743 resultados para Colitis, ulcerative


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An 11-year-old Brown Swiss cow was referred to the Farm Animal Department of the Veterinary Teaching Hospital in Zurich, Switzerland, because of lateral recumbency due to puerperal hemolytic anemia. The animal had developed enophthalmos due to dehydration at the time of presentation. Two days after hospitalization, the cow showed blepharospasm and epiphora of the right eye. Ophthalmic examination of the right eye revealed a fluorescein-positive, paraxial, superficial corneal ulcer with focal edema, and mild superficial neovascularization. White corneal stromal infiltrates were seen at the edges of the ulcer bed. After initial topical treatment with an antibiotic ointment (Neomycin 3.5 mg/g, Bacitracin 250 IU/g) three times a day, an increase in corneal infiltrates was noted on re-examination 2 days later. Several fluorescein-negative, punctate, stromal, white opacities were seen dorsal to the ulcer. Cytology demonstrated the presence of fungal hyphae. Topical treatment with 2% miconazole ointment and 0.36% K-EDTA eye drops six times daily and four times daily, respectively, from the second day and continued antibiotics three times daily resolved the clinical symptoms within 6 days. Fungal culture identified the fungal organism as Eurotium amstelodami.


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This article revises the concepts of prebiotics, probiotics and symbiotics, and their use in different situations of daily clinical practice. With a high level of evidence, it is concluded that the use of certain strains of probiotics significantly reduces the risk for antibiotic-induced diarrhea. Although further studies are needed, the use of probiotics, prebiotics, and symbiotics in people suffering from inflammatory bowel disease (particularly ulcerative colitis, and pouchitis) might improve the rates of remission induction/maintenance. The administration of probiotics and symbiotics to patients with liver transplant, severe acute pancreatitis, and intensive and surgical care patients, emerges as a promising therapeutic option that seems to reduce the number of infections; however, it is currently no possible to establish evidence-based recommendations, with a need for a higher number of better designed works. About safety of probiotics and symbiotics, the benefits/risks ratio clearly favors the former since the risk for infection is low, even in immunosuppressed patients. There are, however, selected groups of patients in which caution is advised.


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Background: There is increasing experimental evidence that hypoxia induces inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract. Hypoxia-inducible transcription factor (HIF)-1α influences adaptive immunity and has been shown to induce barrier-protective genes in the case of experimentally-induced colitis. The clinical impact of hypoxia in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is so far poorly investigated. Aim: We wanted to evaluate if flights and journeys to regions ≥2000 meter above sea level are associated with the occurrence of flares in IBD patients in the following 4 weeks. Methods: A questionnaire was completed by inpatients and outpatients of the IBD clinics of three tertiary referral centers presenting with an IBD flare in the period from Sept 1st 2009 to August 31st 2010. Patients were inquired about their habits in the 4 weeks prior to the flare. Patients with flares were matched with an IBD group in remission during the observation period (according to age, gender, smoking habits, and medication). Results: A total of 103 IBD patients were included (43 Crohn's disease (CD), whereof 65% female, 60 ulcerative colitis, whereof 47% female, mean age 39.3±14.6 years for CD and 43.1±14.2 years for UC). Fifty-two patients with flares were matched to 51 patients without flare. Overall, IBD-patients with flares had significantly more frequently a flight and/or journey to regions ≥ 2000 meters above sea level in the observation period compared to the patients in remission (21/52 (40.4%) vs. 8/51 (15.7%), p=0.005). There was a statistically significant correlation between the occurrence of a flare and a flight and/or journey to regions ≥ 2000 meters above sea level among CD patients with flares as compared to CD patients in remission (8/21 (38.1%) vs. 2/22 (9.1%), p=0.024). A trend for more frequent flights and high-altitude journeys was observed in UC patients with flares (13/31 (41.9%) vs. 6/29 (20.7%), p=0.077). Mean flight duration was 5.8±4.3 hours. The groups were controlled for the following factors (always flare group cited first): age (39.6±13.4 vs. 43.5±14.6, p=0.102), smoking (16/52 vs. 10/51, p=0.120), regular sports activities (32/ 52 vs. 33/51, p=0.739), treatment with antibiotics in the 4 weeks before flare (8/52 vs. 7/ 51, p=0.811), NSAID intake (12/52 vs. 7/51, p=0.221), frequency of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (both groups 0) and oxygen therapy (both groups 0). Conclusion: IBD patients with a flare had significantly more frequent flights and/or high-altitude journeys within four weeks prior to the IBD flare compared to the group that was in remission. We conclude that flights and stays in high altitude are a risk factor for IBD flares.


