993 resultados para Colonial America


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Several types of seismological data, including surface wave group and phase velocities, travel times from large explosions, and teleseismic travel time anomalies, have indicated that there are significant regional variations in the upper few hundred kilometers of the mantle beneath continental areas. Body wave travel times and amplitudes from large chemical and nuclear explosions are used in this study to delineate the details of these variations beneath North America.

As a preliminary step in this study, theoretical P wave travel times, apparent velocities, and amplitudes have been calculated for a number of proposed upper mantle models, those of Gutenberg, Jeffreys, Lehman, and Lukk and Nersesov. These quantities have been calculated for both P and S waves for model CIT11GB, which is derived from surface wave dispersion data. First arrival times for all the models except that of Lukk and Nersesov are in close agreement, but the travel time curves for later arrivals are both qualitatively and quantitatively very different. For model CIT11GB, there are two large, overlapping regions of triplication of the travel time curve, produced by regions of rapid velocity increase near depths of 400 and 600 km. Throughout the distance range from 10 to 40 degrees, the later arrivals produced by these discontinuities have larger amplitudes than the first arrivals. The amplitudes of body waves, in fact, are extremely sensitive to small variations in the velocity structure, and provide a powerful tool for studying structural details.

Most of eastern North America, including the Canadian Shield has a Pn velocity of about 8.1 km/sec, with a nearly abrupt increase in compressional velocity by ~ 0.3 km/sec near at a depth varying regionally between 60 and 90 km. Variations in the structure of this part of the mantle are significant even within the Canadian Shield. The low-velocity zone is a minor feature in eastern North America and is subject to pronounced regional variations. It is 30 to 50 km thick, and occurs somewhere in the depth range from 80 to 160 km. The velocity decrease is less than 0.2 km/sec.

Consideration of the absolute amplitudes indicates that the attenuation due to anelasticity is negligible for 2 hz waves in the upper 200 km along the southeastern and southwestern margins of the Canadian Shield. For compressional waves the average Q for this region is > 3000. The amplitudes also indicate that the velocity gradient is at least 2 x 10-3 both above and below the low-velocity zone, implying that the temperature gradient is < 4.8°C/km if the regions are chemically homogeneous.

In western North America, the low-velocity zone is a pronounced feature, extending to the base of the crust and having minimum velocities of 7.7 to 7.8 km/sec. Beneath the Colorado Plateau and Southern Rocky Mountains provinces, there is a rapid velocity increase of about 0.3 km/sec, similar to that observed in eastern North America, but near a depth of 100 km.

Complicated travel time curves observed on profiles with stations in both eastern and western North America can be explained in detail by a model taking into account the lateral variations in the structure of the low-velocity zone. These variations involve primarily the velocity within the zone and the depth to the top of the zone; the depth to the bottom is, for both regions, between 140 and 160 km.

The depth to the transition zone near 400 km also varies regionally, by about 30-40 km. These differences imply variations of 250 °C in the temperature or 6 % in the iron content of the mantle, if the phase transformation of olivine to the spinel structure is assumed responsible. The structural variations at this depth are not correlated with those at shallower depths, and follow no obvious simple pattern.

The computer programs used in this study are described in the Appendices. The program TTINV (Appendix IV) fits spherically symmetric earth models to observed travel time data. The method, described in Appendix III, resembles conventional least-square fitting, using partial derivatives of the travel time with respect to the model parameters to perturb an initial model. The usual ill-conditioned nature of least-squares techniques is avoided by a technique which minimizes both the travel time residuals and the model perturbations.

Spherically symmetric earth models, however, have been found inadequate to explain most of the observed travel times in this study. TVT4, a computer program that performs ray theory calculations for a laterally inhomogeneous earth model, is described in Appendix II. Appendix I gives a derivation of seismic ray theory for an arbitrarily inhomogeneous earth model.


