976 resultados para Coastal and nearshore sediments


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Whole-core magnetic susceptibility measurements define a detailed stratigraphy that enables correlation between the various Pleistocene, Pliocene, and upper Miocene sections cored on ODP Leg 110, near the Tiburon Rise. The magnetic susceptibility in these sections is primarily related to the content of volcanic ash, rich in titanomagnetite, and also inversely related to calcium carbonate content. The high resolution of the susceptibility record enables correlations with a resolution of about 0.3 m of sediment thickness, and the identification of minor faults not definable by biostratigraphic means. Reverse and normal faults identified in Hole 672A are probably a result of normal oceanic sediment dewatering and compaction processes. This work indicates some of the problems of using visible ash layers as time-stratigraphic markers.


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Heavy contaminant load released into the Northern Dvina River during flooding increased the concentrations of aliphatic (AHC) and polcyclic aromatic (PAH) hydrocarbons in water and bottom sediments. The composition of hydrocarbons was different from that of the summer low flow season. The concentrations of dissolved and particulate AHC ranged from 12 to 106 and from 192 to 599 µg/l, respectively, and bottom sediments contained from 26.2 to 329 µg/g AHC and 4 to 1785 ng/g PAH. As the transformation of AHC occurred at low spring temperatures, the alkane composition was shown to be dominated by terrigenous compounds, whereas more stable PAH showed elevated contents of petrogenic and pyrogenic compounds. It was also shown that the Northern Dvina-Dvina Bay geochemical barrier prevents contaminant input into the White Sea, i.e., acts as a marginal filter.


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Chemical analyses were performed on major, minor, and rare-earth elements of pelagic and hemipelagic sediments of the forearc, arc, and backarc sites of the Izu-Bonin Arc, Ocean Drilling Program Leg 126. Analyses of the hemipelagic and pelagic sediments of this area indicate that the chemical composition of this arc is highly affected by the chemical composition of rocks of this arc as a source of sediments. The Oligocene sediments, which are characterized by high MgO contents, reflect the chemical composition of the Paleogene volcanic rocks of the immature arc. Moreover, the late Miocene to Quaternary sediments with low MgO contents are attributed to the composition of the present arc. We also suggest that the sedimentation rates and topography of the sedimentary basin affect the MnO and SiO2 contents of pelagic and hemipelagic sediments.


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The Lower Cretaceous and Miocene sequences of the NW African passive continental margin consist of siliciclastic, volcaniclastic and hybrid sediments. These sediments contain a variety of diagenetic carbonates associated with zeolites, smectite clays and pyrite, reflecting the detrital mineralogical composition and conditions which prevailed during opening of the North Atlantic. In the Lower Cretaceous siliciclastic sediments, siderite (-6 per mil to +0.7per mil d18O PDB, -19.6 per mil to +0.6 per mil d13C PDB) was precipitated as thin layers and nodules from modified marine porewaters with input of dissolved carbon from the alteration of organic matter. Microcrystalline dolomite layers, lenses, nodules and disseminated crystals (-3.0 per mil to +2.5 per mil d18O PDB, -7.2 per mil to +4.9 per mil d13C PDB) predominate in slump and debris-flow deposits within the Lower Miocene sequence. During the opening of the Atlantic, volcanic activity in the Canary Islands area resulted in input of volcaniclastic sediments to the Middle and Upper Miocene sequences. Calcite is the dominant diagenetic carbonate in the siliciclastic-bioclastic-volcaniclastic hybrid and in the volcaniclastic sediments, which commonly contain pore-rimming smectite. Diagenetic calcite (-22 per mil to +1.6 per mil d18O PDB, -35.7 per mil to +0.8 per mil d13C PDB) was precipitated due to the interaction of volcaniclastic and bioclastic grains with marine porewaters. Phillipsite is confined to the alteration of volcaniclastic sediments, whereas clinoptilolite is widely disseminated, occurring essentially within foraminiferal chambers, and formed due to the dissolution of biogenic silica.


