177 resultados para Catecholamines


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Norepinephrine, released from sympathetic neurons, and epinephrine, released from the adrenal medulla, participate in a number of physiological processes including those that facilitate adaptation to stressful conditions. The thymus, spleen, and lymph nodes are richly innervated by the sympathetic nervous system, and catecholamines are thought to modulate the immune response. However, the importance of this modulatory role in vivo remains uncertain. We addressed this question genetically by using mice that lack dopamine β-hydroxylase (dbh−/− mice). dbh−/− mice cannot produce norepinephrine or epinephrine, but produce dopamine instead. When housed in specific pathogen-free conditions, dbh−/− mice had normal numbers of blood leukocytes, and normal T and B cell development and in vitro function. However, when challenged in vivo by infection with the intracellular pathogens Listeria monocytogenes or Mycobacterium tuberculosis, dbh−/− mice were more susceptible to infection, exhibited extreme thymic involution, and had impaired T cell function, including Th1 cytokine production. When immunized with trinitrophenyl-keyhole limpet hemocyanin, dbh−/− mice produced less Th1 cytokine-dependent-IgG2a antitrinitrophenyl antibody. These results indicate that physiological catecholamine production is not required for normal development of the immune system, but plays an important role in the modulation of T cell-mediated immunity to infection and immunization.


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The Abeta peptide of Alzheimer disease is derived from the proteolytic processing of the amyloid precursor proteins (APP), which are considered type I transmembrane glycoproteins. Recently, however, soluble forms of full-length APP were also detected in several systems including chromaffin granules. In this report we used antisera specific for the cytoplasmic sequence of APP to show that primary bovine chromaffin cells secrete a soluble APP, termed solAPPcyt, of an apparent molecular mass of 130 kDa. This APP was oversecreted from Chinese hamster ovary cells transfected with a full-length APP cDNA indicating that solAPPcyt contained both the transmembrane and Abeta sequence. Deglycosylation of solAPPcyt showed that it contained both N- and O-linked sugars, suggesting that this APP was transported through the endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi pathway. Secretion of solAPPcyt from primary chromatin cells was temperature-, time-, and energy-dependent and was stimulated by cell depolarization in a Ca2+-dependent manner. Cholinergic receptor agonists, including acetylcholine, nicotine, or carbachol, stimulated the rapid secretion of solAPPcyt, a process that was inhibited by cholinergic antagonists. Stimulation of solAPPcyt secretion was paralleled by a stimulation of secretion in catecholamines and chromogranin A, indicating that secretion of solAPPcyt was mediated by chromaffin granule vesicles. Taken together, our results show that release of the potentially amyloidogenic solAPPcyt is an active cellular process mediated by both the constitutive and regulated pathways. solAPPcyt was also detected in human cerebrospinal fluid. Combined with the neuronal physiology of chromaffin cells, our data suggest that cholinergic agonists may stimulate the release of this APP in neuronal synapses where it may exert its biological functions. Moreover, vesicular or secreted solAPPcyt may serve as a soluble precursor of Abeta.


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A second isoform of the human vesicular monoamine transporter (hVMAT) has been cloned from a pheochromocytoma cDNA library. The contribution of the two transporter isoforms to monoamine storage in human neuroendocrine tissues was examined with isoform-specific polyclonal antibodies against hVMAT1 and hVMAT2. Central, peripheral, and enteric neurons express only VMAT2. VMAT1 is expressed exclusively in neuroendocrine, including chromaffin and enterochromaffin, cells. VMAT1 and VMAT2 are coexpressed in all chromaffin cells of the adrenal medulla. VMAT2 alone is expressed in histamine-storing enterochromaffin-like cells of the oxyntic mucosa of the stomach. The transport characteristics and pharmacology of each VMAT isoform have been directly compared after expression in digitonin-permeabilized fibroblastic (CV-1) cells, providing information about substrate feature recognition by each transporter and the role of vesicular monoamine storage in the mechanism of action of psychopharmacologic and neurotoxic agents in human. Serotonin has a similar affinity for both transporters. Catecholamines exhibit a 3-fold higher affinity, and histamine exhibits a 30-fold higher affinity, for VMAT2. Reserpine and ketanserin are slightly more potent inhibitors of VMAT2-mediated transport than of VMAT1-mediated transport, whereas tetrabenazine binds to and inhibits only VMAT2. N-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium, phenylethylamine, amphetamine, and methylenedioxymethamphetamine are all more potent inhibitors of VMAT2 than of VMAT1, whereas fenfluramine is a more potent inhibitor of VMAT1-mediated monamine transport than of VMAT2-mediated monoamine transport. The unique distributions of hVMAT1 and hVMAT2 provide new markers for multiple neuroendocrine lineages, and examination of their transport properties provides mechanistic insights into the pharmacology and physiology of amine storage in cardiovascular, endocrine, and central nervous system function.


