940 resultados para Carcinoma de células escamosas. Células matadoras naturais. Linfócitos. Radiação solar
A radiação ultravioleta emitida pela radiação solar pode causar srios danos pele humana, sendo essa estratificada em trs regies do espectro de luz: UVA (315-400nm), UVB (280-315nm) e UVC (200-280nm). A incidncia da radiação UVA sobre a pele induz a formao de espcies reativas de oxignio (EROS), afetando indiretamente o DNA humano, podendo provocar cncer de pele. Alm disso, a radiação UVB afeta diretamente as bases pirimidnicas das molculas de DNA, aumentando sua produo e favorecendo processos mutagnicos, produzindo novas células tumorignicas tambm. Entre os filtros solares qumicos conhecidos esto as benzofenonas e os cinamatos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi sintetizar pr-frmacos derivados de filtros solares qumicos baseados nas estruturas das benzofenonas ligadas derivados do cido cinmico, com propriedades antioxidantes para, desta maneira, obter um composto que prevenisse a carcinognese cutnea por diferentes vertentes. Foram obtidos dois compostos, os quais foram caracterizados estruturalmente por Ressonncia Magntica Nuclear de Hidrognio e sua capacidade fotoprotetora atravs do mtodo Optometrics, indicando atividade promissora.
Melanocytic nevi (MNs) are benign melanocytic proliferations of cells, which can be found in the skin and mucous coat, including the oral mucosa. However, skin NMs are more common when compared to those that affect the oral mucosa. The molecular mechanisms involved in the development of nevi and the factors that can influence the migration pattern of the nevus cells are little explored. The aim of this study was to analyze the immunohistochemical expression of E-cadherin protein and Bcl-2 in oral / skin NMs and relate them to the clinical characteristics (gender, age, location, exposure to solar radiation) and histopathological types. 36 cases of oral NMs and 34 Skin NMs were analyzed. The immunohistochemistry was used of the protein E-cadherin and bcl-2, which were analyzed the intensity (weak, moderate and strong) and distribution marking (diffuse and focal). The immunoreactivity also analyzed as to the types of nevus cells (epithelioid cells -A, -B lymphocyte and fibroblast-like -C). Statistical analysis was performed using the chi-square tests of Pearson and Spearman correlation with significance level set at 5%. Of the 70 cases of NMs, 82.9% were female, 48.6% aged 26-50 years, 51.4% were diagnosed histologically as intradermal / intramucosal nevi and 80% were NMs acquired. Immunohistochemical expression of BCL2 and E-cadherin were variables in the sample and showed no association with clinical parameters. The expression of bcl-2 and E-cadherin were variable according to the types of nevus cells (A, B and C) (P = 0.001). The expression of bcl-2 was more diffuse in congenital MNs (p = 0.002). E-cadherin was positive in 83.3% of MNs <1cm (p = 0.001) and exhibited weak staining in 73.9% of MNs that were in exposed areas (p = 0.010). Based on these results, it is suggested that the E-cadherin has a modulating effect on the migratory properties of NMs, and bcl-2 is a marker of MNs with increased proliferative capacity.
The rural electrification is characterized by geographical dispersion of the population, low consumption, high investment by consumers and high cost. Moreover, solar radiation constitutes an inexhaustible source of energy and in its conversion into electricity photovoltaic panels are used. In this study, equations were adjusted to field conditions presented by the manufacturer for current and power of small photovoltaic systems. The mathematical analysis was performed on the photovoltaic rural system I- 100 from ISOFOTON, with power 300 Wp, located at the Experimental Farm Lageado of FCA/UNESP. For the development of such equations, the circuitry of photovoltaic cells has been studied to apply iterative numerical methods for the determination of electrical parameters and possible errors in the appropriate equations in the literature to reality. Therefore, a simulation of a photovoltaic panel was proposed through mathematical equations that were adjusted according to the data of local radiation. The results have presented equations that provide real answers to the user and may assist in the design of these systems, once calculated that the maximum power limit ensures a supply of energy generated. This real sizing helps establishing the possible applications of solar energy to the rural producer and informing the real possibilities of generating electricity from the sun.
Photodegradation is considered to be one of the most important processes of elimination of pharmaceutical drugs from natural water matrices. The high consumption and discharge of these substances, in particular antidepressants, to the aquatic environment supports the need to study degradation processes. This dissertation aimed at studying the direct and indirect photodegradation of sertraline, an antidepressant known for its persistence in the environment, and the evaluation of the influence of environmentally relevant factors in its photodegradation. The photodegradation experiments were developed under simulated solar light and the irradiation times converted to summer sunny days (SSD), an equivalent time in natural environmental conditions. The direct photodegradation was evaluated in solutions of sertraline prepared in ultrapure water and the indirect photodegradation was studied through the addition of photosensitizers (humic substances, Fe(III), nitrates and oxygen). Further irradiation studies were perfomed in aqueous samples collected from two wastewater treatment plants, Vouga river and Ria de Aveiro. The samples were chemically characterized (dissolved organic carbon, nitrates and nitrites and iron determination and UV/Vis spectroscopy). The quantification of sertraline was done by HPLC-UV and photoproducts from direct photodegradation were identified by electrospray mass spectrometry. An observed direct photodegradation rate of sertraline of 0.0062 h-1 was determined, corresponding to a half-life time of 111 h (equivalent to 29 SSD). A significant influence of photosensitizers was observed, the best results being achieved in irradiations of sertraline with humic acids, obtaining a half-life time of 12 h. This was attributed to the hydrophobicity of this substance and higher absortivity in the UV/Vis wavelength, which promote processes of indirect photodegradation. The degradation of sertraline in natural samples was also enhanced comparatively to the direct photodegradation, achieving half-life times between 10 and 25h; the best results were achieved in samples from the primary treatment of a wastewater treatment plant and Ria de Aveiro, with half-life times of 10 and 16 h, respectively. A total of six photoproducts formed during the direct photodegradation of sertraline were identified, three of which were not yet identified in the literature. The main factors contributing to the degradation of sertraline were analysed but this was not fully accomplished, requiring further studies of the composition of the natural matrices and the combined influence of distinct photosensitizers during the irradiation. Nevertheless, it was concluded that the photodegradation of sertraline is greatly influenced by indirect photodegradation processes, promoted by the presence of photosensitizers.
