759 resultados para Cerebellar ataxia


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Eine dreizehnjährige, weibliche, nicht kastrierte Hauskatze wurde zur chirurgischen Therapie eines multiplen Meningeoms in der Kleintierklinik des Tierspital Bern vorgestellt. Eine leichtgradige generalisierte Ataxie wurde beobachtet, die Propriozeption war generalisiert herabgesetzt und der Drohreflex war beidseitig reduziert. Es wurden eine prä- und eine postoperative Magnetrezonanztomographie durchgeführt. Drei supratentoriale extra-axiale Raumforderungen wurden diagnostiziert. Eine vierte Masse wurde infratentorial extra-axial über der linken zerebellären Hemisphere lokalisiert. Eine Herniation des kaudoventralen Kleinhirn (Vermis) von ungefähr einem Zentimeter Länge durch das Foramen magnum wurde beobachtet. Eine zervikale Syringohydromyelie wurde als Zufallsbefund diagnostiziert. Die Meningeome wurden durch 3 Kraniotomiestellen entfernt. Zwei Jahre nach der Operation ist die Katze normal. Anhand der vorhandenen Literatur wird die tumor-assoziierte Syringohydromyelie besprochen. Die Therapie der Syringohydromyelie sollte gegen den kausalen pathologischen Prozess (z.B. intrakranieller Tumor) für die Liquorzirkulationsstörung gerichtet sein.


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Ataxia telangiectasia (A-T) is a rare, progressive, multisystem disease that has a large number of complex and diverse manifestations which vary with age. Patients with A-T die prematurely with the leading causes of death being respiratory diseases and cancer. Respiratory manifestations include immune dysfunction leading to recurrent upper and lower respiratory infections; aspiration resulting from dysfunctional swallowing due to neurodegenerative deficits; inefficient cough; and interstitial lung disease/pulmonary fibrosis. Malnutrition is a significant comorbidity. The increased radiosensitivity and increased risk of cancer should be borne in mind when requesting radiological investigations. Aggressive proactive monitoring and treatment of these various aspects of lung disease under multidisciplinary expertise in the experience of national multidisciplinary clinics internationally forms the basis of this statement on the management of lung disease in A-T. Neurological management is outwith the scope of this document.


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In comparison to the basal ganglia, prefrontal cortex, and medial temporal lobes, the cerebellum has been absent from recent research on the neural substrates of categorization and identification, two prominent tasks in the learning and memory literature. To investigate the contribution of the cerebellum to these tasks, we tested patients with cerebellar pathology (seven with bilateral degeneration, six with unilateral lesions, and two with midline damage) on rule-based and information-integration categorization tasks and an identification task. In rule-based tasks, it is assumed that participants learn the categories through an explicit reasoning process. In information-integration tasks, optimal performance requires the integration of information from multiple stimulus dimensions, and participants are typically unaware of the decision strategy. The identification task, in contrast, required participants to learn arbitrary, color-word associations. The cerebellar patients performed similar to matched controls on all three tasks and performance did not vary with the extent of cerebellar pathology. Although the interpretation of these null results requires caution, these data contribute to the current debate on cerebellar contributions to cognition by providing boundary conditions on understanding the neural substrates of categorization and identification, and help define the functional domain of the cerebellum in learning and memory.


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The cerebellum is the major brain structure that contributes to our ability to improve movements through learning and experience. We have combined computer simulations with behavioral and lesion studies to investigate how modification of synaptic strength at two different sites within the cerebellum contributes to a simple form of motor learning—Pavlovian conditioning of the eyelid response. These studies are based on the wealth of knowledge about the intrinsic circuitry and physiology of the cerebellum and the straightforward manner in which this circuitry is engaged during eyelid conditioning. Thus, our simulations are constrained by the well-characterized synaptic organization of the cerebellum and further, the activity of cerebellar inputs during simulated eyelid conditioning is based on existing recording data. These simulations have allowed us to make two important predictions regarding the mechanisms underlying cerebellar function, which we have tested and confirmed with behavioral studies. The first prediction describes the mechanisms by which one of the sites of synaptic modification, the granule to Purkinje cell synapses (gr → Pkj) of the cerebellar cortex, could generate two time-dependent properties of eyelid conditioning—response timing and the ISI function. An empirical test of this prediction using small, electrolytic lesions of the cerebellar cortex revealed the pattern of results predicted by the simulations. The second prediction made by the simulations is that modification of synaptic strength at the other site of plasticity, the mossy fiber to deep nuclei synapses (mf → nuc), is under the control of Purkinje cell activity. The analysis predicts that this property should confer mf → nuc synapses with resistance to extinction. Thus, while extinction processes erase plasticity at the first site, residual plasticity at mf → nuc synapses remains. The residual plasticity at the mf → nuc site confers the cerebellum with the capability for rapid relearning long after the learned behavior has been extinguished. We confirmed this prediction using a lesion technique that reversibly disconnected the cerebellar cortex at various stages during extinction and reacquisition of eyelid responses. The results of these studies represent significant progress toward a complete understanding of how the cerebellum contributes to motor learning. ^


