966 resultados para Biosynthetic-enzymes
Beta-oxidation of the conjugated linoleic acid 9-cis,11-trans-octadecadienoic acid (rumenic acid) was analyzed in vivo in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by monitoring polyhydroxyalkanoate production in the peroxisome. Polyhydroxyalkanoate is synthesized by the polymerization of the beta-oxidation intermediates 3-hydroxyacyl-CoAs via a bacterial polyhydroxyalkanoate synthase targeted to the peroxisome. The amount of polyhydroxyalkanaote synthesized from the degradation of rumenic acid was found to be similar to the amount synthesized from the degradation of 10-trans,12-cis-octadecadienoic acid, oleic acid or 10-cis-heptadecenoic acid. Furthermore, the degradation of 10-cis-heptadecenoic acid was found to be unaffected by the presence of rumenic acid in the media. Efficient degradation of rumenic acid was found to be independent of the Delta(3,5),Delta(2,4)-dienoyl-CoA isomerase but instead relied on the presence of Delta(3),Delta(2)-enoyl-CoA isomerase activity. The presence of the unsaturated monomer 3-hydroxydodecenoic acid in polyhydroxyalkanoate derived from rumenic acid degradation was found to be dependent on the presence of a Delta(3),Delta(2)-enoyl-CoA isomerase activity. Together, these data indicate that rumenic acid is mainly degraded in vivo in S. cerevisiae through a pathway requiring only the participation of the auxiliary enzymes Delta(3),Delta(2)-enoyl-CoA isomerase, along with the enzyme of the core beta-oxidation cycle.
The phytotoxic pathogenicity factor fusaric acid (FA) represses the production of 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol (DAPG), a key factor in the antimicrobial activity of the biocontrol strain Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0. FA production by 12 Fusarium oxysporum strains varied substantially. We measured the effect of FA production on expression of the phlACBDE biosynthetic operon of strain CHA0 in culture media and in the wheat rhizosphere by using a translational phlA'-'lacZ fusion. Only FA-producing F. oxysporum strains could suppress DAPG production in strain CHA0, and the FA concentration was strongly correlated with the degree of phlA repression. The repressing effect of FA on phlA'-'lacZ expression was abolished in a mutant that lacked the DAPG pathway-specific repressor PhlF. One FA-producing strain (798) and one nonproducing strain (242) of F. oxysporum were tested for their influence on phlA expression in CHA0 in the rhizosphere of wheat in a gnotobiotic system containing a sand and clay mineral-based artificial soil. F. oxysporum strain 798 (FA(+)) repressed phlA expression in CHA0 significantly, whereas strain 242 (FA(-)) did not. In the phlF mutant CHA638, phlA expression was not altered by the presence of either F. oxysporum strain 242 or 798. phlA expression levels were seven to eight times higher in strain CHA638 than in the wild-type CHA0, indicating that PhlF limits phlA expression in the wheat rhizosphere.
The high-affinity siderophore salicylate is an intermediate in the biosynthetic pathway of pyochelin, another siderophore and chelator of transition metal ions, in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The 2.5-kb region upstream of the salicylate biosynthetic genes pchBA was sequenced and found to contain two additional, contiguous genes, pchD and pchC, having the same orientation. The deduced amino acid sequence of the 60-kDa PchD protein was similar to those of the EntE protein (2,3-dihydroxybenzoate-AMP ligase) of Escherichia coli and other adenylate-forming enzymes, suggesting that salicylate might be adenylated at the carboxyl group by PchD. The 28-kDa PchC protein showed similarities to thioesterases of prokaryotic and eukaryotic origin and might participate in the release of the product(s) formed from activated salicylate. One potential product, dihydroaeruginoate (Dha), was identified in culture supernatants of iron-limited P. aeruginosa cells. The antifungal antibiotic Dha is thought to arise from the reaction of salicylate with cysteine, followed by cyclization of cysteine. Inactivation of the chromosomal pchD gene by insertion of the transcription and translation stop element omega Sm/Sp abolished the production of Dha and pyochelin, implying that PchD-mediated activation of salicylate may be a common first step in the synthesis of both metabolites. Furthermore, the pchD::omega Sm/Sp mutation had a strong polar effect on the expression of the pchBA genes, i.e., on salicylate synthesis, indicating that the pchDCBA genes constitute a transcriptional unit. A full-length pchDCBA transcript of ca. 4.4 kb could be detected in iron-deprived, growing cells of P. aeruginosa. Transcription of pchD started at tandemly arranged promoters, which overlapped with two Fur boxes (binding sites for the ferric uptake regulator) and the promoter of the divergently transcribed pchR gene encoding an activator of pyochelin biosynthesis. This promoter arrangement allows tight iron-mediated repression of the pchDCBA operon.
