994 resultados para Benthocosm F2
This article aimed to describe the subsistence fisheries of traditional populations of three ethnic groups, one Ashaninka and two Kaxinawá, lying on the banks of the River Breu. Initially, monitors were trained to fill logbooks with data from fisheries of the villages during an annual cycle (august/1995 august/1996). Based on these data, it was realized an inventory of the most common fish species caught as well as one about the fishing environment. The following results were obtained: i) Indians prefer to use pools, locally known as "poços", for fishing; ii) the most common caught species are the "mandis" (35%, Pimelodidae), armored catfishes (Loricariidae), specially Hypostomus sp. (25%), the "curimatá" (9%, Prochilodus sp.) and the "saburus" (8%, Curimatidae), among others; iii) the fishing gears that lead to a high rate of fishing are the native "tingui", nets and bow and arrows; iv) fisheries are more intensive during summer; v) the fishing effort and their associated factors statistically significant in predicting the catches in the Indian Reserve were f1 = number of fishermen, f2 = (number of fishermen*total time devoted to fishing), f3 = [(number of fishermen)*(total time devoted to fishing)-(the time displacement)] and the factor villages and fishing gears; vi) although almost all the fisheries are done by walking to the fishing places, catches increase when paddle boats are used; and vii) the most active fishermen belong to Kaxinawá tribe.
O trabalho apresenta a fenologia de Simarouba amara Aubl., espécie de Floresta Tropical Úmida de Terra-Firme, na Reserva Florestal Adolpho Ducke (RFAD), Manaus-Am., Brasil. Analisaram-se dados de floração, frutificação e mudança foliar e dados climatológicos obtidos no período de 1970 a 1980. Determinou-se a freqüência, regularidade e duração de três fenofases. Destas, verificou-se que a fase "plena floração" (F2) ocorreu na transição da estação seca para a chuvosa (nov. e dez.), com pico em dezembro; a fase "frutos maduros" (F5) ocorreu na estação chuvosa (fev. e mar.), com pico em fevereiro, enquanto a fase "folhas novas" (F8) ocorreu na estação seca (set. e out.), com pico em setembro. A espécie mostrou característica de ser perenifólia com freqüência de ocorrência das fenofases anual e padrão regular com duração intermediária. A análise não paramétrica de correlação linear de Spearman entre as fases F2, F5 e F8 e as variáveis climáticas mostrou que frutos maduros (F5) teve correlação linear positiva e significativa com a precipitação (r = 0,35; p<0,01); negativa e significativa com a insolação (r = - 0,36; p<0,01) e evaporação (r = - 0,34; p<0,01); folhas novas (F8) teve correlação linear positiva e significativa com a insolação (r = 0,28; p<0,01), evaporação (r = 0,33; p<0,01) e temperatura máxima (r = 0,32; p<0,01); negativa e significativa com a precipitação (r = - 0,26; p<0,01). Por outro lado, não apresentou correlação linerar com a fase plena floração (F2).
Dissertação de mestrado em Ciências da Linguagem
Fields of murundus (FM) are wetlands that provide numerous ecosystem services. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the chemical [organic carbon (OC), P, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Al3+ and H+Al] and physical [texture and bulk density (Bd)] soil attributes and calculate the organic matter (OM) and nutrient stock (P, Ca, Mg, and K) in soils of FM located in the Guapore River basin in Mato Grosso. Thirty-six sampling points were selected, and soil samples were collected from two environments: the murundu and plain area surrounding (PAS). At each sampling point, mini trenches of 0.5 × 0.5 × 0.4 m were opened and disturbed and undisturbed soil samples were collected at depths of 0-0.1, 0.1-0.2, and 0.2-0.4 m. In the Principal Component Analysis the variables H+Al (49%) and OM (4%) were associated with the F1 component and sand content (47%) with the F2 component. The FM had lower pH values and higher concentrations of K+, P, and H+Al than PAS at all depths (p < 0.05). Additionally, FM stocked up to 433, 360, 205, and 11 kg ha-1 of Ca, Mg, K, and P, respectively, for up to a depth of 0.2 m. The murundu stored two times more K and three times more P than that in the PAS. Our results show that the FM has high sand content and Bd greater than 1.5 Mg m-3, high acidity, low OC content, and low nutrient concentrations. Thus, special care must be taken to preserve FM such that human intervention does not trigger environmental imbalances.