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Previous research indicates that norepinephrine and dopamine stimulate release of luteinizing hormone (LH)-releasing hormone (LHRH), which then reaches the adenohypophysis via the hypophyseal portal vessels to release LH. Norepinephrine exerts its effect via alpha 1-adrenergic receptors, which stimulate the release of nitric oxide (NO) from nitricoxidergic (NOergic) neurons in the medial basal hypothalamus (MBH). The NO activates guanylate cyclase and cyclooxygenase, thereby inducing release of LHRH into the hypophyseal portal vessels. We tested the hypothesis that these two catecholamines modulate NO release by local feedback. MBH explants were incubated in the presence of sodium nitroprusside (NP), a releaser of NO, and the effect on release of catecholamines was determined. NP inhibited release of norepinephrine. Basal release was increased by incubation of the tissue with the NO scavenger hemoglobin (20 micrograms/ml). Hemoglobin also blocked the inhibitory effect of NP. In the presence of high-potassium (40 mM) medium to depolarize cell membranes, norepinephrine release was increased by a factor of 3, and this was significantly inhibited by NP. Hemoglobin again produced a further increase in norepinephrine release and also blocked the action of NP. When constitutive NO synthase was inhibited by the competitive inhibitor NG-monomethyl-L-arginine (NMMA) at 300 microM, basal release of norepinephrine was increased, as was potassium-evoked release, and this was associated in the latter instance with a decrease in tissue concentration, presumably because synthesis did not keep up with the increased release in the presence of NMMA. The results were very similar with dopamine, except that reduction of potassium-evoked dopamine release by NP was not significant. However, the increase following incubation with hemoglobin was significant, and hemoglobin, when incubated with NP, caused a significant elevation in dopamine release above that with NP alone. In this case, NP increased tissue concentration of dopamine along with inhibiting release, suggesting that synthesis continued, thereby raising the tissue concentration in the face of diminished release. When the tissue was incubated with NP plus hemoglobin, which caused an increase in release above that obtained with NP alone, the tissue concentration decreased significantly compared with that in the absence of hemoglobin, indicating that, with increased release, release exceeded synthesis, causing a fall in tissue concentration. When NO synthase was blocked by NMMA, the release of dopamine, under either basal or potassium-evoked conditions, was increased. Again, in the latter instance the tissue concentration declined significantly, presumably because synthesis did not match release. Therefore, the results were very similar with both catecholamines and indicate that NO acts to suppress release of both amines. Since both catecholamines activate the release of LHRH, the inhibition of their release by NO serves as an ultra-short-loop negative feedback by which NO inhibits the release of the catecholamines, thereby reducing the activation of the NOergic neurons and decreasing the release of LHRH. This may be an important means for terminating the pulses of release of LHRH, which generate the pulsatile release of LH that stimulates gonadal function in both male and female mammals.


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It has been shown that the pituitary contains a cytotropic factor (CTF) that stimulates the secretion of catecholamines by dopaminergic neurons of the hypothalamus. In the present study, CTF was purified from rat pituitaries and found by means of mass spectrometric analysis to be adenosine. This finding was corroborated by the observations that CTF behaves identically to adenosine when subjected to liquid chromatography, is inactivated and converted to inosine by adenosine deaminase, and is qualitatively and quantitatively indistinguishable from adenosine in its biological activity. It is concluded that pituitary adenosine is a trophic factor for hypothalamic dopaminergic neurons.