In this article, we offer an overview of the compared quantitative importance of biotransformation reactions in the metabolism of drugs and other xenobiotics, based on a meta-analysis of current research interests. Also, we assess the relative significance the enzyme (super)families or categories catalysing these reactions. We put the facts unveiled by the analysis into a drug discovery context and draw some implications. The results confirm the primary role of cytochrome P450-catalysed oxidations and UDP-glucuronosyl-catalysed glucuronidations, but they also document the marked significance of several other reactions. Thus, there is a need for several drug discovery scientists to better grasp the variety of drug metabolism reactions and enzymes and their consequences.
High consumption of fructose-sweetened beverages has been linked to a high prevalence of chronic metabolic diseases. We have previously shown that a short course of fructose supplementation as a liquid solution induces glucose intolerance in female rats. In the present work, we characterized the fructose-driven changes in the liver and the molecular pathways involved. To this end, female rats were supplemented or not with liquid fructose (10%, w/v) for 7 or 14 days. Glucose and pyruvate tolerance tests were performed, and the expression of genes related to insulin signaling, gluconeogenesis and nutrient sensing pathways was evaluated. Fructose-supplemented rats showed increased plasma glucose excursions in glucose and pyruvate tolerance tests and reduced hepatic expression of several genes related to insulin signaling, including insulin receptor substrate 2 (IRS-2). However, the expression of key gluconeogenic enzymes, glucose-6-phosphatase and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase, was reduced. These effects were caused by an inactivation of hepatic forkhead box O1 (FoxO1) due to an increase in its acetylation state driven by a reduced expression and activity of sirtuin 1 (SIRT1). Further contributing to FoxO1 inactivation, fructose consumption elevated liver expression of the spliced form of X-box-binding-protein-1 as a consequence of an increase in the activity of the mammalian target of rapamycin 1 and protein 38-mitogen activated protein kinase (p38-MAPK). Liquid fructose affects both insulin signaling (IRS-2 and FoxO1) and nutrient sensing pathways (p38-MAPK, mTOR and SIRT1), thus disrupting hepatic insulin signaling without increasing the expression of key gluconeogenic enzymes.
Treatment of bean cuttings with 4-chlororesorcinol (4-CR), known to increase the number of roots and extend their distribution, prevented the accumulation of free indol-3-yl-acetic acid (IAA) in the hypocotyls within 24 h after cutting preparation. In mung bean there was no change in the distribution (upper half vs. 1 ower half of the hypocotyl) of IAA within the hypocotyl as a result of the treatment. In bean cuttings the treatment with 4-CR prevented the accumulation of IAA in the bottom of the cutting. Oxidation of IAA as a measure of IAA oxidase activity in bean was enhanced appreciably by 4-chlororesorcinol. The level of abscisic acid in mung bean, on the other hand, remained 3-4 fold higher than in the control, yet still about 50% lower than the zero time level. In untreated mung bean cuttings the activity of peroxidase increased after cutting preparation. In contrast, the activity of peroxidase in 4-Cr-treated cuttings was consistently lower. In order to relate to the effect of exogenously applied auxin the level of peroxidase was measured also in indol-3-yl-butyric acid-treated cuttings. The overall peroxidase activity in IBA-treated cuttings was not affected. However, when assaying for the different isozymes the drop in peroxidase activity was most evident in the inducible basic isoperoxidases both in 4-CR and IBA treatments. It appears that the exposure to 4-CR exerts an effect that is similar to that of exogenously applied auxin, affecting the activity of basic peroxidases and enhancing the oxidation of endogenous IAA, thus allowing the organization of the primordia.
In this study we investigated the variations of the maximal activities of the rate-controlling glycolytic enzymes (i.e., hexokinase, HK; phosphofructokinase, PFK; pyruvate kinase, PK) and of the pyruvate-dehydrogenase complex (PDHc) during the early embryogenesis of Xenopus laevis (from cleavage through hatching). All the enzymatic assays, using different coupled reactions, were performed spectrophotometrically on cytosolic and mitochondrial fractions. The maximal HK activity increases markedly from neurulation onwards, PFK activity presents a peak around gastrulation, PK activity remains relatively constant throughout the period studied and the highest PDHc activity is observed during cleavage. The specific activities display the same temporal pattern. Furthermore, in the sequence of reactions by which glucose is degraded to form acetyl-CoA, the maximal activities of PFK and PK are not limiting while those of HK and PDHc could be rate-limiting at relatively late developmental stages (hatching).
Exercise is classically associated with muscular soreness, presenting one to two days later, delayed onset muscular soreness. Blood muscle enzymes and protein elevations are characteristic, and may cause renal failure. Creatin phosphokinase peak appears on the fourth day and depends on exercise type and individual parameters. This effect is attenuated with repeated bouts, by habituation. Metabolic complications are rare. The knowledge of this reaction, even with common exercises, allows to postpone investigations for a complex metabolic disorder, or to avoid stopping a medication for fear of a side effect, as with statins. Indeed, it is necessary to wait for seven days without any exercise before interpreting an elevated CK result.