Body and brain undergo several changes with aging. One of the domains in which these changes are more remarkable relates with cognitive performance. In the present work, electroencephalogram (EEG) markers (power spectral density and spectral coherence) of age-related cognitive decline were sought whilst the subjects performed the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST). Considering the expected age-related cognitive deficits, WCST was applied to young, mid-age and elderly participants, and the theta and alpha frequency bands were analyzed. From the results herein presented, higher theta and alpha power were found to be associated with a good performance in the WCST of younger subjects. Additionally, higher theta and alpha coherence were also associated with good performance and were shown to decline with age and a decrease in alpha peak frequency seems to be associated with aging. Additionally, inter-hemispheric long-range coherences and parietal theta power were identified as age-independent EEG correlates of cognitive performance. In summary, these data reveals age-dependent as well as age-independent EEG correlates of cognitive performance that contribute to the understanding of brain aging and related cognitive deficits.
Here we focus on factor analysis from a best practices point of view, by investigating the factor structure of neuropsychological tests and using the results obtained to illustrate on choosing a reasonable solution. The sample (n=1051 individuals) was randomly divided into two groups: one for exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and principal component analysis (PCA), to investigate the number of factors underlying the neurocognitive variables; the second to test the "best fit" model via confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). For the exploratory step, three extraction (maximum likelihood, principal axis factoring and principal components) and two rotation (orthogonal and oblique) methods were used. The analysis methodology allowed exploring how different cognitive/psychological tests correlated/discriminated between dimensions, indicating that to capture latent structures in similar sample sizes and measures, with approximately normal data distribution, reflective models with oblimin rotation might prove the most adequate.
Inter-individual heterogeneity is evident in aging; education level is known to contribute for this heterogeneity. Using a cross-sectional study design and network inference applied to resting-state fMRI data, we show that aging was associated with decreased functional connectivity in a large cortical network. On the other hand, education level, as measured by years of formal education, produced an opposite effect on the long-term. These results demonstrate the increased brain efficiency in individuals with higher education level that may mitigate the impact of age on brain functional connectivity.
Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências da Saúde
Executive functioning (EF), which is considered to govern complex cognition, and verbal memory (VM) are constructs assumed to be related. However, it is not known the magnitude of the association between EF and VM, and how sociodemographic and psychological factors may affect this relationship, including in normal aging. In this study, we assessed different EF and VM parameters, via a battery of neurocognitive/psychological tests, and performed a Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) to explore the connection between these constructs, in a sample of middle- aged and older healthy individuals without cognitive impairment (N = 563, 50+ years of age). The analysis revealed a positive and moderate association between EF and VM independently of gender, age, education, global cognitive performance level, and mood. These results confirm that EF presents a significant association with VM performance.
OBJECTIVE: To study the mechanism by which poly-L-arginine mediates endothelium-dependent relaxation. METHODS: Vascular segments with and without endothelium were suspended in organ chambers filled with control solution maintained at 37ºC and bubbled with 95% O2 / 5% CO2. Used drugs: indomethacin, acetycholine, EGTA, glybenclamide, ouabain, poly-L-arginine, methylene blue, N G-nitro-L-arginine, and verapamil and N G-monomethyl-L-arginine. Prostaglandin F2á and potassium chloride were used to contract the vascular rings. RESULTS: Poly-L-arginine (10-11 to 10-7 M) induced concentration-dependent relaxation in coronary artery segments with endothelium. The relaxation to poly-L-arginine was attenuated by ouabain, but was unaffected by glybenclamide. L-NOARG and oxyhemoglobin caused attenuation, but did not abolish this relaxation. Also, the relaxations was unaffected by methylene blue, verapamil, or the presence of a calcium-free bathing medium. The endothelium-dependent to poly-L-arginine relaxation was abolished only in vessels contracted with potassium chloride (40 mM) in the presence of L-NOARG and indomethacin. CONCLUSION: These experiments indicate that poly-L-arginine induces relaxation independent of nitric oxide.
