992 resultados para Clinical Signs


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Granulomatous meningoencephalomyelitis (GME) is a morphological description of an inflammatory disorder of the canine central nervous system (CNS). It has been reported in many areas of the world. including Australia, and is one of the more common nervous disorders of dogs. Most breeds of dogs of both sexes and all ages can be affected but young to middle-aged small and terrier breeds have been stated as being more susceptible. There are variable anatomical forms and distribution of the lesions in the CNS; the presenting clinical signs can reflect singly or collectively cerebellar, cerebral, and brain stem dysfunction. Meningeal and spinal cord involvement are also common. There is no specific diagnostic test but a combination of clinical signs, history and cerebro-spinal fluid cytology are useful indicators. However differential diagnosis from other inflammatory disorders of the brain is difficult. No infectious agent aetiology has been established for GME and therefore no satisfactory therapeutic approach is available. The role of the immune system in terms of either initiating or potentiating the lesions in the CNS appears to be the most likely direction for further investigation into the nature of this disorder.


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Objective To describe the clinical signs, gross pathology, serology, bacteriology, histopathology, electron microscopy and immunohistochemistry findings associated with toxoplasmosis in four Indo-Pacific humpbacked dolphins (Sousa chinensis) that stranded in Queensland in 2000 and 2001. Design Clinical assessment, gross necropsy, and laboratory examinations. Procedure Necropsies were performed on four S chinensis to determine cause of death. Laboratory tests including serology, bacteriology, histopathology and transmission electron microscopy were done on the four dolphins. Immunohistochemistry was done on the brain, heart, liver, lung, spleen and adrenal gland from various dolphins to detect Toxoplasma gondii antigens. Results Necropsies showed all of four S chinensis that stranded in Queensland in 2000 and 2001 had evidence of predatory shark attack and three were extremely emaciated. Histopathological examinations showed all four dolphins had toxoplasmosis with tissue cysts resembling T gondii in the brain. Tachyzoite stages of T gondii were detected in the lungs, heart, liver, spleen and adrenal gland, variously of all four dolphins. Electron microscopy studies and immunohistochemistry confirmed the tissues cysts were those of T gondii. All four dolphins also had intercurrent disease including pneumonia, three had peritonitis and one had pancreatitis. Conclusion Four S chinensis necropsied in Queensland in 2000 and 2001 were found to be infected with toxoplasmosis. It is uncertain how these dolphins became infected and further studies are needed to determine how S chinensis acquire toxoplasmosis. All four dolphins stranded after periods of heavy rainfall, and coastal freshwater runoff may be a risk factor for T gondii infection in S chinensis. This disease should be of concern to wildlife managers since S chinensis is a rare species and its numbers appear to be declining.


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Equine Cushing's syndrome is a common problem in aged horses and ponies. It presents with a variable combination of clinical signs; hirsutism is characteristic of the disease, with laminitis frequently being the most devastating consequence. This article describes the diagnostic protocols available and, in view of the fact that complete resolution of the disease is not achievable, discusses how the condition might be managed appropriately to improve the quality of life of affected animals.


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Objective To develop and validate specific, sensitive and rapid diagnostic tests using RT-PCR for the detection of Ross River virus (RRV), Kunjin virus (KV) and Murray Valley encephalitis virus (MVEV) infections in horses. Methods Primer sets based on nucleotide sequence encoding the envelope glycoprotein E2 of RRV and on the nonstructural protein 5 (NS5) of KV and MVEV were designed and used in single round PCRs to test for the respective viruses in infected cell cultures and, in the case of RRV, in samples of horse blood and synovial fluid. Results The primer pairs designed for each of the three viruses amplified a product of expected size from prototype viruses that were grown in cell culture. The identity of each of the products was confirmed by nucleotide sequencing indicating that in the context used the RT-PCRs were specific. RRV was detected in serums from 8 horses for which there were clinical signs consistent with RRV infection such that an acute-phase serum sample was taken and submitted for RRV serology testing. The RRV RT-PCR was analytically sensitive in that it was estimated to detect as little as 50 TCID50 of RRV per mL of serum and was specific in that the primer pairs did not amplify other products from the 8 serum samples. The RRV primers also detected virus in three independent mosquito pools known to contain RRV by virus isolation in cell culture. Samples from horses suspected to be infected with KV and MVEV were not available. Conclusion Despite much anecdotal and serological evidence for infection of horses with RRV actual infection and associated clinical disease are infrequently confirmed. The availability of a specific and analytically sensitive RT-PCR for the detection of RRV provides additional opportunities to confirm the presence of this virus in clinical samples. The RTPCR primers for the diagnosis of KV and MVEV infections were shown to be specific for cell culture grown viruses but the further validation of these tests requires the availability of appropriate clinical samples from infected horses.


