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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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[EN] During exercise, fatigue is defined as a reversible reduction in force- or power-generating capacity and can be elicited by "central" and/or "peripheral" mechanisms. During skeletal muscle contractions, both aspects of fatigue may develop independent of alterations in convective O(2) delivery; however, reductions in O(2) supply exacerbate and increases attenuate the rate of accumulation. In this regard, peripheral fatigue development is mediated via the O(2)-dependent rate of accumulation of metabolic by-products (e.g., inorganic phosphate) and their interference with excitation-contraction coupling within the myocyte. In contrast, the development of O(2)-dependent central fatigue is elicited 1) by interference with the development of central command and/or 2) via inhibitory feedback on central motor drive secondary to the peripheral effects of low convective O(2) transport. Changes in convective O(2) delivery in the healthy human can result from modifications in arterial O(2) content, blood flow, or a combination of both, and they can be induced via heavy exercise even at sea level; these changes are exacerbated during acute and chronic exposure to altitude. This review focuses on the effects of changes in convective O(2) delivery on the development of central and peripheral fatigue.


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[EN]We present a new strategy, based on the idea of the meccano method and a novel T-mesh optimization procedure, to construct a T-spline parameterization of 2D geometries for the application of isogeometric analysis. The proposed method only demands a boundary representation of the geometry as input data. The algorithm obtains, as a result, high quality parametric transformation between 2D objects and the parametric domain, the unit square. First, we define a parametric mapping between the input boundary of the object and the boundary of the parametric domain. Then, we build a T-mesh adapted to the geometric singularities of the domain in order to preserve the features of the object boundary with a desired tolerance...


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[EN]We have recently introduced a new strategy, based on the meccano method [1, 2], to construct a T-spline parameterization of 2D and 3D geometries for the application of iso geometric analysis [3, 4]. The proposed method only demands a boundary representation of the geometry as input data. The algorithm obtains, as a result, high quality parametric transformation between the objects and the parametric domain, i.e. the meccano. The key of the method lies in de_ning an isomorphic transformation between the parametric and physical T-mesh _nding the optimal position of the interior nodes, once the meccano boundary nodes are mapped to the boundary of the physical domain…


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[EN]We present a new method, based on the idea of the meccano method and a novel T-mesh optimization procedure, to construct a T-spline parameterization of 2D geometries for the application of isogeometric analysis. The proposed method only demands a boundary representation of the geometry as input data. The algorithm obtains, as a result, high quality parametric transformation between 2D objects and the parametric domain, the unit square. First, we define a parametric mapping between the input boundary of the object and the boundary of the parametric domain. Then, we build a T-mesh adapted to the geometric singularities of the domain in order to preserve the features of the object boundary with a desired tolerance…


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A numerical model for studying the influences of deep convective cloud systems on photochemistry was developed based on a non-hydrostatic meteorological model and chemistry from a global chemistry transport model. The transport of trace gases, the scavenging of soluble trace gases, and the influences of lightning produced nitrogen oxides (NOx=NO+NO2) on the local ozone-related photochemistry were investigated in a multi-day case study for an oceanic region located in the tropical western Pacific. Model runs considering influences of large scale flows, previously neglected in multi-day cloud resolving and single column model studies of tracer transport, yielded that the influence of the mesoscale subsidence (between clouds) on trace gas transport was considerably overestimated in these studies. The simulated vertical transport and scavenging of highly soluble tracers were found to depend on the initial profiles, reconciling contrasting results from two previous studies. Influences of the modeled uptake of trace gases by hydrometeors in the liquid and the ice phase were studied in some detail for a small number of atmospheric trace gases and novel aspects concerning the role of the retention coefficient (i.e. the fraction of a dissolved trace gas that is retained in the ice phase upon freezing) on the vertical transport of highly soluble gases were illuminated. Including lightning NOx production inside a 500 km 2-D model domain was found to be important for the NOx budget and caused small to moderate changes in the domain averaged ozone concentrations. A number of sensitivity studies yielded that the fraction of lightning associated NOx which was lost through photochemical reactions in the vicinity of the lightning source was considerable, but strongly depended on assumptions about the magnitude and the altitude of the lightning NOx source. In contrast to a suggestion from an earlier study, it was argued that the near zero upper tropospheric ozone mixing ratios which were observed close to the study region were most probably not caused by the formation of NO associated with lightning. Instead, it was argued in agreement with suggestions from other studies that the deep convective transport of ozone-poor air masses from the relatively unpolluted marine boundary layer, which have most likely been advected horizontally over relatively large distances (both before and after encountering deep convection) probably played a role. In particular, it was suggested that the ozone profiles observed during CEPEX (Central Equatorial Pacific Experiment) were strongly influenced by the deep convection and the larger scale flow which are associated with the intra-seasonal oscillation.