El Mal de Río Cuarto (MRC) es una enfermedad del maíz (Zea mays L.), endémica de ciertas zonas de la Argentina y constituye la patología más importante de este cultivo por la severidad de los daños y por la creciente difusión del área geográfica afectada. El empleo de la resistencia genética bajo un manejo integrado de la enfermedad, constituye la estrategia más económica y ambientalmente sustentable para lograr el incremento y la estabilidad en la producción de los cultivos de maíz, reduciendo el uso nocivo de agroquímicos. La reacción a la enfermedad MRC se encuentra influida por una fuerte interacción genotipo-ambiente que dificulta el mejoramiento genético. En los ensayos multiambientales la inconsistencia de la respuesta y la inestabilidad de los genotipos ensayados hace dificultoso llevar a cabo una buena selección basada en los síntomas de la enfermedad. Para contribuir a aumentar la eficacia de los métodos de mejoramiento es posible implementar programas en los que se incluyan herramientas biotecnológicas como los marcadores moleculares, que permiten reducir el efecto ambiental y contribuyen a soslayar, al menos en parte, los inconvenientes planteados por los efectos de la interacción genotipo-ambiente facilitando la identificación de los genotipos buscados. La selección fenotípica realizada convencionalmente, puede ser complementada con la selección asistida por marcadores (marker-assisted selection MAS) consistente en utilizar la información genética que brindan marcadores moleculares de ADN, tales como los SSR, asociados a loci o segmentos cromosómicos (quantitative trait loci QTL) que confieran resistencia a MRC. Si bien los resultados preliminares obtenidos por nuestro grupo de trabajo señalan la presencia de posibles QTLs e informan que la reacción frente a la enfermedad tiene una moderada heredabilidad y una substancial variación debida a la interacción genotipo-ambiente, es necesario confirmar los resultados relativos a los parámetros poblacionales y obtener una mejor delimitación de las regiones genómicas identificadas. Con la finalidad de aumentar la eficiencia de los programas de mejoramiento en el desarrollo de genotipos tolerantes mediante la selección asistida por marcadores utilizando una población de mapeo F2 con un fondo genético diferente y líneas endocriadas recombinantes evaluadas en ensayos multiambientales, se proponen los siguientes objetivos (i) estudiar la forma de herencia de la reacción frente a MRC, (ii) identificar nuevos QTLs asociados a este carácter y (iii) verificar la consistencia de los QTLs identificados previamente.