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A Literatura e a História sempre foram determinantes na evolução e afirmação de todos os povos que sofreram dominação estrangeira; o que, tantas vezes, levou os povos subjugados à perda de todas ou de uma boa parte de suas características específicas. Uma situação que ocasionou o questionamento das histórias destes povos - elaboradas pelos dominadores da cultura hegemônica à época e que, no nosso trabalho, são identificados como colonizadores. Este trabalho se propõe a visitar e salientar, através de duas obras bem características - a brasileira, Viva o Povo Brasileiro, de João Ubaldo Ribeiro e a senegalesa Sundjata ou a Epopéia Mandinga, de Djibril Tamsir Niane - não só o impacto das ocupações no cotidiano desses povos, mas também discutir e contribuir para a destruição da visão estereotipada desses povos espalhada pelos colonizadores antes de projetar a re-construção das identidades nacional e cultural corrompidas pela dependência cultural, uma das conseqüências da colonização. Tal será levado a cabo através de uma atuação de primeiro e segundo planos do Herói-Mito que, ultrapassando o maravilhoso e o fantástico com que se identifica geralmente sua personagem, sublinha com insistência a evolução de uma entidade totalizadora como o povo-nação: o passado, o presente e o futuro. O Senegal e o Brasil, a partir de uma exploração detalhada de suas culturas, têm plena consciência dos laços mais do que estreitos que os definem como meio-irmãos, frutos de um pai...polígamo


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El presente trabajo pretende abordar la situación actual de las mujeres de América Latina centrándose en su calidad de vida como forma de argumentar la desigualdad en la que viven con respecto a los hombres. Para ello, se analizará los entornos en los cuales las mujeres latino americanas experimentan un sentimiento de inferioridad con respecto a los hombres. Como forma de dar veracidad y buscar la conexión con estos argumentos, previamente se expondrán tres conceptos teóricos relativos al enfoque de las capacidades, la agencia de las mujeres y el empoderamiento de las mismas puesto que resultan conceptos muy importantes y necesarios para entender las condiciones de inferioridad en las que se sitúan las mujeres de estas regiones. Por último y con el objetivo de buscar posibilidades de cambio, se presentan dos ejemplos de proyectos por la igualdad de género protagonizados por Bolivia y Ecuador, países que por diversos factores como son los cambios de gobierno que han experimentado o la incidencia de los movimientos feministas, se han encaminado hacia la labor de la lucha por la igualdad. Tanto los desafíos a los que ambos países han de enfrentarse como la importancia de los levantamientos feministas por el cambio serán también abordados aunque de forma más breve.


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[ES] Evolución de la inversión extranjera directa en América Latina y el Caribe, con especial interés en el caso de Brasil


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O objetivo da presente dissertação é entender como ocorre a ficcionalização da memória da guerra colonial portuguesa nos romances Os Cus de Judas e A Costa dos Murmúrios e as estratégias usadas pelos autores para expressar essa memória em termos literários. Essas narrativas ao constatarem o colapso da antiga utopia colonialista do discurso nacional português, propõem uma revisão dos antigos valores nacionais e da retórica do regime salazarista, que afetou de forma profunda a vida dos autores. Em ambas as narrativas, a experiência da guerra é reconstruída através do testemunho e da reavaliação das reminiscências do passado das personagens, o que confere às obras um perfil confessional. Ao desmontar o tradicional relato histórico, relativizando verdades universalmente aceitas, a ficção visa preencher as lacunas do discurso histórico oficial, entendido como uma escritura dos vencedores. O confronto entre a memória individual resgatada pelas personagens e a memória legitimada da nação tem uma função redentora sobre o passado na medida em que interrompe a lógica dominante no momento presente. O estudo das referidas obras individualmente é concluído com uma análise sob o viés comparativo que visa estabelecer semelhanças e possíveis discrepâncias na forma de representação das memórias da guerra colonial


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The broad distribution of Pacific sardine (Sardinops sagax) along the Pacif ic coast of North America makes it difficult for fisheries managers to identify regional stocks of this dominant small pelagic species. An investigation of morphometric characteristics of otoliths of Pacific sardine across most of their range revealed regional differences in populations. In a survey of over 2000 otoliths, all ages (with an emphasis on age-1 recruits) were compared. Principal components analysis, multivariate analysis of variance, and a novel method derived from regression and residuals calculations, termed perimeter-weight profiles (PWPs), revealed otolith similarities and differences. The results of the different approaches to statistical comparisons did not always agree. Sardine otoliths from Mexican waters were generally lighter and more lobate than those from U.S. and Canadian populations. Age-1 otoliths from northern California in 2006–07 tended to be heavier and smoother than those from other areas, including year-class cohorts from southern California. Comparisons of age-groups and year-classes of northern California otoliths with the use of the PWP models indicated signif icant trends in year-to-year patterns. In conjunction with other established indices of population structure, otolith PWPs are a useful tool for identifying local and regional stocks of Pacific sardine and may help distinguish populations of other fish species as well.


