Karyotypes and reproductive isolation were studied in two allopatric populations of Drosophila tsigana, one from Guizhou Province in southern China and the other from Hokkaido in northern Japan, and in one population of a closely related species, D. longi
Regardless of the well-documented virilis species group, most groups of the Drosophila virilis section have not been completely studied at molecular level since it was suggested. Therefore, phylogenetic relationships among and within species groups of the
Drosophila (Sophophora) subpulchrella Takamori and Watabe, sp. nov., of the D. suzukii subgroup in the D. melanogaster species group, is described from Japan and southern China, and compared with its sibling species, D. pulchrella Tan et al. distributed i
Host feeding selection by the female pea leafminer, Liriomyza huidobrensis, on 47 species of plants was studied. The leaves were sectioned by microtome, and 15 characteristics of the leaf tissue structure were measured under a microscope. Correlation analysis between host feeding selection and leaf tissue structure indicated that the preference of host feeding selection was positively correlated with the percentage of moisture content of leaves and negatively with thickness of the epidermis wall, and densities of the palisade and spongy tissues of leaves. Leaf tissue structure was influential in feeding and probing behavior of female L. huidobrensis. So, thickness of epidermis wall, densities of the palisade and spongy tissues can act as a physical barrier to female oviposition. Furthermore, higher densities of palisade and spongy tissues can be considered a resistant trait which affects mining of leaf miner larvae as well. As a result, plants with lower leaf moisture content may not be suitable for the development of L. huidobrensis.
The nigripennis species-group is established within the subgenus Stegana (Oxyphortica), consisting of five species distributed in the Oriental Region, Stegana (O.) nigripennis (Hendel) from southern Japan, S. (O.) aotsukai, new species and S. (O.) prigenti, new species from southern China and Thailand, and S. (O.) trisetosa, new species and S. (O.) yapingi, new species, from eastern Malaysia. A key to all the species in this group is provided.
The genus Pseudostegana is revised, with descriptions of 20 new species from Southeast Asia: P. angustifasciata Chen and Wang, sp. n., P. atrofrons Chen and Toda, sp. n., P. bifasciata Chen and Toda, sp. n., P. bisetosa Chen and Toda, sp. n., P. curvata Chen and Toda, sp. n., P. dactylis Chen and Toda, sp. n., P. dolichopoda Chen and Wang, sp. n., P. hamata Chen and Toda, sp. n., P. latifasciata Chen and Toda, sp. n., P. leptoptera Chen and Toda, sp. n., P. melanogaster Chen and Toda, sp. n., P. melanopogonias Chen and Toda, sp. n., P. myrmecoformis Chen and Toda, sp. n., P. nitidifrons Chen and Wang, sp. n., P. nitidiventris Chen and Toda, sp. n., P. orbicapitata Chen and Toda, sp. n., P. oxycephala Chen and Toda, sp. n., P. pallidimaculata Chen and Wang, sp. n., P. philoga Chen and Wang, sp. n. and P xanthoptera Chen and Wang, sp. n. On the basis of the wing patterns, six species-groups are established: the atrofrons, grandipalpis, fleximediata, javana, latiparma and zonaria groups. A key to the all species of this genus is provided.
The hatching time of eggs of Tokunagayusurika akamusi (Tokunaga) decreased significantly when temperature was increased from 5degreesC to 25degreesC; eggs fail to hatch at 30degreesC. The percentage of T akamusi eggs that developed into normal larva also was negatively correlated with temperature. The hatching time decreased with lengthened photoperiod.
Population dynamics of Chaoborus flavicans larvae of various instars was studied from November 1986 to December 1987 in a eutrophic, fish-free pond, Japan. First and 2nd instar larvae were observed from late April to late October, indicating a reproductive period of about half a year. C. flavicans overwintered in the 4th instar larvae. In water column samples, total density of all instars was 680-23 680 m(-2), and pupal density 0-2 600 m(-2); larvae of the Ist, 2nd, and 3rd instars showed 5-6 density peaks in 1987, suggesting that 5-6 generations occur during a year (peaks of the 4th instar larvae were not clear, probably due to their longer development than those of younger instars). In sediment samples, no Ist and 2nd instar larvae were found, 3rd instar larvae were found occasionally but density of the 4th instar larvae was 280-18 600 m(-2), and pupal density varied between 0-502 m(-2). Fouth instar larvae accumulated in sediment in the cold season and in the water column in the warm season; high temperature and low oxygen concentration were the most important factors limiting the distribution of larvae in the sediment in summer in the NIES pond. The dry weight of total C. flavicans larvae was 0.08-4.2 g m(-2) in sediment samples and 24-599 mu g l(-1) (0.10-2.40 g m(-2)) in water column samples. Comparisons of maximum densities in the NIES pond in different years and in waters of different trophic status show that density is generally higher in eutrophic than in oligotrophic habitats.