RESUME Les bétalaïnes sont des pigments chromo-alcaloïdes violets et jaunes présents dans les plantes appartenant à l'ordre des Caryophyllales et dans les champignons des genres Amanita et Hygrocybe. Leur courte voie de biosynthèse est élucidée chimiquement depuis de nombreuses années, mais les enzymes impliquées dans cette biosynthèse chez les plantes ne sont toujours pas caractérisées. L'enzyme de la DOPA-dioxygénase d' Amanita muscaria a été identifiée (Girod et Zryd, 1991a), mais de nombreuses tentatives d'isolation d'un homologue chez les plantes ont échoué. Afin d'isoler les gènes spécifiques des bétalaïnes chez les plantes, nous avons construit des banques soustraites d'ADNc à partir d'ARN total de pétales immatures de Portulaca grandiflora (Pg) de génotypes jaunes et blancs, respectivement violets et blancs. Les clones couleur- spécifiques ont été détectés en premier par analyse Northem du RNA de pétales blancs et colorés. Les candidats positifs ont alors été soumis à une analyse de transcription au niveau des tiges colorées, vertes et des feuilles, afin d'établir leur expression spécifique. Deux ARNs messagers complets ont une expression corrélée avec l'accumulation des bétalaïnes dans les tissus. Le premier de ces clones, A.16, code pour une oxydase de l'acyl-Coenzyme A (ACX) putative, mais le domaine de liaison du FAD essentiel pour l'activité d'ACX est absent. Toutes nos tentatives pour démontrer sa fonction ont échoué. Le rôle de cette protéine dans la voie de synthèse des bétalaïnes reste inconnu. Le deuxième de ces clones spécifique aux bétalaïnes, L.6 (isolé par Zaiko, 2000), a été renommé DODA en raison de son homologie avec le domaine LigB (pfam02900) d'une 4,5-dioxygénase extradiol bactérienne. DODA a été identifié in silico comme une dioxygénase extradiol en raison de la conservation stricte, au niveau de sa séquence peptidique, des résidus catalytiques de LigB et de ceux liant le cofacteur fer. Une analyse de transfert Southem a montré que ce gène est unique dans Pg. L'expression transitoire de DODA par transformation biolistique dans des pétales blancs de Pg a produit des taches violettes ou jaunes dans des cellules transformées. Une analyse HPLC de ces taches a démontré leur identité avec les bétalaïnes présentes naturellement dans les pétales violets et jaunes de Pg, confirmant ainsi la complémentation par le gène Pg DODA de l'allèle récessif cc présent dans les pétales blancs de Pg. Des homologues de DODA (DOPA-dioxygénase) ont été identifiés dans de nombreuses espèces de plantes, y compris dans celles sans bétalaïne. L'alignement de ces homologues a permis l'identification d'un motif spécifique aux bétalaïnes à côté d'une histidine catalytique conservée. Ce motif [H-P-(S,A)-(N,D)-x-T-P] remplace le motif [H-N-L-R] conservé dans les plantes sans bétalaïne et le motif [H-N-L-x] présent dans tous les homologues bactériens et archaebactériens. Une modélisation tridimensionnelle préliminaire du site actif de Pg DODA et de son homologue dans la mousse Physcomitrella patens a montré l'importance de ce motif spécifique aux bétalaïnes pour l'accessibilité du substrat au site actif. L'analyse phylogénétique de DODA a confirmé l'évolution séparée de cette protéine chez les plantes à bétalaïnes par comparaison avec celle des plantes sans bétalaïne. Nous avons donc conclu que les bétalaïnes sont apparues par modification de l'affinité pour un substrat d'enzymes similaires à DODA, chez un ancêtre unique des Caryophyllales qui a perdu toute capacité de biosynthèse des anthocyanes. Finalement, Pg DODA n'a aucune similarité avec la protéine DODA d' Amanita muscaria, bien que celle-ci complémente aussi la pigmentation des pétales blancs de Pg. La biosynthèse des bétalaïnes est un exemple remarquable de convergence évolutive biochimique indépendante entre espèces de règnes différents. ABSTRACT Betalains are violet and yellow chromo-alkaloid pigments present in plants belonging to the order Caryophyllales and also in the fungal genera Amanita and Hygrocybe. Their short biosynthetic pathway is chemically well understood since many years, but enzymes involved in the plant pathway are still uncharacterized. The DOPA-dioxygenase from Amanita muscaria was identified (Girod and Zryd, 1991a), but numerous attempts to identify a plant homologue to the corresponding gene, failed. In order to isolate betalain-specific genes in plants, subtractive cDNA libraries were built with total RNA from white and yellow and respectively, violet immature petals from Portulaca grandiflora (Pg) genotypes. Colour-specific clones were first detected by Northern blot analysis using RNA from white and coloured petals. Positive candidates were submitted to further transcription analysis in coloured, green stems and leaves in order to assess their specific expression. Two full-length mRNAs showed a correlated expression with betalain accumulation in tissues. One of them, A.16, encodes a putative