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We examined the incidental catches of American shad (Alosa sapidissima) taken during research cruises and in commercial and recreational landings along the Pacific coast of North America during over 30 years of sampling. Shad, an introduced species, was mainly found over the shallow continental shelf, and largest catches and highest frequency of occurrences were found north of central Oregon, along the coasts of Washington and Vancouver Island, and in California around San Francisco Bay. Migrations to the north off Washington and Vancouver were seen during spring to fall, but we found no evidence for large-scale seasonal migrations to the south during the fall or winter. The average weight of shad increased in deeper water. Sizes were also larger in early years of the study. Most were caught over a wide range of sea surface temperatures (11–17°C) and bottom temperatures (6.4–8.0°C). Abundance of shad on the continental shelf north of 44°N was highly correlated with counts of shad at Bonneville Dam on the Columbia River in the same year. Counts were negatively related to average weights and also negatively correlated with the survival of hatchery coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch), indicating that survival of shad is favored by warm ocean conditions. Examining the catch during research cruises and commercial and recreational landings, we concluded that American shad along the Pacific coast have adapted to the prevailing environmental conditions and undertake only moderate seasonal migrations compared with the long seasonal migrations of shad along the Atlantic coast of North America. We suggest that the large spawning populations in the Columbia River and San Francisco Bay areas explain most of the distributional features along the Pacific coast.


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Instituição fundamental à monarquia lusitana, a Casa Real portuguesa abrangia, em seu espaço, centenas de criados, homens e mulheres das mais diversas origens. Com a transferência da Corte para o Rio de Janeiro, em 1808, o príncipe regente d. João reestruturou o seu universo doméstico, estabelecendo aqui, e à semelhança de Portugal, todos os departamentos imperativos à correta execução das tarefas cotidianas da sua Casa: cavalariça, cozinha, serviço de copa, câmara, aquisição de gêneros alimentícios, etc. Esta tese tem como objeto a conformação da Casa Real portuguesa no Rio de Janeiro, entre os anos de 1808 e 1821. Serão analisados aqui a estrutura organizacional da Casa Real; os conflitos suscitados entre os recém-emigrados agentes do espaço doméstico régio e os súditos fluminenses; os mecanismos de remuneração peculiares ao universo doméstico joanino; as formas de acesso à Casa Real; e, finalmente, a estrutura financeira da Casa Real portuguesa. Num quadro mais amplo, procurou-se relacionar a Casa do Rei aos outros poderes instituídos na cidade, agora Corte, do Rio de Janeiro, de forma a demonstrar que o espaço doméstico da monarquia era, também, uma instituição relevante na montagem da administração joanina na América e, conseqüentemente, na transformação de um espaço historicamente colonial em centro do império português.


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O presente trabalho procura discutir a sociedade formada em Minas Gerais entre fins do século XVIII e início do XIX. Pelas particularidades que envolveram sua criação e ocupação, a colônia portuguesa na América foi palco de configurações identitárias específicas que conviveram durante o período da crise do Antigo Sistema Colonial, alternando as formas de relacionamento e autoimagem dos colonos. Em Minas Gerais, as sociabilidades foram influenciadas também pelas práticas de educação, de leitura e pela posse de livros. Para analisar a questão, procuramos utilizar parte da intensa produção epistolar produzida no período com base, principalmente, no acervo da Coleção Casa dos Contos.


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This is a broad historical overview of the bay scallop, Argopecten irradians, fishery on the East and Gulf Coasts of North America (Fig. 1). For a little over a century, from about the mid 1870’s to the mid 1980’s, bay scallops supported large commercial fisheries mainly in the U.S. states of Massachusetts, New York, and North Carolina and on smaller scales in the states in between and in western Florida. In these states, the annual harvests and dollar value of bay scallops were far smaller than those of the other important commercial mollusks, the eastern oysters, Crassostrea virginica, and northern quahogs, Mercenaria mercenaria, but they were higher than those of softshell clams, Mya arenaria (Table 1). The fishery had considerable economic importance in the states’ coastal towns, because bay scallops are a high-value product and the fishery was active during the winter months when the economies in most towns were otherwise slow. The scallops also had cultural importance as a special food, an ornament owing to its pretty shell design, and an interesting biological component of


