429 resultados para Cartesian
For routing problems in interconnection networks it is important to find the shortest containers between any two vertices, since the w-wide diameter gives the maximum communication delay when there are up to w−1 faulty nodes in a network modeled by a graph. The concept of ‘wide diameter’ was introduced by Hsu [41] to unify the concepts of diameter and The concept of ‘domination’ has attracted interest due to its wide applications in many real world situations [38]. A connected dominating set serves as a virtual backbone of a network and it is a set of vertices that helps in routing. In this thesis, we make an earnest attempt to study some of these notions in graph products. This include, the diameter variability, the diameter vulnerability, the component factors and the domination criticality.connectivity
Given a non empty set S of vertices of a graph, the partiality of a vertex with respect to S is the di erence between maximum and minimum of the distances of the vertex to the vertices of S. The vertices with minimum partiality constitute the fair center of the set. Any vertex set which is the fair center of some set of vertices is called a fair set. In this paper we prove that the induced subgraph of any fair set is connected in the case of trees and characterise block graphs as the class of chordal graphs for which the induced subgraph of all fair sets are connected. The fair sets of Kn, Km;n, Kn e, wheel graphs, odd cycles and symmetric even graphs are identi ed. The fair sets of the Cartesian product graphs are also discussed
This thesis work is dedicated to use the computer-algebraic approach for dealing with the group symmetries and studying the symmetry properties of molecules and clusters. The Maple package Bethe, created to extract and manipulate the group-theoretical data and to simplify some of the symmetry applications, is introduced. First of all the advantages of using Bethe to generate the group theoretical data are demonstrated. In the current version, the data of 72 frequently applied point groups can be used, together with the data for all of the corresponding double groups. The emphasize of this work is placed to the applications of this package in physics of molecules and clusters. Apart from the analysis of the spectral activity of molecules with point-group symmetry, it is demonstrated how Bethe can be used to understand the field splitting in crystals or to construct the corresponding wave functions. Several examples are worked out to display (some of) the present features of the Bethe program. While we cannot show all the details explicitly, these examples certainly demonstrate the great potential in applying computer algebraic techniques to study the symmetry properties of molecules and clusters. A special attention is placed in this thesis work on the flexibility of the Bethe package, which makes it possible to implement another applications of symmetry. This implementation is very reasonable, because some of the most complicated steps of the possible future applications are already realized within the Bethe. For instance, the vibrational coordinates in terms of the internal displacement vectors for the Wilson's method and the same coordinates in terms of cartesian displacement vectors as well as the Clebsch-Gordan coefficients for the Jahn-Teller problem are generated in the present version of the program. For the Jahn-Teller problem, moreover, use of the computer-algebraic tool seems to be even inevitable, because this problem demands an analytical access to the adiabatic potential and, therefore, can not be realized by the numerical algorithm. However, the ability of the Bethe package is not exhausted by applications, mentioned in this thesis work. There are various directions in which the Bethe program could be developed in the future. Apart from (i) studying of the magnetic properties of materials and (ii) optical transitions, interest can be pointed out for (iii) the vibronic spectroscopy, and many others. Implementation of these applications into the package can make Bethe a much more powerful tool.
Die traditionellen Empathiekonzepte (z. B. Rogers, Kohut), die in der Psychotherapie bis heute maßgebend sind, werden einer gründlichen Überprüfung unterzogen. Dabei ergeben sich drei wesentliche Kritikpunkte: (1) Empathische Vorgänge in der Psychotherapie werden als einseitige Prozesse verstanden; der Therapeut fühlt sich in die Klientin ein, nicht auch umgekehrt. (2) Empathie wird in Cartesianischer Tradition schwerpunktmäßig als kognitive Leistung gesehen; ein körperloser Geist vergegenwärtigt sich die mentalen Inhalte eines anderen. (3) Das traditionelle Empathieverständnis ist individualistisch: Therapeutin und Klient halten sich demnach scheinbar im luftleeren Raum auf. Es sieht so aus, als existiere kein Kontext, der sie umgibt. So einseitig, wie ihre Beziehung gedacht wird, so abgetrennt, wie ihr Körper von ihrem Geist zu sein scheint, so unverbunden sind sie scheinbar mit dem Rest der Welt. Aus diesen drei Kritikpunkten folgt die Notwendigkeit, den Empathiebegriff der Psychotherapie zu erweitern, d. h. (a) Empathie als gegenseitigen Prozess der Beteiligten zu begreifen, (b) ihre tiefe Verwurzelung in der Leiblichkeit des Menschen zu berücksichtigen und (c) ihre Einbettung in die Dynamiken einer gemeinsamen Situation im Rahmen eines kulturellen Kontextes einzubeziehen. Mit Rückgriff auf neuere Untersuchungsergebnisse aus der Entwicklungspsychologie (z. B. Emde, Hobson, Meltzoff, Stern, Trevarthen), der