734 resultados para CERN ISR


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Against a background of increasing energy demand and rising fuel prices, hybrid-electric propulsion systems (HEPS) have the potential to significantly reduce fuel consumption in the aviation industry, particularly in the lighter sectors. By taking advantage of both Electric Motor (EM) and Internal Combustion Engine (ICE), HEPS provide not only a benefit in fuel saving but also a reduction in take-off noise and the emission levels. This research considers the design and sizing process of a hybrid-electric propulsion system for a single-seat demonstrator aircraft, the experimental derivation of the ICE map and the EM parameters. In addition to the experimental data, a novel modeling approach including several linked desktop PC software packages is presented to analyze and optimize hybrid-electric technology for aircraft. Further to the analysis of a parallel hybrid-electric, mid-scale aircraft, this paper also presents a scaling approach for a 20 kg UAV and a 50 tonne inter-city airliner. At the smaller scale, two different mission profiles are analyzed: an ISR mission profile, where the simulation routine optimizes the component size of the hybrid-electric propulsion system with respect to fuel saving, and a maximum duration profile; where the flight endurance is determined as a function of payload weight. At the larger scale, the performance of a 50 tonne inter-city airliner is modeled, based on a hybrid-electric gas-turbine, assuming a range of electric boost powers and battery masses.


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Sequence of rDNA intergenic spacer region (ISR) from a waterbloom cyanobacterial species Oscillatoria sp, was determined and analyzed. The results of sequence comparison showed that the spacer had a high level sequence divergence, suggesting the sequence may be a target sequence for developing cyanobacteria genus- and species-specific oligonucleotide probes. In addition, a 20bp sequence of rDNA ISR was found highly conserved in all species of cyanobacteria, which was not found in other eubacteria. This conserved sequence within a variable region indicates that it might be a functional oligonucleotide in the processing of the rRNA precursor.


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为兰州放射性次级束流线(RIBLL)实验需求升级改造1套基于PC-Linux的数据获取系统。系统采用PCI-CAMAC总线标准,CAMAC插件与计算机间的通讯通过CC32机箱控制器和PCIADA卡来实现。数据在线分析程序可直接连接CERN的PAW/ROOT分析平台。经多次实验检验,系统工作稳定可靠,最大数据获取速率达到了930 KB/s。


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The inelastic component of the key astrophysical resonance (1(-), E-x=6.15 MeV) in the O-14(alpha,p)F-17 reaction has been studied by using the resonant scattering of F-17+p. The experiment was done at REX-ISOLDE CERN with the Miniball setup. The thick target method in inverse kinematics was utilized in the present experiment where a 44.2 MeV F-17 beam bombarded a similar to 40 mu m thick (CH2)(n) target. The inelastic scattering protons in coincidence with the de-excited 495 keV gamma rays have been clearly seen and they are from the inelastic branch to the first excited state in F-17 following decay of the 1(-) resonance in Ne-18. Some preliminary results are reported.


