960 resultados para Cell-surface


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The enteroendocrine cell is the cornerstone of gastrointestinal chemosensation. In the intestine and colon, this cell is stimulated by nutrients, tastants that elicit the perception of flavor, and bacterial by-products; and in response, the cell secretes hormones like cholecystokinin and peptide YY--both potent regulators of appetite. The development of transgenic mice with enteroendocrine cells expressing green fluorescent protein has allowed for the elucidation of the apical nutrient sensing mechanisms of the cell. However, the basal secretory aspects of the enteroendocrine cell remain largely unexplored, particularly because a complete account of the enteroendocrine cell ultrastructure does not exist. Today, the fine ultrastructure of a specific cell can be revealed in the third dimension thanks to the invention of serial block face scanning electron microscopy (SBEM). Here, we bridged confocal microscopy with SBEM to identify the enteroendocrine cell of the mouse and study its ultrastructure in the third dimension. The results demonstrated that 73.5% of the peptide-secreting vesicles in the enteroendocrine cell are contained within an axon-like basal process. We called this process a neuropod. This neuropod contains neurofilaments, which are typical structural proteins of axons. Surprisingly, the SBEM data also demonstrated that the enteroendocrine cell neuropod is escorted by enteric glia--the cells that nurture enteric neurons. We extended these structural findings into an in vitro intestinal organoid system, in which the addition of glial derived neurotrophic factors enhanced the development of neuropods in enteroendocrine cells. These findings open a new avenue of exploration in gastrointestinal chemosensation by unveiling an unforeseen physical relationship between enteric glia and enteroendocrine cells.


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The human neocortex differs from that of other great apes in several notable regards, including altered cell cycle, prolonged corticogenesis, and increased size [1-5]. Although these evolutionary changes most likely contributed to the origin of distinctively human cognitive faculties, their genetic basis remains almost entirely unknown. Highly conserved non-coding regions showing rapid sequence changes along the human lineage are candidate loci for the development and evolution of uniquely human traits. Several studies have identified human-accelerated enhancers [6-14], but none have linked an expression difference to a specific organismal trait. Here we report the discovery of a human-accelerated regulatory enhancer (HARE5) of FZD8, a receptor of the Wnt pathway implicated in brain development and size [15, 16]. Using transgenic mice, we demonstrate dramatic differences in human and chimpanzee HARE5 activity, with human HARE5 driving early and robust expression at the onset of corticogenesis. Similar to HARE5 activity, FZD8 is expressed in neural progenitors of the developing neocortex [17-19]. Chromosome conformation capture assays reveal that HARE5 physically and specifically contacts the core Fzd8 promoter in the mouse embryonic neocortex. To assess the phenotypic consequences of HARE5 activity, we generated transgenic mice in which Fzd8 expression is under control of orthologous enhancers (Pt-HARE5::Fzd8 and Hs-HARE5::Fzd8). In comparison to Pt-HARE5::Fzd8, Hs-HARE5::Fzd8 mice showed marked acceleration of neural progenitor cell cycle and increased brain size. Changes in HARE5 function unique to humans thus alter the cell-cycle dynamics of a critical population of stem cells during corticogenesis and may underlie some distinctive anatomical features of the human brain.


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The calcifying coccolithophores have been proposed as a potentially vulnerable group in the face of increasing surface ocean CO2 levels. A full understanding of the likely responses of this group requires better mechanistic information on pH- and CO2-sensitive processes that underlie cell function at molecular, cellular and population levels. New findings on the mechanisms of pH homeostasis at a molecular and cellular level in both diatoms and coccolithophores are shaping our understanding of how these important groups may respond or acclimate to changing ocean pH. Critical parameters including intracellular pH homeostasis and cell surface pH will be considered. These studies are being carried out in parallel with genetic studies of natural oceanic populations to assess the natural genetic and physiological diversity that will underlie adaptation of populations in the long term.


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Langerin is a C-type lectin expressed by a subset of dendritic leukocytes, the Langerhans cells (LC). Langerin is a cell surface receptor that induces the formation of an LC-specific organelle, the Birbeck granule (BG). We generated a langerin(-/-) mouse on a C57BL/6 background which did not display any macroscopic aberrant development. In the absence of langerin, LC were detected in normal numbers in the epidermis but the cells lacked BG. LC of langerin(-/-) mice did not present other phenotypic alterations compared to wild-type littermates. Functionally, the langerin(-/-) LC were able to capture antigen, to migrate towards skin draining lymph nodes, and to undergo phenotypic maturation. In addition, langerin(-/-) mice were not impaired in their capacity to process native OVA protein for I-A(b)-restricted presentation to CD4(+) T lymphocytes or for H-2K(b)-restricted cross-presentation to CD8(+) T lymphocytes. langerin(-/-) mice inoculated with mannosylated or skin-tropic microorganisms did not display an altered pathogen susceptibility. Finally, chemical mutagenesis resulted in a similar rate of skin tumor development in langerin(-/-) and wild-type mice. Overall, our data indicate that langerin and BG are dispensable for a number of LC functions. The langerin(-/-) C57BL/6 mouse should be a valuable model for further functional exploration of langerin and the role of BG.