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Early pregnancy factor (EPF) is a secreted protein, present in serum during early pregnancy and essential for maintaining viability of the embryo. It is a homologue of chaperonin 10 (Cpn10) but, unlike Cpn10, it has an extracellular role. EPF has immunosuppressive and growth regulatory properties. Previously we have reported the preparation of recombinant EPF (rEPF) and shown that treatment with rEPF will suppress clinical signs of MBP-EAE in Lewis rats and PLP-EAE in SJL/J mice. In the present study, these findings have been extended to investigate possible mechanisms involved in the action of EPF. Following treatment of mice with rEPF from the day of inoculation, there were fewer infiltrating CD3+ and CD4+ cells in the parenchyma of the spinal cord during the onset of disease and after the initial episode, compared with mice treated with vehicle. Expression of the integrins LFA-1, VLA-4 and Mac-1 and of members of the immunoglobulin superfamily of adhesion molecules ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 was suppressed in the central nervous system (CNS) following rEPF treatment. The expression of PECAM-1 was not affected. To determine if rEPF suppressed T cell activation in the periphery, the delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) reaction of normal BALB/c mice to trinitrochlorobenzene (TNCB) following treatment with rEPF was studied. The results showed that treatment with rEPF suppressed the DTH reaction, demonstrating the ability of EPF to downregulate the cell-mediated immune response. These results indicate that suppression of immunological mechanisms by rEPF plays a major role in the reduction of clinical signs of disease in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Control recommendations are presented for four genetic or familial diseases that cause significant morbidity and mortality in affected English Bull Terriers. Bull Terrier polycystic kidney disease is an autosomal dominant disease diagnosed by detecting a minimum of three renal cysts, with cysts present in both kidneys, and similarly affected family members to confirm the inherited nature of the cysts. Bull Terrier hereditary nephritis is an autosomal dominant disease diagnosed in otherwise normal animals with urinary protein: creatinine ratios persistently >0.3 and no significant urinary sediment, a family history of the disease, and characteristic glomerular basement membrane lesions. Mitral valve myxomatous degeneration and left ventricular outflow tract obstruction in Bull Terriers are familial diseases diagnosed by auscultating characteristic murmurs in affected animals. Excluding animals with these clinical signs from the breeding pool will reduce the prevalence rates of these diseases, however maintenance of an effective population size is also important. Providing breeders with information on genetics, including the risks associated with inbreeding and the benefits of outcrossing, is likely to improve canine breeding practices, thus increasing fitness and fecundity of these purebred dogs.


