176 resultados para Boknis Eck


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Back Row: dead coach Jim Richardson, Carloyn Kennedy, Stephanie Liebner, Susie Rabiah, Jennifer Jackson, Molly Hegarty, Amy Honig, Minoo Gupta, Jennifer Eck, Chrissi Rawak, Michelle Swix, Liz Kowal

Middle Row: Julie Schnorberger, Whitney Scherer, Sharon Colombo, Ann Colloton, Jill Oviatt, Kirsten Hirsch, Heather Rose, Margie Stoll, Brenna Tymko, Tammy Nedell, Gwen DeMatt, diving coach Dick Kimball

Front Row: asst. coach Kara McGrath, Julie Geyer, Paula Colombo, Lisa Anderson, Amy Hansen, Stacy Peshkopia, Stacie Fruth, Margaret Huson, Jen Love, Leigh Ann Blessing, Valerie Lupa


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Back Row: head coach Jim Richardson, Karen Sinclair, Molly Hegarty, Minoo Gupta, Lisa Anderson, Kathy Winkel, Kathy Deibler, Julie Geyer, Martha Wenzel, Whitney Scherer, Jennifer Zakrajsek, Claudia Vieira, trainer Rex Thompson

Middle Row: diving coach Dick Kimball, Julie Schnorberger, Jenny Sutton, Sharon Columbo, Caren Henry, Missy McCracken, Mindy Gehrs, Sandy Smith, Margie Stoll, Chrissi Rawak, Katherine Creighton, Lisa Cribari, asst. coach Pete Hickman

Front Row: asst. coach Kara McGrath, Paula Columbo, Ann Colloton, Amy Honig, Laura Rollins, Jennifer Eck, Stefanie Liebner, Gwen DeMaat, Michele Swix, Jennifer Love,mngr. Ann a Martens


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Mode of access: Internet.


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This study investigates the critical role that opinion leaders (or influentials) play in the adoption process of new products. Recent existing reseach evidence indicates a limited effect of opinion leaders on diffusion processes, yet these studies take into account merely the network position of opinion leaders without addressing their influential power. Empirical findings of our study show that opinion leaders, in addition to having a more central network position, possess more accurate knowledge about a product and tend to be less susceptible to norms and more innovative. Experiments that address these attributes, using an agent-based model, demonstrate that opinion leaders increase the speed of the information stream and the adoption process itself. Furthermore, they increase the maximum adoption percentage. These results indicate that targeting opinion leaders remains a valuable marketing strategy.


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MCM-41's limited hydrothermal stability has been often related to the hydrolysis of Si-O-Si bonds due to the low degree of condensation, its thin walls or a combination of them. In this work, evidence for an additional factor is provided; a physical effect that occurs during the drying of the hydrothermally treated calcined material due to the intense capillary stress exerted in water. Depending on both physical (i.e. mechanical) and chemical (i.e. hydrolysis) resistances, the structure undergoes differently. Three MCM-41 samples with different degree of condensation were investigated. The most remarkable results are found with un-aged TEOS based material, which gets fully disordered and shrunk for all applied hydrothermal temperatures in water. Comparison between water and a low-surface-tension-solvent drying revealed that capillarity is responsible for the loss of ordering (and shrinkage) at moderate hydrothermal temperatures. The material's structure is hexagonal and shrinkage-free under the low-surface-tension-solvent route. At a high hydrothermal temperature, hydrolysis is extensive and responsible for the loss of ordering. The other remarkable finding regards the aged MCM-41 mesostructure that maintains the hexagonal features at all applied temperatures in water, and it is more stable against capillarity at high temperature. The Na-metasilicate based material is mechanically very stable and gets disordered at high temperature due to hydrolysis.


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We report an efficient one-pot conversion of glycerol (GLY) to methyl lactate (MLACT) in methanol in good yields (73 % at 95 % GLY conversion) by using Au nanoparticles on commercially available ultra-stable zeolite-Y (USY) as the catalyst (160 °C, air, 47 bar pressure, 0.25 M GLY, GLY-to-Au mol ratio of 1407, 10 h). The best results were obtained with zeolite USY-600, a catalyst that has both Lewis and Brønsted sites. This methodology provides a direct chemo-catalytic route for the synthesis of MLACT from GLY. MLACT is stable under the reaction conditions, and the Au/USY catalyst was recycled without a decrease in the activity and selectivity. From glycerol to green building blocks and solvents! An efficient, base-free conversion of glycerol to methyl lactate in methanol is reported, achieving good yields (73 % at 95 % glycerol conversion) using Au/ultra-stable zeolite-Y (USY) as the catalyst and environmentally benign oxygen as the oxidant by combining two separate reaction steps efficiently in a one pot procedure. The Au/USY catalyst can be recycled without a decrease in the activity and selectivity. © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


