751 resultados para Chilean rangeland
Concerns of reduced productivity and land degradation in the Mitchell grasslands of central western Queensland were addressed through a range monitoring program to interpret condition and trend. Botanical and eclaphic parameters were recorded along piosphere and grazing gradients, and across fenceline impact areas, to maximise changes resulting from grazing. The Degradation Gradient Method was used in conjunction with State and Transition Models to develop models of rangeland dynamics and condition. States were found to be ordered along a degradation gradient, indicator species developed according to rainfall trends and transitions determined from field data and available literature. Astrebla spp. abundance declined with declining range condition and increasing grazing pressure, while annual grasses and forbs increased in dominance under poor range condition. Soil erosion increased and litter decreased with decreasing range condition. An approach to quantitatively define states within a variable rainfall environment based upon a time-series ordination analysis is described. The derived model could provide the interpretive framework necessary to integrate on-ground monitoring, remote sensing and geographic information systems to trace states and transitions at the paddock scale. However, further work is needed to determine the full catalogue of states and transitions and to refine the model for application at the paddock scale.
Fifteen years ago it was proposed that the conversion of kangaroos from a pest to an economically valuable resource would allow graziers to reduce the numbers of domestic stock and thereby lower total grazing pressure. Since then, little progress towards this goal has been achieved. This is believed to be due mainly to the low prices obtained for kangaroo products. A survey of graziers in south-west Queensland was carried out to discover their opinions on kangaroos as a potential economic resource. Questions on the harvesting of feral goats were also included in the survey because of the contrast this industry provides to kangaroo harvesting in terms of grazier involvement. The results of the survey are discussed in relation to resource ownership rights; kangaroo product prices and marketing; and competition within the kangaroo harvesting industry. They show that while low kangaroo product prices do act as a disincentive to graziers, other administrative, legal and institutional factors are also important impediments to their entry to the industry. It is concluded that until the focus of attention widens to include consideration of these as well as just market factors, little progress will be made towards integrating graziers into the kangaroo harvesting industry.
OBJECTIVE To analyze the effectiveness of the Chilean System of Childhood Welfare in transferring benefits to socially vulnerable families. METHODS A cross-sectional study with a sample of 132 families from the Metropolitan Region, Chile, stratified according to degree of social vulnerability, between September 2011 and January 2012. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with mothers of the studied families in public health facilities or their households. The variables studied were family structure, psychosocial risk in the family context and integrated benefits from the welfare system in families that fulfill the necessary requirements for transfer of benefits. Descriptive statistics to measure location and dispersion were calculated. A binary logistic regression, which accounts for the sample size of the study, was carried out. RESULTS The groups were homogenous regarding family size, the presence of biological father in the household, the number of relatives living in the same dwelling, income generation capacity and the rate of dependency and psychosocial risk (p ≥ 0.05). The transfer of benefits was low in all three groups of the sample (≤ 23.0%). The benefit with the best coverage in the system was the Single Family Subsidy, whose transfer was associated with the size of the family, the presence of relatives in the dwelling, the absence of the father in the household, a high rate of dependency and a high income generation capacity (p ≤ 0.10). CONCLUSIONS The effectiveness of benefit transfer was poor, especially in families that were extremely socially vulnerable. Further explanatory studies of benefit transfers to the vulnerable population, of differing intensity and duration, are required in order to reduce health disparities and inequalities.
Background: Little is known about the risk of progression to hazardous alcohol use in people currently drinking at safe limits. We aimed to develop a prediction model (predictAL) for the development of hazardous drinking in safe drinkers. Methods: A prospective cohort study of adult general practice attendees in six European countries and Chile followed up over 6 months. We recruited 10,045 attendees between April 2003 to February 2005. 6193 European and 2462 Chilean attendees recorded AUDIT scores below 8 in men and 5 in women at recruitment and were used in modelling risk. 38 risk factors were measured to construct a risk model for the development of hazardous drinking using stepwise logistic regression. The model was corrected for over fitting and tested in an external population. The main outcome was hazardous drinking defined by an AUDIT score >= 8 in men and >= 5 in women. Results: 69.0% of attendees were recruited, of whom 89.5% participated again after six months. The risk factors in the final predictAL model were sex, age, country, baseline AUDIT score, panic syndrome and lifetime alcohol problem. The predictAL model's average c-index across all six European countries was 0.839 (95% CI 0.805, 0.873). The Hedge's g effect size for the difference in log odds of predicted probability between safe drinkers in Europe who subsequently developed hazardous alcohol use and those who did not was 1.38 (95% CI 1.25, 1.51). External validation of the algorithm in Chilean safe drinkers resulted in a c-index of 0.781 (95% CI 0.717, 0.846) and Hedge's g of 0.68 (95% CI 0.57, 0.78). Conclusions: The predictAL risk model for development of hazardous consumption in safe drinkers compares favourably with risk algorithms for disorders in other medical settings and can be a useful first step in prevention of alcohol misuse.