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Deep convection by pyro-cumulonimbus clouds (pyroCb) can transport large amounts of forest fire smoke into the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere. Here, results from numerical simulations of such deep convective smoke transport are presented. The structure, shape and injection height of the pyroCb simulated for a specific case study are in good agreement with observations. The model results confirm that substantial amounts of smoke are injected into the lower stratosphere. Small-scale mixing processes at the cloud top result in a significant enhancement of smoke injection into the stratosphere. Sensitivity studies show that the release of sensible heat by the fire plays an important role for the dynamics of the pyroCb. Furthermore, the convection is found to be very sensitive to background meteorological conditions. While the abundance of aerosol particles acting as cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) has a strong influence on the microphysical structure of the pyroCb, the CCN effect on the convective dynamics is rather weak. The release of latent heat dominates the overall energy budget of the pyroCb. Since most of the cloud water originates from moisture entrained from the background atmosphere, the fire-released moisture contributes only minor to convection dynamics. Sufficient fire heating, favorable meteorological conditions, and small-scale mixing processes at the cloud top are identified as the key ingredients for troposphere-to-stratosphere transport by pyroCb convection.


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In the last few years the resolution of numerical weather prediction (nwp) became higher and higher with the progresses of technology and knowledge. As a consequence, a great number of initial data became fundamental for a correct initialization of the models. The potential of radar observations has long been recognized for improving the initial conditions of high-resolution nwp models, while operational application becomes more frequent. The fact that many nwp centres have recently taken into operations convection-permitting forecast models, many of which assimilate radar data, emphasizes the need for an approach to providing quality information which is needed in order to avoid that radar errors degrade the model's initial conditions and, therefore, its forecasts. Environmental risks can can be related with various causes: meteorological, seismical, hydrological/hydraulic. Flash floods have horizontal dimension of 1-20 Km and can be inserted in mesoscale gamma subscale, this scale can be modeled only with nwp model with the highest resolution as the COSMO-2 model. One of the problems of modeling extreme convective events is related with the atmospheric initial conditions, in fact the scale dimension for the assimilation of atmospheric condition in an high resolution model is about 10 Km, a value too high for a correct representation of convection initial conditions. Assimilation of radar data with his resolution of about of Km every 5 or 10 minutes can be a solution for this problem. In this contribution a pragmatic and empirical approach to deriving a radar data quality description is proposed to be used in radar data assimilation and more specifically for the latent heat nudging (lhn) scheme. Later the the nvective capabilities of the cosmo-2 model are investigated through some case studies. Finally, this work shows some preliminary experiments of coupling of a high resolution meteorological model with an Hydrological one.