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In 1995-1997 three oceanographic cruises to the White Sea were undertaken in the framework of the INTAS project 94-391, and a multi-disciplinary geochemical study of the major North Dvina estuary has been carried out. Distribution of temperature, salinity and concentration of suspended matter in water columm, as well as contents of Al, Fe, Mn, Co, Cu, Ni, Cr, Pb, Zn, and organic carbon contents in suspended matter and sediments of the North Dvina estuary were determined. Most of the metals and organic matter studied appear to be of terrestrial origin, since the main source of investigated elements in the estuary is river run-off. It was found that metals incorporated in minerals are absolutely prevailing forms in estuarine sediments, they comprise up to 60-99% of total metal contents. Two zones of metal accumulation in the sediments were found in the North Dvina estuary. These zones are considered as local geochemical barriers within a major river-sea barrier. Distribution of most elements studied in the sediments of the North Dvina estuary is controlled by grain size variability in the sediments. Analysis of data on heavy metal contents in the sediments and bivalves of the North Dvina estuary did not reveal any anthropogenic heavy metal pollution in the region.


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We present new isotopic data for sedimentary planktonic foraminifera, as well as for potential water column and sedimentary sources of neodymium (Nd), which confirm that the isotopic composition of the foraminifera is the same as surface seawater and very different from deep water and sedimentary Nd. The faithfulness with which sedimentary foraminifera record the isotopic signature of surface seawater Nd is difficult to explain given their variable and high Nd/Ca ratios, ratios that are often sedimentary foraminifera, ratios that are often much higher than is plausible for direct incorporation within the calcite structure. We present further data that demonstrate a similarly large range in Nd/Ca ratios in plankton tow foraminifera, a range that may be controlled by redox conditions in the water column. Cleaning experiments reveal, in common with earlier work, that large amounts of Nd are released by cleaning with both hydrazine and diethylene triamine penta-acetic acid, but that the Nd released at each step is of surface origin. While further detailed studies are required to verify the exact location of the surface isotopic signature and the key controls on foraminiferal Nd isotope systematics, these new data place the use of planktonic foraminifera as recorders of surface water Nd isotope ratios, and thus of variations in the past supply of Nd to the oceans from the continents via weathering and erosion, on a reasonably sure footing.


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The final phase of the closure of the Panamanian Gateway and the intensification of Northern Hemisphere Glaciation (NHG) both occurred during the Late Pliocene. Glacial-interglacial (G-IG) variations in sea level might, therefore, have had a significant impact on the remaining connections between the East Pacific and the Caribbean. Here, we present combined foraminiferal Mg/Ca and d18O measurements from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1241 from the East Pacific and ODP Site 999 from the Caribbean. The studied time interval covers the first three major G-IG Marine Isotope Stages (MIS 95-100, ~2.5 Ma) after the intensification of NHG. Analyses were performed on the planktonic foraminifera Neogloboquadrina dutertrei and Globigerinoides sacculifer, representing water mass properties in the thermocline and the mixed-layer, respectively. Changes in sea water temperature, relative salinity, and water column stratification strongly suggest that the Panamanian Gateway temporarily closed during glacial MIS 98 and 100, as a result of changes in ice volume equivalent to a drop in sea level of 60-90 m. Reconstructed sea surface temperatures (SST) from G. sacculifer show a glacial decrease of 2.5°C at Site 1241, but increases of up to 3°C at Site 999 during glacial MIS 98 and 100 suggesting that the Panamanian Gateway closed during these glacial periods. The Mg/Ca-temperatures of N. dutertrei remain relatively stable in the East Pacific, but do show a 3°C warming in the Caribbean at the onset of these glacial periods suggesting that the closing of the gateway also changed the water column stratification. We infer that the glacial closure of the gateway allowed the Western Atlantic Warm Pool to extend into the southern Caribbean, increasing SST (G. sacculifer) and deepening the thermocline (N. dutertrei). Additionally, ice volume appears to have become large enough during MIS 100 to survive the relatively short lasting interglacial MIS 99 so that the gateway remained closed. Towards the end of MIS 98, during MIS 97 and into MIS 96 temperatures on both sides are mostly similar suggesting water masses exchanged again. Additionally, Caribbean variations in SST and d18Owater follow a precession-like cyclicity rather than the obliquity-controlled variations characteristic of the East-Pacific and many other tropical areas, suggesting that regional atmospheric processes related to the trade winds and the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) had a dominant impact in the Caribbean.