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Background and Aims: Due to a p aucity of s uch data we aimed to a ssess the type and f requency o f extraintestinal manifestations ( EIM) in I BD p atients and to e valuate their chronologic behavior. Methods: A nalysis of d ata from t he Swiss Inflammatory Bowel Disease Cohort (SIBDCS) which c ollects data since 2 005 on a large sample o f IBD patients f rom hospitals and private practices across Switzerland. Results: A t total o f 1,143 patients were a nalyzed ( 572 (50%) female, mean age 42.1 ± 14.4 years), 629 with Crohn's disease (CD), 501 with ulcerative colitis (UC), and 13 with indeterminate colitis ( IC). Of t hese, 3 74 (32.7%) presented o ne to five E IM (65% w ith CD, 3 3% w ith UC, 2% w ith IC). O f those patients suffering from EIM, 4 1.7% p resented two, 1 2.4% t hree, 5 .3% four, and 3.2% f ive E IM d uring lifetime. T he initial EIM presented with the following frequencies: p eripheral a rthritis (PA) 6 3.4%, ankylosing spondylitis (AS) 8 .1%, primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) 6%, uveitis 5.7%, oral a phthosis 5.7%, erythema nodosum (EN) 5 %, other 3 .6%, pyoderma gangrenosum 1.8%, psoriasis 0.7%. In only 7.1% of cases, the EIM m anifested before IBD diagnosis was made (median time 28 months b efore IBD diagnosis, I QR 7 -60 months), in 9 2.9% EIM m anifested a fter e stablished IBD d iagnosis (median 72 months, IQR 9-147 months). Conclusions: EIM are a frequent problem in IBD patients. The vast m ajority of E IM m anifest a fter I BD d iagnosis has b een established. P eripheral a rthritis, a nkylosing spondylitis, a nd PSC represent the most frequent first manifestations of an EIM.


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Background and Aims: Medical therapy of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is becoming more complex, given the increasing choice of drugs to treat Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC). We aimed to summarize the current guidelines for first-line treatments in IBD. Methods: An extensive literature search with focus on the guidelines of the European Crohn's and Colitis Organisation for the diagnosis and treatment of CD and UC was performed. First-line treatments were defined as the following drug categories: 5-aminosalicylates, budesonide, systemic steroids, azathioprine, 6-mercaptopurine, methotrexate, infliximab, adalimumab and certolizumab pegol. The following drug categories were not included: cyclosporine and tacrolimus (not yet approved by Swissmedic for IBD treatment). Results: Treatment recommendations for the following clinically frequent situations are presented according to disease severity: ileocecal CD, colonic CD, proximal small bowel CD and perianal CD. For UC the following situations are presented: ulcerative proctitis, left-sided colitis and pancolitis. Conclusions: We provide a summary on the use of first-line therapies for clinically frequent situations in patients with CD and UC.


