1000 resultados para Calderón de la Barca, Pedro, 1600-1681-Homenatges
Based on Schouwenbergh's translation.
Mode of access: Internet.
Con: "Cathalogo de libros entretenidos de novelas, cuentos ... / hecho por don Pedro Joseph Alonso y Padilla ..." (p. [3]/[15])
Contiene además: Apoteósis / de Don Pedro Calderón de la Barca.
Fecha tomada de la fe de erratas. Fernando de Settien Calderón de la Barca es seudónimo del Padre Enrique Flórez.
Tomo primero tomado del Indice y de final del texto. Fecha de la tassa: 1742. Fernando de Settien Calderón de la Barca es seudónimo del Padre Enrique Flórez.
La advertencia del editor, puesta al inicio del to. I es de Naigeon, según una nota de Didot colocada a continuación, advertencia que se refiere a la edición estereotípica de la obras completa comenzada en 1799 pero nunca acabada [cf. Bengesco, t. IV, p. 203], y que anuncia mejoras respecto a la anterior edición de Kehl. Cada pieza de teatro se acompaña de anotaciones al margen.
Mode of access: Internet.
Fundamento. La obstrucción intestinal es una de las urgencias quirúrgicas más frecuentes. Su diagnóstico se basa esencialmente en la historia clínica, la exploración física y las pruebas de imagen. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar el valor diagnóstico de reactantes de fase aguda en en la obstrucción intestinal y discernir su naturaleza benigna versus maligna. Método. Se ha realizado un estudio de cohortes histórico sobre 53 pacientes sometidos a cirugía por obstrucción intestinal y/o cáncer colorrectal no obstructivo. Los pacientes se encuadraron en 3 grupos: grupo 1 (cáncer colorrectal con obstrucción intestinal) (n=23), grupo 2 (obstrucción intestinal benigna) (n=10) y grupo 3 (cáncer de colon no obstructivo) (n= 20). Se determinan los valores plasmáticos iniciales de la proteína C reactiva (PCR) y el enzima lactato deshidrogenasa (LDH). Resultados. La PCR se elevó cuantitativamente más en pacientes con obstrucción intestinal benigna (grupo 2) (p=0,001), mientras que la LDH en el grupo 1 (pacientes con cáncer obstructivo). Los niveles plasmáticos de LDH fueron significativamente mayores en los grupos con obstrucción intestinal (Grupos 1 y 2) que en pacientes sin obstrucción (p<0,001). Niveles plasmáticos de PCR mayores de 11 mg/l y de LDH mayores de 317 U/L mostraron una validez diagnóstica aceptable para diferenciar los pacientes con obstrucción intestinal, con áreas bajo la curva ROC de 80% (IC 95% = 68-92%) y de 86% (IC 95%= 75-96%) respectivamente. Su validez diagnóstica para diferenciar el origen benigno o maligno es menor, con áreas bajo la curva ROC de 56% para niveles de PCR > 24 ng/l (IC 95% = 30-82%) y de 52% (IC 95% = 29-74%) para niveles de LDH > 359 U/L. Conclusión. La determinación de las concentraciones plasmáticas de la PCR y la LDH pueden ayudar al diagnóstico de la obstrucción intestinal y orientar hacia su origen benigno o maligno en los servicios de urgencias.
Desfile de llegada de la Estudiantina Pedro Morales Pino. Cartago, C.1940.
Rapidity-odd directed flow (v1) measurements for charged pions, protons, and antiprotons near midrapidity (y=0) are reported in sNN=7.7, 11.5, 19.6, 27, 39, 62.4, and 200 GeV Au+Au collisions as recorded by the STAR detector at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider. At intermediate impact parameters, the proton and net-proton slope parameter dv1/dy|y=0 shows a minimum between 11.5 and 19.6 GeV. In addition, the net-proton dv1/dy|y=0 changes sign twice between 7.7 and 39 GeV. The proton and net-proton results qualitatively resemble predictions of a hydrodynamic model with a first-order phase transition from hadronic matter to deconfined matter, and differ from hadronic transport calculations.
We report the STAR measurements of dielectron (e(+)e(-)) production at midrapidity (|y(ee)|<1) in Au+Au collisions at √[s(NN)]=200 GeV. The measurements are evaluated in different invariant mass regions with a focus on 0.30-0.76 (ρ-like), 0.76-0.80 (ω-like), and 0.98-1.05 (ϕ-like) GeV/c(2). The spectrum in the ω-like and ϕ-like regions can be well described by the hadronic cocktail simulation. In the ρ-like region, however, the vacuum ρ spectral function cannot describe the shape of the dielectron excess. In this range, an enhancement of 1.77±0.11(stat)±0.24(syst)±0.33(cocktail) is determined with respect to the hadronic cocktail simulation that excludes the ρ meson. The excess yield in the ρ-like region increases with the number of collision participants faster than the ω and ϕ yields. Theoretical models with broadened ρ contributions through interactions with constituents in the hot QCD medium provide a consistent description of the dilepton mass spectra for the measurement presented here and the earlier data at the Super Proton Synchrotron energies.
Local parity-odd domains are theorized to form inside a quark-gluon plasma which has been produced in high-energy heavy-ion collisions. The local parity-odd domains manifest themselves as charge separation along the magnetic field axis via the chiral magnetic effect. The experimental observation of charge separation has previously been reported for heavy-ion collisions at the top RHIC energies. In this Letter, we present the results of the beam-energy dependence of the charge correlations in Au+Au collisions at midrapidity for center-of-mass energies of 7.7, 11.5, 19.6, 27, 39, and 62.4 GeV from the STAR experiment. After background subtraction, the signal gradually reduces with decreased beam energy and tends to vanish by 7.7 GeV. This implies the dominance of hadronic interactions over partonic ones at lower collision energies.
We report measurements of single- and double-spin asymmetries for W^{±} and Z/γ^{*} boson production in longitudinally polarized p+p collisions at sqrt[s]=510 GeV by the STAR experiment at RHIC. The asymmetries for W^{±} were measured as a function of the decay lepton pseudorapidity, which provides a theoretically clean probe of the proton's polarized quark distributions at the scale of the W mass. The results are compared to theoretical predictions, constrained by polarized deep inelastic scattering measurements, and show a preference for a sizable, positive up antiquark polarization in the range 0.05
We report the first measurements of the moments--mean (M), variance (σ(2)), skewness (S), and kurtosis (κ)--of the net-charge multiplicity distributions at midrapidity in Au+Au collisions at seven energies, ranging from sqrt[sNN]=7.7 to 200 GeV, as a part of the Beam Energy Scan program at RHIC. The moments are related to the thermodynamic susceptibilities of net charge, and are sensitive to the location of the QCD critical point. We compare the products of the moments, σ(2)/M, Sσ, and κσ(2), with the expectations from Poisson and negative binomial distributions (NBDs). The Sσ values deviate from the Poisson baseline and are close to the NBD baseline, while the κσ(2) values tend to lie between the two. Within the present uncertainties, our data do not show nonmonotonic behavior as a function of collision energy. These measurements provide a valuable tool to extract the freeze-out parameters in heavy-ion collisions by comparing with theoretical models.