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INTRODUÇÃO: O diagnóstico e terapia antirretroviral precoce em lactentes, infectados pelo HIV por transmissão vertical, reduz a progressão do HIV e comorbidades que podem levar ao óbito. OBJETIVO GERAL: Avaliar o perfil clínico e epidemiológico em uma coorte de crianças e adolescentes com aids, infectados por transmissão vertical do HIV, por um período de onze anos, atendidos em hospital estadual de referência, no Estado do Espírito Santo. OBJETIVOS ESPECÍFICOS: 1. Descrever a frequência das comorbidades diagnosticadas após o diagnóstico de HIV e verificar sua distribuição, segundo dados demográficos, epidemiológicos e clínicos, e segundo a classificação dos casos em uma coorte de crianças e adolescentes com aids. 2. Avaliar os fatores preditores de risco de progressão para aids e óbito e causas de morte. 3. Estimar a taxa de sobrevida. MÉTODOS: Coorte retrospectiva de crianças e adolescentes infectados pelo HIV, por transmissão vertical (TV), atendidas no Serviço de Atendimento Especializado (SAE) do Hospital Infantil Nossa Senhora da Glória (HINSG), de janeiro 2001 a dezembro 2011, em Vitória – ES/Brasil. A coleta de dados foi realizada em protocolo específico padronizado, e dados sobre as comorbidades, mortalidade e sua causa básica foram obtidos dos prontuários médicos, da Declaração de Óbito e do banco de dados SIM (Sistema de Informação sobre Mortalidade). O diagnóstico de aids e comorbidades foi de acordo com CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)/1994. RESULTADOS: Foi arrolado um total de 177 pacientes, sendo 97 (55%) do sexo feminino; 60 (34%) eram menores de1ano, 67 (38%) tinham de 1 a 5 anos e 50 (28%) tinham6 anos ou mais de idade no ingresso ao serviço. A mediana das idades na admissão foi de 30 meses (Intervalo Interquartis (IIQ) 25-75%: 5-72 meses). Em relação à classificação clínico-imunológica, 146 pacientes (82,5%) apresentavam a forma moderada/grave no momento do ingresso no Serviço e 26 (14,7%) foram a óbito. Os sinais clínicos mais frequentes foram hepatomegalia (81,62%), esplenomegalia (63,8%), linfadenopatia (68,4%) e febre persistente (32,8%). As comorbidades mais frequentes foram anemia (67,2%), pneumonia/sepses/meningite - primeiro episódio (64,2%), OMA/sinusite recorrente (55,4%), infecções bacterianas graves recorrentes (47,4%) e dermatites (43,1%). Encontrou-se associação entre classificação clínico-imunológica grave e ingresso no serviço com menos de um ano de idade com algumas comorbidades (p<0,001). O tempo total do acompanhamento dos pacientes foi de 11 anos, com mediana de cinco anos (IIQ: 2-8 anos). No final do período estudado, 132 (74,6%) pacientes estavam em acompanhamento, 11 (6,2%) foram transferidos para outros serviços eem oito (4,5%) houve perda de seguimento. Quanto ao óbito, observou-se uma redução de casos ao longo do tempo. A maioria dos pacientes que foram a óbito deu entrada no serviço com classificação clínica imunológica grave (77%-20/26), apresentava anemia moderada/grave e estava em uso de terapia antirretroviral (TARV) por mais de 3 meses (17/24-71%).Os principais fatores de risco para o óbito foram: faixa etária < 1 ano (p=0,005), pneumonia por P. jirovecii (p=0,010), percentual de linfócito T CD4+ nadir <15% (p=0,012), anemia crônica (p=0,012), estágio clínico imunológico grave (p=0,003), infecções bacterianas graves recorrentes(p=0,003) e tuberculose (p=0,037). Ter iniciado TARV antes dos 6 meses de vida (diagnóstico e tratamento precoces) foi associado à sobrevida(OR 2,86, [Intervalo de Confiança (IC) de 95%: 1,12-7,25] p=0,027).O principal diagnóstico registrado para os óbitos foram infecções bacterianas graves (12/21-57%). Foi encontrada uma elevada taxa de sobrevida, com 85,3% de probabilidade de sobrevivência por mais de 10 anos (IC 95% 9,6-10,7). CONCLUSÕES: A maioria das crianças teve diagnóstico tardio da infecção pelo HIV aumentando o risco de progressão para aids e óbito por falta de tratamento precoce. A tendência de mortalidade das crianças infectadas pelo HIV se mostrou uma constante com queda nos dois últimos anos do estudo, e ainda persistem as infecções bacterianas como maior causa de óbito. Portanto, melhoria no cuidado pré-natal e acompanhamento pediátrico com vista ao diagnóstico precoce das crianças infectadas verticalmente devem fazer parte do cuidado integral à criança com aids, o que poderia reduzir a mortalidade destas crianças.


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Nutritional surveys (food consumption, clinical and biochemichal) were conducted in a small institution for homeless children. Results showed that only 30% of the children presented adequate calorie intake. Most of the children presented adequate protein intake, but almost half consumed less than 2/3 of the calcium RDA considered necessary. Food handling, processing, and distribution also proved inadequate and wastage, high. Skinfold measurement showed up one case of obesity. Furthermore, most of the children presented clinical signs of vitamin A deficiency, mostly skin lesions; while about half presented clinical signs of riboflavin deficiency. Biochemical data showed that 63.6% had deficient plasma levels of vitamin A, none showed abnormal results for riboflavin excretion, four showed packed blood cell volume below normal, and all had normal hemoglobin levels. Stool examinations revealed a high rate of pathogenic protozoa (Hymenolepis nana), in fact, one of the highest in Brazilian literature.


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Mestrado em Medicina Nuclear.


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Mestrado em Tecnologia de Diagnóstico e Intervenção Cardiovascular - Ramo de especialização: Ultrassonografia Cardiovascular


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The dot-enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (dot-ELISA) was standardized using somatic (S) and excretory-secretory (ES) antigens of Toxocara-canis for the detection of specific antibodies in 22 serum samples from children aged 1 to 15 years, with clinical signs of toxocariasis. Fourteen serum samples from apparently normal individuals and 28 sera from patients with other pathologies were used as controls. All samples were used before and after absorption with Ascaris suum extract. When the results were evaluated in comparison with ELISA, the two tests were found to have similar sensitivity, but dot-ELISA was found to be more specific in the presence of the two antigens studied. Dot-ELISA proved to be effective for the diagnosis of human toxocariasis, presenting advantages in terms of yield, stability, time and ease of execution and low cost.


