974 resultados para Bifurcated stent Graft
FUNDAMENTO: Na angioplastia coronária percutânea (ACP), os vasos de fino calibre representam um fator de risco para reestenose. O stent farmacológico (SF) autoexpansível Sparrow®, de perfil menor que os sistemas atuais, nunca foi testado nesse cenário. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a eficácia tardia do SF Sparrow®, com relação à perda luminal tardia intrastent (PLT intrastent) aos oito meses. MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo, randomizado, em P com doença arterial coronária (DAC) sintomática ou com isquemia documentada, submetido à ACP em vasos de calibre < 2,75 mm, dividido em dois grupos quanto ao tipo de stent Sparrow®: grupo 1, SF; grupo 2, stent não farmacológico (SNF). O seguimento clínico foi de 12 meses. De imediato e aos oito meses, avaliação pela angiografia coronária quantitativa (ACQ). Para o cálculo da amostra estimou-se diminuição de mais de 65% de PLT intrastent com o SF. Para análise estatística utilizou-se o programa IBM SPSS Statistics® versão 19 (Chicago, Illinois, EUA). RESULTADOS: Foram incluídos 24 p, 12 em cada grupo. Os grupos SF e SNF foram semelhantes quanto à idade (63,25 ± 10,01 versus 64,58 ± 11,54, p = 0,765), sexo masculino (58,3% versus 33,3%, p = 0,412), fatores de risco e todos os aspectos angiográficos. Os resultados imediatos foram satisfatórios em ambos os grupos. Aos oito meses, a PLT intrastent foi significativamente menor no SF do que no SNF (SF 0,25 ± 0,16 versus SNF 0,97 ± 0,76, p = 0,008). CONCLUSÃO: Em ACP de vasos de calibre < 2,75 mm, o SF Sparrow® determinou significativa redução da PLT intrastent, em comparação ao SNF Sparrow®.
Fundamento: Stents recobertos com polímeros bioabsorvíveis e fármacos apenas na face abluminal podem ser mais seguros que stents farmacológicos com polímeros permanentes. Objetivo: Relatar os resultados experimentais com o stent Inspiron(r), um stent recoberto com polímero bioabsorvível e com liberação de sirolimus apenas da face abluminal, recentemente aprovado para uso clínico. Métodos: Foram implantados 45 stents nas artérias coronárias de 15 porcos e, no 28° dia pós-implante, foram obtidos os resultados angiográficos, de ultrassonografia intracoronária e de histomorfologia. Cinco grupos foram avaliados: Grupo I (nove stents sem recobrimento); Grupo II (nove stents com polímero bioabsorvível nas faces luminal e abluminal); Grupo III (oito stents com polímero bioabsorvível na face abluminal); Grupo IV (nove stents com polímero bioabsorvível e sirolimus nas faces luminal e abluminal); e Grupo V (dez stents com polímero bioabsorvível e sirolimus na face abluminal exclusivamente). Resultados: Observamos, para os Grupos I, II, III, IV e V respectivamente: porcentual de estenose de 29 ± 20; 36 ± 14; 33 ± 19; 22 ± 13 e 26 ± 15 (p = 0,443); perda luminal tardia (em mm) de 1,02 ± 0,60; 1,24 ± 0,48; 1,11 ± 0,54; 0,72 ± 0,44 e 0,78 ± 0,39 (p = 0,253); área neointimal (em mm2) de 2,60 ± 1,99; 2,74 ± 1,51; 2,74 ± 1,30; 1,30 ± 1,14 e 0,97 ± 0,84 (p = 0,001; Grupos IV e V versus Grupos I, II e III) e porcentual de área neointimal de 35 ± 25; 38 ± 18; 39 ± 19; 19 ± 18 e 15 ± 12 (p = 0,001; Grupo IV e V versus Grupo I, II e III). Os escores de injúria e inflamação foram baixos e sem diferenças entre os grupos. Conclusão: O stent Inspiron(r) foi seguro e inibiu significativamente a hiperplasia neointimal observada no 28° dia pós-implante em artérias coronárias porcinas.
Background:Long-term outcomes of drug-eluting stents (DES) versus bare-metal stents (BMS) in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) remain uncertain.Objective:To investigate long-term outcomes of drug-eluting stents (DES) versus bare-metal stents (BMS) in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI).Methods:We performed search of MEDLINE, EMBASE, the Cochrane library, and ISI Web of Science (until February 2013) for randomized trials comparing more than 12-month efficacy or safety of DES with BMS in patients with STEMI. Pooled estimate was presented with risk ratio (RR) and its 95% confidence interval (CI) using random-effects model.Results:Ten trials with 7,592 participants with STEMI were included. The overall results showed that there was no significant difference in the incidence of all-cause death and definite/probable stent thrombosis between DES and BMS at long-term follow-up. Patients receiving DES implantation appeared to have a lower 1-year incidence of recurrent myocardial infarction than those receiving BMS (RR = 0.75, 95% CI 0.56 to 1.00, p= 0.05). Moreover, the risk of target vessel revascularization (TVR) after receiving DES was consistently lowered during long-term observation (all p< 0.01). In subgroup analysis, the use of everolimus-eluting stents (EES) was associated with reduced risk of stent thrombosis in STEMI patients (RR = 0.37, p=0.02).Conclusions:DES did not increase the risk of stent thrombosis in patients with STEMI compared with BMS. Moreover, the use of DES did lower long-term risk of repeat revascularization and might decrease the occurrence of reinfarction.