acyl-Coenzyme A oxidase (ACX), but missing the FAD binding domain essential for the ACX activity. Thus, all attempts to demonstrate its function failed. The role of this protein in the betalain biosynthesis pathway, if any, is still unknown. The second betalain-specific mRNA, L.6 (isolated by Zaiko, 2000) shows a homology with a LigB domain (pfam02900) from a bacterial extradiol 4,5-dioxygenase. It was then renamed DODA (DOPA-dioxygenase). DODA was identified in silico as a highly conserved extradiol dioxygenase due to the strict conservation of its peptidic sequence with LigB catalytic residues and iron-binding cofactor residues. Southern blot analysis showed that this gene is a single copy-gene in Pg. Transient expression of DODA protein through biolistic transformation of Pg white petals produced violet or yellow spots in individual cells. HPLC analysis of these spots showed an identity with betalain pigments present naturally in yellow and violet Pg petals, thus confirming the complementation of the recessive cc allele present in Pg white petals by Pg DODA gene. DODA homologues were identified in numerous plant species including those without betalain. Alignment of these homologues allowed the identification of a betalain-specific pattern beside a highly conserved catalytic histidine. This [H-P-(S,A)-(N,D)-x-T-P] pattern replaces a [H-N-L-R] pattern strictly conserved in non-betalain plants and a [H-N-L-x] pattern present in all bacterial and archaebacterial homologues. Preliminary three-dimensional modeling of the active site of Pg DODA and its Physcomitrella patens moss homologue revealed the importance of this betalain-specific pattern for the substrate accessibility to the DODA active site. DODA phylogenetic analysis confirmed the separate evolution of this protein in betalain-producing plants. We conclude that betalain pigments appeared in a unique ancestor of the Caryophyllales order in which anthocyanin biosynthetic pathway was impaired, by a modification of enzymes of the DODA family for substrate affinity. The Pg DODA protein has no sequence similarity with Amanita muscaria DODA, despite the fact that they both complement Pg white petals for their pigmentation. Betalain biosynthesis is an interesting example of independent biochemical evolutionary convergence between species from different kingdoms.
Yeast successfully adapts to an environmental stress by altering physiology and fine-tuning metabolism. This fine-tuning is achieved through regulation of both gene expression and protein activity, and it is shaped by various physiological requirements. Such requirements impose a sustained evolutionary pressure that ultimately selects a specific gene expression profile, generating a suitable adaptive response to each environmental change. Although some of the requirements are stress specific, it is likely that others are common to various situations. We hypothesize that an evolutionary pressure for minimizing biosynthetic costs might have left signatures in the physicochemical properties of proteins whose gene expression is fine-tuned during adaptive responses. To test this hypothesis we analyze existing yeast transcriptomic data for such responses and investigate how several properties of proteins correlate to changes in gene expression. Our results reveal signatures that are consistent with a selective pressure for economy in protein synthesis during adaptive response of yeast to various types of stress. These signatures differentiate two groups of adaptive responses with respect to how cells manage expenditure in protein biosynthesis. In one group, significant trends towards downregulation of large proteins and upregulation of small ones are observed. In the other group we find no such trends. These results are consistent with resource limitation being important in the evolution of the first group of stress responses.
Yeast cells contain a family of three monothiol glutaredoxins: Grx3, 4, and 5. Absence of Grx5 leads to constitutive oxidative damage, exacerbating that caused by external oxidants. Phenotypic defects associated with the absence of Grx5 are suppressed by overexpression ofSSQ1 and ISA2, two genes involved in the synthesis and assembly of iron/sulfur clusters into proteins. Grx5 localizes at the mitochondrial matrix, like other proteins involved in the synthesis of these clusters, and the mature form lacks the first 29 amino acids of the translation product. Absence of Grx5 causes: 1) iron accumulation in the cell, which in turn could promote oxidative damage, and 2) inactivation of enzymes requiring iron/sulfur clusters for their activity. Reduction of iron levels in grx5 null mutants does not restore the activity of iron/sulfur enzymes, and cell growth defects are not suppressed in anaerobiosis or in the presence of disulfide reductants. Hence, Grx5 forms part of the mitochondrial machinery involved in the synthesis and assembly of iron/sulfur centers.