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随着核物理理论研究和各种先进探测设备研制工作的不断深入,世界各大实验室相继建立了各具特色的放射性束装置,放射性束物理得到了长足的发展。在放射性束引起的核反应实验上,要得到更加精确的非稳定原子核的结构信息和反应机制,需要对反应产物实现完全运动学测量,这就要求位置分辨和能量分辨更精确的探测器装置。高性能小型带电粒子探测阵列是基于△E-E粒子鉴别方法,采用位置分辨精确的双面硅微条作为△E探测器,用阻止本领大的BGO晶体阵列作为E探测器,来测量反应产物的能量分辨和角分布,从而进行带电粒子的鉴别。 Geant4是由欧洲核子中心(CERN)开发的一个大型高能物理探测器模拟程序,是采用当代先进的面向对象程序设计技术利用C++语言编写的。我们基于该模拟工具,对探测器分辨随能量的变化情况、粒子斜入射对探测器分辨的影响情况、晶体厚度变化对分辨的影响情况以及与阻止相同能量的CsI晶体分辨情况等进行了一系列的模拟对照。 本论文工作的主要内容有:首先,介绍了探测器的研制及测试过程。该探测器用一块双面硅微条作为△E探测器,用64块BGO晶体阵列作E探测器。晶体阵列采用一块64单元位置灵敏的光倍管读出信号。该探测器具有体积小,死区小,位置分辨好等优点。其次,根据探测器在实验中可能遇到的问题,我们利用Geant4系统的模拟了晶体尺寸变化对分辨的影响情况;晶体分辨随能量升高的变化情况及粒子斜入射对晶体分辨造成的影响等,从而为探测器选用合适尺寸的晶体提供了很好的参考。模拟结果显示,晶体分辨随着能量升高而变好,这为选用BGO晶体作为带电粒子探测阵列提供了很好的参考;粒子斜入射会对分辨造成一定的影响,并从三维图上显示了粒子的踪迹,这为今后实验数据处理提供了很好的参考;与CsI晶体位置分辨和能量分辨作了对照模拟,模拟结果显示,随着带电粒子能量的增加BGO分辨逐渐与CsI晶体接近,并且角分辨会比CsI晶体好,从而得出BGO晶体用来作带电粒子探测阵列的独特优势。最后,针对以后的工作方向作了简单的讨论


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植物土传病害难以防治 ,植物根际促生菌 (plantgrowth promotingrhizobacteria ,PGPR)的深入研究和发展为解决这一难题展现了诱人的前景 .PGPR能够高密度地在植物根际定殖 ,兼有抑制植物病原菌、根际有害微生物 ,以及促进植物生长并增加作物产量的作用 ,更重要的是有些PGPR能够诱导植物产生系统抗性 (inducedsystemicresistance ,ISR) ,从而提高植物整体的抗病能力 .近 2 0年来 ,国外这一领域的研究十分活跃 ,已有很多成功应用的PGPR产品 ,国内应大力加强基础与应用的研究 ,并推进其产业化的发展 .


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The affinity and specificity of drugs with human serum albumin (HSA) are crucial factors influencing the bioactivity of drugs. To gain insight into the carrier function of HSA, the binding of levamlodipine with HSA has been investigated as a model system by a combined experimental and theoretical/computational approach. The fluorescence properties of HSA and the binding parameters of levamlodipine indicate that the binding is characterized by one binding site with static quenching mechanism, which is related to the energy transfer. As indicated by the thermodynamic analysis, hydrophobic interaction is the predominant force in levamiodipine-HSA complex, which is in agreement with the computational results. And the hydrogen bonds can be confirmed by computational approach between levamlodipine and HSA. Compared to predicted binding energies and binding energy spectra at seven sites on HSA, levamlodipine binding HSA at site I has a high affinity regime and the highest specificity characterized by the largest intrinsic specificity ratio (ISR). The binding characteristics at site I guarantee that drugs can be carried and released from HSA to carry out their specific bioactivity.


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We report here the investigation of a novel description of specificity in protein-ligand binding based on energy landscape theory. We define a new term, intrinsic specificity ratio (ISR), which describes the level of discrimination in binding free energies of the native basin for a protein-ligand complex from the weaker binding states of the same ligand. We discuss the relationship between the intrinsic specificity we defined here and the conventional definition of specificity. In a docking study of molecules with the enzyme COX-2, we demonstrate a statistical correspondence between ISR value and geometrical shapes of the small molecules binding to COX-2. We further observe that the known selective (nonselective) inhibitors of COX-2 have higher (lower) ISR values. We suggest that intrinsic specificity ratio may be a useful new criterion and a complement to affinity in drug screening and in searching for potential drug lead compounds.


