952 resultados para Bifacial PV module


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O crestamento bacteriano comum, causado por Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli (Xap), é a principal bacteriose do feijoeiro no Brasil, sendo transmitida principalmente por sementes. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo aperfeiçoar uma técnica, por meio de diferentes métodos de preparação do extrato, para a detecção de Xap, bem como sua detecção simultânea com Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens pv. flaccumfaciens (Cff) nos extratos de sementes de feijão,via PCR. A partir de amostras de sementes de feijão inoculadas artificialmente com Xap e lotes comerciais, foram avaliados: extrato bruto obtido diretamente das sementes, extrato concentrado por filtração em membrana de 0,22µM de diâmetro, extrato concentrado por centrifugação e extrato plaqueado em meio semi-seletivo XCP1 com e sem antibióticos (BIO-PCR). Avaliou-se a presença simultânea de Xap e Cff em 10 lotes comerciais de sementes de feijão através da reação multiplex, utilizandos-se os primers X4c, X4e, CffFOR2 e CffREV4. A partir do extrato bruto, do extrato concentrado por centrifugação e por filtragem em membrana Millipore® não foi possível a detecção de Xap nas sementes de feijão artificialmente contaminadas nem nos 47 lotes comerciais de sementes/ grãos de feijão. A técnica de BIO-PCR permitiu a detecção de Xap a partir de extratos de sementes de feijão artificialmente contaminadas e em 18 dos 47 lotes comerciais. A técnica de detecção simultânea de Xap e Cff no mesmo gel é viável, por amplificar fragmentos de DNA típicos de cada fitobactéria. O uso do meio de cultura XCP1 sem adição de antibióticos permitiu detectar Xap com período de incubação menor em um dia em comparação à detecção utilizando-se o meio de cultura com antibióticos


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Este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de estudar a eficácia de óleos essenciais de Lippia gracilis, no crescimento in vitro de Xcv. Foram utilizados oito óleos extraídos de L. gracilis, obtidos de diferentes manejos de cultivo, em três dosagens diferentes (200; 250 e 300 µL.L-1), testemunha com o oxicloreto de cobre (controle padrão) e a testemunha absoluta. A suscetibilidade do isolado Xcv3 aos óleos testados foi avaliada na primeira etapa pela presença e ausência do crescimento bacteriano e, na segunda etapa, pela porcentagem de inibição do crescimento bacteriano. A análise da composição química dos óleos essenciais extraídos de L. gracilis, mostrou, o carvacrol (73,9 a 77%) como composto majoritário e o timol (4,9 a 10,3%). Os óleos referentes aos tratamentos 01, 06 e 07 foram os que proporcionaram maiores porcentagens de inibição no crescimento bacteriano de Xcv: 94,75%, 96,50% e 94,02%, respectivamente, sendo superiores ao oxicloreto de cobre (49,6%).


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of aqueous extracts from fruiting bodies of different isolates of Lentinula edodeson the pathogens Colletotrichum sublineolum, the causal agent of anthracnose in sorghum, and Xanthomonas axonopodispv. passiflorae, the causal agent of bacterial spot in passion fruit. Results showed that the aqueous extracts from isolates LE JAB-K and LE 95/01 significantly reduced C. sublineolumspore germination,while the isolate LE 96/22 was the only one to inhibit the pathogen mycelial growth. However, all L. edodesisolates showed inhibitory effect on C. sublineolumappressorium formation. Regarding X. axonopodispv. passiflorae, the aqueous extracts from all L. edodesisolates significantly reduced the in vitromultiplication of the bacterium. However, antimicrobial activity was lost when the extracts were autoclaved, demonstrating their thermolabile property. The aqueous extract from isolate LE 96/22 was also partially purified by anion exchange chromatography and fraction V exhibited high inhibitory activity on the in vitromycelial growth of C. sublineolum, while the multiplication of X. axonopodispv. passifloraewas inhibited by fractions IV, V and VII. Thus, L. edodesisolates were shown to produce compounds exhibiting antifungal and antibacterial activities against phytopathogens, which are mainly concentrated in fraction V.


