927 resultados para Birth Certificates
Brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) contributes to heart formation during embryogenesis. After birth, despite a high number of studies aimed at understanding by which mechanism(s) BNP reduces myocardial ischemic injury in animal models, the actual role of this peptide in the heart remains elusive. In this study, we asked whether BNP treatment could modulate the proliferation of endogenous cardiac progenitor cells (CPCs) and/or their differentiation into cardiomyocytes. CPCs expressed the NPR-A and NPR-B receptors in neonatal and adult hearts, suggesting their ability to respond to BNP stimulation. BNP injection into neonatal and adult unmanipulated mice increased the number of newly formed cardiomyocytes (neonatal: +23 %, p = 0.009 and adult: +68 %, p = 0.0005) and the number of proliferating CPCs (neonatal: +142 %, p = 0.002 and adult: +134 %, p = 0.04). In vitro, BNP stimulated CPC proliferation via NPR-A and CPC differentiation into cardiomyocytes via NPR-B. Finally, as BNP might be used as a therapeutic agent, we injected BNP into mice undergoing myocardial infarction. In pathological conditions, BNP treatment was cardioprotective by increasing heart contractility and reducing cardiac remodelling. At the cellular level, BNP stimulates CPC proliferation in the non-infarcted area of the infarcted hearts. In the infarcted area, BNP modulates the fate of the endogenous CPCs but also of the infiltrating CD45(+) cells. These results support for the first time a key role for BNP in controlling the progenitor cell proliferation and differentiation after birth. The administration of BNP might, therefore, be a useful component of therapeutic approaches aimed at inducing heart regeneration.
OBJECTIVE: A single course of antenatal corticosteroids (ACS) is associated with a reduction in respiratory distress syndrome and neonatal death. Multiple Courses of Antenatal Corticosteroids Study (MACS), a study involving 1858 women, was a multicentre randomized placebo-controlled trial of multiple courses of ACS, given every 14 days until 33+6 weeks or birth, whichever came first. The primary outcome of the study, a composite of neonatal mortality and morbidity, was similar for the multiple ACS and placebo groups (12.9% vs. 12.5%), but infants exposed to multiple courses of ACS weighed less, were shorter, and had smaller head circumferences. Thus for women who remain at increased risk of preterm birth, multiple courses of ACS (every 14 days) are not recommended. Chronic use of corticosteroids is associated with numerous side effects including weight gain and depression. The aim of this postpartum assessment was to ascertain if multiple courses of ACS were associated with maternal side effects. METHODS: Three months postpartum, women who participated in MACS were asked to complete a structured questionnaire that asked about maternal side effects of corticosteroid use during MACS and included the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale. Women were also asked to evaluate their study participation. RESULTS: Of the 1858 women randomized, 1712 (92.1%) completed the postpartum questionnaire. There were no significant differences in the risk of maternal side effects between the two groups. Large numbers of women met the criteria for postpartum depression (14.1% in the ACS vs. 16.0% in the placebo group). Most women (94.1%) responded that they would participate in the trial again. CONCLUSION: In pregnancy, corticosteroids are given to women for fetal lung maturation and for the treatment of various maternal diseases. In this international multicentre randomized controlled trial, multiple courses of ACS (every 14 days) were not associated with maternal side effects, and the majority of women responded that they would participate in such a study again.
OBJECTIVES: To investigate the influence of prenatal hospitalization before a premature birth, on the parental stressful experience, parental symptoms of post-traumatic stress and quality of parent-infant interaction during the hospitalization in neonatology. POPULATION AND METHODS: Population: 51 preterm infants born and 25 full term infants control. Four groups: controls, premature without prenatal hospitalization, premature with a short (<8 days) prenatal hospitalization and premature with a long (≥8 days) prenatal hospitalization. Instruments: the Parental Stressor Scale: Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (PSS: NICU, Miles et al., 1993 [14]) and the Perinatal PTSD Questionnaire (PPQ, Quinnell and Hynan, 1999 [16]). RESULTS: When prenatal hospitalization of the mother occurred, parents acknowledged increased stress induced by the environmental factors during the infant's hospitalization. Furthermore, mothers from the group with a short prenatal hospitalization presented significantly more symptoms of post-traumatic stress. Parents presenting more symptoms of post-traumatic stress describe a significantly more difficult interaction with their infant in neonatology. CONCLUSION: This study highlights the necessity to deliver special care to women hospitalized shortly (<8 days) prior to the delivery of their premature baby. This group is at high risk of presenting post-traumatic stress symptoms, which could have a negative impact on the quality of parent-infant interactions.
