978 resultados para Blasco Ibáñez, Vicente, 1867-1928-Fotografías


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Sleepy cod (Oxyeleotris lineolatus Steindachner) is a tropical species of eleotrid native to northern Australia. A related species, sand or marbled goby, is the highest priced freshwater fish in Asia, and a market for a similar fish exists in expatriate Chinese communities. Sleepy cod breed when minimum temperatures reach 24 °C for more than 3 days. During the breeding season the genital papilla is broad and flattened in females compared to the triangular papilla of males and juveniles. Spawning pairs were usually of approximately equal size. Females could spawn up to 10 times during one breeding season. Wet weather increased the frequency of spawning. Eggs were usually laid hanging from the underside of a surface. Most spawning occurred between 05:00 and 10:00 h. Females attended egg masses immediately after spawning, after which males cared for eggs until hatching, 3–5 days later. Agitation of the egg mass was essential for development. The mean number of eggs per spawning was 43 130. Larvae commenced feeding 2–5 days after hatching, on plankton from 100 to 250 m in size. A spawning trap used to collect egg masses is described. The breeding biology of sleepy cod is considered to be an adaptation to the monsoonal tropics.


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Official German documents for Isaac Ottenberg, dated 1851, 1852, 1854. Also included is a handwritten letter to Herr Cronebold, June 1863.


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The parasitic protists in the genus Tritrichomonas cause significant disease in domestic cattle and cats. To assess the genetic diversity of feline and bovine isolates of Tritrichomonas foetus (Riedmuller, 1928) Wenrich and Emmerson, 1933, we used 10 different genetic regions, namely the protein coding genes of cysteine proteases 1,2 and 4-9 (CP1, 2, 4-9) involved in the pathogenesis of the disease caused by the parasite. The cytosolic malate dehydrogenase 1 (MDH1) and internal transcribed spacer region 2 of the rDNA unit (ITS2) were included as additional markers. The gene sequences were compared with those of Tritrichomonas suis (Davaine. 1875) Morgan and Hawkins, 1948 and Tritrichomonas mobilensis Culberson et al., 1986. The study revealed 100% identity for all 10 genes among all feline isolates (=T. foetus cat genotype), 100% identity among all bovine isolates (=T. foetus cattle genotype) and a genetic distinctness of 1% between the cat and cattle genotypes of T. foetus. The cattle genotype of T. foetus was 100% identical to T. suis at nine loci (CP1, 2,4-8, ITS2, MDH1). At CP9, three out of four T. suis isolates were identical to the T. foetus cattle genotype, while the T. suis isolate SUI-H3B sequence contained a single unique nucleotide substitution. Tritrichomonas mobilensis was 0.4% and 0.7% distinct from the cat and cattle genotypes of T. foetus, respectively. The genetic differences resulted in amino acid changes in the CP genes, most pronouncedly in CP2, potentially providing a platform for elucidation of genotype-specific host-pathogen interactions of T. foetus. On the basis of this data we judge T. suis and T. foetus to be subjective synonyms. For the first time, on objective nomenclatural grounds, the authority of T. suis is given to Davaine, 1875, rather than the commonly cited Gruby and Delafond, 1843. To maintain prevailing usage of T. foetus, we are suppressing the senior synomym T. suis Davaine, 1875 according to Article 23.9, because it has never been used as a valid name after 1899 and T. foetus is widely discussed as the cause of bovine trichomonosis. Thus bovine, feline and porcine isolates should all be given the name T. foetus. This promotes the stability of T. foetus for the veterinary and economically significant venereal parasite causing bovine trichomonosis. (C) 2012 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Admission letter from Westfalia Loge (1928); letter of refusal for hospital admission for non Aryans (1933).


