966 resultados para Clam Fishery Resources of India


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Fishery potential of the interior Gulf of Kachchh and adjacent creek regions was reported for the first time as baseline data for future ecological assessment. The experimental trawling and gill netting indicated that the inner Gulf (av. 7.8 kg/h) was three times more productive than the creek (av. 2.3 kg/h). The number of species found in the Gulf and creek were respectively 34 and 20 suggesting good biodiversity of the living resources of the area.


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Based on the data collected from New Ferry Wharf, Sassoon Dock and exploratory survey of MFV Saraswati on the Northwest coast of India, the growth, mortality, population and stock parameters of Saurida tumbil is reported in the present communication. The Von Bertalanffy growth function (GF) parameters for growth on length were found to be L∞=49.8 cm, K=0.96/year, t0 = -.141 year. The length at recruitment (lr) is 80 mm. (tr=.167 year) while the length at first capture (lc) for the commercial trawl fishery is 100 mm (tc=0.25 year). The annual fishing mortality coefficient (F) for 1983-85 was 0.43, the natural mortality coefficient (M) was 1.33 and the exploitation ratio (E) was 0.25. The yield per recruit (Y/R) attained the maximum of 54.99 g at F=1.091 for E=0.45 for the present tc at 0.25 year. The annual total stock (P) and standing stock (P) in the exploitation portion at the inshore grounds to a depth of about 50 m were estimated to be 12,811 tons and 6,034 tons respectively. The average annual yield of 2,635 tons at the present F=0.439 (E=0.247) was less than the maximum sustainable yield (MSY) for 3,331 tons attainable from the inshore grounds at E=0.45.


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Sri Lanka's interest in trawler fishing dates back to 1902 when a Colombo merchant attempted to operate a trawler off Sri Lanka's waters. The next attempt was made in 1907. These attempts did not proceed any further. Between 1920 and 1923 a very comprehensive survey of the littoral waters around the island was carried out. One of the principal aims of the survey was to investigate the possibility of trawler fishing in the seas around. Malpas (1926) and Pearson and Malpas (1926) reporting the results of the survey indicated that the Wadge and Pedro banks were the only areas available for commercial trawler operations and indicated that the fish resources in the two banks could be profitably exploited. Commercial exploitation of the Wadge bank commenced in 1928 and a fishery is now firmly established in the bank. The Marine Biologist and the Director of fisheries in their administration reports and Sivalingam and Medcof (1957) and the author (1965) have reported on the progress of the Wadge bank fishery. Some of the trends indicated by an analysis of the records of the commercial trawling operations are further discussed in this paper.


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Ceylon has about 300,000 acres of coastal brackish-water areas of which about 100,000 acres constitute shallow lagoons, tidal flats, mangrove swamps and saline marshes, and the rest deeper lagoons and estuaries. While the former represent a vast potential resource with regard to fish farming, the latter are the sites of important fisheries. W. H. Schuster (1951) estimated the average natural production of Ceylon’s brackish waters to be less than 20 lbs. per acre per annum. Since then estimates have been made by the author for a rich lagoon, the Negombo lagoon, a poorly productive lagoon, the Ratgama lake (Dodanduwa) and studies are in progress of some of the other lagoons. The natural production of the Ratgama lake was estimated in 1959 to be 18.5 lbs. per acre per annum while that of Negombo lagoon was estimated in 1960 to be 65 lbs. per acre per annum. It is reasonable to estimate the average production of Ceylon's brackish-waters to be 25 lbs. per acre per annum. Thus the total production is about 3,350 tons per annum. Considering the fact that the island's present total production is 90,000 tons per annum, the brackish-waters contribute 3.7% of it. Schuster (1951) further states that the natural production in the brackish-waters of other countries is around 80 lbs. per acre per annum. In order to increase our average natural production to this value it would seem necessary to consider the nature, biology and fish resources of the brackish-waters and draw some conclusions with regard to their proper exploitation.


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The inland fresh waters of the island can be roughly divided into the following as far as fish production is concerned: (a) Perennial shallow irrigation reservoirs of the low-country, comprising about 120,000 acres. (b) " Villus" or flood lakes of the low country many of which are perennial, comprising about 30,000 acres. (c) Seasonal village tanks, mainly in the low-country, comprising about 30,000 acres. (d) Deep reservoirs (irrigation as well as hydro-electric) occurring in up-country and low-country comprising about 50,000 acres. (e) Rivers and streams comprising about 20,000 acres. The total area of all these waters is about 250,000 acres.


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The fisheries of Lakes Mutanda and Mulehe during 1998/9 were mainly at subsistence scale and only few fishers operated at irregular intervals. The commercial catch records between 1963 to 1999 showed that Lake Mulehe was landing more fish than Lake Mutanda despite the fact that Lake Mutanda (26.4 km2) was bigger than Lake Mulehe (4.11 cm2). The constant decline of catches was due to irregular restocking and applying low stocking densities of fry. However, restocking should consider using species that withstand low temperature (15-240C) in the district. These include Oreochromis niloticus (Nile tilapia), Macropterus salmoides (Black bass), and Cyprinus carpio (Common carp). Most of these species have either disappeared or declined to very low levels. Due to lack of commercial fish species for harvest, the fishers by 1998/9 resorted to harvesting the haplochromines, Clarias carsoni and edible frogs (Xenopus kigesiensis) as alternative resources. Experimental studies have shown the need and techniques to enhance fish production on these two lakes.