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Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. manihotis es una de las principales limitaciones del cultivo de yuca. En esta investigación, mediante microscopía óptica, se realizó un análisis comparativo de los cambios morfológicos e histoquímicos en tallos de una variedad de yuca susceptible (TMS60444) y una resistente (CM6438-14), 7 y 14 días después de ser inoculadas con la cepa patogénica CIO151. Se pudo detectar que la variedad resistente genera barreras de calosa en las paredes celulares del parénquima cortical y del floema, manteniendo funcional este tejido. En tanto que los tejidos vasculares de la variedad susceptible colapsan, el floema por obstrucción total con tapones de calosa y por formación de compuestos fenólicos, y el xilema por formación de tílides y/o acumulación de compuestos fenólicos, sin poder frenar el avance sistémico de la enfermedad.


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ABSTRACTAlthough poorly studied, the bacterial halo blight is an important disease in the major coffee-producing states of Brazil. External damage and anatomical changes on leaves were measured in seedlings of Coffea arabica cv. Mundo Novo, susceptible to Pseudomonas syringae pv. garcae, by using histological sections obtained at 10 and 20 days after inoculation (DAI). The changes on the epidermis were smaller than the lesions measured in the mesophyll, irrespective of the evaluated colonization period, showing that the internal damage caused by the bacterium represent twice the damage observed externally. From the inoculation site, lysis occurred on the epidermal cells and on the palisade and spongy parenchyma cells, with strong staining of their cellular contents, as well as abnormal intercellular spaces in the palisade parenchyma, hypertrophy and hyperplasia of mesophyll cells and partial destruction of chloroplasts. Additionally, this study revealed the presence of inclusion bodies in epidermal and mesophyll cells. Bacterial masses were found in the apoplast between and within mesophyll cells. Bacteria were also observed in the bundle sheath and vascular bundles and were more pronounced at 20 DAI, not only near the inoculation site but also in distant areas, suggesting displacement through the vascular system. These results can be useful to understand this plant-pathogen interaction.


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ABSTRACTSchizolobium parahyba pv. amazonicum (Huber ex Ducke) Barneby (paricá) occurs naturally in the Amazon and is significant commercial importance due to its rapid growth and excellent performance on cropping systems. The aim of this paper was to evaluate a microbial inoculants such as arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi (AMF) and Rhizobium sp. that promote plant growth. The inocula was 10 g of root colonized and spores of Glomus clarum and/or 1 mL of cell suspension (107 CFU/mL) of Rhizobium sp. and/or 100 g of chemical fertilizer NPK 20-05-20 per planting hole. The experimental design was complete randomized blocks with five replications and eight treatments (n = 800). Plant height, stem diameter and plant survival were measured. The results were tested for normality and homogeneity of variances and analyzed by ANOVA and Tukey test (p < 0.05). Rhizobium sp and AM fungi showed no effect on plant growth. Environmental factors probably influenced the effectiveness of symbiosis of both microorganisms and plant growth. The chemical fertilizer increased S. parahyba growth. During the first 120 days plants suffered with drought and frost, and at 180 days plants inoculated with microorganism plus chemical fertilizer showed higher survival when compared with control. The results showed that the microbial inoculants used showed an important role on plant survival after high stress conditions, but not in plant growth. Also was concluded that the planting time should be between November to December to avoid the presence of young plants during winter time that is dry and cold.


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kuv., 18 x 12 cm


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The distinction between lymphatic vessels and blood vessels is a crucial factor in many studies in immunology, vascular biology and cancer biology. They both share several characteristics and perform related, though different functions. They are equally important for the performance of the human immune system with the continuous recirculation of leukocytes from the tissues via lymphatics to the blood vessels and back into the tissue presenting the link between both systems. This study was undertaken to elucidate the differences in the gene expression between primary blood- and lymphatic endothelial cells as well as the two immortalized cell lines HMEC-1 (human microvascular endothelial cell line 1) and TIME (telomerase immortalized microvascular endothelial cell line). Furthermore, we wanted to investigate the mystery surrounding the identity of the antigen recognized by the prototype blood vascular marker PAL-E. In the last step we wanted to study whether the PAL-E antigen would be involved in the process of leukocyte migration from the bloodstream into the surrounding tissue. Our results clearly show that the gene expression in primary blood endothelial cells (BEC), lymphatic endothelial cells (LEC) and the cell lines HMEC-1 and TIME is plastic. Comparison of a large set of BEC- and LEC datasets allowed us to assemble a catalog of new, stable BEC- or LEC specific markers, which we verified in independent experiments. Additionally, several lines of evidence demonstrated that PAL-E recognizes plasmalemma vesicle associated protein 1 (PV-1), which can form complexes with vimentin and neuropilin-1. Finally, numerous in vitro and in vivo experiments identify the first function of the protein PV-1 during leukocyte trafficking, where it acts as regulatory molecule.