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The cumulative work presented here supports the hypothesis that plasticity in the cerebellar cortex and cerebellar nuclei mediates a simple associative form of motor teaming-Pavlovian eyelid conditioning. It was previously demonstrated that focal ablative lesions of cerebellar anterior lobe or pharmacological block of the cerebellar cortex output disrupted the timing of the conditioned eyeblink response, unmasking a response with a relatively fixed and very short latency to onset. The results of this thesis demonstrate that the short-latency responses are due to associative learning. Unpaired training does not support the acquisition of short-latency responses while the rate of acquisition of short-latency responses during paired training is approximately the same as that of timed conditioned responses. The acquisition of short-latency responses is dependent on an intact cerebellar cortex. Both ablative lesions of the cerebellar cortex and inactivation of cerebellar cortex output with picrotoxin block the acquisition of short-latency responses. However, once the short-latency responses are acquired neither disconnection of cerebellar cortex nor inactivation of the cerebellar nucleus block reacquisition. The results are consistent with the proposal that plasticity in the cerebellar cortex is necessary for learning the timing of conditioned responses, plasticity in the interpositus nucleus mediates the short latency responses, and cerebellar cortical output and mossy fiber input are necessary for the acquisition of short latency responses. ^


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Friedreich's ataxia is caused by the expansion of the GAA•TTC trinucleotide repeat sequence located in intron 1 of the frataxin gene. The long GAA•TTC repeats are known to form several non-B DNA structures including hairpins, triplexes, parallel DNA and sticky DNA. Therefore it is believed that alternative DNA structures play a role in the loss of mRNA transcript and functional frataxin protein in FRDA patients. We wanted to further elucidate the characteristics for formation and stability of sticky DNA by evaluating the structure in a plasmid based system in vitro and in vivo in Escherichia coli. The negative supercoil density of plasmids harboring different lengths of GAA•TTC repeats, as well as either one or two repeat tracts were studied in E. coli to determine if plasmids containing two long tracts (≥60 repeats) in a direct repeat orientation would have a different topological effect in vivo compared to plasmids that harbored only one GAA•TTC tract or two tracts of < 60 repeats. The experiments revealed that, in fact, sticky DNA forming plasmids had a lower average negative supercoil density (-σ) compared to all other control plasmids used that had the potential to form other non-B DNA structures such as triplexes or Z-DNA. Also, the requirements for in vitro dissociation and reconstitution of the DNA•DNA associated region of sticky DNA were evaluated. Results conclude that the two repeat tracts associate in the presence of negative supercoiling and MgCl 2 or MnCl2 in a time and concentration-dependent manner. Interaction of the repeat sequences was not observed in the absence of negative supercoiling and/or MgCl2 or in the presence of other monovalent or divalent cations, indicating that supercoiling and quite specific cations are needed for the association of sticky DNA. These are the first experiments studying a more specific role of supercoiling and cation influence on this DNA conformation. To support our model of the topological effects of sticky DNA in plasmids, changes in sticky DNA band migration was measured with reference to the linear DNA after treatment with increasing concentrations of ethidium bromide (EtBr). The presence of independent negative supercoil domains was confirmed by this method and found to be segregated by the DNA-DNA associated region. Sequence-specific polyamide molecules were used to test the effect of binding of the ligands to the GAA•TTC repeats on the inhibition of sticky DNA. The destabilization of the sticky DNA conformation in vitro through this binding of the polyamides demonstrated the first conceptual therapeutic approach for the treatment of FRDA at the DNA molecular level. ^ Thus, examining the properties of sticky DNA formed by these long repeat tracts is important in the elucidation of the possible role of sticky DNA in Friedreich's ataxia. ^


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The KARP-1 (Ku86 Autoantigen Related Protein-1) gene, which is expressed from the human Ku86 autoantigen locus, appears to play a role in mammalian DNA double-strand break repair as a regulator of the DNA-dependent protein kinase complex. Here we demonstrate that KARP-1 gene expression is significantly up-regulated following exposure of cells to DNA damage. KARP-1 mRNA induction was completely dependent on the ataxia telangiectasia and p53 gene products, consistent with the presence of a p53 binding site within the second intron of the KARP-1 locus. These observations link ataxia telangiectasia, p53, and KARP-1 in a common pathway.