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Comparative fishing experiments with 25 m bulged belly and 25 m six seam trawls were carried out to study the relative efficiency of the gear. Bulged belly trawl was found more efficient than the other at depths below 40 m. The tension and horizontal opening were more in bulged belly and six seam trawl respectively. Bulged belly caught more of prawns and lobsters but there was no significant difference in the catch of sciaenids, cephalopods and ribbon fishes in the two nets.


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Standing stock of three principal demersal fishes of the inshore waters off Mangalore was assessed. The assessment was based on fortnightly samplings conducted in an area extending over ca 850 km². The data gathered was computed employing Alverson's methods. The standing stock of Nemipterus japonicus, Saurida tumbil and Grammoplites scaber indicates that this area supports good quantities of these fishes and if properly exploited, will sustain a profitable demersal fishery.


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Occurrence and growth rates of two species of intertidal fouling bryozoans namely Electra bengalensis (Stoliczka) and Electra crustulanta (Pallas) are presented in this paper. The former was a typically marine form, settling on panels only during the high saline conditions of the pre-monsoon period and were absent during the low salinity conditions of the monsoon period, while the latter appeared to be a typical brackish water form settling on panels during the low saline conditions existing during the monsoon and post-monsoon periods and were totally absent during the pre-monsoon months. Regression co-efficient of the former was higher than that of the latter suggesting more pronounced growth in Electra bengalensis. Maximum growth for this species was noticed during March, April and May (pre-monsoon) while for the other species growth was more or less similar during monsoon and post-monsoon months (June-January) showing that the species was at home in oligohaline and mesohaline waters.


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Consequent on the great emphasis given to irrigation, power generation and flood control, several river valley reservoirs have been formed. The fact that these reservoirs support a fairly rich fishery potential needs no special mention. The total reservoir water area in the country is 6.4 lakh h.a. (16 lakh acres) and the yield is 5 to 8 kgm/h. a. in certain reservoirs, rising up to 40 kgm/h.a. in some of the highly productive ones.


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An attempt is made to assess the available resources of demersal fishes for bottom trawling off Kakinada, in inshore waters. From the experimental fishing operation during 1964-66, the average catch per hour was 52.79 kg for 9.13 m (30') OAL mechanised boat. The catch composition was dominated by prawns and sciaenids forming 45% of the total catch. The average catch per trawling hour was more during the quarter April - June. An assessment on productive depth range has indicated that catch rate is increasing with increase in the depth of fishing.


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Species composition and some aspects of the biology of the fouling community in Neendakara port (southwest coast of India) has been examined for a period of one year. Fouling organisms were collected with a system of glass panels exposed for varying durations and during different months in the port. One species of sponge, nine species of coelenterates, thirteen species of polyzoans, four species of mud-tube dwelling polychaetes, four species of serpulids, one species each of mud-tube forming amphipod and tanaid, two species of oysters, six species of mussels and not less than eight species of tunicates were the macro fouler which settled over the panels. Monthly and seasonal settlement of the different species has been recorded. Fouling has been a continuous process occurring throughout the year in Neendakara port with slightly fluctuating biomass and considerably varying species composition. Alternate species dominance of marine and brackish water forms has been an important feature of fouling in the area. Number of species of the sedentary fouling animals represented on test panels has been high during the highly saline pre-monsoon period and low during the monsoon period.


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An interesting assemblage of commensalic organisms ranging from Protozoa to Arthropoda has been identified from the wood boring animals (molluscs and crustaceans) from the south-west coast of India. Certain aspects of the general biology of the associated ciliates such as the nature of incidence, division in relation to environmental parameters, survival outside the body of the host and reactions related to the general condition of the host are described. Results are also presented of the tolerance of the rare commensalic hydroid Eutima commensalis to different salinities of the medium.


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V shaped all steel boards, with their inherent stability to tide over obstacles and mud, interchangeability of starboard and portside boards are found to be superior to conventional flat rectangular boards for bottom trawling. These are cheaper in construction, offer less resistance and give longer service. Comparative trials with the two types of boards showed significant difference in tension between the boards but not in catch or horizontal opening.


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Vertical distribution of marine wood boring and fouling organisms from three different estuarine areas namely, the Ernakulam channel in the Cochin backwaters, Ayiramthengu in the Kayamkulam Lake and Neendakara in the Asthamudi Lake during the post-monsoon, the pre-monsoon and the monsoon periods is presented. The boring organisms noticed during the present study were Martesia striata, Teredo furcifera, Nausitora hedleyi and Sphaeroma terebrans. The dominant fouling organisms were Balanus amphitrite amphitrite, calcareous worms and Modiolus sp. Algae and diatoms were very common on the sub-tidal panels during the monsoon. The incidence of Teredo, Nausitora and calcareous tube worms were significantly high on the bottom panels. Sphaeroma, Balanus and Modiolus occurred in greater numbers on the intertidal panels.