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The goal of the thesis is to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of solar PV business model and point out key factors that affect the efficiency of business model, the results are expected to help in creating new business strategy. The methodology of case study research is chosen as theoretical background to structure the design of the thesis indicating how to choose the right research method and conduction of a case study research. Business model canvas is adopted as the tool for analyzing the case studies of SolarCity and Sungevity. The results are presented through the comparison between the cases studies. Solar services and products, cost in customer acquisition, intellectual resource and powerful sales channels are identified as the major factors for TPO model.


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A strain of Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria showing resistance to 1.2 mM cupric sulfate was analyzed by atomic absorption spectroscopy and ESI (electron spectrophotometry imaging). Accumulation of copper was detected in the periphery of the cell membrane region, suggesting that the mechanism of copper resistance is similar to that previously described for Pseudomonas species. The ESI technique was used to detect copper in the membrane region. Copper-resistance in X. campestris pv. vesicatoria 484 is inducible and occurs by accumulation of the metal and not by efflux mechanism as has been suggested. The growth curve also showed that this system is inducible.


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The usage of PV batteries nowadays became more and more widely spread. Due to the fact that the efficiency of modern PV is rising every year the prevalence of this source of energy is increasing. As the source of the energy is sunlight, these batteries need to be complimented by storage capacitors which will store energy for future use. Nevertheless the less the calculation of demanded amount of energy according the load and capacity of a storage battery that will keep the end consumer in work during certain time still is not overviewed. In this thesis the overall system will be considered and there will be made economic calculations for configurations of such system that will depend from the load. Also the behavior of the system in different geographical and climate conditions that influence of the amount of energy produced will be overviewed.


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Neste estudo foi testada a técnica de condicionamento fisiológico em meio agarizado para inoculação de Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens pv. flaccumfaciens (Cff) em sementes de feijão. Na primeira etapa, avaliou-se o comportamento das sementes de feijão cultivar Pérola, durante o pré-condicionamento osmótico em substrato agarizado com restrição hídrica. Os tratamentos consistiram em expor, por diferentes períodos de tempo, sementes de feijão desinfestadas a quatro níveis de restrição hídrica do meio 523 (-0,55, -0,75, -0,95 e -1,15 MPa), com o uso de quatro substratos (meio 523, meio 523+KCl, meio 523+manitol e meio 523+sacarose). Como testemunha, utilizou-se o meio 523 sem restrição hídrica (-0,55 MPa). Decorridos os respectivos tempos, avaliou-se a percentagem de sementes com protrusão radicular e, posteriormente, o teor de água, a germinação e os padrões enzimáticos das sementes. Na segunda etapa do estudo, avaliou-se o crescimento de quatro isolados de Cff (Cff DF - Feij-2936, Cff PR - 12768, Cff SC - Feij-2928 e Cff SP - Feij-2634) em substrato agarizado com restrição hídrica. Os tratamentos da terceira etapa foram definidos com base na primeira etapa, em que o melhor tratamento foi o meio 523 com manitol no potencial hídrico de -0,95 MPa e com 48 horas de exposição das sementes no meio agarizado. Na segunda etapa, verificou-se que o isolado de Cff SC (Feij-2928), proveniente do estado de Santa Catarina, apresentou o melhor crescimento no substrato e no potencial hídrico definido na primeira etapa. Portanto, foi possível a inoculação artificial de sementes de feijão com Cff por meio da técnica de condicionamento fisiológico em substrato agarizado, sem o comprometimento de sua qualidade fisiológica.