213 resultados para CEBUS-APELLA NIGRITUS


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A Mata Atlântica, um dos biomas mais ameaçados do mundo, possui alta biodiversidade e endemismos, restando apenas 7% de sua área original, e por isso considerada um hotspot. O município de Campinas está incluído no domínio vegetal de Mata Atlântica com transição para Cerrado, onde restam menos de 3% de floresta estacional semidecidual. A fragmentação de áreas naturais, a caça ilegal e a introdução de espécies exóticas são as principais causas de extinção de espécies. Neste estudo buscou-se identificar a riqueza e a densidade populacional de primatas em dez fragmentos de mata na região da Área de Proteção Ambiental de Sousas e Joaquim Egídio, área de ocorrência do sagüi-do-tufo-preto (Callithrix penicilatta), do macaco-prego (Cebus nigritus) e dos ameaçados, segundo a IUCN (2007), sagüi-da-serra-escuro (Callithrix aurita), sauá (Callicebus nigrifrons) e bugio-ruivo (Alouatta guariba clamitans). Os fragmentos variam entre dois e 24ha com formatos variados e de diferentes composições de capoeiras e matas secundárias, numa matriz agrícola, composta de pastagens, silvicultura e culturas perenes e anuais. O levantamento foi feito entre maio de 2007 e outubro de 2008 através de contagens absolutas dos grupos, diferenciados pelo local dos reavistamentos, composição sexual e etária. Cada avistamento foi georreferenciado com um GPS Garmin Camo Etrex®. Por serem territoriais, sauás foram atraídos através do uso de playbacks. A comunidade de primatas da Mata Ribeirão Cachoeira (245ha), maior remanescente local, é composta por cinco espécies. Sagüi-detufo- preto e bugio foram avistados em seis fragmentos e sauás em dois. Em cinco, foram observados grupos de Callithrix jacchus (sagüi-comum), exóticos na região. Em três fragmentos foram encontrados grupos mistos ou híbridos de Callithrix jacchus e C. penicillata. A área total...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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The subdivisions of the medial geniculate complex can be distinguished based on the immunostaining of calcium-binding proteins and by the properties of the neurons within each subdivision. The possibility of changes in neurochemistry in this and other central auditory areas are important aspects to understand the basis that contributing to functional variations determined by environmental cycles or the animal's cycles of activity and rest. This study investigated, for the first time, day/night differences in the amounts of parvalbumin-, calretinin- and calbindin-containing neurons in the thalamic auditory center of a non-human primate, Sapajus apella. The immunoreactivity of the PV-IR, CB-IR and CR-IR neurons demonstrated different distribution patterns among the subdivisions of the medial geniculate. Moreover, a high number of CB- and CR-IR neurons were found during day, whereas PV-IR was predominant at night. We conclude that in addition to the chemical heterogeneity of the medial geniculate nucleus with respect to the expression of calcium-binding proteins, expression also varied relative to periods of light and darkness, which may be important for a possible functional adaptation of central auditory areas to environmental changes and thus ensure the survival and development of several related functions.