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气体探测器在核物理及粒子物理领域有着广泛的应用,尤其是阻性板室探测器,以其低廉的造价、优异的性能在各个大型实验室中都发挥着重要的作用。日本国家高能物理实验室(KEK)的Belle探测器,斯坦福大学斯坦福直线加速器中心(SLAC)的BaBar大型探测器,欧洲核子中心(CERN)的大型强子对撞机(LHC)的CMS与ATLAS谱仪,北京高能物理研究所(IHEP)的BESⅢ谱仪都使用阻性板室作为触发系统或缪子探测器。 随着HIRFL-CSR项目的完工。RIBLL2开展高能放射性束物理实验成为可能,而为了鉴别高能重离子碰撞实验中出射的高能轻粒子,有必要测量粒子的飞行时间(TOF)。为此,我们研制了单隙定时RPC,并作了简单性能测试。在CSR实验终端上,它可以作为传统塑料闪烁晶体+PMT时间探测器的替代,成为反应出射产物测量的大型探测器系统(4π)中的重要成员。 本论文对RPC的发展历史以及被广泛应用的原因做了深入而详细的研究,并对RPC的结构、性能、工作模式、特点、气体系统等进行了深入探讨。研制了一套单气隙RPC探测器样机,测设了一些相关性能,并对所遇到问题的产生原因以及解决方案进行了分析。为了测试RPC的需要,搭建了一套多组分工作气体配气系统,论文中还对包括质量流量计的选定,相关配件的选择,以及后期整个配气系统的组装与调试进行了详细描述


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Bayan Obo REE-Nb-Fe ore deposit is the largest REE deposit in the world. Owing to its unique type and tremendous economic value, this deposit has widely attracted interests from geological researchers and vast amount of scientific data have been accumulated. However, its genesis, especially ore-forming age and REE sources, have been under dispute for a long time. On the basis of previous research works, this paper mainly conducts studies on the Early Paleozoic ore-forming event in the Bayan Obo deposit. The following results and conclusions can be suggested: Sm-Nd isotopic analytical results of bastnaesite, beloeilite, albite and fluorite samples from a coarse-crystalline ore lode present an isochron age of 436±35Ma. Besides, Rb-Sr isotope dating of the coarse-crystalline biotite lode that intruded into banded ores gives an isochron age of 459±39Ma. The two ages verify the exist of Early Paleozoic ore-forming event at Bayan Obo, which characterized by extensive netted mineralization of REE fluorocarbonates, aeschynite and monazite, accompanied by widely fluorite-riebeckite-aegirine-apatite alteration. Sr-Nd isotope composition of vein minerals is located between EMI and ancient lower crust component in the ISr(t)-εNd(t) correlation diagram, indicating that there is a crustal contamination during veined mineralization. A large area late Paleozoic granitoids are distributed in the southeast region of east open pit of the mine. The granitoids intruded directly into the ore-bearing dolomite, and produced intense skarnization. Moreover, at 650-660m of the drill core on 22 line and 1598m level flat in the south of East Open Pit, we firstly found skarnization rocks. Single grain and low background Rb-Sr isochrone dating on phlogopite in skarn gives 309±12Ma. Considering the intruded contacting relationship, the late Paleozoic granitoids, already extended to the under part of REE ore bodies, must be posterior to the latest intense REE mineralization, and is only a destructive tectonic and magmatic activity. Fluid inclusion types of fluorite in the Bayan Obo deposit consist of multiphase daughter mineral-bearing inclusion, two or three phase CO2-bearing inclusion and two phase aqueous inclusion. Petrography, laser Raman analysis and microthermometry study indicate that the fluids involving in REE-Nb-Fe mineralization at Bayan Obo might be mainly of H2O-CO2-NaCl-(F-REE) system. The presence of REE-carbonate as a daughter mineral in fluid inclusions shows that the original ore-forming fluids are rich in REE elements.