Sozial- und Emotionspsychologie (z. B. Chartrand, Ekman, Goleman, Hatfield, Holodynski), der sozialen Neurowissenschaften (z. B. Damasio, Gallese, Iacoboni, LeDoux, Rizzolatti), aber auch mit Hilfe der Erkenntnisse aus der klassischen (Husserl, Merleau- Ponty, Edith Stein) und der Neuen Phänomenologie (Schmitz) sowie aus symbolischem Interaktionismus (Mead) und aus der kulturhistorischen Schule (Vygotskij) werden diese drei bislang wenig beleuchteten Dimensionen der Empathie betrachtet. ad a) Die Gegenseitigkeit empathischer Vorgänge in der Psychotherapie wird anhand des entwicklungspsychologischen Konzepts des social referencing erläutert und untersucht: Kleinkinder, die in eine unbekannte bzw. unsichere Situation geraten (z. B. im Experiment mit der "visuellen Klippe"), orientieren sich an den nonverbalen Signalen ihrer Bezugspersonen, um diese Situation zu bewältigen. Dabei erfasst die Mutter die Situation des Kindes, versucht ihm ihre Stellungnahme zu seiner Situation zu übermitteln, und das Kind begreift die Reaktion der Mutter als Stellungnahme zu seiner Situation. ad b) Die Körperlichkeit bzw. Leiblichkeit der Einfühlung manifestiert sich in vielfältigen Formen, wie sie von der Psychologie, der Phänomenologie und den Neurowissenschaften erforscht werden. Das kulturübergreifende Erkennen des Gesichtsausdrucks von Basisemotionen ist hier ebenso zu nennen wie die Verhaltensweisen des motor mimicry, bei dem Menschen Körperhaltungen und – bewegungen ihrer Bezugspersonen unwillkürlich imitieren; des Weiteren das unmittelbare Verstehen von Gesten sowie die Phänomene der „Einleibung“, bei denen die körperliche Situation des Anderen (z. B. eines stürzenden Radfahrers, den man beobachtet) am eigenen Leib mitgefühlt wird; und außerdem die Entdeckung der „Spiegelneurone“ und anderer neuronaler Strukturen, durch die Wahrgenommenes direkt in analoge motorische Aktivität übersetzt wird. ad c) Intersubjektivitätstheoretische Überlegungen, Konzepte wie „dyadisch erweiterter Bewusstseinszustand“ (Tronick) und „gemeinsame Situation“ (Gurwitsch, Schmitz) verweisen auf die Bedeutung überindividueller, ‚emergenter’ Dimensionen, die für die Verständigung zwischen Menschen wichtig sind. Sie folgen gestaltpsychologischen Prinzipien („Das Ganze ist mehr und anders als die Summe seiner Teile.“), die mit Hilfe von Gadamers Begriff des „Spiels“ analysiert werden. Am Ende der Arbeit stehen die Definition eines neuen Empathiebegriffs, wie er sich aus den vorangegangenen Überlegungen ergibt, sowie eine These über die psychotherapeutische Wirkweise menschlicher Einfühlung, die durch weitere Forschungen zu überprüfen wäre.
The flexibility of the robot is the key to its success as a viable aid to production. Flexibility of a robot can be explained in two directions. The first is to increase the physical generality of the robot such that it can be easily reconfigured to handle a wide variety of tasks. The second direction is to increase the ability of the robot to interact with its environment such that tasks can still be successfully completed in the presence of uncertainties. The use of articulated hands are capable of adapting to a wide variety of grasp shapes, hence reducing the need for special tooling. The availability of low mass, high bandwidth points close to the manipulated object also offers significant improvements I the control of fine motions. This thesis provides a framework for using articulated hands to perform local manipulation of objects. N particular, it addresses the issues in effecting compliant motions of objects in Cartesian space. The Stanford/JPL hand is used as an example to illustrate a number of concepts. The examples provide a unified methodology for controlling articulated hands grasping with point contacts. We also present a high-level hand programming system based on the methodologies developed in this thesis. Compliant motion of grasped objects and dexterous manipulations can be easily described in the LISP-based hand programming language.
The question of how shape is represented is of central interest to understanding visual processing in cortex. While tuning properties of the cells in early part of the ventral visual stream, thought to be responsible for object recognition in the primate, are comparatively well understood, several different theories have been proposed regarding tuning in higher visual areas, such as V4. We used the model of object recognition in cortex presented by Riesenhuber and Poggio (1999), where more complex shape tuning in higher layers is the result of combining afferent inputs tuned to simpler features, and compared the tuning properties of model units in intermediate layers to those of V4 neurons from the literature. In particular, we investigated the issue of shape representation in visual area V1 and V4 using oriented bars and various types of gratings (polar, hyperbolic, and Cartesian), as used in several physiology experiments. Our computational model was able to reproduce several physiological findings, such as the broadening distribution of the orientation bandwidths and the emergence of a bias toward non-Cartesian stimuli. Interestingly, the simulation results suggest that some V4 neurons receive input from afferents with spatially separated receptive fields, leading to experimentally testable predictions. However, the simulations also show that the stimulus set of Cartesian and non-Cartesian gratings is not sufficiently complex to probe shape tuning in higher areas, necessitating the use of more complex stimulus sets.