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Calcium-isotope ratios (d44/42Ca) were measured in carbonate-rich sedimentary sections deposited during Oceanic Anoxic Events 1a (Early Aptian) and 2 (Cenomanian-Turonian). In sections from Resolution Guyot, Mid-Pacific Mountains; Coppitella, Italy; and the English Chalk at Eastbourne and South Ferriby, UK, a negative excursion in d44/42Ca of ~0.20 per mil and ~0.10 per mil is observed for the two events. These d44/42Ca excursions occur at the same stratigraphic level as the carbon-isotope excursions that define the events, but do not correlate with evidence for carbonate dissolution or lithological changes. Diagenetic and temperature effects on the calcium-isotope ratios can be discounted, leaving changes in global seawater composition as the most probable explanation for d44/42Ca changes in four different carbonate sections. An oceanic box model with coupled strontium- and calcium-isotope systems indicates that a global weathering increase is likely to be the dominant driver of transient excursions in calcium-isotope ratios. The model suggests that contributions from hydrothermal activity and carbonate dissolution are too small and short-lived to affect the oceanic calcium reservoir measurably. A modelled increase in weathering flux, on the order of three times the modern flux, combined with increased hydrothermal activity due to formation of the Ontong-Java Plateau (OAE1a) and Caribbean Plateau (OAE2), can produce trends in both calcium and strontium isotopes that match the signals recorded in the carbonate sections. This study presents the first major-element record of a weathering response to Oceanic Anoxic Events.


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Bulk sediment chemistry from three Chilean continental margin Ocean Drilling Program sites constrains regional continental erosion over the past 30,000 years. Sediments from thirteen rivers that drain the (mostly igneous) Andes and the (mostly metamorphic) Coast Range, along with existing rock chemistry datasets, define terrestrial provenance for the continental margin sediments. Andean river sediments have high Mg/Al relative to Coast-Range river sediments. Near 36°S, marine sediments have high-Mg/Al (i.e. more Andean) sources during the last glacial period, and lower-Mg/Al (less Andean) sources during the Holocene. Near 41°S a Ti-rich source, likely from coast-range igneous intrusions, is prevalent during Holocene time, whereas high-Mg/Al Andean sources are more prevalent during the last glacial period. We infer that there is a dominant ice-sheet control of sediment sources. At 36°S, Andean-sourced sediment decreased as Andean mountain glaciers retreated after ~17.6 ka, coincident with local oceanic warming and southward retreat of the Patagonian Forest and, by inference, westerly winds. At 41°S Andean sediment dominance peaks and then rapidly declines at ~19 ka, coincident with local oceanic warming and the earliest deglacial sea-level rise. We hypothesize that this decreased flux of Andean material in the south is related to rapid retreat of the marine-based portion of the Patagonian Ice Sheet in response to global sea-level rise, as the resulting flooding of the southern portion of the Central Valley created a sink for Andean sediments in this region. Reversal of the decreasing deglacial Mg/Al trend at 41°S from 14.5 to 13.0 ka is consistent with a brief re-advance of the Patagonian ice sheet coincident with the Antarctic Cold Reversal.


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Organic matter in Miocene glacial sediments in Hole 739C on the Antarctic Shelf represents erosional recycled continental material. Various indications of maturity in bulk organic matter, kerogens, and extracts imply that an exposed section of mature organic carbon-rich material was present during the Miocene. Based on biomarker, n-alkane, and kerogen analysis, a massive diamictite of early Eocene/Oligocene age at Hole 739C contains immature organic matter. Visual and pyrolysis analyses of the kerogens suggest a predominance of terrestrial organic matter in all samples from Hole 739C. A reversal of thermal maturities, i.e., more-mature overlying less-mature sections, may be related to redeposition generated from glacial erosion. Siliciclastic fluviatile sediments of Lower Cretaceous age from Hole 741A were analyzed. The organic matter from this hole contains immature aliphatic and aromatic biomarkers as well as a suite of odd carbon number-dominated nalkanes. Visual examination and pyrolysis analysis of the kerogen suggests that predominantly immature terrestrial organic matter is present at Hole 741A. The similarities between Hole 739C Unit V and Hole 741A suggest that the source of the organic matter in the glacial sediments in Unit V at Hole 739C could be Cretaceous in age and similar to sediments sampled at Hole 741A in Prydz Bay.