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"Snapshot" images of localized Ca2+ influx into patch-clamped chromaffin cells were captured by using a recently developed pulsed-laser imaging system. Transient opening of voltage-sensitive Ca2+ channels gave rise to localized elevations of Ca2+ that had the appearance of either "hotspots" or partial rings found immediately beneath the plasma membrane. When the Ca2+ imaging technique was employed in conjunction with flame-etched carbon-fiber electrodes to spatially map the release sites of catecholamines, it was observed that the sites of Ca2+ entry and catecholamine release were colocalized. These results provide functional support for the idea that secretion occurs from "active zone"-like structures in neuroendocrine cells.


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A necropsia é essencial para a identificação da causa de morte e dos processos que culminaram no óbito do animal. O presente estudo visou à pesquisa da real ocorrência de morte súbita e inesperada em cães submetidos à necropsia, e à determinação da discrepância entre as suspeitas dos proprietários em relação ao estado de saúde prévio e à causa de morte de seus cães, quando comparadas às conclusões necroscópicas. Este trabalho também focou nas alterações morfológicas e funcionais nas glândulas adrenais de cães necropsiados, a fim de se estudar a aplicação de possíveis marcadores da resposta adrenal ao estresse sofrido pelo animal na iminência do óbito. Foram utilizados os dados de 82 cães necropsiados na FMVZ-USP para análise da ocorrência real de morte súbita nestes animais. As alterações morfológicas nas adrenais de 46 cães necropsiados foram avaliadas através de análises morfométricas e histopatológicas. Também foram avaliados os índices de proliferação e apoptose nas células do córtex adrenal em relação à causa de morte do animal, através da marcação imunoistoquímica para o antígeno nuclear de proliferação celular (PCNA) e para BAX e Bcl-2, proteínas envolvidas na regulação da apoptose. A análise das alterações funcionais sofridas pelas adrenais focou na quantificação das concentrações das catecolaminas adrenalina e noradrenalina na medula adrenal dos cães por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência com detecção eletroquímica (CLAE-DE). Dentre os resultados encontrados, a suspeita do proprietário de que seu cão sofreu uma morte súbita e inesperada é muito maior do que a real ocorrência deste tipo de morte em cães, sendo o óbito por decorrência de complicações de doenças muito mais frequente. As características morfométricas das adrenais dos cães apresentaram maior influência pelo peso corpóreo do animal e pela presença ou ausência de hiperplasia cortical do que pela associação com doenças crônicas ou condições agudas. Cães que vieram a óbito em decorrência de complicações de doenças crônicas exibiram fibrose em região corticomedular e focos de infiltrado inflamatório, ausentes nos animais com morte súbita ou doenças agudas, além de maior ocorrência de hiperplasia adrenocortical. Cães que sofriam de alterações cardíacas crônicas apresentaram alterações histopatológicas significativas mais marcantes em suas adrenais, como necrose, fibrose e depleção vacuolar cortical. Por outro lado, a congestão severa nas adrenais foi um achado mais frequente nos animais previamente saudáveis que sofreram morte súbita ou que vieram a óbito por doenças agudas. A avaliação dos índices de proliferação celular e apoptose no córtex das adrenais através da marcação imunoistoquímica para PCNA e BAX e Bcl-2, respectivamente, não apresentou potencial relevante para o estudo dos efeitos do estresse por doenças crônicas sobre as adrenais de cães. As concentrações de adrenalina e noradrenalina na medula adrenal se mostraram muito maiores em cães machos quando comparados às fêmeas. Os achados deste estudo podem auxiliar nas conclusões da necropsia, sendo especialmente relevantes em casos médico-legais, nos quais todos os achados possíveis devem ser relatados e analisados a fim de se prover um diagnóstico preciso, seguro e incontroverso


