954 resultados para Blunt chest trauma
Introduction: multimodality environment; requirement for greater understanding of the imaging technologies used, the limitations of these technologies, and how to best interpret the results; dose optimization; introduction of new techniques; current practice and best practice; incidental findings, in low-dose CT images obtained as part of the hybrid imaging process, are an increasing phenomenon with advancing CT technology; resultant ethical and medico-legal dilemmas; understanding limitations of these procedures important when reporting images and recommending follow-up; free-response observer performance study was used to evaluate lesion detection in low-dose CT images obtained during attenuation correction acquisitions for myocardial perfusion imaging, on two hybrid imaging systems.
Objectives: Children have a greater risk from radiation, per unit dose, due to increased radiosensitivity and longer life expectancies. It is of paramount importance to reduce the radiation dose received by children. This research concerns chest CT examinations on paediatric patients. The purpose of this study was to compare the image quality and the dose received from imaging with images reconstructed with filtered back projection (FBP) and five strengths of Sinogram-Affirmed Iterative Reconstruction (SAFIRE). Methods: Using a multi-slice CT scanner, six series of images were taken of a paediatric phantom. Two kVp values (80 and 110), 3 mAs values (25, 50 and 100) and 2 slice thicknesses (1 mm and 3 mm) were used. All images were reconstructed with FBP and five strengths of SAFIRE. Ten observers evaluated visual image quality. Dose was measured using CT-Expo. Results: FBP required a higher dose than all SAFIRE strengths to obtain the same image quality for sharpness and noise. For sharpness and contrast image quality ratings of 4, FBP required doses of 6.4 and 6.8 mSv respectively. SAFIRE 5 required doses of 3.4 and 4.3 mSv respectively. Clinical acceptance rate was improved by the higher voltage (110 kV) for all images in comparison to 80 kV, which required a higher dose for acceptable image quality. 3 mm images were typically better quality than 1 mm images. Conclusion: SAFIRE 5 was optimal for dose reduction and image quality.
Objective - Evaluate preventable exposure dose in routine chest CT examinations beyond prescribed anatomical landmarks and estimate extra dose delivered to the patient. Background/rationale - Recent technical advances have greatly increased the clinical applications of CT; developments in multidetector-row CT (MDCT) technology have occurred; the major disadvantage with the increased use of MDCT is associated radiation exposure.
Purpose - To develop and validate a psychometric scale for assessing image quality for chest radiographs.
Pretende-se realizar uma revisão sobre as estruturas neuroanatómicas e os processos de neurotransmissão e de modulação neuronal envolvidos na memória. A memória é vista como um processo activo, baseado na reunião de variados aspectos dos padrões de activação neuronal, num processo dependente da experiência. Descreve-se a importância das regiões límbicas e sua inter-relação no processamento da memória, desde a codificação até à consolidação que implica uma reestruturação neuronal. Procede-se à caracterização dos tipos de memória (implícita e explícita) e suas características,a relação com as diferentes fases do desenvolvimento, tocando alguns aspectos mais descritivos de diferentes componentes da memória. Numa perspectiva contextual são também focadas as áreas da amnésia infantil, a lembrança, o esquecimento e o trauma. O esquecimento é parte essencial da memória explícita. Vários estudos apontam para um efeito de curva em U invertida, em relação com o impacto emocional. Eventos com intensidade moderada a elevada parecem ser etiquetados como importantes (envolvimento de estruturas do sistema límbico como a amígdala e o córtex orbito-frontal) e são mais facilmente recordadas no futuro. Se os eventos são muitos intensos o processamento no hipocampo da codificação memoria explícita e subsequentemente a recordação são inibidos,há também um bloqueio da consolidação cortical da experiência, porém mantém-se a memória implícita, que pode levar a vivência de imagens intrusivas não elaboradas. No que concerne ao trauma, levanta-se a questão da precisão da memória e do seu impacto, tanto ao nível das implicações neurofisiológicas como das consequências psicopatológicas. As alterações ao nível das neurotransmissões induzidas pelo stress vão condicionar alterações na mielinização, sinaptogénese e neurogénese, que podem levar a alterações a longo prazo em várias regiões do cérebro entre as quais a amígdala. Nestas condições, o processo explícito e a aprendizagem podem ser cronicamente impedidas, para além do risco importante para o desenvolvimento de psicopatologia, nomeadamente: Perturbação da Personalidade, Perturbações de Humor (depressão); Perturbações de Ansiedade; Perturbações Dissociativas e maior risco de Psicose.
