962 resultados para Chromosome number variation
Karyotypes of the blind catfish Pimelodella kronei from three different caves in the southwestern part of the State of São Paulo, Brazil, and of its presumed ancestor Pimelodella transitoria were examined. Chromosome number and formula, as well as C-banding pattern and NOR location were found to be the same in both species, supporting the hypothesis of a close relationship and even conspecificity of P. kronei and P. transitoria.
The chromosome number and meiotic cycle of triatomines were investigated. All five species presented the same diploid chromosome number, 2n = 22 (20A + XY in the male). Phylogenetic relationships based on chromosomal evidence and C-banded karyotypes in the subfamily are discussed. It is suggested that differences in DNA content are mainly due to variations in the amount of C-heterochromatin, which may be interpreted as loss and/or gain of C-regions. This interpretation is supported by the presence of meiotic and mitotic chromocentres which facilitate the transfer of C-positive material.
Four fish species of the family Pimelodidae were analyzed. Bergiaria westermani and two different Pimelodus species have the same diploid chromosome number (2n - 56). Despite some differences in chromosome structure, these species are highly similar in karyotype and differ from Pimelodella sp., which presents a reduction in chromosome number to 2n = 46. The data confirm the extensive chromosome variability existing in this family, characterized by intraindividual and/or population polymorphisms of a structural nature which may or may not be sexlinked, and by the presence of supernumerary chromosomes.
Specimens of Hyla nana and Hyla sanborni from a syntopic population were studied cytogenetically. These species are morphologically very similar and are frequently misidentified, confused with each other. Both species had a diploid chromosome number, 2n = 30. However, the karyotypes of H. nana and H. sanborni differed considerably from each other in the number of submetacentric and telocentric chromosomes. The two species also differed in their primary NOR-bearing chromosomes (metacentric pair 13 in H. nana and telocentric pair 12 in H. sanborni). Additional nucleolus organizer regions (NORs) were detected by Ag-NOR staining and FISH in chromosome pairs 1, 5, 6, 12, and 14 in seven specimens of H. nana. Thus, a total of six patterns of NOR were identified. These differences in karyotype and in NOR location allowed the unambiguous identification of syntopic individuals of the two species. However, the chromosomal morphology of both species differed from that reported for populations from other geographic regions, suggesting that a systematic reevaluation of this group of Hyla may be necessary.
The occurrence of a natural triploid among diploid individuals of Eigenmannia sp from the Amazon basin is described. The diploid individuals had 2n=31 and 32 chromosomes, the difference in chromosome number being due to a Robertsonian rearrangement. The triploid individual presented 2n=46 and had two fused acrocentrics. NOR activity was present in the three homologues of triploid and a NOR polymorphism was detected in the triploid and diploids. © 1985 Dr W. Junk Publishers.
Cytogenetic studies of three species of the subfamily Glandulocaudinae showed that Mimagoniates microlepis presents 2n = 52 chromosomes (6M + 20SM + 18ST + 8A), Mimagoniates lateralis presents 2n = 52 chromosomes (6M + 20SM + 16ST + 10A) and Glandalocauda melanogenys presents 2n = 52 chromosomes (4M + 12SM + 22ST + 14A). The number of NOR-bearing chromosome pairs ranged from two to four. Differences in number and position of NORs at the species and population levels were detected, suggesting that several chromosome rearrangements occurred in the evolutionary process of this group. Some aspects related to the chromosome evolution of the Glandulocaudinae are discussed.
The chromosomic constitution of the Marsh Deer (Blastocerus dichotomus) was studied in 18 males and 18 females, mainly from the Tiete river basin in Sao Paulo State, Brazil. The species diploid number was determined to be 66 chromosomes and the fundamental number (FN), 74. The X and the Y were the largest and the smallest chromosome, respectively. Large amounts of the constitutive heterochromatin marked by the C band were located in the centromeric region of all the acrocentric chromosomes. The first chromosome pair was not marked and the second and third pairs showed weak centromeric markings. The X chromosome showed two strong telomeric markings while the Y was C band negative. Chromosomes four and five were the NOR carriers. Polymorphism for this band was observed in pair four. The results of this study are in agreement with other reports in the literature, in spite of the different origin of the animals.
Karyotype studies in eight species of Dalechampia, including 10 natural populations, revealed chromosome numbers (2n = 36, 46, 138 and 198) differing from two numbers cited in the literature (2n = 44 and 72). The basic number x = 6, as in the genus Acalypha, may be considered ancestral in Dalechampia. Analysis of Chromosome number, haploid chromosome length and karyotype symmetry suggests that the major chromosome mechanism acting in karyotype evolution of Dalechampia is polyploidy, but differences in chromosome morphology may be caused by chromosome rearrangements.