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Dopamine is the biological molecule responsible, among other functions, of the heart beat and blood pressure regulation. Its loss, in the human body, can result in serious diseases such as Parkinson's, schizophrenia or depression. Structurally, this molecule belongs to the group of catecholamines, together with epinephrine (adrenaline) and norepinephrine (noradrenaline). The hydroquinone moiety of the molecule can be easily oxidized to quinone, rendering the electrochemical methods a convenient approach for the development of dopamine biosensors. The reactivity of similar aromatic molecules, such as catechol and hydroquinone, at well-ordered platinum surfaces, has recently been investigated in our group. In this paper, we extend these studies to the structurally related molecule dopamine. The study has been performed in neutral pH, since this is closer to the natural conditions for these molecules in biological media. Cyclic voltammetry and in situ infra-red spectroscopy have been combined to extract information about the behavior of this molecule on well-defined platinum surfaces. Dopamine appears to be electrochemically active and reveals interesting adsorption phenomena at low potentials (0.15–0.25 V vs RHE), sensitive to the single crystal orientation. The adsorption of dopamine on these surfaces is very strong, taking place at much lower potentials than the electron transfer from solution species. Specifically, the voltammetry of Pt(1 1 1) and Pt(1 0 0) in dopamine solutions shows an oxidation peak at potentials close to the onset of hydrogen evolution, which is related to the desorption of hydrogen and the adsorption of dopamine. On the other hand, adsorption on Pt(1 1 0) is irreversible and the surface appears totally blocked. Spectroscopic results indicate that dopamine is adsorbed flat on the surface. At potentials higher than 0.6 V vs RHE the three basal planes show a common redox process. The initial formation of the quinone moiety is followed by a chemical step resulting in the formation of 5,6-dihydroxyindoline quinone as final product. This oxidation process has also been investigated by vibrational spectroscopy.


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Background There is evidence for an adaptive role of the omega -3 fatty acid, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) during stress. Mechanisms of action may involve regulation of stress mediators, such as the catecholamines and proinflammatory cytokines. Prevention of stress-induced aggression and hostility were demonstrated in a series of clinical trials. This study investigates whether perceived stress is ameliorated by DHA in stressed university staff. Methods Subjects that scored ≥ 17 on the Perceived Stress Scale were randomised into a 6-week pilot intervention study. The diet reactive group was supplemented with 6 g of fish oil containing 1.5 g per day DHA, while the placebo group was supplemented with 6 g a day of olive oil. The groups were compared with each other and a wider cross sectional study population that did not receive either active or placebo intervention. Results There was a significant reduction in perceived stress in both the fish oil and the placebo group from baseline. There was also a significant between-group difference between the fish oil group and the no-treatment controls in the rate of stress reduction (p < 0.05). However, there was not a significant between-group difference between the fish oil and the placebo group, nor the placebo group and the control group. These results are discussed in the context of several methodological limitations. The significant stress reductions in both the fish oil and the placebo group are considered in view of statistical regression, an effect likely to have been exaggerated by the time course of the study, a large placebo effect and the possibility of an active effect from the placebo. Conclusion There were significant differences (p < 0.05) in the fish oil group compared with no-treatment controls. This effect was not demonstrated in the placebo group. As a pilot study, it was not sufficiently powered to find the difference between the fish oil group and the placebo group significant. Further work needs to be undertaken to conclusively demonstrate these data trends. However, the findings from this research support the literature in finding a protective or 'adaptogenic' role for omega-3 fatty acids in stress.


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1. We have investigated the cardiovascular pharmacology of the crude venom extract (CVE) from the potentially lethal, very small carybdeid jellyfish Carukia barnesi, in rat, guinea-pig and human isolated tissues and anaesthetized piglets. 2. In rat and guinea-pig isolated right atria, CVE (0.1-10 mu g/mL) caused tachycardia in the presence of atropine (I mu mol/L), a response almost completely abolished by pretreatment with tetrodotoxin (TTX; 0.1 mu mol/L). In paced left atria from guinea-pig or rat, CVE (0.1-3 mu g/mL) caused a positive inotropic response in the presence of atropine (1 mu mol/L). 3. In rat mesenteric small arteries, CVE (0.1-30 mu g/mL) caused concentration-dependent contractions that were unaffected by 0.1 mu mol/L TTX, 0.3 mu mol/L prazosin or 0.1 mu mol/L co-conotoxin GVIA. 4. Neither the rat right atria tachycardic response nor the contraction of rat mesenteric arteries to CVE were affected by the presence of box jellyfish (Chironex fleckeri) antivenom (92.6 units/mL). 5. In human isolated driven right atrial trabeculae muscle strips, CVE (10 mu g/mL) tended to cause an initial fall, followed by a more sustained increase, in contractile force. In the presence of atropine (I mu mol/L), CVE only caused a positive inotropic response. In separate experiments in the, presence of propranolol (0.2 mu mol/L), the negative inotropic effect of CVE was enhanced, whereas the positive inotropic response was markedly decreased. 6. In anaesthetized piglets, CVE (67 mu g/kg, i.v.) caused sustained tachycardia and systemic and pulmonary hypertension. Venous blood samples demonstrated a marked elevation in circulating levels of noradrenaline and adrenaline. 7. We conclude that C. barnesi venom may contain a neural sodium channel activator (blocked by TTX) that, in isolated atrial tissue (and in vivo), causes the release of transmitter (and circulating) catecholamines. The venom may also contain a 'direct' vasoconstrictor component. These observations explain, at least in part, the clinical features of the potentially deadly Irukandji syndrome.