通过对甘蓝进行品种差异、亚细胞分析、根际分泌物提取污染土壤中的铊、营养元素添加以及野外甘蓝样品采集分析,结合地球化学理论。分析了甘蓝对铊吸收富集的机理,并得出以下几点结论: (1) 甘蓝叶、根及茎对铊的吸收存在着明显差异,表明在面临土壤铊胁迫时,叶是铊的主要储存部位,而根和茎主要起到了转运作用。甘蓝中铊含量的升高导致了对钙和镁吸收能力的提高。不同品种甘蓝之间的吸收能力差别不大,通过选择种植对铊吸收能力小的甘蓝来控制铊的食物链危害是不可行的。此外,还应该避免在高铊土壤地区种植甘蓝。 (2) 高达92%的铊存在于甘蓝叶细胞液组分中,表明细胞液组分是铊在甘蓝叶细胞中的一个重要储存部位。但是在不同品种甘蓝叶中,铊的亚细胞分布形态没有显著差异,在甘蓝面对铊胁迫时,其叶细胞器组分中铊含量始终维持很低的含量。甘蓝对铊的解毒机制很可能就是通过在细胞内的区隔化作用(compartmentalization),把进入体内的铊结合到细胞液组分以及细胞壁上,从而减少了铊对重要细胞器官的损伤。铊在甘蓝叶各亚细胞组分中的分配与常量元素存在一定的关系。在甘蓝叶细胞内,Tl+往细胞液组分中的传输很有可能是通过Na+/K+/2Cl–联合传输机制、Ca2+活化的钾离子通道以及一些需Mg2+或Mn2+的K+活化酶完成的。需要Mn2+参与的K+活化酶可能对于铊往细胞器中的转移起到了主导作用。在细胞壁中,很可能Ca2+活化的K+通道或者是某些特定的需要Mn2+的K+活化酶对铊的迁移或固定起了影响作用。 (3) 随着氮、磷、钾营养元素的加入,甘蓝地上部的生物量有一定程度的上升。影响主次因素依次均为氮>磷>钾。随着氮、磷、钾营养元素的加入,甘蓝地上部和地下部的铊含量并没有上升,而是有一定程度的下降。甘蓝地上部中铊含量的影响主次因素依次为磷>氮>钾,甘蓝地下部中铊含量的影响主次因素依次为氮>磷>钾。氮、磷、钾营养元素的加入都提高了甘蓝对铊的吸收量。甘蓝对铊吸收量的影响主次因素依次均为氮>磷>钾。因此我们认为,氮,磷,钾的加入显著提高了甘蓝生物量和铊的吸收量,但是随之而来的生物稀释效应,导致了甘蓝地上部和地下部含量的降低。运用铊累积量来判断营养元素对甘蓝吸收铊的影响更为客观和可靠。 (4) 通过对比蒸馏水和根际分泌物提取液对污染土壤中铊的提取能力,发现甘蓝根际分泌物提取液(root exudates)对污染土壤中的铊具有明显的活化作用。提取液的pH和土壤铊的提取率存在一定的正相关(R2=0.1659),也就是说提取液的pH与其对污染土壤中铊的提取能力成正比。但是甘蓝体内各部分铊含量与其根际分泌物提取液对土壤铊的提取率没有任何关系,表明大量的植物非必需元素铊进入甘蓝后,并没有对其根际分泌物的产生任何影响。土壤pH越高,生长的甘蓝的根际分泌物提取液对土壤提取率就越高,甘蓝分泌物提取液对铊的提取率升高可以补偿由于土壤pH升高而造成的水溶态存在的铊减少。 (5) 铊在甘蓝叶片和叶柄中的分布状况为老叶叶片>新叶叶片>老叶叶柄>新叶叶柄,表明叶柄也是运输铊的一个重要器官。但是叶柄对铊的转运能力并没有茎那么强烈,而叶片才是甘蓝中最主要的铊储存部位。铊在根、茎、老叶和新叶中亚细胞的分布均为细胞液>>细胞壁>细胞器,这和前期室内温室培养甘蓝叶片中的分布结果是一致的。根据植物采矿经济理论的计算结果,很显然甘蓝可以成为土壤铊污染的植物修复和采矿的备选对象。
Dentre os insetos que danificam as bagas da videira, a mosca-das-frutas sul-americana é a que apresenta maior importância no sul do Brasil. A espécie se destaca por ser uma das mais polífagas do gênero (registro em 67 espécies de plantas de 18 famílias botânicas) e possuir ampla distribuição no continente americano. este trabalho apresenta a descrição, bioecologia, sintomas, danos, monitoramneto e controle deste inseto sobre a videira.