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Since 1989, by drawing a new boundary between the EU and its eastern neighbours, the European Union has created a frontier that has been popularly described in the frontier states as the new 'Berlin Wall'. This book is the first comparative study of the impact of public opinion on the making of foreign policy in two eastern European states that live on either side of the new European divide: Poland and Ukraine. Focusing on the vocal, informed segment of public opinion and drawing on results of both opinion polls and a series of innovative focus groups gathered since the Orange Revolution, Nathaniel Copsey unravels the mystery of how this crucial segment of the public impacts on foreign policy-makers in both states. In developing this argument, Copsey takes a closer look at the business community and how important economic factors are in forming public opinion. Filling a gap in the literature currently available on the topic, this book presents a fresh approach to our understanding of Polish-Ukrainian relations and how the public's view of the past influences contemporary politics. It is an ideal resource for those researching in the field of Russian and Eastern European Studies.
This research project has developed a novel decision support system using Geographical Information Systems and Multi Criteria Decision Analysis and used it to develop and evaluate energy-from-waste policy options. The system was validated by applying it to the UK administrative areas of Cornwall and Warwickshire. Different strategies have been defined by the size and number of the facilities, as well as the technology chosen. Using sensitivity on the results from the decision support system, it was found that key decision criteria included those affected by cost, energy efficiency, transport impacts and air/dioxin emissions. The conclusions of this work are that distributed small-scale energy-from-waste facilities score most highly overall and that scale is more important than technology design in determining overall policy impact. This project makes its primary contribution to energy-from-waste planning by its development of a Decision Support System that can be used to assist waste disposal authorities to identify preferred energy-from-waste options that have been tailored specifically to the socio-geographic characteristics of their jurisdictional areas. The project also highlights the potential of energy-from-waste policies that are seldom given enough attention to in the UK, namely those of a smaller-scale and distributed nature that often have technology designed specifically to cater for this market.
Background - The literature is not univocal about the effects of Peer Review (PR) within the context of constructivist learning. Due to the predominant focus on using PR as an assessment tool, rather than a constructivist learning activity, and because most studies implicitly assume that the benefits of PR are limited to the reviewee, little is known about the effects upon students who are required to review their peers. Much of the theoretical debate in the literature is focused on explaining how and why constructivist learning is beneficial. At the same time these discussions are marked by an underlying presupposition of a causal relationship between reviewing and deep learning. Objectives - The purpose of the study is to investigate whether the writing of PR feedback causes students to benefit in terms of: perceived utility about statistics, actual use of statistics, better understanding of statistical concepts and associated methods, changed attitudes towards market risks, and outcomes of decisions that were made. Methods - We conducted a randomized experiment, assigning students randomly to receive PR or non–PR treatments and used two cohorts with a different time span. The paper discusses the experimental design and all the software components that we used to support the learning process: Reproducible Computing technology which allows students to reproduce or re–use statistical results from peers, Collaborative PR, and an AI–enhanced Stock Market Engine. Results - The results establish that the writing of PR feedback messages causes students to experience benefits in terms of Behavior, Non–Rote Learning, and Attitudes, provided the sequence of PR activities are maintained for a period that is sufficiently long.
The European Community has largely been considered a predominantly secular project, bringing together the economic and political realms, while failing to mobilise the public voice and imagination of churchmen and the faithful. Drawing on a wide range of archival sources, this is the first study to assess the political history of religious dialogue in the European Community. It challenges the widespread perception that churches started to engage with European institutions only after the 1979 elections to the European Parliament, by detailing close relations between churchmen and high-ranking officials in European institutions, immediately after the 1950 Schuman Declaration. Lucian N. Leustean demonstrates that Cold War divisions between East and West, and the very nature of the ecumenical movement, had a direct impact on the ways in which churches approached the European Community. He brings to light events and issues which have not previously been examined, such as the response of churches to the Schuman Plan, and the political mobilisation of church representations in Brussels, Strasbourg and Luxembourg. Leustean argues that the concept of a 'united Europe' has been impeded by competing national differences between religious and political institutions, having a long-standing legacy on the making of a fragmented European Community.
Active monitoring and problem of non-stable of sound signal parameters in the regime of piling up response signal of environment is under consideration. Math model of testing object by set of weak stationary dynamic actions is offered. The response of structures to the set of signals is under processing for getting important information about object condition in high frequency band. Making decision procedure by using researcher’s heuristic and aprioristic knowledge is discussed as well. As an example the result of numerical solution is given.
Structural monitoring and dynamic identification of the manmade and natural hazard objects is under consideration. Math model of testing object by set of weak stationary dynamic actions is offered. The response of structures to the set of signals is under processing for getting important information about object condition in high frequency band. Making decision procedure into active monitoring system is discussed as well. As an example the monitoring outcome of pillar-type monument is given.