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Objective: To understand the basis of the effectiveness of carvedilol in heart failure by determining its specific properties at human heart and beta(2)-adrenoceptors. Methods: The positive inotropic effects of noradrenaline (in the presence of the beta(2)-selective antagonist ICI118551) and adrenaline (in the presence of the beta(1)-selective antagonist CGP20712), mediated through beta(1)- and beta(2)-adrenoceptors, respectively, were investigated in atrial and ventricular trabeculae. The patch-clamp technique was used to investigate effects of noradrenaline and adrenaline on L-type Ca2+ current in human atrial myocytes. Results: Carvedilol was a 13-fold more potent competitive antagonist of the effects of adrenaline at 1 2-adrenoceptors (-logK(B) = 10.13 +/- 0.08) than of noradrenaline at beta(1)-adrenoceptors (-logK(B) = 9.02 +/- 0.07) in human right atrium. Chronic carvedilol treatment of patients with non-terminal heart failure reduced the inotropic sensitivity of atrial trabeculae to noradrenaline and adrenaline 5.6-fold and 91.2-fold, respectively, compared to beta(1)-blocker-treated patients, consistent with persistent preferential blockade of beta(2)-adrenoceptors. In terminal heart failure carvedilol treatment reduced 1.8-fold and 25.1-fold the sensitivity of right ventricular trabeculae to noradrenaline and adrenaline, respectively, but metoprolol treatment did not reduce the sensitivity to the catecholamines. Increases of current (I-Ca,I-L) produced by noradrenaline and adrenaline were not different in atrial myocytes obtained from non-terminal heart failure patients treated with metoprolol or carvedilol, consistent with dissociation of both beta-blockers from the receptors. Conclusions: Carvedilol blocks human cardiac beta(2)-adrenoceptors more than beta(1)-adrenoceptors, thereby conceivably contributing to the beneficial effects in heart failure. The persistent blockade of beta-adrenoceptors is attributed to accumulation of carvedilol in cardiac tissue. (c) 2005 European Society of Cardiology. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Various neurotoxins were investigated to assess their suitability for developing an animal model to study partial brain BH4 deficiency, neurotransmitters and behavioural alterations. Acute dosing with lead, diethylstilboestrol (DES), amphetamine and scopolamine produced no significant changes in rat brain BH4 metabolism though total biopterins in the liver were significantly reduced by lead and DES. Acute starvation of adult rats decreased brain biopterins. This loss of biopterins may be due to enhanced oxidative catabolism of the active cofactor caused by glutathione depletion. Dietary administration of a BH4 biosynthesis inhibitor, DAHP, consistently decreased brain total biopterins in weaner rats but did not alter the levels of DA, NA, 5-HT or metabolites. However the DAHP diet also induced a marked reduction in food intake. Rats subjected to an equivalent degree of food restriction without inhibitor showed significant but less severe reductions in brain biopterins and again no effect on transmitter levels. DAHP produced a significant decrease in locomotor activity and rearing. This could not be ascribed to reduction in food intake as animals subjected to just dietary restriction showed an increase in these activities. As gross brain levels of DA, NA and 5-HT were unaltered by DAHP the behavioural changes associated with the induced deficiency in brain total biopterins might not have been mediated through the action of these compounds. Although localised changes in neurotransmitter levels may have been obscured by gross analysis it is also possible that the behaviour changes were mediated by a role of BH4 not yet elucidated. Long-term administration of a high aluminium low calcium diet to mice produced no effect on gross brain total biopterins, catecholamines, serotonin or choline acetyltransferase activity though significant behavioural changes were observed.