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An outbreak of dengue 4 occurred in the Yucatán, México in 1984. During the course of the outbreak, 538 of 5486 reported cases of dengue-like illness were studied; 200 were confirmed as dengue serologically and/or virologically. Dengue 4 virus was isolated from 34 patients and dengue 1 from one. Severe haemorrhagic symptoms were observed in 9 laboratory confirmed patients, including four deaths. Thus, the outbreak in Yucatán is the second dengue epidemic in the Americas after the Cuban epidemic in 1981 in which a number of patients suffered from haemorrhagic complications. It was notable that 5 of 9 hospitalized, severe cases were young adults and that only one met the WHO criteria of DHF, in contrast to primary pediatric nature of DHF in Southeast Asia. In this paper we describe clinical, serologic, and virologic studies conducted during the outbreak.


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A study was conducted on 16 patients with pemphigus foliaceus, ten of them with the localized form (group G1) and six with the disseminated form (group G2). These patients were submitted to full blood counts, quantitation of mononuclear cell subpopulations by monoclonal antibodies, study of blastic lymphocyte transformation, and quantitation of circulating antibodies by the indirect immunofluorescence test, in order to correlate their clinical signs and symptoms and laboratory data with their immunological profile, and to determine the relationship between circulating autoantibody titers and lesion intensity and course of lesions under treatment. Leucocytosis was observed especially in group G2. All patients showed decreased relative CD3+ and CD4+ values and a tendency to decreased relative values of the CD8+ subpopulation. Blastic lymphocyte transformation indices in the presence of phytohemagglutinin were higher in patients (group G1+G2) than in controls. The indirect immunofluorescence test was positive in 100% of G2 patients and in 80% of G1 patients. The median value for the titers was higher in group G2 than in group G1. Analysis of the results as a whole permits us to conclude that cell immunity was preserved and that there was a relationship between antibody titers detected by the direct immunofluorescence test and extent of skin lesions.


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Toxocariasis is caused by infection of man by Toxocara canis and Toxocara cati larvae, the common roundworm of dogs and cats. Because larvae are difficult to detect in tissues, diagnosis is mostly based on serology. Non specific reactions are observed mainly due to cross-reactivity with Ascaris sp antigens. This investigation aimed at developing and evaluating an indirect antibody competition ELISA (IACE) employing a specific rabbit IgG anti-Toxocara canis excretory-secretory antigens as the competition antibody, in order to improve indirect ELISA specificity performed for toxocariasis diagnosis. For that, the rabbit IgG was previously absorbed by Ascaris suum adult antigens. Sensitivity and specificity of IACE were first evaluated in 28 serum samples of mice experimentally infected with T. canis embryonated eggs. Adopting cut-off value established in this population before infection, sensitivity and specificity were 100% after 20 days post-inoculation. For human population IACE was evaluated using sera from 440 patients with clinical signs of toxocariasis and the cut-off value was established with 60 serum samples from apparently healthy individuals. Using as reference test the indirect ELISA performed by Adolfo Lutz Institute, sensitivity was 60.2%, specificity was 98% and concordance was 77.3%. Repeatability of IACE was evaluated by the inter-reactions variation coefficient (2.4%).


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The aim of the present study was to determine biological characteristics such as expression of fimbriae, Congo red binding, production of hemolysin and aerobactin, adhesion to HeLa and uroepithelial cells and invasion of HeLa cells by Escherichia coli isolates obtained from patients showing clinical signs of urinary tract infection (UTI). Also, the presence of genes (apa, afa, spa) for fimbria expression and cytotoxic necrotizing factors (CNF1, CNF2) was assayed using specific primers in PCR. The data obtained were compared with the clonal relationships obtained by analysis of multilocus enzyme electrophoresis (MLEE), restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) of the rDNA (ribotyping) and enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus-PCR (ERIC-PCR). All isolates but one presented a combination of at least two of the characteristics studied, a fact suggesting the presence of pathogenicity islands (PAIs). Diffuse adherence type to HeLa cells was observed to occur in most of the strains, but adhesion to uroepithelial cells seems to be a more reliable test to verify pathogenicity. Although four strains seemed to be able to invade HeLa cells when assayed by light microscopy, electron microscopy studies demonstrated that these strains were not invasive. MLEE, RFLP and ERIC-PCR were able to group the isolates differently into main clusters that were not correlated with the presence of pathogenic traits.