Over the past fifteen years, an interconnected set of regulatory reforms, knownas Better Regulation, has been adopted across Europe, marking a significant shift in theway that European Union policies are developed. There has been little exploration of the origins of these reforms, which include mandatory ex ante impact assessment. Drawing on documentary and interview data, this article discusses how and why large corporations, notably British American Tobacco (BAT), worked to influence and promote these reforms. Our analysis highlights (1) howpolicy entrepreneurs with sufficient resources (such as large corporations) can shape the membership and direction of advocacy coalitions; (2) the extent to which "think tanks" may be prepared to lobby on behalf of commercial clients; and (3) why regulated industries (including tobacco) may favor the use of "evidence tools," such as impact assessments, in policy making. We argue that a key aspect of BAT's ability to shape regulatory reform involved the deliberate construction of a vaguely defined idea that could be strategically adapted to appeal to diverse constituencies.We discuss the theoretical implications of this finding for the Advocacy Coalition Framework, as well as the practical implications of the findings for efforts to promote transparency and public health in the European Union.
Where does discussion about sex and sexuality take place for religious young adults? How well do religious young people feel they know the perspectives and debates within their religious tradition regarding sexuality? This chapter, based on a project which studied 18-25 year olds from a variety of religious traditions, will examine the context in which sexuality was discussed, giving particular attention to religious spaces, significant individuals (e.g. parents and friends) and popular media. The concluding section will also highlight some points for good practice, based on the perspectives of young people.
Számos korábbi kutatás – köztük a szerzők korábbi vizsgálatai is – azt mutatja, hogy a menedzsmentképességek és a vállalatok versenyképessége között pozitív kapcsolat áll fenn, a jobban teljesítő és a proaktívabb vállalatok rendre felkészültebb, jobb vezetői képességekkel bíró, kockázatvállalóbb vezetőkkel rendelkeznek. Az is megfigyelhető, hogy az ebből a nézőpontból sikeresebben működő vállalatok döntéseiben az átlagosnál is erősebben érvényesül a racionális közelítésmód, melynek alkalmazásával a menedzserek az optimális cselekvési alternatíva kiválasztására törekszenek. A cikkben a szerzők az elmúlt 15 év versenyképességi kutatásainak tapasztalatait összegzik, kiemelt hangsúlyt helyezve a legfrissebb felmérés eredményeire. ________________ The article summarizes the main findings of the Competitiveness Research Program with respect to the skills and capabilities of the Hungarian managers and the decision making approaches they use during their work. The results of the four surveys conducted in 1996, 1999, 2004 and 2009 are fairly stable over time: practice minded behavior, professional expertise, and problem solving skills are on the top of the list of the most developed skills of the Hungarian executives. The rational approach is the most popular among the most widespread decision making models in the authors’ sample which is rather alarming since the present turbulent economic environment may demand more adaptive and intuitive approaches.
A „Vezetési és döntési rendszerek” alprojekt kutatói a döntéshozatal minőségének és a versenyképességnek a kapcsolatát vizsgálták. Alapkérdésünk az volt, hogy mely vállalatok a sikeresebbek, azok, amelyek a döntéshozatali közelítésmódok közül a szigorúan racionális, analitikus gondolkodást, felfogást favorizálják, vagy inkább a kreativitást ösztönző és középpontba állító, a kreatív döntéshozatali és vezetési stílust követő cégek. Azt tapasztaltuk, hogy a vállalatok menedzsmentjének egyre többször kell megbirkóznia vészhelyzetekkel és azok következményeivel. Az üzleti döntések és az üzleti teljesítmény, az üzleti siker kapcsolatának vizsgálatára külön kutatási irányt jelöltünk meg. A felelős döntéshozatal témakörében a mi kutatásunk a konkrét döntéseket helyezte előtérbe, amely új közelítésmódot jelent. Ugyanis nem csak specifikus CSR gyakorlatokkal foglalkoztunk, hanem konkrét vezetői döntésekben vizsgáltuk meg a CSR és a fenntarthatóság elemeit. ______ Within the framework of the “Management and decision-making systems” subproject we investigated the link between the quality of decision making and competitiveness. Our basic question was the following: which companies are more successful, those who are strictly follow the rational/analytical way of decision making or the others who mainly focus on creative decision making and creative management. We found that nowadays the company managements more often face to crisis situations and their consequences. We initiated a focused research on the relationship of the business decision making, business performance and business success. When we did research in the field of the responsible decision making we focused on concrete decision cases, that was a brand new approach. We have not analyzed the CSR practice, but identified CSR and sustainability elements in concrete management decisions.
