997 resultados para Coeficiente de gini


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anogi computes the "Analysis of Gini" for population sub-groups proposed by Frick et al. (2006; Sociological Methods and Research 34/4).


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"Zaviet nynieshnemu pokolieniiu iz vremen pervoi poloviny 18-go vieka."


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A Constituio Federal de 1988 e o Estatuto da Cidade estabelecem o Plano Diretor como instrumento bsico da poltica de ordenamento territorial, tendo como princpio fundamental o cumprimento da funo social da propriedade e do direito cidade. Na perspectiva de adequao s diretrizes e objetivos da poltica urbana estabelecidos em 1988, o municpio de Natal elaborou os Planos Diretores de 1994 e 2007, definindo instrumentos e parmetros de regulao do uso e ocupao do solo possveis de assegurar o cumprimento da funo social da propriedade urbana e de gerar subsdios ao planejamento e gesto da cidade. Apesar de Natal ter sido um dos municpios brasileiros pioneiros na adoo desses princ pios, antecipando e incorporando os instrumentos que em 2001 viriam a ser definidos no Estatuto da Cidade, identifica-se que alguns desses instrumentos e parmetros direcionados regulao do uso e ocupao do solo no tiveram sua aplicao plena, a exemplo do mecanismo de acompanhamento e controle dado pelo Estoque de rea Edificvel e da Densidade, que foi substituda pelo Coeficiente de Aproveitamento no Plano Diretor de 2007. Questionando esse procedimento, busca-se na presente pesquisa investigar de que maneira essa substituio do parmetro densidade pelo coeficiente de aproveitamento influenciou na capacidade da gesto pblica de regular os processos de uso e ocupao do solo, de forma a adequar a sua intensificao ao suporte da infraestrutura instalada. Foram tomadas como referncia terico-conceitual as contribuies sobre a prtica de planejamento urbano no Brasil, nos marcos do iderio da reforma urbana, com destaque para as reflexe s de Flvio Villaa, Orlando Alves Santos Junior e Daniel Todtmann Montandon, Luiz Csar de Q. Ribeiro, Raquel Rolnik, Ermnia Maricato, Laura Machado de Bueno e Renato Cymbalista, Jos Roberto Bassul e Carlos F. Lago Burnett, e, com relao aos parmetros de controle urbanstico, o estudo identifica as diferentes abordagens sobre a densidade urbana e o coeficiente de aproveitamento com base nas reflexes de Claudio Acioly Jr., Forbes Davidson, Juan Luis Mascar, Ricardo Ojima, Marcelo de Souza, Jos Rmon Navarro Vera e Armando Ortuo Padilla, Nestor Goulart Reis, Marta Dora Grostein e Susana Ricardo Alves. Como concluso, discute-se a hiptese formulada, inicialmente, de que a mudana de parmetros verificada colocou limites para o municpio realizar uma gesto adequada do solo urbano e, portanto, de fazer cumprir a funo social da propriedade, considerando a necessidade de adequao entre a intensificao do uso e ocupao do solo e a infraestrutura instalada


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Trata de describir las caractersticas clnicas del sndrome de Lennox- Gastaut en los nios del Hospital Vicente Corral Moscoso y ADINEA (Asociacin para el Desarrollo Integral del Nio Excepcional del Azuay) de la ciudad de Cuenca-Ecuador; y determinar la relacin existente entre la frecuencia de crisis epilpticas de un nio con diagnstico de sndrome de Lennox-Gastaut y su grado de retardo mental. Son diagnosticados treinta pacientes de los cules 17 fueron del sexo masculino 56,7y 13 pacientes sexo femenino 43,3. La mayora inician sus crisis antes del ao de edad, se relacionan con un mayor retardo mental y a su vez con mayor frecuencia de crisis. La etiologa ms frecuente es la hipoxis al nacimiento, que est relacionada con la precaria atencin de salud del pas, en la mayora de los casos no es posible determinar su etiologa, pero existe una importante predisposicin familiar. Indican que se debera ampliar los mtodos de diagnstico a fin de precisar mejor la etiologa


