905 resultados para Choledocal cyst


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Using the Late Miocene to Pliocene organic-walled dinoflagellate cyst record of ODP Site 1081 we reconstruct and discuss the early upwelling history over the Walvis Ridge with a special focus on the movement of the Angola-Benguela Front (ABF). We suggest that during the Late Miocene the Angola Current flowed southwards over the Walvis Ridge more frequently than today because the ABF was probably located further south as a result of a weaker meridional temperature gradient. A possible strengthening of the meridional gradient during the latest Miocene to early Pliocene in combination with uplift of south-western Africa intensified the upwelling along the coast and increased the upwelling's filaments over the Walvis Ridge. An intermediate period from 6.2 to 5.5 Ma is shown by the dominance of Habibacysta tectata, cysts of a cool-tolerant dinoflagellate known from the northern Atlantic, indicating changing oceanic conditions contemporaneous with the Messinian Salinity Crisis. From 4.3 Ma on, the upwelling signal got stronger again and waters were well-mixed and nutrient-rich. Our results indicate a northward migration of the ABF as early as 7 Ma and the initial stepwise intensification of the BUS.


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The intercellular distribution of the enzymes and metabolites of assimilatory sulfate reduction and glutathione synthesis was analyzed in maize (Zea mays L. cv LG 9) leaves. Mesophyll cells and strands of bundle-sheath cells from second leaves of 11-d-old maize seedlings were obtained by two different mechanical-isolation methods. Cross-contamination of cell preparations was determined using ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase (EC and nitrate reductase (EC as marker enzymes for bundle-sheath and mesophyll cells, respectively. ATP sulfurylase (EC and adenosine 5′-phosphosulfate sulfotransferase activities were detected almost exclusively in the bundle-sheath cells, whereas GSH synthetase (EC and cyst(e)ine, γ-glutamylcysteine, and glutathione were located predominantly in the mesophyll cells. Feeding experiments using [35S]sulfate with intact leaves indicated that cyst(e)ine was the transport metabolite of reduced sulfur from bundle-sheath to mesophyll cells. This result was corroborated by tracer experiments, which showed that isolated bundle-sheath strands fed with [35S]sulfate secreted radioactive cyst(e)ine as the sole thiol into the resuspending medium. The results presented in this paper show that assimilatory sulfate reduction is restricted to the bundle-sheath cells, whereas the formation of glutathione takes place predominantly in the mesophyll cells, with cyst(e)ine functioning as a transport metabolite between the two cell types.


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Late Weichselian and Holocene dinoflagellate cyst assemblages have been investigated at two stations situated close to the modern Polar Front at the continental margin oft East Greenland. Both the concentrations of dinoflagelate cysts and the assemblage composition reflect changes in the surface water conditions, occurring in distinct steps during the past 15,000 years. Low concentrations of dinoflagellate cysts during Termination Ia suggest harsh environmental conditions, most probably caused by an extensive sea-ice cover and/or a high influx of low salinity meltwater. A surface water warming was recorded from 13,000 - 12,000 years BP, related to the inflow of warmer water trom the North Atlantic into the western Norwegian-Greenland Sea. The interval between Terminations la and Ib was characterized by a strong seasonality with an extensive sea-ice cover in winter and relatively warm surface waters in summer. At the transition to the Holocene, a reorganisation of the hydrography resulted in surface water conditions characteristic for the Holocene with three well-defined major water masses and oceanographic fronts The modern water mass conditions at both stations were established at the end of Termination Ib, around 6,400 to 6,800 years BP. In general, the influence of colder surface waters was more pronounced at the location off Scoresby Sund throughout the Holocene. Arctic water had the strongest influence at both stations in the middle Holocene. A progressive cooling with an increase in sea-ice cover is time-transgressivelyrecorded at both stations during the Holocene, indicating that the Polar Front moved to its present position or that branches of the zonal currents expanded from the East Greenland shell eastward during tlie last 3,000 years.