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Neutral winds and electric fields in the ionospheric F layer play important roles in the variations of the ionosphere, and also affect the thermospheric circulation via the close coupling between the ionosphere and the thermosphere. By now, the neutral winds and electric drifts are generally observed with ground-based Fabry-Perot interferometers (FPI) and incoherent scatter radars (ISR), rockets, and satellite-borne instrument. Based on the servo theory, the ionospheric equivalent winds, which include the information of both the neutral winds and electric fields, can be derived from these characteristic parameters observed by ionosondes. This indirect derivation has potential values in climatological researches and space weather forecast. With the data set of the incoherent scatter radar observations at Millstone Hill, USA, from 1976 to 2006, we statistically analyzed the climatological variations of the vertical component of the equivalent winds (VEWs) over Millstone Hill, which are derived from the ionospheric key parameters (the peak electron number density and peak height of the F2 layer, NmF2 and hmF2) on the basis of the servo theory, Liu's method, and measurements from the ion line-of-sight velocity as well. The main results of this analysis are summarized as follows: (1) The values of VEWs over Millstone Hill during nighttime are stronger than in the daytime, and the upward drift dominates most of the day. In 1993, Hagan found that the component of the neutral winds in the magnetic meridion in daytime is weaker than during nighttime under both solar maximum and minimum conditions; he also found that the equatorward winds dominate most of the day. Both results suggest that the thermosphere in Millstone Hill is modulated by the aurorally driven high-latitude circulation cell; that is, during geomagnetic quiet periods, the average auroral activity is strong enough to drive thermospheric circulation equatorward for most of the day at Millstone Hill. Moreover, since ion drag is the strongest during daytime when F region densities are enhanced by photoionization, the wind speeds are smaller during the daytime than in the nighttime. (2) There is equinoctial symmetry in VEWs at Millstone Hill. The amplitudes and phases of VEWs in spring are quite similar to those in autumn. In contrast, the nighttime upward drift in winter is weaker than in summer and the difference becomes more significant with increasing solar activity. This solstice asymmetry indicates that, the aurorally driven circulation in the northern hemisphere at Millstone Hill latitude is weaker in winter due to arctic darkness, because the subsolar point is in the southern hemisphere. (3) The comparison of the VEWs derived from three methods, i.e., the servo theory, Liu's method, and the ISR ion line-of-sight velocity measurements, indicates that the amplitudes and main phase tendencies of these VEWs accord well with each other during nighttime hours. However, the case in the daytime is relatively worse. This daytime discrepancy can be explained in terms of the effects of photochemical processes and the choices of the servo constants. A larger servo constant gives a stronger plasma drift in daytime. Therefore, this study tells how important to choose a suitable constant for deriving VEWs at Millstone Hill.