Background: The autonomic nervous system plays a central role in cardiovascular regulation; sympathetic activation occurs during myocardial ischemia. Objective: To assess the spectral analysis of heart rate variability during stent implantation, comparing the types of stent. Methods: This study assessed 61 patients (mean age, 64.0 years; 35 men) with ischemic heart disease and indication for stenting. Stent implantation was performed under Holter monitoring to record the spectral analysis of heart rate variability (Fourier transform), measuring the low-frequency (LF) and high-frequency (HF) components, and the LF/HF ratio before and during the procedure. Results: Bare-metal stent was implanted in 34 patients, while the others received drug-eluting stents. The right coronary artery was approached in 21 patients, the left anterior descending, in 28, and the circumflex, in 9. As compared with the pre-stenting period, all patients showed an increase in LF and HF during stent implantation (658 versus 185 ms2, p = 0.00; 322 versus 121, p = 0.00, respectively), with no change in LF/HF. During stent implantation, LF was 864 ms2 in patients with bare-metal stents, and 398 ms2 in those with drug-eluting stents (p = 0.00). The spectral analysis of heart rate variability showed no association with diabetes mellitus, family history, clinical presentation, beta-blockers, age, and vessel or its segment. Conclusions: Stent implantation resulted in concomitant sympathetic and vagal activations. Diabetes mellitus, use of beta-blockers, and the vessel approached showed no influence on the spectral analysis of heart rate variability. Sympathetic activation was lower during the implantation of drug-eluting stents.
Background: Coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) is a standard surgical option for patients with diffuse and significant arterial plaque. This procedure, however, is not free of postoperative complications, especially pulmonary and cognitive disorders. Objective: This study aimed at comparing the impact of two different physiotherapy treatment approaches on pulmonary and cognitive function of patients undergoing CABG. Methods: Neuropsychological and pulmonary function tests were applied, prior to and following CABG, to 39 patients randomized into two groups as follows: Group 1 (control) - 20 patients underwent one physiotherapy session daily; and Group 2 (intensive physiotherapy) - 19 patients underwent three physiotherapy sessions daily during the recovery phase at the hospital. Non-paired and paired Student t tests were used to compare continuous variables. Variables without normal distribution were compared between groups by using Mann-Whitney test, and, within the same group at different times, by using Wilcoxon test. The chi-square test assessed differences of categorical variables. Statistical tests with a p value ≤ 0.05 were considered significant. Results: Changes in pulmonary function were not significantly different between the groups. However, while Group 2 patients showed no decline in their neurocognitive function, Group 1 patients showed a decline in their cognitive functions (P ≤ 0.01). Conclusion: Those results highlight the importance of physiotherapy after CABG and support the implementation of multiple sessions per day, providing patients with better psychosocial conditions and less morbidity.
Background:Primary graft dysfunction is the main cause of early mortality after heart transplantation. Mechanical circulatory support has been used to treat this syndrome.Objective:Describe the experience with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation to treat post-transplant primary cardiac graft dysfunction.Methods:Between January 2007 and December 2013, a total of 71 orthotopic heart transplantations were performed in patients with advanced heart failure. Eleven (15.5%) of these patients who presented primary graft dysfunction constituted the population of this study. Primary graft dysfunction manifested in our population as failure to wean from cardiopulmonary bypass in six (54.5%) patients, severe hemodynamic instability in the immediate postoperative period with severe cardiac dysfunction in three (27.3%), and cardiac arrest (18.2%). The average ischemia time was 151 ± 82 minutes. Once the diagnosis of primary graft dysfunction was established, we installed a mechanical circulatory support to stabilize the severe hemodynamic condition of the patients and followed their progression longitudinally.Results:The average duration of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation support was 76 ± 47.4 hours (range 32 to 144 hours). Weaning with cardiac recovery was successful in nine (81.8%) patients. However, two patients who presented cardiac recovery did not survive to hospital discharge.Conclusion:Mechanical circulatory support with central extracorporeal membrane oxygenation promoted cardiac recovery within a few days in most patients.
Magdeburg, Univ., Med. Fak., Diss., 2012
Plantas dos capins braquiaria brachiaria decumbens Stapf (Prain) , quicuio da Amazonia, (Brachiaria humidicola (Rendle) Schweickerdt), pangola (Digitaria decumbens Stent), jaraguá (Hyphrrhenia rufa (Ness) Stapf), gordura (Melinis minutiflora Pal de Beauv), colonião (Panicum maximum Jacq) e napier (Pennisetwn purpure um Schum) foram cultivadas em solução nutritiva completa contendo, 0,12; 0,48; 1,94; 7,75 e 31,00 mg de fósforo por litro, com o objetivo de determinar os níveis críticos internos e externos de fosforo, e avaliar a eficiência com que absorvem e utilizam o fósforo. Aos setenta e cinco dias as plantas foram coletadas, separadas em caules, folhas, bainhas e raízes. Após secagem a 80ºC, as amostras foram pesadas e analisadas para fósforo na matéria seca. Curvas representativas do peso da matéria seca e da concentração de fósforo na matéria seca em função dos níveis de fosforo da solução nutritiva foram obtidas a partir de dados calculados de equações de regressão. Verificou-se que: - As espécies diferiram quanto à necessidade externa de fósforo, sendo B. humidicola e H. rufa as menos exigentes. Seguiram-se em ordem crescente B. decumbens, M. minutiflora, P. maximum, P. purpureum e D. decumbens. - Os níveis críticos internos de fósforo variaram entre as espécies, sendo maior em D. decumbens (0,38%) que nas demais. Seguiram-se em ordem decrescente B. decumbens (0,32%), B. humidioola (0,26%), M. minutiflora (0,24%), P. maximum (o,24%) e P. purpureum (0,20%). - A eficiência de absorção e utilização, do fósforo foi maior para B. humidicola. Seguiram-se em ordem decrescente P. purpureum, P. maximum, D. decumbens , B. decumbens e M. minutiflora.