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DC-LAMP, a member of the lysosomal-associated membrane protein (LAMP) family, is specifically expressed by human dendritic cells (DC) upon activation and therefore serves as marker of human DC maturation. DC-LAMP is detected first in activated human DC within MHC class II molecules-containing compartments just before the translocation of MHC class II-peptide complexes to the cell surface, suggesting a possible involvement in this process. The present study describes the cloning and characterization of mouse DC-LAMP, whose predicted protein sequence is over 50% identical to the human counterpart. The mouse DC-LAMP gene spans over 25 kb and shares syntenic chromosomal localization (16B2-B4 and 3q26) and conserved organization with the human DC-LAMP gene. Analysis of mouse DC-LAMP mRNA and protein revealed the expression in lung peripheral cells, but also its unexpected absence from mouse lymphoid organs and from mouse DC activated either in vitro or in vivo. In conclusion, mouse DC-LAMP is not a marker of mature mouse DC and this observation raises new questions regarding the role of human DC-LAMP in human DC.


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The checkpoint in cell development that controls successful T cell receptor (TCR) gene rearrangements remains poorly characterized. Using mice expressing a reporter gene 'knocked into' the Tcrd constant region gene, we have characterized many of the events that mark the life of early cells in the adult thymus. We identify the developmental stage during which the Tcrd locus 'opens' in early T cell progenitors and show that a single checkpoint controls cell development during the penultimate CD4-CD8- stage. Passage through this checkpoint required the assembly of TCR heterodimers on the cell surface and signaling via the Lat adaptor protein. In addition, we show that selection triggered a phase of sustained proliferation similar to that induced by the pre-TCR.


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Tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) has recently attracted attention as a potential therapeutic agent in the treatment of cancer. We assessed the roles of p53, TRAIL receptors, and cellular Fas-associated death domain-like interleukin-1beta-converting enzyme inhibitory protein (c-FLIP) in regulating the cytotoxic effects of recombinant TRAIL (rTRAIL) alone and in combination with chemotherapy [5-fluorouracil (5-FU), oxaliplatin, and irinotecan] in a panel of colon cancer cell lines. Using clonogenic survival and flow cytometric analyses, we showed that chemotherapy sensitized p53 wild-type, mutant, and null cell lines to TRAIL-mediated apoptosis. Although chemotherapy treatment did not modulate mRNA or cell surface expression of the TRAIL receptors death receptor 4, death receptor 5, decoy receptor 1, or decoy receptor 2, it was found to down-regulate expression of the caspase-8 inhibitor, c-FLIP. Stable overexpression of the long c-FLIP splice form but not the short form was found to inhibit chemotherapy/rTRAIL-induced apoptosis. Furthermore, siRNA-mediated down-regulation of c-FLIP, particularly the long form, was found to sensitize colon cancer cells to rTRAIL-induced apoptosis. In addition, treatment of a 5-FU-resistant cell line with 5-FU down-regulated c-FLIP expression and sensitized the chemotherapy-resistant cell line to rTRAIL. We conclude that TRAIL-targeted therapies may be used to enhance conventional chemotherapy regimens in colon cancer regardless of tumor p53 status. Furthermore, inhibition of c-FLIP may be a vital accessory strategy for the optimal use of TRAIL-targeted therapies.