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OBJECTIVES: Whether behavioural and emotional maladjustment is more prevalent in children with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) than in healthy controls remains controversial. The aim of this study was to assess paediatric IBD patients for problems with emotional and behavioural adjustment and to examine associations with clinical and demographic variables. METHODS: Data from paediatric patients with IBD enrolled in the Swiss IBD Cohort Study and the results of both the parent-rated Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) and the self-reported Child Depression Inventory (CDI) were analysed. Of the 148 registered patients, 126 had at least one questionnaire completed and were included. RESULTS: The mean age of 71 patients with Crohn's disease (44 males, 27 females) was 13.4 years, and 12.8 years for the 55 patients with ulcerative or indeterminate colitis. The mean duration of disease was 1.2 and 2.7 years, respectively. The total score of the SDQ was abnormal in 11.4% of cases compared to 10% in the normal population. Abnormal sub-scores were found in 20.2% of subjects for the domain of emotional problems and in 17.1% for problems with peers. The total CDI T score indicated a significantly lower prevalence of clinical depression in IBD patients than in normal youth. No correlation between the total SDQ scores or the CDI T scores and gender, type or duration of IBD, inflammatory markers or disease scores was found. CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of problems with behavioural and emotional adjustment among Swiss paediatric IBD patients is low and comparable to that of the normal population.


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Jejunal diverticulosis is a rare entity with variable clinical and anatomical presentations. Its reported incidence varies from 0.05% to 6%. Although there is no consensus on the management of asymptomatic jejunal diverticular disease, some complications are potentially life threatening and require early surgical treatment. We report a case of an 88-year-old man investigated for acute abdominal pain with a high biological inflammatory syndrome. Inflammation of multiple giant jejunal diverticulum was discovered at abdominal computed tomography (CT). As a result of the clinical and biological signs of early peritonitis, an emergency surgical exploration was performed. The first jejunal loop showed clear signs of jejunal diverticulitis. Primary segmental jejunum resection with end-to-end anastomosis was performed. Histopathology report confirmed an ulcerative jejunal diverticulitis with imminent perforation and acute local peritonitis. The patient made an excellent rapid postoperative recovery. Jejunal diverticulum is rare but may cause serious complications. It should be considered a possible etiology of acute abdomen, especially in elderly patients with unusual symptomatology. Abdominal CT is the diagnostic tool of choice. The best treatment is emergency surgical management.


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OBJECTIVES: Increasing numbers of paediatric and adolescent patients with Crohn disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC) are reported. To determine whether this observation is a consequence of a shift towards onset at a younger age, we analysed retrospective data from patients enrolled in the Swiss IBD Cohort Study (SIBDCS). PATIENTS AND METHODS: The SIBDCS is a disease-based cohort in Switzerland, which collects retrospective and prospective data on a large sample of patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Patients, diagnosed from 1980, were stratified according to diagnosis of CD and UC. Age at disease onset (age at first symptoms and age at diagnosis) was analysed in relation to calendar year of disease onset. Data were extracted from physician and patient questionnaires. Linear regressions of age at disease onset by calendar year of disease onset adjusted by sex, country of birth, and education were performed. RESULTS: Adjusted regression coefficients for CD and UC were significantly positive, that is, age at disease onset has increased with time. Male sex was associated with an increase in age at disease onset, and birth in Switzerland with a decrease. These associations were statistically significant. CONCLUSIONS: The results from the SIBDCS do not support the hypothesis that disease onset of both CD and UC occur today at a younger age. On the contrary, our results show that there is a significant trend for age at disease onset occurring at an older age today as compared with recent decades. We conclude that the observation of increasing numbers of paediatric and adolescent patients with IBD is not caused by a trend towards disease onset at a younger age, but that this may rather be a consequence of the overall increasing incidence of these conditions.