In the laboratory of cytogenetics of the DBAA-UNESP we are studying the karyotipe of some Brazilian Palms. To determine the best protocol, methods of seed germination, inhibition of mitosis, time to pick up the roots and staining were analyzed. The results shown that the seed germination in sphagnum is effective to achieve good roots. The best time to collect the root tips is between 11 to 12 AM., when there are more cell metaphases. The inhibition of mitosis cycle at metaphases may be effective both with 8-hydroxiquinoleine (0,03% -5 hours) or with cold water (0°C - 18-20 hours). The staining with Giemsa 2% showed the best chromosome figures in the metaphases. Now, to get good metaphases slides the method in use in the lab is: 1) seed germination in sphagnum at room temperature and high humidity; 2) The major roots are cut maintaining at least 5 cm, because this technic allows new emergence of roots, increasing the number of roots collected per germinated seed, that is very important in some species with poor germination rates; 3) To get the mitosis inhibition we are using cold water (0°C) treatment for 18-20 hours, following the standard protocols for conservation and hydrolysis; or enzyme digestion with pectinasecellulase 4) the staining procedures are made using Giemsa 2%. The Brazilian palms species studied and their respective chromosome number were: Aiphanes acanthophylla (2n=30), A. caryotaefolia (2n=30), Syagrus quinquifaria (2n=32), S. coronata (2n=32), S. romanzoffiana (2n=32), Euterpe edulis (2n=36), E. oleracea (2n=36), Copernicia prunifera (2n=36), Scheelea lauromuelleriana (2n=32) and Bactris gasipaes (2n=30).
Seven species of the genus Eucalyptus were studied cytogenetically (E. deanei, E. dunni, E. grandis, E. maculata E. propinqua, E. saligna and E. tereticornis). The species showed a symmetrical karyotype with 2n=22 chromosomes, with chromosome length ranging from 0.58 μm to 1.39 μm. Karyotypic analysis indicated homogeneity of morphology and of chromosome number for most of the species of this genus studied here, although casual disploid species with 2n=24 have been found in previous studies. According to these data, a basic number of x=11 was established for this genus. The evolutionary tendency probably occurred by structural alterations (deletions, duplications, additions and translocations) and in some cases by aneuploid chromosome alterations.
The mitotic and meiotic chromosomes of the beetles Epicauta atomaria (Meloidae) and Palembus dermestoides (Tenebrionidae) were analysed using standard staining, C-banding and silver impregnation techniques. We determine the diploid and haploid chromosome numbers, the sex determination system and describe the chromosomal morphology, the C-banding pattern and the chromosome(s) bearing NORs (nucleolar organizer regions). Both species shown 2n = 20 chromosomes, the chromosomal meioformula 9 + Xyp, and regular chromosome segregation during anaphases I and II. The chromosomes of E. atomaria are basically metacentric or submetacentric and P. dermestoides chromosomes are submetacentric or subtelocentric. In both beetles the constitutive heterochromatin is located in the pericentromeric region in all autosomes and in the Xp chromosome; additional C-bands were observed in telomeric region of the short arm in some autosomes in P. dermestoides. The yp chromosome did not show typical C-bands in these species. As for the synaptonemal complex, the nucleolar material is associated to the 7th bivalent in E. atomaria and 3rd and 7th bivalents in P. dermestoides. Strong silver impregnated material was observed in association with Xyp in light and electron microscopy preparations in these species and this material was interpreted to be related to nucleolar material.
In this paper we provide a cytogenetic analysis of Paratelmatobius cardosoi and Paratelmatobius poecilogaster. The karyotypes of both species showed a diploid number of 24 chromosomes and shared some similarity in the morphology of some pairs. On the other hand, pairs 4 and 6 widely differed between these complements. These karyotypes also differed in their NOR number and location. Size heteromorphism was seen in all NOR-bearing chromosomes of the two karyotypes. In addition, both karyotypes showed small centromeric C-bands and a conspicuous heterochromatic band in the short arm of chromosome 1, although with a different size in each species. The P. cardosoi complement also showed other strongly stained non-centromeric C-bands, with no counterparts in the P. cardosoi karyotype. Chromosome staining with fluorochromes revealed heterogeneity in the base composition of two of the non-centromeric C-bands of P. cardosoi. Comparison of the chromosomal morphology of these Paratelmatobius karyotypes with that of P. lutzii showed that the P. poecilogaster karyotype is more similar to that of P. lutzii than P. cardosoi. These cytogenetic results agree with the proposed species arrangements in the P. cardosoi and P. lutzii groups based on morphological and ecological data.