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Many neurons of the central nervous system display multiple high voltage-activated Ca2+ currents, pharmacologically classified as L-, N-, P-, Q-, and R-type. Of these current types, the R-type is the least understood. The leading candidate for the molecular correlate of R-type currents in cerebellar granule cells is the α1E subunit, which yields Ca2+ currents very similar to the R-type when expressed in heterologous systems. As a complementary approach, we tested whether antisense oligonucleotides against α1E could decrease the expression of R-type current in rat cerebellar granule neurons in culture. Cells were supplemented with either antisense or sense oligonucleotides and whole-cell patch clamp recordings were obtained after 6–8 days in vitro. Incubation with α1E antisense oligonucleotide caused a 52.5% decrease in the peak R-type current density, from −10 ± 0.6 picoamperes/picofarad (pA/pF) (n = 6) in the untreated controls to −4.8 ± 0.8 pA/pF (n = 11) (P < 0.01). In contrast, no significant changes in the current expression were seen in sense oligonucleotide-treated cells (−11.3 ± 3.2 pA/pF). The specificity of the α1E antisense oligonucleotides was supported by the lack of change in estimates of the P/Q current amplitude. Furthermore, antisense and sense oligonucleotides against α1A did not affect R-type current expression (−11.5 ± 1.7 and −11.7 ± 1.7 pA/pF, respectively), whereas the α1A antisense oligonucleotide significantly reduced whole cell currents under conditions in which P/Q current is dominant. Our results support the hypothesis that members of the E class of α1 subunits support the high voltage-activated R-type current in cerebellar granule cells.


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Ataxia-telangiectasia (AT) is a human disease caused by mutations in the ATM gene. The neural phenotype of AT includes progressive cerebellar neurodegeneration, which results in ataxia and eventual motor dysfunction. Surprisingly, mice in which the Atm gene has been inactivated lack distinct behavioral ataxia or pronounced cerebellar degeneration, the hallmarks of the human disease. To determine whether lack of the Atm protein can nonetheless lead to structural abnormalities in the brain, we compared brains from male Atm-deficient mice with male, age-matched controls. Atm-deficient mice exhibited severe degeneration of tyrosine hydroxylase-positive, dopaminergic nigro-striatal neurons, and their terminals in the striatum. This cell loss was accompanied by a large reduction in immunoreactivity for the dopamine transporter in the striatum. A reduction in dopaminergic neurons also was evident in the ventral tegmental area. This effect was selective in that the noradrenergic nucleus locus coeruleus was normal in these mice. Behaviorally, Atm-deficient mice expressed locomotor abnormalities manifested as stride-length asymmetry, which could be corrected by peripheral application of the dopaminergic precursor l-dopa. In addition, these mice were hypersensitive to the dopamine releasing drug d-amphetamine. These results indicate that ATM deficiency can severely affect dopaminergic neurons in the central nervous system and suggest possible strategies for treating this aspect of the disease.


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Expression of the γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor α6 subunit gene is restricted to differentiated granule cells of the cerebellum and cochlear nucleus. The mechanisms underlying this limited expression are unknown. Here we have characterized the expression of a series of α6-based transgenes in adult mouse brain. A DNA fragment containing a 1-kb portion upstream of the start site(s), together with exons 1–8, can direct high-level cerebellar granule cell-specific reporter gene expression. Thus powerful granule cell-specific determinants reside within the 5′ half of the α6 subunit gene body. This intron-containing transgene appears to lack the cochlear nucleus regulatory elements. It therefore provides a cassette to deliver gene products solely to adult cerebellar granule cells.


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Neurotoxicity induced by overstimulation of N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptors is due, in part, to a sustained rise in intracellular Ca2+; however, little is known about the ensuing intracellular events that ultimately result in cell death. Here we show that overstimulation of NMDA receptors by relatively low concentrations of glutamate induces apoptosis of cultured cerebellar granule neurons (CGNs) and that CGNs do not require new RNA or protein synthesis. Glutamate-induced apoptosis of CGNs is, however, associated with a concentration- and time-dependent activation of the interleukin 1β-converting enzyme (ICE)/CED-3-related protease, CPP32/Yama/apopain (now designated caspase 3). Further, the time course of caspase 3 activation after glutamate exposure of CGNs parallels the development of apoptosis. Moreover, glutamate-induced apoptosis of CGNs is almost completely blocked by the selective cell permeable tetrapeptide inhibitor of caspase 3, Ac-DEVD-CHO but not by the ICE (caspase 1) inhibitor, Ac-YVAD-CHO. Western blots of cytosolic extracts from glutamate-exposed CGNs reveal both cleavage of the caspase 3 substrate, poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase, as well as proteolytic processing of pro-caspase 3 to active subunits. Our data demonstrate that glutamate-induced apoptosis of CGNs is mediated by a posttranslational activation of the ICE/CED-3-related cysteine protease caspase 3.