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BACKGROUND AND STUDY AIMS: Low dose photodynamic therapy (LDPDT) may modify the mucosal immune response and may thus provide a therapy for Crohn's disease. We evaluated the efficacy and safety of this technique in a murine T cell-mediated colitis model. METHODS: The safety of LDPDT was first tested in BALB/c mice. Naïve T cells were used to induce colitis in mice with severe combined immunodeficiency, which were followed up endoscopically, and a murine endoscopic index of colitis (MEIC) was developed. The efficacy of LDPDT (10 J/cm (2); delta-aminolevulinic acid, 15 mg/kg bodyweight) was then tested on mice with moderate colitis, while a disease control group received no treatment. The MEIC, weight, length, and histology of the colon, cytokine expression indices, number of mucosal CD4 (+) T cells, percentage of apoptotic CD4 (+) T cells, body weight, and systemic side effects were evaluated. RESULTS: LDPDT improved the MEIC ( P = 0.011) and the histological score ( P = 0.025), diminished the expression indices of the proinflammatory cytokines, interleukin-6 ( P = 0.042), interleukin-17 ( P = 0.029), and interferon-gamma ( P = 0.014), decreased the number of mucosal CD4 (+) T cells, and increased the percentage of apoptotic CD4 (+) T cells compared with the disease control group. No local or systemic side effects occurred. CONCLUSION: LDPDT improves murine T cell-mediated colitis, decreases the proinflammatory cytokines interleukin-6, interleukin-17, and interferon-gamma, and decreases the number of CD4 (+) T cells. No adverse events were observed. Therefore, this technique is now being evaluated in patients with inflammatory bowel disease.


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PURPOSE: Gender differences in paediatric patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) are frequently reported as a secondary outcome and the results are divergent. To assess gender differences by analysing data collected within the Swiss IBD cohort study database since 2008, related to children with IBD, using the Montreal classification for a systematic approach. METHODS: Data on gender, age, anthropometrics, disease location at diagnosis, disease behaviour, and therapy of 196 patients, 105 with Crohn's disease (CD) and 91 with ulcerative or indeterminate colitis (UC/IC) were retrieved and analysed. RESULTS: THE CRUDE GENDER RATIO (MALE : female) of patients with CD diagnosed at <10 years of age was 2.57, the adjusted ratio was 2.42, and in patients with UC/IC it was 0.68 and 0.64 respectively. The non-adjusted gender ratio of patients diagnosed at ≥10 years was 1.58 for CD and 0.88 for UC/IC. Boys with UC/IC diagnosed <10 years of age had a longer diagnostic delay, and in girls diagnosed with UC/IC >10 years a more important use of azathioprine was observed. No other gender difference was found after analysis of age, disease location and behaviour at diagnosis, duration of disease, familial occurrence of IBD, prevalence of extra-intestinal manifestations, complications, and requirement for surgery. CONCLUSION: CD in children <10 years affects predominantly boys with a sex ratio of 2.57; the impact of sex-hormones on the development of CD in pre-pubertal male patients should be investigated.