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The northern quahog, Mercenaria mercenaria, ranges along the Atlantic Coast of North America from the Canadian Maritimes to Florida, while the southern quahog, M. campechiensis, ranges mostly from Florida to southern Mexico. The northern quahog was fished by native North Americans during prehistoric periods. They used the meats as food and the shells as scrapers and as utensils. The European colonists copied the Indians treading method, and they also used short rakes for harvesting quahogs. The Indians of southern New England and Long Island, N.Y., made wampum from quahog shells, used it for ornaments and sold it to the colonists, who, in turn, traded it to other Indians for furs. During the late 1600’s, 1700’s, and 1800’s, wampum was made in small factories for eventual trading with Indians farther west for furs. The quahoging industry has provided people in many coastal communities with a means of earning a livelihood and has given consumers a tasty, wholesome food whether eaten raw, steamed, cooked in chowders, or as stuffed quahogs. More than a dozen methods and types of gear have been used in the last two centuries for harvesting quahogs. They include treading and using various types of rakes and dredges, both of which have undergone continuous improvements in design. Modern dredges are equipped with hydraulic jets and one type has an escalator to bring the quahogs continuously to the boats. In the early 1900’s, most provinces and states established regulations to conserve and maximize yields of their quahog stocks. They include a minimum size, now almost universally a 38-mm shell width, and can include gear limitations and daily quotas. The United States produces far more quahogs than either Canada or Mexico. The leading producer in Canada is Prince Edward Island. In the United States, New York, New Jersey, and Rhode Island lead in quahog production in the north, while Virginia and North Carolina lead in the south. Connecticut and Florida were large producers in the 1990’s. The State of Tabasco leads in Mexican production. In the northeastern United States, the bays with large openings, and thus large exchanges of bay waters with ocean waters, have much larger stocks of quahogs and fisheries than bays with small openings and water exchanges. Quahog stocks in certified beds have been enhanced by transplanting stocks to them from stocks in uncertified waters and by planting seed grown in hatcheries, which grew in number from Massachusetts to Florida in the 1980’s and 1990’s.


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The northern quahog, Mercenaria mercenaria, ranges along the Atlantic Coast of North America from the Canadian Maritimes to Florida, while the southern quahog, M. campechiensis, ranges mostly from Florida to southern Mexico. The northern quahog was fished by native North Americans during prehistoric periods. They used the meats as food and the shells as scrapers and as utensils. The European colonists copied the Indians treading method, and they also used short rakes for harvesting quahogs. The Indians of southern New England made wampum from quahog shells, used it for ornaments and sold it to the colonists, who, in turn, traded it to other Indians for furs. During the late 1600’s, 1700’s, and 1800’s, wampum was made in small factories for eventual trading with Indians farther west for furs. The quahoging industry has provided people in many coastal communities with a means of earning a livelihood and has provided consumers with a tasty, wholesome food whether eaten raw, steamed, cooked in chowders, or as stuffed quahogs. More than a dozen methods and types of gear have been used in the last two centuries for harvesting quahogs. They include treading and using various types of rakes and dredges, both of which have undergone continuous improvements in design. Modern dredges are equipped with hydraulic jets and one type has an escalator to bring the quahogs continuously to the boats. In the early 1900’s, most provinces and states established regulations to conserve and maximize yields of their quahog stocks. They include a minimum size, now almost universally a 38-mm shell width, and can include gear limitations and daily quotas. The United States produces far more quahogs than either Canada or Mexico. The leading producer in Canada is Prince Edward Island. In the United States, New York, New Jersey, and Rhode Island lead in quahog production in the north, while Virginia and North Carolina lead in the south. Connecticut and Florida were large producers in the 1990’s. The State of Campeche leads in Mexican production. In the northeastern United States, the bays with large openings, and thus large exchanges of bay waters with ocean waters, have much larger stocks of quahogs and fisheries than bays with small openings and water exchanges. Quahog stocks in certifi ed beds have been enhanced by transplanting stocks to them from stocks in uncertified waters and by planting seed grown in hatcheries, which grew in number from Massachusetts to Florida in the 1980’s and 1990’s.