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.
In order to create safer schools, the Chilean authorities published a Standard regarding school furniture dimensions. The aims of this study are twofold: to verify the existence of positive secular trend within the Chilean student population and to evaluate the potential mismatch between the anthropometric characteristics and the school furniture dimensions defined by the mentioned standard. The sample consists of 3078 subjects. Eight anthropometric measures were gathered, together with six furniture dimensions from the mentioned standard. There is an average increase for some dimensions within the Chilean student population over the past two decades. Accordingly, almost 18% of the students will find the seat height to be too high. Seat depth will be considered as being too shallow for 42.8% of the students. It can be concluded that the Chilean student population has increased in stature, which supports the need to revise and update the data from the mentioned Standard. Practitioner Summary: Positive secular trend resulted in high levels of mismatch if furniture is selected according to the current Chilean Standard which uses data collected more than 20 years ago. This study shows that school furniture standards need to be updated over time.
El presente proyecto se desarrolló en tres universidades argentinas, una chilena y una portuguesa. En las universidades latinoamericanas asisten sujetos de distintas etnias (huarpes, aymarás, wichi, mapuches). Fueron objetivos de la investigación: a) identificar las motivaciones del ingreso a la Universidad y la evolución de sus expectativas (de futuro, de trabajo); b) conocer las representaciones que tienen del valor de la educación como vía de progreso; c) conocer las estrategias institucionales (curriculares, de convivencia, de servicios) para integrarlos y retenerlos. Los hallazgos muestran la baja efectividad de los programas implementados, con altos índices de fracaso y abandono.
In this paper it is studied the action of vinasse as compared to mineral fertilizers. Beans, corn, cotton and sesame were cultivated in randomized blocks receiving the following treatments: A = mineral fertilizers (N, P, K); V = vinasse at the rate of 1,000,000 liters per Ha; AV = mineral fertilizers + vinasse; T = control. Statistical analysis of the experiments has consistently revealed the superiority of vinasse either combined or not with the mineral fertilizers over the remaining treatments. There was no significant difference between V and AV which shows the surprizing role of vinasse when applied to light soils such as those employed in the present experiments. By employing 1,000,000 liters of vinasse to the hectare the following amounts of nutrientes were applied to the crops in this experiment: 470 Kg of nitrogen 50 Kg of P2O5 and 3,100 Kg of K2O corresponds to 3,133 Kg of Chilean nitrate/ha 250 Kg of superphosphate and 5,160 Kg of muriate of potash Hence one cannot say that the action of vinasse is of a purely physical nature. In our opinion its outstanding action is due to: 1st raise in the pH value of the soil; 2nd addition of a tremendous amount of plant nutrients; 3rd supplying organic matter in a very finely divided state with all its benefical effects in soil structure, water holding capacity, adsorption of nutrients to prevent leaching, etc. A rotation experiment is now being carried out to study the residual effect of vinasse.
This paper relates the results of an experiment designed to study the comparative effects of several phosphates applied to corn crops. The following phosphates were applied to a latin square of 6x6: Latif (a rock phosphate), fospal, superphosphate, fertifos, hiperfosfato and serranafosfato (a fusion phosphate). The nutrients were employd at the rates of 200 kg of N (as Chilean nitrate), 200kg of K2O (as muriate of potash) and 200 kg of P205. To correct the acidity and to improve the poor physical conditions of the sandy soil studied limestone (450 kg/Ha) and cotton seed meal (900 kg/Ha) were added to all plots; liming was made one month in advance to the planting. In the second year, in the same place, the split-plot technique was used: half plot received only N and K20 whereas the other half received the same treatment as the year before. The results can be summarized as follows: 1. in the first year, superphosphate of lime, produced better results than the other phosphates; there was no significant difference among fertifos, serranafosfato, and hiperfosfato but these phosphates proved to be superior to fospal and Latif; 2. in the second year, superphosphate, fertifos and serranafosfato produced practically the same effect, being better than hiperfosfato, fospal, and Latif which did not differ signicantly; 3. the increase in yield due to the reapplication of phosphates to the half plots was not advantageous under an economic point of view; however, it is interesting to note that the yield was still benefited in spite of the heavy doses of phosphates applied the year before.