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c-FLIP inhibits caspase 8 activation and apoptosis mediated by death receptors such as Fas and DR5. We studied the effect of c-FLIP on the apoptotic response to chemotherapies used in colorectal cancer (CRC) (5-fluorouracil, oxaliplatin and irinotecan). Simultaneous downregulation of both c-FLIP splice forms c-FLIP(L) and c-FLIP(S) with siRNA synergistically enhanced chemotherapy-induced apoptosis in p53 wild-type (HCT116p53(+/+), RKO), null (HCT116p53(-/-)) and mutant (H630) CRC cell lines. Furthermore, overexpression of c-FLIP(L), but not c-FLIP(S), potently inhibited apoptosis induced by chemotherapy in HCT116p53(+/+) cells, suggesting that c-FLIP(L) was the more important splice form in mediating chemoresistance. In support of this, siRNA specifically targeted against c-FLIP(L) synergistically enhanced chemotherapy-induced apoptosis in a manner similar to the siRNA targeted against both splice forms. Inhibition of caspase 8 blocked the enhanced apoptosis induced by c-FLIP-targeted (FT) siRNA and chemotherapy. Furthermore, we found that downregulating cell surface DR5, but not Fas, also inhibited apoptosis induced by FT siRNA and chemotherapy. Interestingly, these effects were not dependent on activation of DR5 by its ligand TRAIL. These results indicate that c-FLIP inhibits TRAIL-independent, DR5- and caspase 8-dependent apoptosis in response to chemotherapy in CRC cells. Moreover, targeting c-FLIP in combination with existing chemotherapies may have therapeutic potential for the treatment of CRC.


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The cellular prion protein (PrPC) is widely expressed in neural and non-neural tissues, but its function is unknown. Elucidation of the part played by PrPC in adaptive immunity has been a particular conundrum: increased expression of cell surface PrPC has been documented during T-cell activation, yet the functional significance of this activation remains unclear, with conflicting data on the effects of Prnp gene knockout on various parameters of T-cell immunity. We show here that Prnp mRNA is highly inducible within 8–24 h of T-cell activation, with surface protein levels rising from 24 h. When measured in parallel with CD69 and CD25, PrPC is a late activation antigen. Consistent with its up-regulation being a late activation event, PrP deletion did not alter T-cell-antigen presenting cell conjugate formation. Most important, activated PrP0/0 T cells demonstrated much reduced induction of several T helper (Th) 1, Th2, and Th17 cytokines, whereas others, such as TNF- and IL-9, were unaffected. These changes were investigated in the context of an autoimmune model and a bacterial challenge model. In experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, PrP-knockout mice showed enhanced disease in the face of reduced IL-17 responses. In a streptococcal sepsis model, this constrained cytokine program was associated with poorer local control of infection, although with reduced bacteremia. The findings indicate that PrPC is a potentially important molecule influencing T-cell activation and effector function.


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The lymphotropic and myelotropic nature of wild-type measles virus (wt-MV) is well recognized, with dendritic cells and lymphocytes expressing the MV receptor CD150 mediating systemic spread of the virus. Infection of respiratory epithelial cells has long been considered crucial for entry of MV into the body. However, the lack of detectable CD150 on these cells raises the issue of their importance in the pathogenesis of measles. This study utilized a combination of in vitro, ex vivo and in vivo model systems to characterize the susceptibility of epithelial cells to wt-MV of proven pathogenicity. Low numbers of MV-infected epithelial cells in close proximity to underlying infected lymphocytes or myeloid cells suggested infection via the basolateral side of the epithelium in the macaque model. In primary cultures of human bronchial epithelial cells, foci of MV-infected cells were only observed following infection via the basolateral cell surface. The extent of infection in primary cells was enhanced both in vitro and in ex vivo cornea rim tissue by disrupting the integrity of the cells prior to the application of virus. This demonstrated that, whilst epithelial cells may not be the primary target cells for wt-MV, areas of epithelium in which tight junctions are disrupted can become infected using high m.o.i. The low numbers of MV-infected epithelial cells observed in vivo in conjunction with the absence of infectious virus release from infected primary cell cultures suggest that epithelial cells have a peripheral role in MV transmission.


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The effects of three non-antibiotic, antimicrobial agents (taurolidine, chlorhexidine acetate and providone-iodine) on the surface hydrophobicity of the clinical strains Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus saprophyticus, Staphylococcus epidermidis and Candida albicans were examined. Three recognized techniques for hydrophobicity measurements, Bacterial Adherence to Hydrocarbons (BATH), the Salt Aggregation Test (SAT) and Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography (HIC) were compared. At concentrations reported to interfere with microbial-epithelial cell adherence, all three agents altered the cell surface hydrophobicity. However, these effects failed to exhibit a uniform relationship. Generally, taurolidine and povidone-iodine treatments decreased the hydrophobicity of the strains examined whereas chlorhexidine acetate effects depended upon the micro-organism treated. Subsequently, the exact contribution of altered cell surface hydrophobicity to the reported microbial anti-adherence effects is unclear. Comparison of the three techniques revealed a better correlation between the results obtained with the BATH test and HIC than the results obtained with the BATH and SAT or SAT and HIC. However, these differences may be due to the inaccuracy associated with the visual assessment of results employed by the SAT.