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Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de anemia en escolares de 6 a 12 aos del rea urbana de la ciudad de Cuenca y su relacin con el coeficiente intelectual. Diseo: Se realiz un estudio transversal durante los meses de noviembre y diciembre de 2007 en el rea urbana de la ciudad de Cuenca del austro ecuatoriano. Se eligieron 4 escuelas aleatoriamente hasta completar el tamao muestral de 261 nios. Se recogieron los datos antropomtricos (peso y talla); se determinaron los valores de hemoglobina y se realiz un test psicolgico. Resultados: La prevalencia general de anemia fue de 9,6, y de los escolares afectados el 77,77tenan anemia por dficit de hierro. El parmetro antropomtrico que mostr la mayor asociacin con la presencia de anemia fue la relacin entre la estatura y la edad (OR: 1,35 IC: 1,33 - 9,21). La variable anemia se asoci significativamente al coeficiente intelectual en un 17. El porcentaje de nios con desnutricin crnica fue de 11,9y riesgo de desnutricin del 15,7El tipo de escuela se asoci levemente al coeficiente intelectual (p= 0.03) (OR: 1,87 IC: 1,05 - 3,39). No se encontr ninguna relacin entre la prevalencia de anemia por un lado, y el sexo por el otro. Tampoco existi relacin entre la variable sexo y el coeficiente intelectual. Conclusiones: La anemia en general y la anemia ferropnica en particular, no constituyen un problema de salud pblica en la poblacin estudiada. Los escolares con talla alta tienen menor riesgo de desarrollar anemia. La anemia se asoci significativamente al coeficiente intelectual


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A Constituio Federal de 1988 e o Estatuto da Cidade estabelecem o Plano Diretor como instrumento bsico da poltica de ordenamento territorial, tendo como princpio fundamental o cumprimento da funo social da propriedade e do direito cidade. Na perspectiva de adequao s diretrizes e objetivos da poltica urbana estabelecidos em 1988, o municpio de Natal elaborou os Planos Diretores de 1994 e 2007, definindo instrumentos e parmetros de regulao do uso e ocupao do solo possveis de assegurar o cumprimento da funo social da propriedade urbana e de gerar subsdios ao planejamento e gesto da cidade. Apesar de Natal ter sido um dos municpios brasileiros pioneiros na adoo desses princ pios, antecipando e incorporando os instrumentos que em 2001 viriam a ser definidos no Estatuto da Cidade, identifica-se que alguns desses instrumentos e parmetros direcionados regulao do uso e ocupao do solo no tiveram sua aplicao plena, a exemplo do mecanismo de acompanhamento e controle dado pelo Estoque de rea Edificvel e da Densidade, que foi substituda pelo Coeficiente de Aproveitamento no Plano Diretor de 2007. Questionando esse procedimento, busca-se na presente pesquisa investigar de que maneira essa substituio do parmetro densidade pelo coeficiente de aproveitamento influenciou na capacidade da gesto pblica de regular os processos de uso e ocupao do solo, de forma a adequar a sua intensificao ao suporte da infraestrutura instalada. Foram tomadas como referncia terico-conceitual as contribuies sobre a prtica de planejamento urbano no Brasil, nos marcos do iderio da reforma urbana, com destaque para as reflexe s de Flvio Villaa, Orlando Alves Santos Junior e Daniel Todtmann Montandon, Luiz Csar de Q. Ribeiro, Raquel Rolnik, Ermnia Maricato, Laura Machado de Bueno e Renato Cymbalista, Jos Roberto Bassul e Carlos F. Lago Burnett, e, com relao aos parmetros de controle urbanstico, o estudo identifica as diferentes abordagens sobre a densidade urbana e o coeficiente de aproveitamento com base nas reflexes de Claudio Acioly Jr., Forbes Davidson, Juan Luis Mascar, Ricardo Ojima, Marcelo de Souza, Jos Rmon Navarro Vera e Armando Ortuo Padilla, Nestor Goulart Reis, Marta Dora Grostein e Susana Ricardo Alves. Como concluso, discute-se a hiptese formulada, inicialmente, de que a mudana de parmetros verificada colocou limites para o municpio realizar uma gesto adequada do solo urbano e, portanto, de fazer cumprir a funo social da propriedade, considerando a necessidade de adequao entre a intensificao do uso e ocupao do solo e a infraestrutura instalada