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Die Verifikation bewertet die Güte von quantitativen Niederschlagsvorhersagen(QNV) gegenüber Beobachtungen und liefert Hinweise auf systematische Modellfehler. Mit Hilfe der merkmals-bezogenen Technik SAL werden simulierte Niederschlagsverteilungen hinsichtlich (S)truktur, (A)mplitude und (L)ocation analysiert. Seit einigen Jahren werden numerische Wettervorhersagemodelle benutzt, mit Gitterpunktabständen, die es erlauben, hochreichende Konvektion ohne Parametrisierung zu simulieren. Es stellt sich jetzt die Frage, ob diese Modelle bessere Vorhersagen liefern. Der hoch aufgelöste stündliche Beobachtungsdatensatz, der in dieser Arbeit verwendet wird, ist eine Kombination von Radar- und Stationsmessungen. Zum einem wird damit am Beispiel der deutschen COSMO-Modelle gezeigt, dass die Modelle der neuesten Generation eine bessere Simulation des mittleren Tagesgangs aufweisen, wenn auch mit zu geringen Maximum und etwas zu spätem Auftreten. Im Gegensatz dazu liefern die Modelle der alten Generation ein zu starkes Maximum, welches erheblich zu früh auftritt. Zum anderen wird mit dem neuartigen Modell eine bessere Simulation der räumlichen Verteilung des Niederschlags, durch eine deutliche Minimierung der Luv-/Lee Proble-matik, erreicht. Um diese subjektiven Bewertungen zu quantifizieren, wurden tägliche QNVs von vier Modellen für Deutschland in einem Achtjahreszeitraum durch SAL sowie klassischen Maßen untersucht. Die höher aufgelösten Modelle simulieren realistischere Niederschlagsverteilungen(besser in S), aber bei den anderen Komponenten tritt kaum ein Unterschied auf. Ein weiterer Aspekt ist, dass das Modell mit der gröbsten Auf-lösung(ECMWF) durch den RMSE deutlich am besten bewertet wird. Darin zeigt sich das Problem des ‚Double Penalty’. Die Zusammenfassung der drei Komponenten von SAL liefert das Resultat, dass vor allem im Sommer das am feinsten aufgelöste Modell (COSMO-DE) am besten abschneidet. Hauptsächlich kommt das durch eine realistischere Struktur zustande, so dass SAL hilfreiche Informationen liefert und die subjektive Bewertung bestätigt. rnIm Jahr 2007 fanden die Projekte COPS und MAP D-PHASE statt und boten die Möglich-keit, 19 Modelle aus drei Modellkategorien hinsichtlich ihrer Vorhersageleistung in Südwestdeutschland für Akkumulationszeiträume von 6 und 12 Stunden miteinander zu vergleichen. Als Ergebnisse besonders hervorzuheben sind, dass (i) je kleiner der Gitter-punktabstand der Modelle ist, desto realistischer sind die simulierten Niederschlags-verteilungen; (ii) bei der Niederschlagsmenge wird in den hoch aufgelösten Modellen weniger Niederschlag, d.h. meist zu wenig, simuliert und (iii) die Ortskomponente wird von allen Modellen am schlechtesten simuliert. Die Analyse der Vorhersageleistung dieser Modelltypen für konvektive Situationen zeigt deutliche Unterschiede. Bei Hochdrucklagen sind die Modelle ohne Konvektionsparametrisierung nicht in der Lage diese zu simulieren, wohingegen die Modelle mit Konvektionsparametrisierung die richtige Menge, aber zu flächige Strukturen realisieren. Für konvektive Ereignisse im Zusammenhang mit Fronten sind beide Modelltypen in der Lage die Niederschlagsverteilung zu simulieren, wobei die hoch aufgelösten Modelle realistischere Felder liefern. Diese wetterlagenbezogene Unter-suchung wird noch systematischer unter Verwendung der konvektiven Zeitskala durchge-führt. Eine erstmalig für Deutschland erstellte Klimatologie zeigt einen einer Potenzfunktion folgenden Abfall der Häufigkeit dieser Zeitskala zu größeren Werten hin auf. Die SAL Ergebnisse sind für beide Bereiche dramatisch unterschiedlich. Für kleine Werte der konvektiven Zeitskala sind sie gut, dagegen werden bei großen Werten die Struktur sowie die Amplitude deutlich überschätzt. rnFür zeitlich sehr hoch aufgelöste Niederschlagsvorhersagen gewinnt der Einfluss der zeitlichen Fehler immer mehr an Bedeutung. Durch die Optimierung/Minimierung der L Komponente von SAL innerhalb eines Zeitfensters(+/-3h) mit dem Beobachtungszeit-punkt im Zentrum ist es möglich diese zu bestimmen. Es wird gezeigt, dass bei optimalem Zeitversatz die Struktur und Amplitude der QNVs für das COSMO-DE besser werden und damit die grundsätzliche Fähigkeit des Modells die Niederschlagsverteilung realistischer zu simulieren, besser gezeigt werden kann.


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In this work a modelization of the turbulence in the atmospheric boundary layer, under convective condition, is made. For this aim, the equations that describe the atmospheric motion are expressed through Reynolds averages and, then, they need closures. This work consists in modifying the TKE-l closure used in the BOLAM (Bologna Limited Area Model) forecast model. In particular, the single column model extracted from BOLAM is used, which is modified to obtain other three different closure schemes: a non-local term is added to the flux- gradient relations used to close the second order moments present in the evolution equation of the turbulent kinetic energy, so that the flux-gradient relations become more suitable for simulating an unstable boundary layer. Furthermore, a comparison among the results obtained from the single column model, the ones obtained from the three new schemes and the observations provided by the known case in literature ”GABLS2” is made.