Absztrakt: Tanulmányunkban a menedzsment képességek és döntéshozatali közelítésmódok szerepét a versenyképesség alakításában immáron negyedik alkalommal elemezzük. Hogy megértsük, milyen tulajdonságokkal, egyéni képességekkel kell a menedzsmentnek rendelkeznie ahhoz, hogy önmaga is versenyképes legyen, és feltárjuk, melyek a mintában szereplő menedzserek erősségei, illetve gyenge pontjai – a korábbi kutatások hagyományait követve – azt vizsgáltuk, hogy a mintában szereplő menedzserek hogyan értékelik önmagukat bizonyos készségek, képességek szerint, valamint azt is áttekintettük, hogy a menedzserek milyen döntéshozatali közelítésmódokat alkalmaznak. A megkérdezett menedzserekre - akárcsak a korábbi válaszadókra - a gyakorlatorientáltság, a magas szintű szakmai ismeretek birtoklása és a fejlett problémamegoldó képesség jellemző leginkább, illetve a nemzetközi trendekkel némiképp szemben a racionális döntéshozatali megközelítést preferálják. _____ We have been analyzing the role of management skills and decision making approaches in firm level competitiveness for the fourth time already. In order to understand what characteristics and individual capabilities a manager must have to be competitive him/herself, and what the main strengths and weaknesses of the Hungarian managers are, following the methodologies of our earlier studies, self assessment of the skills and capabilities of the managers in our sample were examined. The managers – similarly to the earlier results – are practice oriented, they possess up-to-date professional knowledge, and they have good problem solving skills. Our findings demonstrate that they prefer rational decision making approaches, which contradicts to the international tendencies.
The first essay developed a respondent model of Bayesian updating for a double-bound dichotomous choice (DB-DC) contingent valuation methodology. I demonstrated by way of data simulations that current DB-DC identifications of true willingness-to-pay (WTP) may often fail given this respondent Bayesian updating context. Further simulations demonstrated that a simple extension of current DB-DC identifications derived explicitly from the Bayesian updating behavioral model can correct for much of the WTP bias. Additional results provided caution to viewing respondents as acting strategically toward the second bid. Finally, an empirical application confirmed the simulation outcomes. The second essay applied a hedonic property value model to a unique water quality (WQ) dataset for a year-round, urban, and coastal housing market in South Florida, and found evidence that various WQ measures affect waterfront housing prices in this setting. However, the results indicated that this relationship is not consistent across any of the six particular WQ variables used, and is furthermore dependent upon the specific descriptive statistic employed to represent the WQ measure in the empirical analysis. These results continue to underscore the need to better understand both the WQ measure and its statistical form homebuyers use in making their purchase decision. The third essay addressed a limitation to existing hurricane evacuation modeling aspects by developing a dynamic model of hurricane evacuation behavior. A household's evacuation decision was framed as an optimal stopping problem where every potential evacuation time period prior to the actual hurricane landfall, the household's optimal choice is to either evacuate, or to wait one more time period for a revised hurricane forecast. A hypothetical two-period model of evacuation and a realistic multi-period model of evacuation that incorporates actual forecast and evacuation cost data for my designated Gulf of Mexico region were developed for the dynamic analysis. Results from the multi-period model were calibrated with existing evacuation timing data from a number of hurricanes. Given the calibrated dynamic framework, a number of policy questions that plausibly affect the timing of household evacuations were analyzed, and a deeper understanding of existing empirical outcomes in regard to the timing of the evacuation decision was achieved.
Chenjerai Hove, world-renowned Zimbabwean author, presents a lecture on the subject of his experiences as an exiled author in the United States. Event held at the Graham Center, Modesto Maidique Campus, Florida International University on October 28,2013.
The first essay developed a respondent model of Bayesian updating for a double-bound dichotomous choice (DB-DC) contingent valuation methodology. I demonstrated by way of data simulations that current DB-DC identifications of true willingness-to-pay (WTP) may often fail given this respondent Bayesian updating context. Further simulations demonstrated that a simple extension of current DB-DC identifications derived explicitly from the Bayesian updating behavioral model can correct for much of the WTP bias. Additional results provided caution to viewing respondents as acting strategically toward the second bid. Finally, an empirical application confirmed the simulation outcomes. The second essay applied a hedonic property value model to a unique water quality (WQ) dataset for a year-round, urban, and coastal housing market in South Florida, and found evidence that various WQ measures affect waterfront housing prices in this setting. However, the results indicated that this relationship is not consistent across any of the six particular WQ variables used, and is furthermore dependent upon the specific descriptive statistic employed to represent the WQ measure in the empirical analysis. These results continue to underscore the need to better understand both the WQ measure and its statistical form homebuyers use in making their purchase decision. The third essay addressed a limitation to existing hurricane evacuation modeling aspects by developing a dynamic model of hurricane evacuation behavior. A household’s evacuation decision was framed as an optimal stopping problem where every potential evacuation time period prior to the actual hurricane landfall, the household’s optimal choice is to either evacuate, or to wait one more time period for a revised hurricane forecast. A hypothetical two-period model of evacuation and a realistic multi-period model of evacuation that incorporates actual forecast and evacuation cost data for my designated Gulf of Mexico region were developed for the dynamic analysis. Results from the multi-period model were calibrated with existing evacuation timing data from a number of hurricanes. Given the calibrated dynamic framework, a number of policy questions that plausibly affect the timing of household evacuations were analyzed, and a deeper understanding of existing empirical outcomes in regard to the timing of the evacuation decision was achieved.