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The present study provides a methodology that gives a predictive character the computer simulations based on detailed models of the geometry of a porous medium. We using the software FLUENT to investigate the flow of a viscous Newtonian fluid through a random fractal medium which simplifies a two-dimensional disordered porous medium representing a petroleum reservoir. This fractal model is formed by obstacles of various sizes, whose size distribution function follows a power law where exponent is defined as the fractal dimension of fractionation Dff of the model characterizing the process of fragmentation these obstacles. They are randomly disposed in a rectangular channel. The modeling process incorporates modern concepts, scaling laws, to analyze the influence of heterogeneity found in the fields of the porosity and of the permeability in such a way as to characterize the medium in terms of their fractal properties. This procedure allows numerically analyze the measurements of permeability k and the drag coefficient Cd proposed relationships, like power law, for these properties on various modeling schemes. The purpose of this research is to study the variability provided by these heterogeneities where the velocity field and other details of viscous fluid dynamics are obtained by solving numerically the continuity and Navier-Stokes equations at pore level and observe how the fractal dimension of fractionation of the model can affect their hydrodynamic properties. This study were considered two classes of models, models with constant porosity, MPC, and models with varying porosity, MPV. The results have allowed us to find numerical relationship between the permeability, drag coefficient and the fractal dimension of fractionation of the medium. Based on these numerical results we have proposed scaling relations and algebraic expressions involving the relevant parameters of the phenomenon. In this study analytical equations were determined for Dff depending on the geometrical parameters of the models. We also found a relation between the permeability and the drag coefficient which is inversely proportional to one another. As for the difference in behavior it is most striking in the classes of models MPV. That is, the fact that the porosity vary in these models is an additional factor that plays a significant role in flow analysis. Finally, the results proved satisfactory and consistent, which demonstrates the effectiveness of the referred methodology for all applications analyzed in this study.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar a evapotranspirao e os coeficientes de cultura para a melancia (Citrullus lanatus L.), hbrido Olmpia, irrigada por gotejamento, cultivada em solo sob palhada de milheto e preparo convencional, nas condies edafoclimticas da microrregio de Teresina, Piau.


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Un hecho que pasa desapercibido para la mayora de las personas, pero no para aquellas que viven cerca de las riberas de los ros pequeos y quebradas, o para los ingenieros hidrolgicos, es el aumento en la frecuencia y magnitud de las avenidas, especialmente cuando la cuenca de la corriente empieza a sufrir las consecuencias de la deforestacin, para dar campo a la urbanizacin y expansin de la ciudad.Este aumento en la frecuencia de las avenidas por causa de un desequilibrio ecolgico natural o artificial, que a su vez es provocado cuando se elimina parcial o totalmente la cobertura vegetal en la cuenca, es investigado en este trabajo, en un caso, a partir de frmulas matemtica empricas deducidas de pruebas experimentales y en otro caso, utilizando una expresin matemtica definida cuya representacin grfica se asemeje al hidrograma de una avenida, tal y como un sinusoide. De los resultados obtenidos en este trabajo, se infiere que cuando se d una ecuacin que represente la frecuencia probable de las avenidas en una corriente, debera indicarse que tal ecuacin es vlida para las condiciones que se observan en la cuenca al momento que se ha hecho el anlisis, puesto que sin dicha cuenca se experimentar un gran cambio en su cobertura vegetal, la frecuencia de las avenidas variara de manera muy significante, aumentando si hay deforestacin o disminuyendo si se tiene un proceso de reforestacin.