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Abstract : Background and aims: Because of the changing epidemiology of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IBD), we set out to characterize the population-based prevalence of Crohn's Disease (CD) and Ulcerative Colitis (UC) in a defined population of Switzerland. Methods: Adult IBD patients were identified by across-matched review of histological, hospital and gastroenterologist files throughout a geographical defined population (Canton of Vaud). Demographic factors statistically significantly associated with prevalence were evaluated using a stepwise Poisson regression analysis. Results were compared to IBD prevalence rates in other population-based studies and time trends were performed, based on a systematic literature review. Results: Age and sex-adjusted prevalence rates were 205.7 IBD (100.7 CD and 105.0 UC) cases per 10,5 inhabitants. Among 1016 IBD patients (519 CD and 497 UC), females outnumbered males in CD (p<0.001), but males were more represented in elderly UC patients (p=0.008). Thus, being a mate was statistically associated with UC (Relative Risk (RR) 1.25; p=0.013), whereas being a female was associated with CD (RR 1.27; p=0.007). Living in an urban zone was associated with both CD and UC (RR 1.49; p<0.001, 1.63; p<0.001, respectively). From 1960 to 2005, increases in UC and CD prevalences of 2.4% (95%CI, 2.1%-2.8%; p<0.001) and 3.6% (95%CI, 3.1%-4.1%; p<0.001) per annum were found in industrialised countries. Résumé de synthèse : 1. Introduction : Étant donné l'évolution constante des donnés épidémiologiques sur les maladies inflammatoires chroniques de l'intestin (MICI), nous avons recherché à caractériser la prévalence de la maladie de Crohn (MC) et de la colite ulcéreuse (CU) dans une population définie de la Suisse. 2. Méthodes : Nous avons identifiés, dans une population délimitée au Canton de Vaud, les patients adultes atteints de maladies inflammatoires de l'intestin en regroupant les données histologiques et médicales disponibles à l'hôpital et au cabinet du gastroentérologue. Pour nos analyses, nous avons utilisé la méthode de la régression de Poisson afin d'identifier les facteurs démographiques significativement liés avec la prévalence. Ensuite, nos résultats ont été comparés aux valeurs de prévalence des MICI issues d'autres études de population (revue systématique de la littérature) afin de dégager les tendances de leur évolution au cours du temps. 3. Résultats : La prévalence des MICI pondérée selon l'âge et le sexe était de 205.7 cas (100.7 MC et 105.0 CU) pour 10,5 habitants. Parmi les 1016 patients identifiés (519 MC et 497 CU), les femmes étaient plus représentées que les hommes dans la MC (P<0.0001), alors que la proportion d'hommes dépassait celle des femmes chez les patients âgés atteints de CU (p=0.008). Par conséquent, le fait d'être un homme était statistiquement associé à la CU (Risque relatif (RR) 1.25, p=0.013), et celui d'être une femme était associé à la MC (RR 1.27 ; p=0.007). L'étude a également montré qu'habiter en zone urbaine était significativement associé avec les deux types de MICI (RR (MC) 1.49; p<0.001, (CU) 1.63; p<0.001). Enfin, il a été mis en évidence dans les pays industrialisés, entre 1960 et 2005, une augmentation annuelle des taux de prévalences de 2.4% (95% IC, 2.1 %-2.8% ; p<0.001) pour la MC et de 3.6% (95% IC, 3.1 %-4.1 % ; p<0.001) pour la CU. 4. Conclusion : L'extrapolation de nos données au niveau Suisse fournit une estimation de 12 000 cas de MICI pour le pays soit 1 cas pour 500 habitants. Notre étude contribue également à démontrer une augmentation de la prévalence des MICI en Europe.


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BACKGROUND: The impact of pregnancy on the course of IBD is still controversial. AIM: To investigate the impact of pregnancy on IBD and to search for factors with potential impact on remission. METHODS: Pregnant IBD women from 12 European countries were enrolled between January 2003 and December 2006 and compared at conception (1:1) with nonpregnant IBD women. Data on disease course were prospectively collected at each trimester during pregnancy and in the postpartum (6 months) using a standardised questionnaire. RESULTS: A total of 209 pregnant IBD women were included: 92 with Crohn's disease (CD; median age 31 years, range 17-40) and 117 with ulcerative colitis (UC; median age 32 years, range 19-42). No statistically significant difference in disease course during pregnancy and postpartum was observed between pregnant and nonpregnant CD women. Longer disease duration in CD and immunosuppressive therapy were found to be risk factors for activity during pregnancy. Pregnant UC women were more likely than nonpregnant UC women to relapse both during pregnancy (RR 2.19; 95% CI: 1.25-3.97, 0.004) and postpartum (RR 6.22; 95% CI: 2.05-79.3, P = 0.0004). During pregnancy, relapse was mainly observed in the first (RR 8.80; 95% CI 2.05-79.3, P < 0.0004) and the second trimester (RR 2.84, 95% CI 1.2-7.45, P = 0.0098). CONCLUSIONS: Pregnant women with Crohn's disease had a similar disease course both during pregnancy and after delivery as the nonpregnant women. In contrast, pregnant women with ulcerative colitis were at higher risk of relapse during pregnancy and in the postpartum than nonpregnant ulcerative colitis women.


