967 resultados para Canyon Creek Mine
Salt marsh-tidal creek systems as a coastal geomorphological unit represent an important natural resource. The present study on Jiangsu salt marshes, eastern China, shows that variations in tidal current velocities in salt marsh creeks are controlled by the local tidal wave characteristics and the bed slope and elevation of the salt marshes and creeks. Likewise, the tidal currents modify the geomorphology of the salt marsh-tidal creek systems by transporting sediments and causing erosion/deposition. Storm events, which appear to have cyclical changes in their intensity relating to sunspot activities, can affect the geomorphic evolution of such systems. Further, in response to accelerated sea-level rise, accretional rates on salt marshes may increase. The tidal creeks have the function of transporting water and sediment onto the salt marsh surface; further, the energy of tidal currents and waves are dissipated within the salt marsh-tidal creek system. Hence, this coastal system has a potential value for coastal protection.
本文通过对墨西哥湾Bush Hill 的5个冷泉碳酸盐岩样品和Alaminos Canyon 的1个冷泉碳酸盐岩样品的总有机质含量、可溶有机质含量、饱和烃、芳烃、脂肪酸、δ13C组成分布特征和部分地球化学参数的研究,探讨了冷泉碳酸盐岩中有机质来源、成熟度和沉积环境。 Bush Hill的冷泉碳酸盐岩样品的总有机碳为0.78-9.02%,可溶有机质含量5.77-65.06mg/g。总有机碳达9.02%的GC-B样品高碳数正构烷烃奇偶优势明显,存在荧蒽、芘和苝系列化合物,表明该样品有陆源物质的输入,并明显受深部渗漏原油的影响,其中烷烃的δ13C为-27.64~-32.36‰,正构脂肪酸δ13C为-26.52~-39.99‰,与现代菌藻类及下伏油气藏的δ13C值(-27~-31‰)相似,表明样品中的有机质主体可能来源于深部油气藏。其余4个Bush Hill冷泉碳酸盐岩样品和1个Alaminos Canyon冷泉碳酸盐岩样品正构烷烃的低碳优势明显,而奇偶优势不明显,低碳数分布的环己烷和长链烷基苯,以及三芳甾烷和甲基三芳甾烷的存在,推断这些样品的母质以菌藻类来源为主。 所有分析样品的甾烷成熟度参数C29ββ/(ββ+αα)为0.28-0.40,C2920S/(20S + 20R)为0.42-0.61、及C20-C21三芳孕甾烷TA(Ⅰ)/C26-C28三芳甾烷TA(Ⅱ)为0.49都说明样品的有机质成熟度较低,。 AC深水区AC-E样品UCM隆起不明显,Bush Hill浅水区样品(GC-B、GC-D、GC-F、GC-G,GC-H)UCM隆起均十分明显,这种隆起的形成是因为正烷烃、甚至五环三萜烷遭受生物降解。被微生物降解的正构烷烃与未被降解的环烷烃和支链烷烃等形成不能被溶解的复杂混合物(UCM)。因此,UCM隆起通常被认为是有机质遭受生物降解最直接的证据。深水区AC-E和Bush Hill浅水区GC-F样品中芴、氧芴和硫芴之间的丰度关系为硫芴﹥芴﹥氧芴,表明其为弱氧化-弱还原的沉积环境。具有较负碳同位素组成(-63.95‰ ~ -50.48‰)的异构/反异构脂肪酸是硫酸盐还原细菌的典型生物标志化合物,进一步证实冷泉碳酸盐岩的形成与甲烷缺氧氧化作用有关。 关键词:墨西哥湾 冷泉碳酸盐岩 有机质组成分布 单体烃碳同位素 沉积环境
Wastewaters generated during hydraulic fracturing of the Marcellus Shale typically contain high concentrations of salts, naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM), and metals, such as barium, that pose environmental and public health risks upon inadequate treatment and disposal. In addition, fresh water scarcity in dry regions or during periods of drought could limit shale gas development. This paper explores the possibility of using alternative water sources and their impact on NORM levels through blending acid mine drainage (AMD) effluent with recycled hydraulic fracturing flowback fluids (HFFFs). We conducted a series of laboratory experiments in which the chemistry and NORM of different mix proportions of AMD and HFFF were examined after reacting for 48 h. The experimental data combined with geochemical modeling and X-ray diffraction analysis suggest that several ions, including sulfate, iron, barium, strontium, and a large portion of radium (60-100%), precipitated into newly formed solids composed mainly of Sr barite within the first ∼ 10 h of mixing. The results imply that blending AMD and HFFF could be an effective management practice for both remediation of the high NORM in the Marcellus HFFF wastewater and beneficial utilization of AMD that is currently contaminating waterways in northeastern U.S.A.
This report describes the step-by-step development the Marine Biological Association's 10 week survey of the effects of the Torrey Canyon oil spill and discusses the results of field observations and laboratory experiments. It also outlines methods developed for predicting and plotting the movement of oil at sea.
Benthic Community Structure In Relation To An Instantaneous Discharge Of Waste-Water From A Tin Mine