961 resultados para Coloured Petri Nets (CPN)


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Behavioral models capture operational principles of real-world or designed systems. Formally, each behavioral model defines the state space of a system, i.e., its states and the principles of state transitions. Such a model is the basis for analysis of the system’s properties. In practice, state spaces of systems are immense, which results in huge computational complexity for their analysis. Behavioral models are typically described as executable graphs, whose execution semantics encodes a state space. The structure theory of behavioral models studies the relations between the structure of a model and the properties of its state space. In this article, we use the connectivity property of graphs to achieve an efficient and extensive discovery of the compositional structure of behavioral models; behavioral models get stepwise decomposed into components with clear structural characteristics and inter-component relations. At each decomposition step, the discovered compositional structure of a model is used for reasoning on properties of the whole state space of the system. The approach is exemplified by means of a concrete behavioral model and verification criterion. That is, we analyze workflow nets, a well-established tool for modeling behavior of distributed systems, with respect to the soundness property, a basic correctness property of workflow nets. Stepwise verification allows the detection of violations of the soundness property by inspecting small portions of a model, thereby considerably reducing the amount of work to be done to perform soundness checks. Besides formal results, we also report on findings from applying our approach to an industry model collection.


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Formal representations of business processes are used for analysis of the process behavior. Workflow nets are a widely used formalism for describing the behavior of business processes. Structure theory of processes investigates the relation between the structure of a model and its behavior. In this paper, we propose to employ the connectivity property of workflow nets as an angle to their structural analysis. In particular, we show how soundness verification can be organized using biconnected components of a workflow net. This allows for efficient identification and localization of flaws in the behavior of workflow nets and for supporting process analysts with diagnostic information


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In this paper the issue of finding uncertainty intervals for queries in a Bayesian Network is reconsidered. The investigation focuses on Bayesian Nets with discrete nodes and finite populations. An earlier asymptotic approach is compared with a simulation-based approach, together with further alternatives, one based on a single sample of the Bayesian Net of a particular finite population size, and another which uses expected population sizes together with exact probabilities. We conclude that a query of a Bayesian Net should be expressed as a probability embedded in an uncertainty interval. Based on an investigation of two Bayesian Net structures, the preferred method is the simulation method. However, both the single sample method and the expected sample size methods may be useful and are simpler to compute. Any method at all is more useful than none, when assessing a Bayesian Net under development, or when drawing conclusions from an ‘expert’ system.


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Catches of sharks and bycatch in large-mesh nets and baited drumlines used by the Queensland Shark Control Program were examined to determine the efficacy of both gear types and assess fishing strategies that minimise their impacts. There were few significant differences in the size of both sharks and bycatch in the two gear types, apart from significantly smaller (p < 0.05) tiger sharks Galeocerdo cuvier being taken on drumlines and smaller green turtles Chelonia mydas in nets. Catch per unit effort showed orders of magnitude differences among species, even within the same family. Hammerhead sharks and rays were particularly vulnerable to net capture, whereas higher catch rates of tiger sharks were observed for drumlines. Nets caught more marine mammals, teleost fish and rays, whereas drumlines exhibited higher catch rates of the threatened loggerhead turtle Caretta caretta. Survival of most taxa (particularly obligate ram ventilators) was lower in nets than drumlines. Bycatch species (turtles and marine mammals) were able to swim to the surface to breathe when they were hooked on drumlines, enhancing their survival potential. Fishing strategies that recognise the different selectivity patterns of the gear can be developed to suit local biotic and abiotic conditions, although it is recognised that quantification of both ecological risk and risk to bathers is not a simple task.


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While environmental variation is an ubiquitous phenomenon in the natural world which has for long been appreciated by the scientific community recent changes in global climatic conditions have begun to raise consciousness about the economical, political and sociological ramifications of global climate change. Climate warming has already resulted in documented changes in ecosystem functioning, with direct repercussions on ecosystem services. While predicting the influence of ecosystem changes on vital ecosystem services can be extremely difficult, knowledge of the organisation of ecological interactions within natural communities can help us better understand climate driven changes in ecosystems. The role of environmental variation as an agent mediating population extinctions is likely to become increasingly important in the future. In previous studies population extinction risk in stochastic environmental conditions has been tied to an interaction between population density dependence and the temporal autocorrelation of environmental fluctuations. When populations interact with each other, forming ecological communities, the response of such species assemblages to environmental stochasticity can depend, e.g., on trophic structure in the food web and the similarity in species-specific responses to environmental conditions. The results presented in this thesis indicate that variation in the correlation structure between species-specific environmental responses (environmental correlation) can have important qualitative and quantitative effects on community persistence and biomass stability in autocorrelated (coloured) environments. In addition, reddened environmental stochasticity and ecological drift processes (such as demographic stochasticity and dispersal limitation) have important implications for patterns in species relative abundances and community dynamics over time and space. Our understanding of patterns in biodiversity at local and global scale can be enhanced by considering the relevance of different drift processes for community organisation and dynamics. Although the results laid out in this thesis are based on mathematical simulation models, they can be valuable in planning effective empirical studies as well as in interpreting existing empirical results. Most of the metrics considered here are directly applicable to empirical data.


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Previous studies have shown that buffering packets in DRAM is a performance bottleneck. In order to understand the impediments in accessing the DRAM, we developed a detailed Petri net model of IP forwarding application on IXP2400 that models the different levels of the memory hierarchy. The cell based interface used to receive and transmit packets in a network processor leads to some small size DRAM accesses. Such narrow accesses to the DRAM expose the bank access latency, reducing the bandwidth that can be realized. With real traces up to 30% of the accesses are smaller than the cell size, resulting in 7.7% reduction in DRAM bandwidth. To overcome this problem, we propose buffering these small chunks of data in the on chip scratchpad memory. This scheme also exploits greater degree of parallelism between different levels of the memory hierarchy. Using real traces from the internet, we show that the transmit rate can be improved by an average of 21% over the base scheme without the use of additional hardware. Further, the impact of different traffic patterns on the network processor resources is studied. Under real traffic conditions, we show that the data bus which connects the off-chip packet buffer to the micro-engines, is the obstacle in achieving higher throughput.