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Protein interactions play key roles throughout all subcellular compartments. In the present paper, we report the visualization of protein interactions throughout living mammalian cells using two oligomerizing MV (measles virus) transmembrane glycoproteins, the H (haemagglutinin) and the F (fusion) glycoproteins, which mediate MV entry into permissive cells. BiFC (bimolecular fluorescence complementation) has been used to examine the dimerization of these viral glycoproteins. The H glycoprotein is a type II membrane-receptor-binding homodimeric glycoprotein and the F glycoprotein is a type I disulfide-linked membrane glycoprotein which homotrimerizes. Together they co-operate to allow the enveloped virus to enter a cell by fusing the viral and cellular membranes. We generated a pair of chimaeric H glycoproteins linked to complementary fragments of EGFP (enhanced green fluorescent protein)--haptoEGFPs--which, on association, generate fluorescence. Homodimerization of H glycoproteins specifically drives this association, leading to the generation of a fluorescent signal in the ER (endoplasmic reticulum), the Golgi and at the plasma membrane. Similarly, the generation of a pair of corresponding F glycoprotein-haptoEGFP chimaeras also produced a comparable fluorescent signal. Co-expression of H and F glycoprotein chimaeras linked to complementary haptoEGFPs led to the formation of fluorescent fusion complexes at the cell surface which retained their biological activity as evidenced by cell-to-cell fusion.


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Endogenous electric fields (EF) have long been known to influence cell behaviour during development, neural cell tropism, wound healing and cell behaviour generally. The effect is based on short circuiting of electrical potential differences across cell and tissue boundaries generated by ionic segregation. Recent in vitro and in vivo studies have shown that EF regulate not only cell movement but orientation of cells during mitosis, an effect which may underlie shaping of tissues and organs. The molecular basis of this effect is founded on receptor-mediated cell signalling events and alterations in cytoskeletal function as revealed in studies of gene deficient cells. Remarkably, not all cells respond directionally to EF in the same way and this has consequences, for instance, for lens development and vascular remodelling. The physical basis of EF effect may be related to changes induced in 'bound water' at the cell surface, whose organisation in association with trans-membrane proteins (e.g. receptors) is disrupted when EF are generated. Copyright © 2007 S. Karger AG.


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Bacterial aminopeptidases play important roles in pathogenesis by providing a source of amino acids from exogenous proteins, destroying host immunological effector peptides and executing posttranslational modification of bacterial and host proteins. We show that MHJ_0125 from the swine respiratory pathogen Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae represents a new member of the M42 class of bacterial aminopeptidases. Despite lacking a recognizable signal sequence, MHJ_0125 is detectable on the cell surface by fluorescence microscopy and LC-MS/MS of (i) biotinylated surface proteins captured by avidin chromatography and (ii) peptides released by mild trypsin shaving. Furthermore, surface-associated glutamyl aminopeptidase activity was detected by incubation of live M. hyopneumoniae cells with the diagnostic substrate H-Glu-AMC. MHJ_0125 moonlights as a multifunctional adhesin, binding to both heparin and plasminogen. Native proteomics and comparative modelling studies suggest MHJ_0125 forms a dodecameric, homopolymeric structure and provide insight into the positions of key residues that are predicted to interact with heparin and plasminogen. MHJ_0125 is the first aminopeptidase shown to both bind plasminogen and facilitate its activation by tissue plasminogen activator. Plasmin cleaves host extracellular matrix proteins and activates matrix metalloproteases, generating peptide substrates for MHJ_0125 and a source of amino acids for growth of M. hyopneumoniae. This unique interaction represents a new paradigm in microbial pathogenesis.


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Versican is a hyaluronan-binding, large extracellular matrix chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan whose expression is increased in malignant melanoma. Binding to hyaluronan allows versican to indirectly interact with the hyaluronan cell surface receptor CD44. The aim of this work was to study the effect of silencing the large versican isoforms (V0 and V1) and CD44 in the SK-mel-131 human melanoma cell line. Versican V0/V1 or CD44 silencing caused a decrease in cell proliferation and migration, both in wound healing assays and in Transwell chambers. Versican V0/V1 silencing also caused an increased adhesion to type I collagen, laminin and fibronectin. These results support the proposed role of versican as a proliferative, anti-adhesive and pro-migratory molecule. On the other hand, CD44 silencing caused a decrease in cell adhesion to vitronectin, fibronectin and hyaluronan. CD44 silencing inhibited the binding of a FITC-hyaluronan complex to the cell surface and its internalization into the cytoplasm. Our results indicate that both versican and CD44 play an important role regulating the behavior of malignant melanoma cells.