Tese de dout., Cincias e Tecnologias do Ambiente (Modelao Ambiental), Univ. do Algarve, 1999
Dissertao de natureza cientfica para obteno do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na rea de Especializao de Edificaes
Esta dissertao trata dos critrios para a elaborao de projetos para edificaes escolares, em especial destinadas para a educao infantil e ensino fundamental, considerando a sua insero no contexto ambiental, constituindo, assim, uma concepo arquitetnica bioclimtica. Nessa perspectiva a implantao, a geometria, a organizao espacial e os parmetros construtivos do edifcio contribuem na materializao de espaos adequados aos requisitos didtico-pedaggicos e funcionais e, em especial, s exigncias de conforto ambiental dos usurios, de maneira que a escola, na sua configurao fsica, se constitua em um elemento promotor do desenvolvimento intelectual, social e afetivo da criana. A partir da concepo global baseada nos princpios da bioclimatologia, o trabalho estabelece as necessidades para condicionamento ambiental determinadas pela caracterizao climtica de Passo Fundo RS (clima subtropical mido de altitude), explorando as estratgias solares passivas que utilizam a prpria envoltria da edificao na seleo daqueles elementos ambientais externos favorveis ao aquecimento, resfriamento, ventilao, proteo radiação solar e iluminao, a fim de agregar aos critrios funcionais de projeto para escolas a maximizao do uso desses fatores naturais e a racionalizao do uso de energias no-renovveis, tendo como objetivo contribuir para um gradual desenvolvimento sustentvel O trabalho aborda a legislao existente pertinente s edificaes escolares, bem como apresenta exemplos de escolas solares passivas, com a aplicao de estratgias vlidas para as condies locais, confrontadas com estudo de caso simplificado, a fim de que a implementao das sugestes apontadas demostre a sua viabilidade de aplicao.
Pretende-se que este trabalho seja uma contribuio para o reconhecimento da importncia da promoo da ventilao em edifcios de habitao, esta que imprescindvel para que haja um ambiente saudvel e confortvel no espao interior. Pretende-se tambm que seja dado a conhecer alguns tipos de sistemas de ventilao que recorrem a processos naturais para o seu funcionamento, garantindo assim a sustentabilidade dos edifcios a nvel energtico. Nesta dissertao inicialmente abordada a temtica do conforto trmico, com o objectivo de compreender a adaptao e resposta de um indivduo face s condies trmicas no interior de um edifcio de habitao. Seguidamente foram estudados os factores que mais influenciam o processo de Ventilao Natural, ou seja, a aco do vento e a aco trmica (o sol). O passo seguinte foi o estudo do dimensionamento e concepo de sistemas de Ventilao Natural mais usuais (tais como aberturas exteriores, aberturas interiores e chamins), e o estudo de vrios exemplos de sistemas solar passivos e estratgias arquitectnicas que podem ser utilizados. Seguidamente foi estudada a modelao matemtica dos processos de Ventilao Natural. Foram ainda estudados dois edifcios construdos na regio autnoma da Madeira, mais concretamente na ilha de Porto Santo, estes que foram concebidos para se adaptarem ao clima da regio atravs de algumas estratgias arquitectnicas e atravs de sistemas solar passivos. Finalmente foi elaborado um pequeno projecto para uma moradia a ser construda na ilha da Madeira. Para esta foram adoptadas algumas estratgias tendo em vista uma adaptao ao clima durante todo o ano, nomeadamente estratgias arquitectnicas e sistemas solar passivos para a promoo da Ventilao Natural.
Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)
Manifestaes cutneas pr-neoplsicas e neoplsicas em asiticos so infreqentes e pouco documentadas. O Brasil possui o maior contingente de imigrantes japoneses e 70% deles residem no Estado de So Paulo. A prevalncia dessas leses em nipo-brasileiros desconhecida. O presente estudo tem como objetivo avaliar a prevalncia de queratoses actnicas e tumores cutneos no melanomas em nipo-brasileiros acima de trinta anos de 1 gerao ou 2 gerao, sem miscigenao, residentes na cidade de Bauru, no ano de 2006. Dos 567 nipo-brasileiros submetidos a exame dermatolgico, diagnosticou-se queratose actnica em 76 pacientes, com mdia de idade de 68,9 anos, e nico carcinoma basocelular em paciente do sexo feminino de 39 anos. No Japo, a prevalncia de queratose actnica de 0,76% a 5% e a incidncia de tumores cutneos no melanomas de 1,2 a 5,4/100 mil. Os nipo-brasileiros de Bauru apresentaram prevalncia de 13,4% de queratoses actnicas e idade mais precoce de aparecimento. Proximidade com o Equador e atividades rurais contribuem para esses achados. A presena de melanose solar demonstrou risco 1,9 vez maior de desenvolver queratose actnica.
Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)
Ps-graduao em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientfico e Tecnolgico (CNPq)
Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)