Birth centers are maternal care models that use appropriate technology when providing care to birthing women. This descriptive study aimed to characterize intrapartum care in a freestanding birth center, in light of the practices recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO), with 1,079 assisted births from 2006 to 2009 in the Sapopemba Birth Center, São Paulo, Brazil. Results included the use of intermittent auscultation (mean=7 controls); maternal positions during delivery: semi-sitting (82.3%), side-lying (16.0%), other positions (1.7%), oral intake (95.6%); companionship (93.3%); exposure to up to three vaginal examinations (85.4%), shower bathing (84.0%), walking (68.0%), massage (60.1%), exercising with a Swiss ball (51.7%); amniotomy (53.4%), oxytocin use during the first (31.0%) and second stages of labor (25.8%), bath immersion (29.3%) and episiotomy (14.1%). In this birth center, care providers used practices recommended by the WHO, although some practices might have been applied less frequently.
Objective To evaluate the factors associated with neonatal mortality in infant born with low birth weight. Method Cross-sectional study that analyzed data from 771 live births with low birth weight (<2500 g) in the city of Cuiabá, MT, in 2010, of whom 54 died in the neonatal period. We obtained data from the Information System on Live Births and Mortality, by integrated linkage. Results In multiple logistic regression, neonatal mortality was associated with: number of prenatal visits less than 7 (OR=3.80;CI:1,66-8,70); gestational age less than 37 weeks (OR=4.77;CI:1.48-15.38), Apgar score less than 7 at the 1st minute (OR=4.25;CI:1.84-9.81) and the 5th minute (OR=5.72,CI:2.24-14.60) and presence of congenital anomaly (OR=14.39;IC:2.72-76.09). Conclusion Neonatal mortality in infants with low birth weight is associated with avoidable factors through adequate attention to prenatal care, childbirth and infants.
This paper addresses the debate on the place of origin of the Upper Guinea branch of Portuguese Creole (UGPC) as spoken in Guinea-Bissau and Casamance (GBC)1 and on the Santiago Island of Cape Verde (SCV). The hypothesis that UGPC emerged on Santiago rather than on the mainland is underpinned both historically and linguistically. First, a historical framework is presented that accounts for the linguistic transfer from Santiago to Cacheu. Secondly, Parkvall’s (2000) lexical evidence in favor of a Santiago birth will be analyzed and corroborated. Thirdly, a phonological trait that separates GBC from SCV is highlighted and shown to favor a Santiago origin. Finally, lexical and phonological features typical of 15th–16th century Portuguese shared by GBC and SCV are combined with historical data to further strengthen the Santiago birth hypothesis.
This article is based on a study of a reform in the organisation of maternity services in the United Kingdom, which aimed towards developing a more woman-centred model of care. After decades of fragmentation and depersonalisation of care, associated with the shift of birth to a hospital setting, pressure by midwives and mothers prompted government review and a relatively radical turnaround in policy. However, the emergent model of care has been profoundly influenced by concepts and technologies of monitoring. The use of such technologies as ultrasound scans, electronic foetal monitoring and oxytocic augmentation of labour, generally supported by epidural anaesthesia for pain relief, have accompanied the development of a particular ecological model of birth – often called active management –, which is oriented towards the idea of an obstetric norm. Drawing on analysis of women’s narrative accounts of labour and birth, this article discusses the impact on women’s embodiment in birth, and the sources of information they use about the status of their own bodies, their labour and that of the child. It also illustrates how the impact on women’s experiences of birth may be mediated by a relational model of support, through the provision of caseload midwifery care.
OBJECTIVETo assess the quality of prenatal care in mothers with premature and term births and identify maternal and gestational factors associated with inadequate prenatal care.METHODCross-sectional study collecting data with the pregnant card, hospital records and interviews with mothers living in Maringa-PR. Data were collected from 576 mothers and their born alive infants who were attended in the public service from October 2013 to February 2014, using three different evaluation criteria. The association of prenatal care quality with prematurity was performed by univariate analysis and occurred only at Kessner criteria (CI=1.79;8.02).RESULTSThe indicators that contributed most to the inadequacy of prenatal care were tests of hemoglobin, urine, and fetal presentation. After logistic regression analysis, maternal and gestational variables associated to inadequate prenatal care were combined prenatal (CI=2.93;11.09), non-white skin color (CI=1.11;2.51); unplanned pregnancy (CI=1.34;3.17) and multiparity (CI=1.17;4.03).CONCLUSIONPrenatal care must follow the minimum recommended protocols, more attention is required to black and brown women, multiparous and with unplanned pregnancies to prevent preterm birth and maternal and child morbimortality.