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Wild bearded capuchin monkeys, Cebus libidinosus, use stone tools to crack palm nuts to obtain the kernel. In five experiments, we gave 10 monkeys from one wild group of bearded capuchins a choice of two nuts differing in resistance and size and/or two manufactured stones of the same shape, volume and composition but different mass. Monkeys consistently selected the nut that was easier to crack and the heavier stone. When choosing between two stones differing in mass by a ratio of 1.3:1, monkeys frequently touched the stones or tapped them with their fingers or with a nut. They showed these behaviours more frequently before making their first selection of a stone than afterward. These results suggest that capuchins discriminate between nuts and between stones, selecting materials that allow them to crack nuts with fewer strikes, and generate exploratory behaviours to discriminate stones of varying mass. In the final experiment, humans effectively discriminated the mass of stones using the same tapping and handling behaviours as capuchins. Capuchins explore objects in ways that allow them to perceive invariant properties (e.g. mass) of objects, enabling selection of objects for specific uses. We predict that species that use tools will generate behaviours that reveal invariant properties of objects such as mass; species that do not use tools are less likely to explore objects in this way. The precision with which individuals can judge invariant properties may differ considerably, and this also should predict prevalence of tool use across species. (C) 2010 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Chimpanzees have been the traditional referential models for investigating human evolution and stone tool use by hominins. We enlarge this comparative scenario by describing normative use of hammer stones and anvils in two wild groups of bearded capuchin monkeys (Cebus libidinosus) over one year. We found that most of the individuals habitually use stones and anvils to crack nuts and other encased food items. Further, we found that in adults (1) males use stone tools more frequently than females, (2) males crack high resistance nuts more frequently than females, (3) efficiency at opening a food by percussive tool use varies according to the resistance of the encased food, (4) heavier individuals are more efficient at cracking high resistant nuts than smaller individuals, and (5) to crack open encased foods, both sexes select hammer stones on the basis of material and weight. These findings confirm and extend previous experimental evidence concerning tool selectivity in wild capuchin monkeys (Visalberghi et al., 2009b; Fragaszy et al., 2010b). Male capuchins use tools more frequently than females and body mass is the best predictor of efficiency, but the sexes do not differ in terms of efficiency. We argue that the contrasting pattern of sex differences in capuchins compared with chimpanzees, in which females use tools more frequently and more skillfully than males, may have arisen from the degree of sexual dimorphism in body size of the two species, which is larger in capuchins than in chimpanzees. Our findings show the importance of taking sex and body mass into account as separate variables to assess their role in tool use. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Wild bearded capuchins (Cebus libidinosus, quadrupedal, medium-sized monkeys) crack nuts using large stones. We examined the kinematics and energetics of the nut-cracking action of two adult males and two adult females. From a bipedal stance, the monkeys raised a heavy hammer stone (1.46 and 1.32 kg, from 33 to 77% of their body weight) to an average height of 0.33 m, 60% of body length. Then, they rapidly lowered the stone by flexing the lower extremities and the trunk until the stone contacted the nut. A hit consisting of an upward phase and a downward phase averaged 0.74 s in duration. The upward phase lasted 69% of hit duration. All subjects added discernable energy to the stone in the downward phase. The monkeys exhibited individualized kinematic strategies, similar to those of human weight lifters. Capuchins illustrate that human-like bipedal stance and large body size are unnecessary to break tough objects from a bipedal position. The phenomenon of bipedal nut-cracking by capuchins provides a new comparative reference point for discussions of percussive tool use and bipedality in primates. Am J Phys Anthropol 138:210-220, 2009. (C) 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Abstract Background How are morphological evolution and developmental changes related? This rather old and intriguing question had a substantial boost after the 70s within the framework of heterochrony (changes in rates or timing of development) and nowadays has the potential to make another major leap forward through the combination of approaches: molecular biology, developmental experimentation, comparative systematic studies, geometric morphometrics and quantitative genetics. Here I take an integrated approach combining life-history comparative analyses, classical and geometric morphometrics applied to ontogenetic series to understand changes in size and shape which happen during the evolution of two New World Monkeys (NWM) sister genera. Results Cebus and Saimiri share the same basic allometric patterns in skull traits, a result robust to sexual and ontogenetic variation. If adults of both genera are compared in the same scale (discounting size differences) most differences are small and not statistically significant. These results are consistent using both approaches, classical and geometric Morphometrics. Cebus is a genus characterized by a number of peramorphic traits (adult-like) while Saimiri is a genus with paedomorphic (child like) traits. Yet, the whole clade Cebinae is characterized by a unique combination of very high pre-natal growth rates and relatively slow post-natal growth rates when compared to the rest of the NWM. Morphologically Cebinae can be considered paedomorphic in relation to the other NWM. Geometric morphometrics allows the precise separation of absolute size, shape variation associated with size (allometry), and shape variation non-associated with size. Interestingly, and despite the fact that they were extracted as independent factors (principal components), evolutionary allometry (those differences in allometric shape associated with intergeneric differences) and ontogenetic allometry (differences in allometric shape associated with ontogenetic variation within genus) are correlated within these two genera. Furthermore, morphological differences produced along these two axes are quite similar. Cebus and Saimiri are aligned along the same evolutionary allometry and have parallel ontogenetic allometry trajectories. Conclusion The evolution of these two Platyrrhini monkeys is basically due to a size differentiation (and consequently to shape changes associated with size). Many life-history changes are correlated or may be the causal agents in such evolution, such as delayed on-set of reproduction in Cebus and larger neonates in Saimiri.


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by a Quarterly Reviewer [d.i. Laurie Magnus]


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Georg Landauer


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Sustainability concerns every citizen. Housing affordability and sustainable solutions are being highlighted in research and practice in many parts of the world. This paper discusses the development of a Commuter Energy and Building Utilities System (CEBUS) in sustainable housing projects as a means of bridging the gap between current median house pricing and target affordable house pricing for low income earners. Similar scales of sustainable housing development cannot be achieved through independent application of current best practice methods in ecologically sustainable development strategies or transit oriented development master plans. This paper presents the initial stage of research on first capital and ongoing utilities and transport cost savings available from these sustainable design methods. It also outlines further research and development of a CEBUS Dynamic Simulation Model and Conceptual Framework for the Australian property development and construction industry.


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Housing affordability and sustainable development are not polarised ideologies as both are necessary with increasing urbanisation. We must bridge the gap between current median house pricing and target affordable house pricing whilst pursuing sustainability. This paper examines the potential of initial construction cost and ongoing utilities and transport cost reduction through the integration of sustainable housing design and transit oriented development principles in a Commuter Energy and Building Utilities System (CEBUS). It also introduces current research on the development of a Dynamic Simulation Model for CEBUS applications in the Australian property development and construction industry.