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A solvothermal reaction of Al2O3, H3BO3, pyridine, and H2O at 180 degrees C/7 days in the presence of organic amine molecules gave rise to four new aluminoborates, [(C6H18N2)(AlB6O13H3)], I; [(C5H16N2) (AlB5O10)]center dot 2H(2)O, II; [(C5H16N2)-(AlB5O10)], III; and [(C5H17N3)(AlB5O10)] center dot H2O, IV, with two- and three-dimensional structures. All the structures have been formed by the connectivity involving Al3+ ions and [B5O10] cyclic pentaborate units. In 1, the 3-connected trigonal nodes form a layer that resembles a graphite structure has been observed. The compounds II, III, and IV, have 4-connected nodes that forms a diamond related three-dimensional structure. The formation of solvatomorphs in II and III is noteworthy and has been observed first time in a family of amine template aluminoborates. A comparison of the various aluminoborate structures reveals subtle relationships between the organic amines (length of the amines) and the final framework structures. The compounds have been characterized using a variety of techniques including IR, second-order optical behavior, and MAS NMR studies.


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1.2,3-Trihydroxybenzene (THB) reacts with 8-hydroxyquinoline (8HQ) in the solid state forming an orange-coloured charge transfer complex THB* (8HQ)(2). When the reaction was carried out in a petri dish, or when the vapours of 8HQ were allowed to react with solid THB (gravimetric study), the reaction product separated out as good quality, shiny single crystals. X-Ray diffraction studies on single crystals showed that they belong to the orthorhombic system with a = 15.408(1), b = 16.276(1), c = 7.825(1) Angstrom, Z = 4, D-x = 1.413 g cm(-3) and space group Pnaa. From the crystallographic evidence it has been found that the proton of the middle OH group of THB is transferred to the N atom of 8HQ. This accounts for the observed colour change. Kinetic studies on the solid state reaction showed that the 8HQ molecules diffuse towards THB, and the lateral diffusion occurs through surface migration, grain boundary diffusion and vapour phase diffusion. Gravimetric studies of the reaction between solid THB and 8HQ vapour showed that the diffusion of 8HQ molecules into the crystal lattice of THB has a higher energy of activation than that observed when the reactants are in contact. The nature of the crystal packing in the reaction product indicates diffusion of 8HQ molecules into the crystal lattice of THB along the c-axis, to occupy the cavities present between the THB molecules in the unit cell.


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Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS) is a very effective tool for designing trade-offs between energy and performance. In this paper, we use a formal Petri net based program performance model that directly captures both the application and system properties, to find energy efficient DVFS settings for CMP systems, that satisfy a given performance constraint, for SPMD multithreaded programs. Experimental evaluation shows that we achieve significant energy savings, while meeting the performance constraints.


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Let P be a set of n points in R-d. A point x is said to be a centerpoint of P if x is contained in every convex object that contains more than dn/d+1 points of P. We call a point x a strong centerpoint for a family of objects C if x is an element of P is contained in every object C is an element of C that contains more than a constant fraction of points of P. A strong centerpoint does not exist even for halfspaces in R-2. We prove that a strong centerpoint exists for axis-parallel boxes in Rd and give exact bounds. We then extend this to small strong epsilon-nets in the plane. Let epsilon(S)(i) represent the smallest real number in 0, 1] such that there exists an epsilon(S)(i)-net of size i with respect to S. We prove upper and lower bounds for epsilon(S)(i) where S is the family of axis-parallel rectangles, halfspaces and disks. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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An experimental assessment of Li2MnO3 has been conducted, in conjunction with related Mn(IV) oxides, to investigate its red colour and photoluminescence. Optical absorption spectra revealed strong band gap absorption, with a sharp edge at similar to 610 nm and a transparent region between similar to 610 and similar to 650 nm, giving rise to the red colour of this compound. Octahedral Mn(IV) ligand field transitions have been observed in the excitation spectra of Li2MnO3, corresponding both to Mn(IV) at ideal sites and displaced in Li sites in the rock salt-based layered structure of Li2MnO3. Optical excitation at ligand field transition energies produces tunable emission in the red-yellow-green region, rendering Li2MnO3 a unique Mn(IV) oxide. The honeycomb-ordered LiMn6] units in its structure are probably the origin of both the absorption and the photoluminescent properties of Li2MnO3.


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Reactions between Zn(NO3)(2)center dot 6H(2)O, Na2S2O3, 4,4'-bipyridine (bpy), 1,2-bis(4-pyridyl)ethene (bpe), 1,2-bis (4-pyridyl) ethane (bpa), and 1,3-bis(4-pyridyl)propane (bpp) under solvothermal conditions resulted in four new zinc thiosulfate hybrid compounds. Compound I has four-membered zinc thiosulfate rings connected by the ligand, 1,3-bis(4-pyridyl)propane (bpp) forming a two-dimensional structure. Compounds II-IV have one-dimensional zinc thiosulfate chains connected by the ligands, bpy (II), bpe (III), and bpa (IV) giving rise to three-dimensional structures. All the four-structures exhibit 3-fold interpenetration. Proton conductivity studies indicate reasonable proton mobility at 34 degrees C and at 98% relative humidity. The compounds also exhibit Lewis acid character and good photocatalytic activity for the decomposition of cationic dyes.