Abstract OBJECTIVE To describe the stages of construction and validation of an instrument in order to analyze the adherence to best care practices during labour and birth. METHOD Methodological research, carried out in three steps: construction of dimensions and items, face and content validity and semantic analysis of the items. RESULTS The face and content validity was carried out by 10 judges working in healthcare, teaching and research. Items with Content Validity Index (CVI) ≥ 0.9 were kept in full or undergone revisions as suggested by the judges. Semantic analysis, performed twice, indicated that there was no difficulty in understanding the items. CONCLUSION The instrument with three dimensions (organization of healthcare network to pregnancy and childbirth, evidence-based practices and work processes) followed the steps recommended in the literature, concluded with 50 items and total CVI of 0.98.
Forty-eight measurements of energy expenditure were performed in 15 very low-birth-weight infants during the first 6 wk of life. Their mean birth weight and gestation age was 1223 g and 31 wk respectively. Their mean weight gain was 11.2 g/kg . d (range: -6.6 to +15.9 g/kg . d.). The mean energy expenditure increased from 170 kJ/kg . d (wk 1) to 252 kJ/kg . d (wk 6). There was a significant relationship between weight gain and energy expenditure (r = 0.58, P less than 0.001) and also between the net increase in body weight gain and the net increase in energy expenditure (r = 0.80, P less than 0.001). From the slopes of these regression lines, the metabolic cost of growth was found to be approximately 2.3 kJ/g of weight gain. Carbohydrate oxidation represented 80% of energy expenditure at the second wk and decreased to 65% the 6th wk, whereas lipid oxidation during the same period increased from 14 to 30% and the relative protein oxidation remained unchanged, covering 5-6% of the energy expended.
In this chapter we portray the effects of female education and professional achievementon fertility decline in Spain over the period 1920-1980 (birth cohorts of 1900-1950).A longitudinal econometric approach is used to test the hypothesis that the effectsof women s education in the revaluing of their time had a very significant influence onfertility decline. Although in the historical context presented here improvements inschooling were on a modest scale, they were continuous (with the interruption of theCivil War) and had a significant impact in shaping a model of low fertility in Spain. Wealso stress the relevance of this result in a context such as the Spanish for which liberalvalues were absent, fertility control practices were forbidden, and labour forceparticipation of women was politically and socially constrained.
The effects of premature birth on attachment have generally been examined from the infant's perspective. There is a lack of data concerning parental attachment representations toward a premature child. Because of the psychological stress engendered in parents confronted with a premature birth, we hypothesized that their attachment representations would be altered during the first months after the hospital discharge. Fifty families with a premature infant (25-33 gestation weeks) and a control group of 30 families with a full-term infant participated to the study. Perinatal risks were evaluated during hospitalization. To assess mothers' representations of their infant, the Working Model of the Child Interview (WMCI, Zeanah & Benoit, 1995 & Benoit, Zeanah, Parker, Nicholson, & Coolbear, 1997) were administered when their children were 6 and 18 months old. The severity of the perinatal risks was found to have an impact on the mothers' attachment representations. At six months, only 20% of the mothers of a prematurely born infant (30% at 18 months) had secure attachment representations, vs. 53% for the control group (57% at 18 months). Furthermore, mothers of low-risk premature infants more often had disengaged representations, whereas distorted representations were more frequent in the high-risk group of premature children. These findings suggest that the parental response to a premature birth is linked to the severity of postnatal risks. The fact that secure attachment representations are affected in mothers of low-risk infants just as much as they are in mothers of high-risk infants points to the need to conduct further studies aimed at evaluating whether preventive intervention for both low-risk and high-risk premature will be helpful.
Gene duplication was prevalent during hominoid evolution, yet little is known about the functional fate of new ape gene copies. We characterized the CDC14B cell cycle gene and the functional evolution of its hominoid-specific daughter gene, CDC14Bretro. We found that CDC14B encodes four different splice isoforms that show different subcellular localizations (nucleus or microtubule-associated) and functional properties. A microtubular CDC14B variant spawned CDC14Bretro through retroposition in the hominoid ancestor 18-25 million years ago (Mya). CDC14Bretro evolved brain-/testis-specific expression after the duplication event and experienced a short period of intense positive selection in the African ape ancestor 7-12 Mya. Using resurrected ancestral protein variants, we demonstrate that by virtue of amino acid substitutions in distinct protein regions during this time, the subcellular localization of CDC14Bretro progressively shifted from the association with microtubules (stabilizing them) to an association with the endoplasmic reticulum. CDC14Bretro evolution represents a paradigm example of rapid, selectively driven subcellular relocalization, thus revealing a novel mode for the emergence of new gene function