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Copies of documents pertaining to the education of Rabbi Wilhelm Weinberg


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Correspondence, reports, minutes, manuscripts, and clippings relating to the activities of Wolf, Mowshowitch, and the Joint Foreign Committee, as well as to the political situation of Jews in various countries and to the Paris Peace Conference. Papers of Lucien Wolf include his diary, lectures on English-German relations and English-Russian relations; bibliography of Wolf's works on Jewish themes; clippings of Wolf's articles; congratulations on his seventieth birthday; article on his last interview with Chamberlain; and correspondence with parents, 1869-1882, A. Abrahams, 1914-1925, Chief Rabbi Dr. J.H. Hertz, 1892-1923, Clara Melchior, 1913-1929, Jacob Schiff, 1910, Maxim Vinawer, 1917, Mark Wischnitzer, 1926-1928, Lord Robert Cecil, 1916-1919, Lord Rothschild, 1906, Cyrus Adler, Count J. Bernstorff, Szymon Ashkenazy, Solomon Dingol, Louis Marshall, Claude G. Montefiore, Sir Edward Sassoon, Jacob Schiff, Lord William Selborne, Nakhum Sokolow, Oscar Straus, Chaim Weizmann, the American Jewish Congress, 1916-1923, Hilfsverein der Deutschen Juden, 1913, and Jewish Historical Society of England.


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Louis Hurwich, then superintendent of the Bureau of Jewish Education of Boston, founded Hebrew Teacher’s College in 1921. Hurwich was concerned about Jewish teachers leaving the field of Jewish education for other professions and sought an educational system that promoted Hebrew literacy at all levels. Hebrew Teacher’s College was also responsible for maintaining Hebrew High School (Prozdor), located at 14 Crawford Street in Roxbury, Massachusetts. Those students who graduated from the high school could matriculate to Hebrew Teacher’s College without having to take an exam. In 1943, the high school offered Talmud classes in addition to its regular curriculum, with studies in the Bible, Hebrew, Jewish History, and codes and customs. In 2002, the College moved to its current location in Newton, Massachusetts. One year later, it opened its Rabbinical School. This collection contains brochures, catalogs, commencement addresses, event fliers, invitations, pamphlets and publications.


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Booklet with clippings about concerts in which Irma Stern participated.


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En el presente trabajo se evaluaron y caracterizaron 8 accesiones de batatas Ipomoea batatas L. Los que fueron facilitados por el Programa de Recursos Genéticos Nicaragüense de la Universidad Nacional Agraria. Este ensayo se estableció en la Cooperativa Vicente Rodríguez, ubicada en el Empalme de Las Flores de Masaya, IV región, distante a 33 kilómetros de Managua. Fue establecido en un diseño de Bloques Completos al Azar, con 3 repeticiones entre junio de 1994 a febrero de 1995. Los objetivos planteados fueron: estudio de las propiedades culinarias de 8 accesiones de camote, en la dieta alimenticia del sector campesino de Masaya; caracterizar y evaluar preliminarmente 8 accesiones de camote lpomoea batatas L. bajo las condiciones agroclimáticas de Quebrada Honda, Masaya. Los caracteres del follaje: diámetro, longitud de entrenudo del tallo, forma y longitud de las hojas son muy similares. Mediante la caracterización morfológica para la identificación de duplicados, se llegó a la conclusión que ninguna de las 8 accesiones están duplicadas. La cobertura del suelo fue tomada a los 130 días después de la siembra, cuando el cultivo cubrió con el follaje los espacios entre surcos. En el estudio sobresalieron por su rendimiento las accesiones 2123, 176 y 1384. El diámetro de las raíces reservantes, el peso del follaje y el número de raíces por planta, puede tomarse como parámetros para buscar accesiones rendidoras. El resultado de la evaluación de la calidad culinaria realizada en las raíces reservantes fueron las accesiones: la más simple y amarga en cuanto al sabor de la raíz fue la accesión 2855, la más dulce 176, la más fibrosa 1437 y la accesión 1384 sin ninguna fibra, la que presentó mejor sabor fue la accesión 176 y respecto al tiempo de cocción las más rápidas de cocinar con leña a fuego moderado fueron las accesiones 176 con 21 minutos y 1437 con 22 minutos.