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A comprehensive study was conducted on potential systems of integrated building utilities and transport power solutions that can simultaneously contain rising electricity, hot water and personal transport costs for apartment residents. The research developed the Commuter Energy and Building Utilities System (CEBUS) and quantified the economic, social and environmental benefits of incorporating such a system in future apartment developments. A decision support tool was produced to assist the exploration of the CEBUS design variants. A set of implementation guidelines for CEBUS was also developed for the property development industry.


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The Tortugas South Ecological Reserve, located along the margin of the southwest Florida carbonate platform, is part of the largest no-take marine reserve in the U.S. Established in July 2001, the reserve is approximately 206 km2 in area, and ranges in depths from 30 m at Riley’s Hump to over 600 m at the southern edge of the reserve. Geological and biological information for the Tortugas South Reserve is lacking, and critical for management of the area. Bathymetric surveys were conducted with a Simrad EM 3000 multibeam echosounder at Riley’s Hump and Miller’s Ledge, located in the northern and central part of the reserve. Resulting data were used to produce basemaps to obtain geological ground truth and visual surveys of biological communities, including reef fishes. Visual surveys were conducted using SCUBA and the Phantom S2 Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) at Riley’s Hump. Visual surveys were conducted using the ROV and the Deepworker 2000 research submersible along Miller’s Ledge, within and outside of the reserve. A total of 108 fishes were recorded during SCUBA, ROV, and submersible observations. Replicate survey transects resulted in over 50 fishes documented at Miller’s Ledge, and eight of the top ten most abundant species were planktivores. Many species of groupers, including scamp (Mycteroperca phenax), red grouper (Epinephelus morio), snowy grouper (E. niveatus), speckled hind (E. drummondhayi), and Warsaw grouper (E. nigritus), are present in the sanctuary. Numerous aggregations of scamp and a bicolor phase of the Warsaw grouper were observed, indicating the importance of Miller’s Ledge as a potential spawning location for both commercially important and rare deep reef species, and as a potential source of larval recruits for the Florida Keys and other deep reef ecosystems of Florida


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There are 19 economically important reef fish species in the deepwater (l00-300 m) fishery of the southeastern United States. Five species make up the majority (over 97% by weight) of the catch. In descending order of total landings for 1995, they are: tilefish, Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps, snowy grouper, Epinephelus niveatus, blueline tilefish, Caulolatilus microps, warsaw grouper, Epinephelus nigritus, and yellowedge grouper, E. flavolimbatus. Life history summaries and estimates of catches from 1972 through 1995 for 14 species are described. (PDF file contains 45 pages.)


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Commercial trawling on the Atlantic slope areas off Brazil intensified in the late 1990’s owing to the expansion of coastal trawling areas and the operations of a chartered foreign fleet. Between 2000 and 2003, 59 fishing trips conducted by 10 chartered trawlers were intensely monitored by observers and satellite vessel monitoring systems, totaling 9,069 tows and 30,085.2 trawling hours. Fishing operations occurred in northern, northeastern, southeastern, and southern sectors of the Brazilian coast in 60–1,173 m depths. Total retained and processed catch were 8,074.6 t and 6,479.8 t, respectively. Argentine hake, Merluccius hubbsi; and Argentine shortfin squid, Illex argentinus, were the primary species taken contributing to 41.1% and 28.6% of the overall catch, respectively. The silver John dory, Zenopsis conchifera; monkfish, Lophius gastrophysus; Brazilian codling, Urophycis mystacea; and the black grouper, Epinephelus nigritus, composed 23% of total processed catch, and the remaining 7.2% was composed of deep-sea shrimps (family Aristeidae) and other teleosts and elasmobranches. The occupation of slope areas included an early exploratory phase, followed by directed phases of the upper slope (300–500 m), aiming principally at the Argentine hake, and the lower slope (>700 m), targeting valuable concentrations of deep-sea aristeid shrimps. The role of chartering for slope trawling development was critically addressed. We conclude that chartered vessels were efficient explorers and were particularly important in areas not available to the technologically limited national fleet. Because the charters were market-oriented and had elevated profit demands, however, those vessels quickly turned from exploration to exploitation and competed with national trawlers in shallower areas and produced significant impacts on Brazil’s modest deep-sea resources.


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We examined the association between geographic distribution, ecological traits, life history, genetic diversity, and risk of extinction in nonhuman primate species from Costa Rica. All of the current nonhuman primate species from Costa Rica are included in the study; spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi), howling monkeys (Alouatta palliata), capuchins (Cebus capucinus), and squirrel monkeys (Saimiri oerstedii). Geographic distribution was characterized accessing existing databases. Data on ecology and life history traits were obtained through a literature review. Genetic diversity was characterized using isozyme electrophoresis. Risk of extinction was assessed from the literature. We found that species differed in all these traits. Using these data, we conducted a Pearson correlation between risk of extinction and ecological and life history traits, and genetic variation, for widely distributed species. We found a negative association between risk of extinction and population birth and growth rates; indicating that slower reproducing species had a greater risk of extinction. We found a positive association between genetic variation and risk of extinction; i.e., species showing higher genetic variation had a greater risk of extinction. The relevance of these traits for conservation efforts is discussed.