We present an immersed interface method for the incompressible Navier Stokes equations capable of handling rigid immersed boundaries. The immersed boundary is represented by a set of Lagrangian control points. In order to guarantee that the no-slip condition on the boundary is satisfied, singular forces are applied on the fluid at the immersed boundary. The forces are related to the jumps in pressure and the jumps in the derivatives of both pressure and velocity, and are interpolated using cubic splines. The strength of singular forces is determined by solving a small system of equations at each time step. The Navier-Stokes equations are discretized on a staggered Cartesian grid by a second order accurate projection method for pressure and velocity.
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El propósito de este artículo es presentar tres argumentos en torno al papel que las emociones y los procesos de narración tienen en la construcción de la identidad moral. En primer lugar, se sugiere que la comprensión cartesiana de la identidad moderna rechaza el valor que las emociones y los sentimientos tienen en la formulación de juicios normativos. En este sentido, se argumentará que necesitamos una perspectiva epistemológica distinta. En segundo lugar, se revisará la relación existente entre la identidad narrativa y las tres formas de la mímesis en Tiempo y narración. Nuestro análisis tiene el propósito de mostrar la importancia que porque se argumentará que el punto de vista hermenéutico abre la puerta a un horizonte distinto de la acción humana que incluye las emociones y los sentimientos. Finalmente, se expondrá el concepto de frameworks en el pensamiento de Charles Taylor, por la siguiente razón: la noción frameworks nos proporciona un punto de articulación entre la cuestión de la identidad y la teoría hermenéutica sobre los conceptos mencionados y el sentido de la vida.---Narrative, emotions and identity. An epistemological and hermeneutical readingThe purpose of this article is to explain three arguments about the role that emotions and the process of narration have in the construction of moral identity. First, I suggest that Cartesian comprehension of modern identity rejects the value that emotions and feelings have in formulations of normative judgments. In this sense I will argue that we need a different epistemological perspective. Second, I will review the relation between narrative identity and the three forms of mimesis in Time and Narrative. Our inquiry into them has the purpose of showing the importance that they have in many basic fields of application in social science, because I consider that the hermeneutical point of view opens the gate to a comprehensive perspective of human action, and it includes emotions and feelings. Finally, I will expose the concept of “Frameworks” in Charles Taylor´s thought for the following reason: “Frameworks” provides a point of articulation between question of identity and hermeneutical theory about the emotions, feelings and meaning of live.Key words: narrative identity, hermeneutical theory, emotions, feelings, normative judgments---Narração, emoções e identidade. Uma leitura epistemológica e hermenêuticaO propósito deste artigo é apresentar três argumentos em torno ao papel que as emoções e os processos de narração têm na construção da identidade moral. Em primeiro lugar se sugere que a compreensão cartesiana da identidade moderna recusa o valor que as emoções e os sentimentos têm na formulação de juízos normativos. Neste sentido, se argumentará que necessitamos uma perspectiva epistemológica diferente. Em segundo lugar, se revisará a relação existente entre a identidade narrativa e as três formas da mimese em Tempo e narração. Nossa análise tem o propósito de mostrar a importância que estas noções têm em diferentes campos de aplicação das ciências sociais, porque se argumentará que o ponto de vista hermenêutico abre a porta a um horionte distinto da ação humana que inclui as emoções e os sentimentos. Finalmente, se exporá o conceito de frameworks no pensamento de Charles Taylor, pela seguinte razão: a noção frameworks nos proporciona um ponto de articulação entre a questão da identidade e a teoria hermenêutica sobre os conceitos mencionados e o sentido da vida.Palavras chave: Identidade narrativa, teoria hermenêutica, emoções, sentimentos, juízos normativos.
We report an extended version of our normal coordinate program ASYM40, which may be used to transform Cartesian force constants from ab initio calculations to a force field in nonredundant internal (symmetry) coordinates. When experimental data are available, scale factors for the theoretical force field may then be optimized by least-squares refinement. The alternative of refining an empirical force field to fit a wide variety of data, as with the previous version ASYM20, has been retained. We compare the results of least-squares refinement of the full harmonic force field with least-squares refinement of only the scale factors for an SCF calculated force field and conclude that the latter approach may be useful for large molecules where more sophisticated calculations are impractical. The refinement of scale factors for a theoretical force field is also useful when there are only limited spectroscopic data. The program will accept ab initio calculated force fields from any program that presents Cartesian force constants as output. The program is available through Quantum Chemistry Program Exchange.