norm of an eigenfunction f is one, parallel to f parallel to(infinity) <<(epsilon) k(1/2-1/33+epsilon) for any epsilon > 0 and for all k sufficiently large.


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In this paper we calculate the escape fraction (f(esc)) of ionizing photons from starburst galaxies. Using 2D axisymmetric hydrodynamic simulations, we study superbubbles created by overlapping supernovae in OB associations. We calculate the escape fraction of ionizing photons from the centre of the disc along different angles through the superbubble and the gas disc. After convolving with the luminosity function of OB associations, we show that the ionizing photons escape within a cone of similar to 40 degrees, consistent with observations of nearby galaxies. The evolution of the escape fraction with time shows that it falls initially as cold gas is accumulated in a dense shell. After the shell crosses a few scaleheights and fragments, the escape fraction through the polar regions rises again. The angle-averaged escape fraction cannot exceed similar to1 - cos (1 rad)] = 0.5 from geometrical considerations (using the emission cone opening angle). We calculate the dependence of the time-and angle-averaged escape fraction on the mid-plane disc gas density (in the range n(0) = 0.15-50 cm(-3)) and the disc scaleheight (between z(0) = 10 and 600 pc). We find that the escape fraction is related to the disc parameters (the mid-plane disc density and scaleheight) roughly so that f(esc)(alpha)n(0)(2)z(0)(3) (with alpha approximate to 2.2) is a constant. For discs with a given warm neutral medium temperature, massive discs have lower escape fraction than low-mass galaxies. For Milky Way ISM parameters, we find f(esc) similar to 5 per cent, and it increases to approximate to 10 per cent for a galaxy 10 times less massive. We discuss the possible effects of clumpiness of the ISM on the estimate of the escape fraction and the implications of our results for the reionization of the Universe.