The author carried out an experiment of watering of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) in the vegetable garden of the Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz", with soil of the type know as "terra roxa". Eight treatments, with 4 replications, were used, divided into 3 groups, as follows: Group A - Watering once a day, late, in the afternoon, with 5, 10 and 15 liters per square meter; Group B - Watering twice a day, with 10 and 15 liters per square meter, one half in the morning, one half late in the afternoon; Group C - Watering as in group A, but with a 0.1% Chilean nitrate of soda, every 3 days. The size of plots was 2,0 x 2,0 meters. The means obtained, with their respective standard errors, were the following: Group A- (4295 ± 53 gm.) 5 lit./sq.m. 4120 ± 92 gm. 10 lit./ sq. m. 4248 ± 92 gm. 15 lit./sq.m. 4518 + 92 gm. Group B- (4091 ± 65 gm.) 10 lit./sq.m. 3960 ± 92 gm. 15 lit./ sq. m. 4223 ± 92 gm. Group C- (4490 ± 53 gm.) 5 lit./ sq. m. 4300 ± 92 gm. 10 lit./sq.m. 4480 ± 92 gm. 15 lit./sq.m. 4690 ± 92 gm. Differences between groups, as well as within them were significant, even if within groups B the 5% probability level was not quite reached.
The rate of nitrification of several nitrogenous fertilizers (ammonium sulfate, nitre-chalk, ureia, and cottonseed meal) was studied in three soils, namely, "terra roxa legítima", a red soil derived from basalt, "terra roxa misturada", a soil also derived from basalt but with a higher proportion of sand, and "areito Corumbataí", a sandy soil. The effects of the following treatments on nitrification were considered: addition of limestone of micronutrients (Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn, and Mo), and inoculation with a suspension of spores of Aspergillus wentii, a heterotrophic nitrifier. The results showed that: in "terra roxa legítima" limestone had no influence on the nitrification rate, whereas the micronutrients estimulated the oxidation of nitre-chalk, cottonseed meal and urea; inoculation with A. wentii helped only the nitrification of ammonium sulfate and of the cottonseed meal; the latter, in all the treatments employed gave use to a smaller amount of nitrates; in "terra roxa misturada", all the fertilizers depending upon the treatments they were subjected to, presented maximum values for nitrification; limestone estimulated the oxidation of ammonium sulfate as well as the mineralization of the cottonseed meal; the addition of micronutrients helped the nitrification of all the fertilizers, except that of urea; inoculation showed a benefical influence on the nitrification of ammonium sulfate and cottonseed meal; in "arenito de Corumbatai", the amounts of nitrates produced was roughly the same for all the fertilizers investigated; limestone estimulated the nitrification of nitro-chalk, ammonium sulfate and cottonseed meal whilst the addition of micronutrients benefited only the latter two; the inoculation with A. wentii helped the oxidation of all the fertilizers. In order to study the availability of the various fertilizers above discussed, two plant growing experiments were carried cut, one in pots, using the three soil types and another one in the field, with "terra roxa misturada". In "arenito de Corumbatai" there was no significant difference in the yield both of straw and rice grains for none of the fertilizers: Chilean nitrate of soda was used as a control; ho marked agreement could be detected between the data concerning nitrification and the yield results. In "terra roxa legítima", ammonium sulfate won the competition and there was a good parallelism between nitrification and yield. In "terra roxa misturada", there was no statistical difference among the various fertilizers; the agreement between nitrification and yields was reasonable. In the field (corn), Chilean nitrate, ammonium sulfate and nitro-chalk were clearly beter than urea and cottonseed meal which did not differ from the minus nitrogen plots.
The results reported in this paper did not show statistical differences in production of seeds, number of plants and number of ears when corn fertilizer (combination of Chilean nitrate, superphosphate and potassium chloride) was applied either in the sowing furrow or in lateral furrows (one or both side). The treatments with fertilizer were better than the treatment without fertilizer used for comparisons. Cotton seed meal, used in combination with superphosphate and potassium chloride, placed in the sowing furrow, reduces statistically the number of plants in the row when compared with the treatments where applications were made only in lateral furrows. However, this reduction of plants did not affect significantly the number of ears and the production in the treatments.
Six new species of Dasyhelea Kieffer, 1911 from Argentinean and Chilean Patagonia are described and illustrated based on adults. Five of these species do not belong to any of the recognized groups found in the Americas. The remaining one, Dasyhelea pabloi sp. nov. is a typical member of the leptobranchia group and is the first record of a species from this group found in the Neotropical region.