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Sr contents in phosphorites on shelves of the Southwest Africa, and of Chile and Peru increase with degree of their lithification, from 0.05 to 0.28% and from 0.13 to 0.16% respectively. Phosphorites from Pacific submarine seamounts have the average Sr content 0.11%, and bone phosphate from Pacific floor 0.13%. Shelf phosphorites are characterized by high correlation coefficients between Sr and P2O5 (R = +0.82) and constant Sr/P2O5 ratio (0.0084). In phosphorites from submarine sea-mounts and in bones from the ocean floor Sr/P2O5 ratio is only a little higher than a half of that in shelf phosphorites. This indicates specific and different genesis of phosphorites from submarine mountains. Ba content in recent phosphorites from the shelf of the Southwest Africa changes with increasing degree of lithification. At first their Ba contents rise from 0.031 to 0.188%, then they diminish to 0.016%, and thereafter again increase to 0.070%. This is due to successive predominance of one of the following processes going in different directions: co-precipitation with phosphate gels or formation of true separate Ba phase, loss of phosphate in crystallization and "self-purification" of concentrations, and surface adsorption. In Peru-Chile shelf phosphorites the average Ba content is 0.017%, in phosphorites from Pacific seamounts 0.192%, and in fossilized bones 0.010%.


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Methane (CH4) is a strong greenhouse gas known to have perturbed global climate in the past, especially when released in large quantities over short time periods from continental or marine sources. It is therefore crucial to understand and, if possible, quantify the individual and combined response of these variable methane sources to natural climate variability. However, past changes in the stability of greenhouse gas reservoirs remain uncertain and poorly constrained by geological evidence. Here, we present a record from the Congo fan of a highly specific bacteriohopanepolyol (BHP) biomarker for aerobic methane oxidation (AMO), 35-aminobacteriohopane-30,31,32,33,34-pentol (aminopentol), that identifies discrete periods of increased AMO as far back as 1.2 Ma. Fluctuations in the concentration of aminopentol, and other 35-aminoBHPs, follow a pattern that correlates with late Quaternary glacial-interglacial climate cycles, with highest concentrations during warm periods. We discuss possible sources of aminopentol, and the methane consumed by the precursor methanotrophs, within the context of the Congo River setting, including supply of methane oxidation markers from terrestrial watersheds and/or marine sources (gas hydrate and/or deep subsurface gas reservoir). Compound-specific carbon isotope values of -30 per mil to -40 per mil for BHPs in ODP 1075 and strong similarities between the BHP signature of the core and surface sediments from the Congo estuary and floodplain wetlands from the interior of the Congo River Basin, support a methanotrophic and likely terrigenous origin of the 35-aminoBHPs found in the fan sediments. This new evidence supports a causal connection between marine sediment BHP records of tropical deep sea fans and wetland settings in the feeding river catchments, and thus tropical continental hydrology. Further research is needed to better constrain the different sources and pathways of methane emission. However, this study identifies the large potential of aminoBHPs, in particular aminopentol, to trace and, once better calibrated and understood, quantify past methane sources and fluxes from terrestrial and potentially also marine sources.


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The book summarizes data on distribution and composition of sedimentary material suspended in waters of the Atlantic Ocean and its seas. Results of observations of Soviet and foreign expeditions are given. Distribution of suspended matter in sections across the ocean, as well as in the most studied seas are shown. New data on grain size, mineral and chemical composition of suspended matter are published. Summary of history of investigation of bottom sediments from the Atlantic Ocean from the first scientific cruises to the present is done. A brief description of sediment types in the ocean and a detailed description of Mediterranean Sea sediments are given.