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Deeply conflicting views on the political situation of Judaea under the Roman prefects (6-41 c.e.) have been offered. According to some scholars, this was a period of persistent political unrest and agitation, whilst according to a widespread view it was a quiescent period of political calm (reflected in Tacitus’ phrase sub Tiberio quies). The present article critically examines again the main available sources –particularly Josephus, the canonical Gospels and Tacitus– in order to offer a more reliable historical reconstruction. The conclusions drawn by this survey calls into question some widespread and insufficiently nuanced views on the period. This, in turn, allows a reflection on the non-epistemic factors which might contribute to explain the origin of such views.


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A novel route to prepare highly active and stable N2O decomposition catalysts is presented, based on Fe-exchanged beta zeolite. The procedure consists of liquid phase Fe(III) exchange at low pH. By varying the pH systematically from 3.5 to 0, using nitric acid during each Fe(III)-exchange procedure, the degree of dealumination was controlled, verified by ICP and NMR. Dealumination changes the presence of neighbouring octahedral Al sites of the Fe sites, improving the performance for this reaction. The so-obtained catalysts exhibit a remarkable enhancement in activity, for an optimal pH of 1. Further optimization by increasing the Fe content is possible. The optimal formulation showed good conversion levels, comparable to a benchmark Fe-ferrierite catalyst. The catalyst stability under tail gas conditions containing NO, O2 and H2O was excellent, without any appreciable activity decay during 70 h time on stream. Based on characterisation and data analysis from ICP, single pulse excitation NMR, MQ MAS NMR, N2 physisorption, TPR(H2) analysis and apparent activation energies, the improved catalytic performance is attributed to an increased concentration of active sites. Temperature programmed reduction experiments reveal significant changes in the Fe(III) reducibility pattern with the presence of two reduction peaks; tentatively attributed to the interaction of the Fe-oxo species with electron withdrawing extraframework AlO6 species, causing a delayed reduction. A low-temperature peak is attributed to Fe-species exchanged on zeolitic AlO4 sites, which are partially charged by the presence of the neighbouring extraframework AlO6 sites. Improved mass transport phenomena due to acid leaching is ruled out. The increased activity is rationalized by an active site model, whose concentration increases by selectively washing out the distorted extraframework AlO6 species under acidic (optimal) conditions, liberating active Fe species.


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Objetivo: Presentar la experiencia con la técnica de corpectomia por sustracción pedicular en fracturas traumática a nivel de la columna dorsal y Lumbar en el Hospital Universitario Mayor en Bogotá y hacer una revisión sistemática de la literatura de esta técnica quirúrgica. Material y métodos: Se realizó un análisis retrospectivo de las historias clínicas de pacientes que consultaron al servicio de neurocirugía entre los años 2013 y 2015 con fracturas traumáticas a nivel de la columna dorsal y lumbosacra. Se realizó un análisis de déficit neurológico pre y posoperatorio por medio de la Clasificación neurológica estándar de lesión medular (ASIA), al igual que tiempos de cirugía, sangrado intraoperatorio y complicaciones. A su vez se realiza una revisión sistemática de la literatura sobre esta técnica quirúrgica. Resultados: El total de pacientes que se sometieron a cirugía fue de 32, de los cuales el tiempo quirúrgico promedio fue de 396 min, se obtuvo un ASIA prequirúrgico B: 50% C: 47% y E: 3%. El ASIA post operatorio fue de B: 9% C: 47% D: 38% E: 6%. Se obtuvo una mejoría del déficit neurológico en el 75% los pacientes intervenidos. El promedio de sangrado fue de 1,223 cc. Se tuvieron 4 complicaciones, 2 hematomas en lecho quirúrgico que requirió re intervención y dos fistulas de líquido cefalorraquídeo las cuales se manejaron con vendaje compresivo y reposo absoluto. Conclusiones: La corpectomia por sustracción pedicular requiere de un adecuado entrenamiento y un grupo multidisciplinario dentro de los que se incluye neuroanestesiologo, a su vez de neurocirujanos entrenados en columna. Este abordaje presenta grandes beneficios como disminución de tiempos quirúrgicos, disminución de sangrado intraoperatorio y disminución de morbilidad entre otras.