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Characterizing the spatial scaling and dynamics of convective precipitation in mountainous terrain and the development of downscaling methods to transfer precipitation fields from one scale to another is the overall motivation for this research. Substantial progress has been made on characterizing the space-time organization of Midwestern convective systems and tropical rainfall, which has led to the development of statistical/dynamical downscaling models. Space-time analysis and downscaling of orographic precipitation has received less attention due to the complexities of topographic influences. This study uses multiscale statistical analysis to investigate the spatial scaling of organized thunderstorms that produce heavy rainfall and flooding in mountainous regions. Focus is placed on the eastern and western slopes of the Appalachian region and the Front Range of the Rocky Mountains. Parameter estimates are analyzed over time and attention is given to linking changes in the multiscale parameters with meteorological forcings and orographic influences on the rainfall. Influences of geographic regions and predominant orographic controls on trends in multiscale properties of precipitation are investigated. Spatial resolutions from 1 km to 50 km are considered. This range of spatial scales is needed to bridge typical scale gaps between distributed hydrologic models and numerical weather prediction (NWP) forecasts and attempts to address the open research problem of scaling organized thunderstorms and convection in mountainous terrain down to 1-4 km scales.


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Eutrophication is a persistent problem in many fresh water lakes. Delay in lake recovery following reductions in external loading of phosphorus, the limiting nutrient in fresh water ecosystems, is often observed. Models have been created to assist with lake remediation efforts, however, the application of management tools to sediment diagenesis is often neglected due to conceptual and mathematical complexity. SED2K (Chapra et al. 2012) is proposed as a "middle way", offering engineering rigor while being accessible to users. An objective of this research is to further support the development and application SED2K for sediment phosphorus diagenesis and release to the water column of Onondaga Lake. Application of SED2K has been made to eutrophic Lake Alice in Minnesota. The more homogenous sediment characteristics of Lake Alice, compared with the industrially polluted sediment layers of Onondaga Lake, allowed for an invariant rate coefficient to be applied to describe first order decay kinetics of phosphorus. When a similar approach was attempted on Onondaga Lake an invariant rate coefficient failed to simulate the sediment phosphorus profile. Therefore, labile P was accounted for by progressive preservation after burial and a rate coefficient which gradual decreased with depth was applied. In this study, profile sediment samples were chemically extracted into five operationally-defined fractions: CaCO3-P, Fe/Al-P, Biogenic-P, Ca Mineral-P and Residual-P. Chemical fractionation data, from this study, showed that preservation is not the only mechanism by which phosphorus may be maintained in a non-reactive state in the profile. Sorption has been shown to contribute substantially to P burial within the profile. A new kinetic approach involving partitioning of P into process based fractions is applied here. Results from this approach indicate that labile P (Ca Mineral and Organic P) is contributing to internal P loading to Onondaga Lake, through diagenesis and diffusion to the water column, while the sorbed P fraction (Fe/Al-P and CaCO3-P) is remaining consistent. Sediment profile concentrations of labile and total phosphorus at time of deposition were also modeled and compared with current labile and total phosphorus, to quantify the extent to which remaining phosphorus which will continue to contribute to internal P loading and influence the trophic status of Onondaga Lake. Results presented here also allowed for estimation of the depth of the active sediment layer and the attendant response time as well as the sediment burden of labile P and associated efflux.


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Methods for optical motion capture often require timeconsuming manual processing before the data can be used for subsequent tasks such as retargeting or character animation. These processing steps restrict the applicability of motion capturing especially for dynamic VR-environments with real time requirements. To solve these problems, we present two additional, fast and automatic processing stages based on our motion capture pipeline presented in [HSK05]. A normalization step aligns the recorded coordinate systems with the skeleton structure to yield a common and intuitive data basis across different recording sessions. A second step computes a parameterization based on automatically extracted main movement axes to generate a compact motion description. Our method does not restrict the placement of marker bodies nor the recording setup, and only requires a short calibration phase.


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Localized short-echo-time (1)H-MR spectra of human brain contain contributions of many low-molecular-weight metabolites and baseline contributions of macromolecules. Two approaches to model such spectra are compared and the data acquisition sequence, optimized for reproducibility, is presented. Modeling relies on prior knowledge constraints and linear combination of metabolite spectra. Investigated was what can be gained by basis parameterization, i.e., description of basis spectra as sums of parametric lineshapes. Effects of basis composition and addition of experimentally measured macromolecular baselines were investigated also. Both fitting methods yielded quantitatively similar values, model deviations, error estimates, and reproducibility in the evaluation of 64 spectra of human gray and white matter from 40 subjects. Major advantages of parameterized basis functions are the possibilities to evaluate fitting parameters separately, to treat subgroup spectra as independent moieties, and to incorporate deviations from straightforward metabolite models. It was found that most of the 22 basis metabolites used may provide meaningful data when comparing patient cohorts. In individual spectra, sums of closely related metabolites are often more meaningful. Inclusion of a macromolecular basis component leads to relatively small, but significantly different tissue content for most metabolites. It provides a means to quantitate baseline contributions that may contain crucial clinical information.