1) O caráter presença de espinhos nos frutos da mamoneira é determinado por um par de fatores dominantes SS, sendo a forma recessiva ss, inerme. A interação alélica nao é bem intermediária, havendo uma predominância do fator S. Êste resultado foi anteriormente constatado por HARLAND (7), PEAT (8), DOMINGO (2), GURGEL (4) e FERNANDES (3). 2) A constatação da segregação 1 SS : 2 Ss : 1 ss foi feita após extensivas contagens de espinhos, tanto na forma paternal, como também no Fl, F2 e "back-cross". Por essas contagens foi verificado que existem variedades com números diferentes de espinhos, podendo-se distinguir dois tipos: variedades que têm muitos espinhos, com uma média aproximada de 170 espinhos por fruto e variedades que têm um número médio de espinhos, com uma média aproximada de 113 espinhos por fruto. 3) Embora a segregação dos fatores S e s seja monofatorial, todavia foi constadada por uma análise estatística detalhada, a presença de gens modificadores agindo na geração F2, introduzidos pelos tipos paternais. Assim, o segregante SS no F2, tem mais espinhos do que o pai homozigoto da mesma constituição. 4) Foram encontrados dois novos gens cal e ca2, com interação não alélica do tipo de polimeria complementar duplo-recessiva, dando no F2 uma segregação de 15 com espinhos uniformes : 1 com espinho careca, no "back-cross" uma segregação de 3 com espinhos uniformes : 1 com espinho careca. Estes gens determinaram, nos frutos com espinhos, a formação de zonas sem espinhos, ou como denominamos, "carecas". Estes novos fatores foram encontrados numa única variedade, de n.° 51, conhecida por laciniada, em virtude da for- ma especial de suas fôlhas. Esta variedade é de côr verde, apresenta cera na haste e possui numerosos cachos, porém pequenos. Ê tida como planta ornamental e foi originalmente importada de Erfurt, Alemanha. 5) Mesmo nas variedades inermes foi constatada a presença dos gens Cal e Ca2, para distribuição uniforme de espinhos, embora nas ditas variedades não se possa identificar a sua presença, em virtude do gen s ser epistático recessivo sobre Cal e Ca2. 6) Uma vez que os fatores S e CalCa2 sao independentes, isto é, possivelmente situados em cromosômios diferentes, fazendo-se o cruzamento de variedades com espinho careca x variedades sem espinho, obtem-se o PI com número de espinhos intermediário e distribuição uniforme. No F2 obtém-se a segregação de 45 com espinho uniforme : 3 com espinho careca : 16 sem espinho e no "back-cross" a segregação de 3 com espinho uniforme : 1 com espinho careca : 4 sem espinho.
Foi estudada a alteração morfológica do baço em ratas injetadas intraperitonealmente com Prostaglandina F2 [alfa] (PgF2 [alfa]). Verificou-se que uma dose única de 0,15 mg para cada animal, acarretou, num intervalo de 12 horas, uma nítida constrição esplênica acompanhada de um progressivo e acentuado desaparecimento dos megacariócitos da polpa vermelha. Os Autores cosnisderaram que este fernômeno poderia estar relacionado com a alteração do mecanismo plaquetário, constatado por alguns Autores, atrvés das provas bioquímicas em animais injetados intravenosamente com esta substância.
Fez-se uma análise da distribuicão da frequência dos lisotipos VI e dos tipos fermentativos segundo o esquema de Kristensen, em 1.150 amostras de Salmonella typhi, isoladas de diferentes regiões do Brasil (Pará, Pernambuco, Bahia, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo e Rio Grande do Sul). No computo geral, observou-se a prevalência dos lisotipos A (38,1%); Ela (18,9%); amostras VI negativas (16,6%); D6 (8,7%) I + IV (4,6%); T (2,3%) e C1 (2,1%) e a ocorrência de alguns tipos fágicos característicos para determinadas áreas (B3, C4 e 40 na Bahia; E1b, F2, G1 e L1 em São Paulo; E4 e 28 no Rio de Janeiro). Quanto a classificacão bioquímica, 55,2% das amostras caracterizaram-se no biotipo II (xilose e arabinose negativas), 44,2% no tipo fermentativo I (xilose positiva e arabinose negativas) e 0,52% no tipo III (xilose e arabinose positivas), respectivamente.