An 80 years old man suffered a cardiac arrest shortly after arrival to his local health department. Basic Life Support was started promptly and nine minutes later, on evaluation by an Advanced Life Support team, the victim was defibrillated with a 200J shock. When orotracheal intubation was attempted, masseter muscle contraction was noticed: on reevaluation, the victim had pulse and spontaneous breathing.Thirty minutes later, the patient had been transferred to an emergency department. As he complained of chest pain, the ECG showed a ST segment depression in leads V4 to V6 and laboratory tests showed cardiac troponine I slightly elevated. A coronary angiography was performed urgently: significant left main plus three vessel coronary artery disease was disclosed.Eighteen hours after the cardiac arrest, a quadruple coronary artery bypass grafting operation was undertaken. During surgery, a fresh thrombus was removed from the middle left anterior descendent artery. Post-operative course was uneventful and the patient was discharged seven days after the procedure. Twenty four months later, he remains asymptomatic.In this case, the immediate call for the Advanced Life Support team, prompt basic life support and the successful defibrillation, altogether, contributed for the full recovery. Furthermore, the swiftness in the detection and treatment of the acute reversible cause (myocardial ischemia in this case) was crucial for long-term prognosis.
We report the case of a 10-year-old girl with two episodes of light-headedness and chest pain during exercise. She had an unremarkable clinical record, physical examination, ECG, and echocardiogram. Noninvasive ischemia tests were positive, but coronary angiography was normal. Exercise stress echocardiogram revealed an exercise-induced intra-left-ventricular obstruction with a peak gradient of 78 mmHg and replicated her symptoms. After starting beta-blocker therapy her clinical status improved and no residual obstruction was detected. The authors review this unsuspected clinical condition, seldom reported in the adult population and, to our knowledge, never before in a child.
Pericardial cysts are rare benign congenital malformations, usually small, asymptomatic and detected incidentally on chest X-ray as a mass located in the right costophrenic angle. Giant pericardial cysts are very uncommon and produce symptoms by compressing adjacent structures. In this report, the authors present a case of a symptomatic giant pericardial cyst incorrectly diagnosed as dextrocardia on chest X-ray.
Apresentação na qual é efectuada uma caracterização epidemiológica do Trauma comparando a distribuição bimodal vs trimodal assim como a causa e local de morte. De seguida são definidos cuidados emergentes a nível pré-hospitalar e as competências indispensáveis à práxis por parte do Enfermeiro. Por último reflectimos de que forma a abordagem e o assegurar do continuum de cuidados desde o pré-hospitalar à UCI (com passagem no SU) contribuem para a melhoria dos cuidados ao doente politraumatizado.
The correct interpretation of chest film on cardiac patients is very important. The most important feature is the radiographic appearance of the pulmonary vascularity. Four different patterns of pulmonary vascularity are considered: normal, decreased, increased and uneven. The different diseases associated with each type are mentioned. From the pulmonary vascular pattern one can deduct hemodynamic data which are important for the diagnosis, grade of severity and follow-up.
INTRODUCTION: Accidents caused by fish are common in inland fishing communities in Brazil, being work-related injuries in the majority of cases. These populations have no information on the mechanisms of trauma or envenoming. METHODS: Through a questionnaire administered to fishermen, we obtained clinical and epidemiological data on accidents in Rosana, Pontal do Paranapanema, State of São Paulo, Brazil. These data were analyzed and converted into an easily understood prevention and treatment program for the colony. RESULTS: Thirty-nine fishermen replied to the survey. All of the patients had been hurt by fish. Of those mentioned, the yellow catfish (Pimelodus maculatus) was the main fish species associated with injuries, but others also caused trauma to the fishermen. Six fishermen had been envenomed by stingrays. Pain and ulcers were the main symptoms and were described as intolerable. Approximately half of those injured were treated using traditional folk remedies. CONCLUSIONS: The fishermen suffered multiple accidents with catfish, which are venomous and cause intense pain, as well as trauma due to other fish, such as surubins, traíras, freshwater croakers, and piranhas. Approximately 16% of those interviewed presented with envenomation from stingrays. Our data and previous experience in the area led to the creation of a pamphlet with clear language that can effectively help fishermen in the region, an area in need of health services and disease prevention. This initiative also applies to the whole La Plata River basin, which has similar fauna.
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada no Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção do grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Clínica.