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甘肃文县阳山金矿的探明黄金储量已达308t,平均品位4.74g/t,是我国地质勘查储量最大的金矿床。该矿床产于西秦岭造山带,是一个同碰撞形成的类卡林型金矿床,矿体受EW向韧脆性剪切带控制,赋矿围岩为泥盆系碳质千枚岩-板岩-碳酸盐-硅质岩和侵入其中的花岗斑岩脉。流体成矿过程包括:形成石英-绢云母-黄铁矿组合的早阶段,形成石英-黄铁矿-毒砂-方铅矿等多金属组合的主成矿阶段,形成碳酸盐-辉锑矿-石英网脉的晚阶段。 与矿体关系较为密切的花岗斑岩富集LILE 和 LREE, 亏损 Ba, Sr, Nb, Ta, P 和Ti,ΣREE=54.35~124.01 μg/g ,(La/Yb)N=9.72~27.80,δEu=0.70~0.89, ISr值为0.70806~0.71756,平均0.71107;εNd(t)平均-3.4;Nd模式年龄(T2DM)平均1.34(Ga)。表明花岗斑岩岩浆应源自成熟度较低的中元古代基底地壳物质。花岗斑岩的(206Pb/204Pb)220Ma、(207Pb/204Pb)220Ma和(208Pb/204Pb)220Ma的平均值分别为17.875、15.604和38.296,与秦岭微陆块的中元古代基底和碧口地体碧口群的Pb同位素组成一致。考虑到前人获得碧口群的年龄为1.235~1.367Ga,而秦岭微陆块沿勉略缝合带向南仰冲到碧口地体之上,我们认为由碧口群等组成的俯冲板片的变质脱水熔融作用导致了阳山金矿带花岗斑岩的形成。因此,阳山金矿带的花岗斑岩是扬子与华北大陆中生代碰撞造山过程中形成的同碰撞花岗岩类。 最新的S,Sr和Pb同位素研究表明:热液成矿早阶段的黄铁矿的34S值范围介于-15.5‰~6.59‰之间,总体离散性比较大,显示沉积地层来源的特征,硫同位素组成属离散型,不具有岩浆主导的成矿的塔式效应。花岗岩中黄铁矿硫同位素范围很集中,34S值处于-1.47‰~2.12‰之间,本区花岗斑岩不可能为成矿物质的主要来源。矿石硫化物的初始锶同位素比值范围较大(0.70877~0.71697,平均为0.71258),显示成矿物质并非单一来源,考虑到花岗斑岩先于矿床形成,只在后期构造作用的岩体部分成矿的地质事实,少量矿石中的低锶同位素比值黄铁矿有可能来自作为围岩的花岗斑岩,也可能来自基底物质。矿石硫化物Pb同位素206Pb/204Pb=17.552~18.853,平均18.260;207Pb/204Pb=15.574~15.928,平均15.685;208Pb/204Pb=37.894~39.293,平均38.680,变化范围比较大。μ=9.46~10.06,平均为9.65,ω值介于36.96~42.21,显示了铅源的物质成熟度较高,要求最佳物源是浅变质化学-碎屑沉积建造,恰好与本区泥盆构造层为浅变质细碎屑岩夹薄层灰岩系的特征一致,部分低Sr和Pb同位素比值的成矿物质可能来自于作为围岩的花岗斑岩和/或者基地物质。 总结前人阳山金矿床的H-O-C同位素体系的研究得出,初始成矿流体来源于碳酸盐地层或相似岩石建造的变质或/和改造脱水,成矿流体系统从早到晚、从深到浅,由变质热液演变为大气降水热液。与本文得出的结论一致。 总而言之, 阳山金矿矿成矿流体的来源早期具有变质水特征,应来自赋矿地层或相似岩性组合的改造或变质脱水作用,晚阶段大气水为主的流体性质。成矿物质主要来自于赋矿围岩。流体经过作为部分围岩的花岗斑岩时从中萃取少部分成矿物质,而导致了少部分的低锶、铅同位素的矿石硫化物组成。 在中生代扬子板块北缘(包括碧口地块)向南秦岭陆陆碰撞过程中,扬子北缘板片沿勉略断裂向北俯冲到南秦岭之下,下插板片增温增压,发生变质、脱水和部分熔融。碰撞中期,构造背景由挤压向伸展转变,减压增温的环境导致大量变质流体沿深大断裂向上运移,不断萃取围岩中大量成矿元素,并将成矿元素搬运至有利于流体聚集、成矿物质卸载的空间,使成矿物质富集成矿。阳山金矿床定位于泥盆系构造层中,成矿时代为190Ma左右,紧随花岗斑岩侵入作用(220Ma左右),主成矿作用发生于碰撞作用由挤压-伸展转变期的减压增温环境。成岩、成矿模式与CMF模式吻合。 阳山超大型金矿是世界罕见的碰撞造山带内类卡林型金矿床,其地质地球化学特征复杂、独特,流体性质主要与造山型金矿一致,矿床地质主要与卡林型金矿一致,部分特征兼与造山型和卡林型两类矿床之间,花岗斑岩本身成矿的特点又为阳山所特有,总体具有造山型向卡林型金矿过渡的性质。因此建议以“秦岭式”或“阳山式”类卡林型金矿床代表与阳山金矿具有类似成矿背景及地球化学性质的矿床。