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Approximately 7.2% of the Atlantic rainforest remains in Brazil, with only 16% of this forest remaining in the State of Rio de Janeiro, all of it distributed in fragments. This forest fragmentation can produce biotic and abiotic differences between edges and the fragment interior. In this study, we compared the structure and richness of tree communities in three habitats - an anthropogenic edge (AE), a natural edge (NE) and the fragment interior (FI) - of a fragment of Atlantic forest in the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (2250'S and 4228'W). One thousand and seventy-six trees with a diameter at breast height > 4.8 cm, belonging to 132 morphospecies and 39 families, were sampled in a total study area of 0.75 ha. NE had the greatest basal area and the trees in this habitat had the greatest diameter:height allometric coefficient, whereas AE had a lower richness and greater variation in the height of the first tree branch. Tree density, diameter, height and the proportion of standing dead trees did not differ among the habitats. There was marked heterogeneity among replicates within each habitat. These results indicate that the forest interior and the fragment edges (natural or anthropogenic) do not differ markedly considering the studied parameters. Other factors, such as the age from the edge, type of matrix and proximity of gaps, may play a more important role in plant community structure than the proximity from edges.


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This work approaches the forced air cooling of strawberry by numerical simulation. The mathematical model that was used describes the process of heat transfer, based on the Fourier's law, in spherical coordinates and simplified to describe the one-dimensional process. For the resolution of the equation expressed for the mathematical model, an algorithm was developed based on the explicit scheme of the numerical method of the finite differences and implemented in the scientific computation program MATLAB 6.1. The validation of the mathematical model was made by the comparison between theoretical and experimental data, where strawberries had been cooled with forced air. The results showed to be possible the determination of the convective heat transfer coefficient by fitting the numerical and experimental data. The methodology of the numerical simulations was showed like a promising tool in the support of the decision to use or to develop equipment in the area of cooling process with forced air of spherical fruits.


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In this work the performance of a sugar cane chopped harvester was analysed when fed with two sugar cane mass flows, measuring the invisible losses, which are impossible to measure in the field, harvester sugar cane cleaning efficiency and air velocity on extractors exit. The trial was done under controlled conditions at Copersucar Technology Center in January 2000. The results showed that the flow of sugar cane through the harvester doesn't influence the magnitudes of total invisible losses and raw material cleaning efficiency. The mean air velocity on the primary extractors exit was 12.0 m s-1, and 9.2 m s-1 on the secondary extractor, with a coefficient of variation of 21%, indicating that the poor cleaning performance of the harvester could be related to air velocity difference inside the extractor. Analyzing the data collected in the trials, it was possible to conclude that invisible losses in sugar cane harvester were 10% and the cleaning efficiency was 87%.


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No Tillage system is fully incorporated to farming in the region of Campos Gerais, state of Paran. Accuracy and precision in the planting process are items of great importance for the success of this system. In order to evaluate the planting process, thirty eight farms were selected as sites for analysis of the placement depth of seeds. The research area was 4 or 5 planting rows, evaluating 10 plantlets per row. The average seed depth was around 46 mm, and significant differences between rows were observed in 21 areas. The average coefficient of variation was around 20%, the statistical limit between medium and high. Analyses of other parameters show that those coefficients may represent different errors in the process. The planting process in Campos Gerais can be considered efficient regarding to the average seed depth. However, the analysis of variability implies de need of actions concerning to anthropic and machinery factors.


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As a way to reduce water losses in furrow irrigation systems, used in fresh market tomato production, farmers are improperly distributing water into the field using plastic hose. The objective of this work was to study the suitability of using quick coupler sprinkler as hose connectors for water distribution in tomato plantation. The first step of the study was to assess the current hose field operation for tomato growers. Subsequently, four models of quick couplers sprinklers available in the market were tested in laboratory to determine the coefficient of resistance, the equivalent tube length, the head loss curve and the linking efficiency. As result, a structural design for hose connectors was presented using the model of coupling with the best hydraulic performance. Additionally, some technical recommendations on its use in irrigation water distribution are highlighted. Despite the requirement for additional field trials, the proposed system has potential to optimize the water use efficiency, to improve workers ergonomic conditions, and ensure good profitability to the producer.