939 resultados para Celia, Michael A.: Subsurface hydrology


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A copy of a Dominican antiphonary produced for Lutheran use in the second half of the sixteenth century. The sanctoral reflects Lutheran tastes, with St Henry, the patron of Finland, being the only non-biblical saint.


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The current thesis manuscript studies the suitability of a recent data assimilation method, the Variational Ensemble Kalman Filter (VEnKF), to real-life fluid dynamic problems in hydrology. VEnKF combines a variational formulation of the data assimilation problem based on minimizing an energy functional with an Ensemble Kalman filter approximation to the Hessian matrix that also serves as an approximation to the inverse of the error covariance matrix. One of the significant features of VEnKF is the very frequent re-sampling of the ensemble: resampling is done at every observation step. This unusual feature is further exacerbated by observation interpolation that is seen beneficial for numerical stability. In this case the ensemble is resampled every time step of the numerical model. VEnKF is implemented in several configurations to data from a real laboratory-scale dam break problem modelled with the shallow water equations. It is also tried in a two-layer Quasi- Geostrophic atmospheric flow problem. In both cases VEnKF proves to be an efficient and accurate data assimilation method that renders the analysis more realistic than the numerical model alone. It also proves to be robust against filter instability by its adaptive nature.


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La filosofía contemporánea se hacaracterizadopor la presencia de un dualismo esquizoide entre la tradición analítica e la tradición fenomenológico hermenéutica. El origen histórico del mismo puede ser fijado en el Congreso de Davos, el cual, por otra parte, señala el comienzo del olvido de un otro programa, la filosofía de las formas simbólicas de E. Cassirer e que hoy puede ser considerado como alternativa e posible dirección de superación del dualismo mencionado. Tal es, en síntesis, la posición defendida por M. Friedman en su reciente monografía, escrita en el contexto de la convicción de una crisis derivada del agotamiento de las tradiciones y de la subsecuente necesidad de una reorientación. El texto que ofrecemos comenta críticamente el estudio de Friedman, mostrando donde y cómo él puede y debe ser completado o, eventualmente, corregido.


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Janamittakaavat: Geographil Meile, Schwedische und Dännische, Norwegische, Franzöfische Meile.


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Référence bibliographique : Rol, 58887


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Gestión del conocimiento


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Professor of English Language and Literatre, Michael Hornyansky, in 1989. Dr. Hornyansky was one of the original Brock faculty members.


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Professor of English Language and Literatre, Michael Hornyansky, in 1989. Dr. Hornyansky was one of the original Brock faculty members.


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Michael Hornyansky was head of the Department of English at Brock and was one of the first 7 faculty members.


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Since the first offshore Lake Erie well was drilled in 1941, the Grimsby and Thorold formations of the Cataract Group have been economically important to the oil and gas industry of Ontario. The Cataract Group provides a significant amount of Ontario's gas production primarily from wells located on Lake Erie. The Grimsby - Thorold formations are the result of nearshore estuarine processes influenced by tides on a prograding shelf and are composed of subtidal channel complexes, discrete tidal channels, mud flats and non-marine deposits. Deposition was related to a regressive - transgressive cycle associated with eustatic sea level changes caused by the melting and resurgence of continental glaciation centred in Africa in the Late Ordovician/Early Silurian. Grimsby deposition began during a regression with the deposition of subtidal channel complexes incised into the marine deposits of the Cabot Head Formation. The presence of mud drapes and mud couplets suggest that these deposits were influenced by tides. These deposits dominate the lower half of the Grimsby. Deposition continued with a change from these subtidal channel complexes to laterally migrating, discrete, shallow tidal channels and mud flats. These were in turn overlain by the non-marine deposits of the Thorold Formation. Grimsby - Thorold deposition ended with a major transgression replacing siliciclastic deposition with primarily carbonate deposition. Sediment was sourced from the east and southeast and associated with a continuation of the Taconic Orogeny into the Early Silurian. The fluvial head of the estuary prograded from a shoreline that was located in western New York and western Pennsylvania running NNE-SSW and then turning NW-SE and paralleling the present day Lake Erie shoreline. iii The facies attributed to the Grimsby - Thorold formations can be ascribed to the three zones within the tripartite zonation suggested by Dalrymple et ale (1992) for estuaries, that is, a marine-dominated facies, a mixed energy facies, and a facies that is dominated by fluvial processes. Also, sediments within the Grimsby - Thorold are commonly fining upwards sequences which are common in estuarine settings whereas deltaic deposits are normally composed of coarsening upwards sequences in a vertical wedge shape with coarser material near the head. The only coarsening observed was in the Thorold Formation and attributed to non-marine deposition by palynological evidence. The presence of a lag deposit at the base of the sediments of the Grimsby Thorold formations suggests that they were incised into the Cabot Head Formation. Further, the thickness of Early Silurian sediments located between the top of the Queenston Formation, where Early Silurian sedimentation began, to the top of the Reynales - Irondequoit formation are constant whether the Grimsby - Thorold formations are present or not. Also, cross-sections using a sand body located in the Cabot Head Formation for correlation further imply that the Grimsby Formation has been incised into the previous deposits of the Cabot Head.


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Michael H. [Henry] Hogue (1878-1963) was the son of Lemuel and Frances Hogue of Wainfleet Township, Welland County. In 1901 Michael Hogue was married to Margaret Case and they had five sons, William, Lemuel, Harry, Ross and Frank. In the 1911 Census of Canada he is residing in Welland and working as a blacksmith for Howard H. Lymburner. At Lymburner’s retirement, Hogue purchased the business and moved it from 15 Niagara Street, Welland to 12 Frazer Street, Welland. Mr. Hogue’s blacksmith activities included work with various industries in Welland including the expansion of blacksmithing work into the automobile industry. Mr. Hogue also worked for subcontractors Canadian Dredge & Dock and G.L. Campbell. These jobs included work related to the Welland Ship Canal in 1923. The business ceased operation in 1956.