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秦岭造山带是华北与扬子两大古板块的接合带,在空间上,自北而南,秦岭造山带可分为华北板块南缘(华熊地块)、北秦岭造山带、南秦岭造山带和扬子板块北缘等4个构造单元。小秦岭金矿田位于华熊地块北缘,是国内外学者共识的造山型金矿田,河南灵宝大湖金-钼矿床位于小秦岭金矿田,属断控脉状矿床。大湖金-钼矿床最先正是以金矿床进行勘查的,其黄金储量28t,平均品位8.7g/t。随着开采深度的加大,部分含金石英脉向深部转变为辉钼矿-石英脉,目前探明钼资源量已达中型规模。 本论文主要从区域地质背景、矿床地质特征、元素地球化学、同位素地球化学、流体包裹体地球化学、矿床年代学及成矿机理等角度对大湖金-钼矿床进行了较为系统的研究,主要获得如下认识: 成矿过程经历3个阶段:早阶段为黄铁矿-石英脉,遭受变形、破碎,应形成于挤压或压剪过程;中阶段为细粒的辉钼矿-黄铁矿-石英网脉,贯入到早阶段黄铁矿或石英矿物的裂隙(可呈共轭状),应形成于剪切环境;晚阶段石英-碳酸盐细脉具梳状构造,充填于张性或张扭性裂隙。 大湖金-钼矿床的金属硫化物ISr=0.70470-0.71312,平均0.70854;(143Nd/144Nd)i=0.51143-0.51215,平均0.51162;(206Pb/204Pb)i=17.033-17.285,(207Pb/204Pb)i=15.358-15.438,(208Pb/204Pb)i = 37.307-37.582。其围岩太华群样品平均值ISr=0.72294,(143Nd/144Nd)i=0.51107,(206Pb/204Pb)i=17.127-18.392,(207Pb/204Pb)i =15.416-15.604,(208Pb/204Pb)i=37.498-37.814,它们的平均值分别是17.547,15.470,37.616。通过金属硫化物及围岩太华群的对比,可以看出,成矿物质具有太华群和深部地幔混合的特征。 通过对不同阶段的含矿石英脉中的流体包裹体特征研究表明,早阶段只发育CO2-H2O型流体包裹体;中阶段流体包裹体类型复杂,有纯CO2型、CO2-H2O型、H2O-NaCl型和含子晶包裹体,指示流体沸腾作用强烈;而晚阶段只发育水溶液包裹体。早、中、晚3个阶段的流体包裹体均一温度分别集中在400-500℃、290-470℃、220-260℃;估计的早、中阶段流体的最低捕获压力分别为138-331MPa和78-237MPa,对应于成矿深度分别为13.8-11.0km和7.8-8.0km。早、中阶段的压力反应出静岩压力到静水压力的转变。成矿温度和压力明显高于浅部含金石英脉的成矿温度120-310℃,成矿压力100-150MPa。与野外观察到的“上金下钼”的空间关系一致。 大湖金-钼矿床辉钼矿-石英脉Re-Os同位素模式年龄较集中,介于215.4±5.4-255.6±9.6Ma,Re-0s等时线年龄为218±41Ma(MSWD=38,2σ误差),表明大湖金-钼矿的辉矿化形成于印支期。 三叠纪末,随着古秦岭洋的逐渐封闭,处在弧后转换带的深部岩石在挤压作用下发生变质脱水而形成初始成矿流体,成矿流体沿断裂带(韧性剪切带)向上迁移而引起大湖钼矿床成矿系统的发育。随着区域构造环境由挤压转为伸展,区域的变质脱水更强,形成大量成矿流体,变质流体上侵为浅层流体循环提供了的热能,而浅层构造也因减压扩容而为流体循环提供了通道,这无疑有利于浅层流体循环和混入成矿系统。同时,增温和减压也有利于成矿流体发生沸腾。因此,充足的流体、热以及强烈的流体沸腾等,势必导致发生最为强烈的成矿物质快速沉淀作用。随着挤压作用的减弱,伸展作用的增强,区域热异常消失,地壳深部组分发生亏损,流体以浅源大气降水占主导,成矿作用迅速衰竭,形成石英-碳酸盐网脉,对成矿作用贡献减弱。总之,通过对大湖金钼矿床研究表明,大湖金钼矿床形成于由挤压转向伸展的构造背景,这与矿床地质的特征一致。