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OBJECTIVE: Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs), Crohn's disease, and ulcerative colitis (UC), are multifactorial disorders, characterized by chronic inflammation of the intestine. A number of genetic components have been proposed to contribute to IBD pathogenesis. In this case-control study, we investigated the association between two common vitamin D-binding protein (DBP) genetic variants and IBD susceptibility. These two single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in exon 11 of the DBP gene, at codons 416 (GAT>GAG; Asp>Glu) and 420 (ACG>AAG; Thr>Lys), have been previously suggested to play roles in the etiology of other autoimmune diseases. METHODS: Using TaqMan SNP technology, we have genotyped 884 individuals (636 IBD cases and 248 non-IBD controls) for the two DBP variants. RESULTS: On statistical analysis, we observed that the DBP 420 variant Lys is less frequent in IBD cases than in non-IBD controls (allele frequencies, P=0.034; homozygous carrier genotype frequencies, P=0.006). This inverse association between the DBP 420 Lys and the disease remained significant, when non-IBD participants were compared with UC (homozygous carrier genotype frequencies, P=0.022) or Crohn's disease (homozygous carrier genotype frequencies, P=0.016) patients separately. Although the DBP position 416 alone was not found to be significantly associated with IBD, the haplotype DBP_2, consisting of 416 Asp and 420 Lys, was more frequent in the non-IBD population, particularly notably when compared with the UC group (Odds ratio, 4.390). CONCLUSION: Our study adds DBP to the list of potential genes that contribute to the complex genetic etiology of IBD, and further emphasizes the association between vitamin D homeostasis and intestinal inflammation.


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Aims: Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) appearing during childhood and adolescence compromise peak bone mass acquisition and increase fracture risk. The structural determinants of bone fragility in IBD however remain unknown. Methods: We investigated volumetric bone mineral density (vBMD), trabecular and cortical bone microstructure at distal radius and tibia by high-resolution pQCT (XtremeCT, Scanco, Switzerland), aBMD at distal radius, hip and spine and vertebral fracture assessment (VFA) by DXA in 107 young patients (mean age 22.8 yrs, range 12.2-33.7 yrs; 62 females and 45 males) with Crohn's disease (n=75), ulcerative colitis (n=25), undetermined colitis (n=2), and no definitive diagnosis (n=5), and in 389 healthy young individuals. Results: Mean disease duration was 6.1 yrs, 89/107 IBD patients received corticosteroids, 83 other immunomodulators, and 59 vitamin D. Clinical fractures were reported by 38 patients (mean age at 1st fracture, 12.6 yrs), the vast majority of the forearm, arm or hand; 5 had vertebral crush fractures (Grade 1 or 2) and 11 had multiple fractures. As compared to healthy controls (matched 2:1 for age, sex, height and fracture history), the 102 patients with established IBD had similar weight but significantly lower aBMD at all sites, lower trabecular (Tb) BV/TV and number, and greater Tb separation and inhomogeneous Tb distribution (1/SD TbN) at both distal radius and tibia, lower tibia cortical thickness (CTh), but no differences in cortical vBMD nor bone perimeter. Among IBD's, aBMD was not associated with fractures (by logistic regression adjusted for age, age square, sex, height, weight and protein intake). However, radius and tibia Tb BV/TV, thickness and SD 1/TbN, as well as radius Tb separation and perimeter, were significantly associated with fracture risk (fully adjusted as above), whereas cortical vBMD and CTh were not. After adjustment for aBMD at radius, respectively at femur neck, radius SD 1/TbN and tibia BV/TV, TbTh and perimeter remained independently associated with fracture risk. Conclusions: Young subjects with IBD have low bone mass and poor bone microarchitecture compared to healthy controls. Alterations of bone microarchitecture, particularly in the trabecular bone compartment, are specifically associated with increased fracture risk during growth.