Summary Several studies have demonstrated that the number of pollen donors siring seeds of individual fruits is frequently greater than one and, consequently, that plants have multiple mates. Multiple paternity can have important consequences at the population level. It influences the genetic variability of a population, the reproductive success of males and the fitness of females and future generations. It also influences male-male interactions for fertilization and it is fundamental in providing opportunity of female choice. I investigated the occurrence and the importance of multiple paternity within fruits in natural populations of the dioecious Silene latifolia using microsatellite DNA markers, especially developed for this study. I found that multiple paternity occurs in all populations investigated in the European range of the species, varying from one to nine sires per fruit with a mean of three, suggesting that multiple paternity is highly prevalent in natural populations. In the presence of multiple paternity I investigated if there was a female genotype influence on siring success of the males. I used the same pollen mixture from two males and applied it to three replicate females of different relatedness (two full sisters and one unrelated). I found female genotype influence in one of the two populations investigated, which might reflect different population history. Since these results suggested some degree of female choice, we investigated whether the occurrence of multiple paternity and post-pollination selection could provide opportunity for inbreeding avoidance. First, I measured inbreeding depression at different life-cycle stages for offspring obtained by single-donor crosses with brothers or unrelated males replicated on distinct flowers on the same female plant. To address inbreeding avoidance, I determined paternity in crosses using mixed pollen loads of the two males. I found significant inbreeding depression in the studied population, even under benign experimental conditions, and although the unrelated male did not sire significantly more offspring, there was an effect of genetic dissimilarity on paternity. This suggests that paternity is affected by relatedness among mates, but maybe additionally affected by other factors such as pollen competitive ability or male-female interactions. Using inbred and outbred crosses, I further investigated sex ratio bias inheritance in this species, and found that sex ratio bias of the parental generation was significantly correlated to pollen germination success of the F2 generation, which suggests that sex ratio bias in this species results from the specific X/Y combination and not only on Y performance. An effect of X and Y is consistent with sex chromosome meiotic drive. In conclusion, I found multiple paternity to be widespread in the study species and that females of similar genotype produce similar paternity shares. I found that inbreeding depression is substantial, therefore receiving pollen from several donors might lead to fewer inbred offspring, I also found an effect of genetic dissimilarity on paternity shares, which indicates that there is some ability to discriminate against related pollen, although this seems not to be the only determinant of paternity outcome. Finally I found sex ratio bias to be dependent on both X and Y chromosomes as predicted by sex chromosome meiotic drive. Résumé Plusieurs études ont démontré qu'il n'était pas rare que les graines contenues dans un même fruit soient issues de la fécondation par plusieurs pollens provenant de mâles différents, ce qui sous-entend que les plantes peuvent avoir plusieurs partenaires sexuels. La paternité multiple peut avoir d'importantes conséquences au niveau populationnel dans la mesure où elle peut influencer le degré de variabilité génétique de la population, le succès reproducteur des mâles, la fitness des femelles et des futures générations. La paternité multiple peut également avoir un impact sur les interactions mâle-mâle lors de la fertilisation et peut être considérée comme fondamentale vis-à-vis de la femelle, qui y trouve alors une opportunité de choisir son ou ses partenaires. Dans le cadre de ce travail de thèse j'ai cherché à déterminer si la paternité multiple était un phénomène observable et important dans les populations naturelles de l'espèce dioïque, Silene latifolia. Pour ce faire, j'ai utilisé des marqueurs microsatellites, spécialement développés pour cette étude. J'ai observé des phénomènes de paternité multiple dans toutes les populations de l'étude, réparties dans l'aire de distribution européenne de l'espèce. Le nombre de pères par fruit varie de un à neuf, avec un nombre moyen de trois, ce qui signifie que la paternité multiple est très répandue dans les populations naturelles. En raison de ces résultats, je me suis demandée si le génotype de la femelle influence le succès de paternité des mâles. J'ai alors réalisé des pollinisations manuelles sur la base d'un mélange de pollens issus de deux mâles, que j'ai appliqué sur trois femelles (réplicats) présentant différents degrés d'apparentement (deux soeurs. et une femelle étrangère). Il ressort de cette expérience que le génotype de la femelle peut influencer la paternité dans l'une des deux populations étudiées, ce qui pourrait refléter des différences en terme d'histoire des populations. Dans la mesure où ces résultats suggèrent un certain degré de choix chez la femelle, j'ai cherché à savoir si la paternité multiple et la sélection post-pollinisation pouvaient être des moyens d'éviter les croisements consanguins. Dans un premier temps, j'ai évalué la dépression de consanguinité à différentes étapes du cycle de vie chez des descendants issus de croisements à un seul donneur, celui-ci étant alternativement un frère ou un étranger, répliqués sur plusieurs fleurs d'une même plante femelle. Afin d'estimer l'évitement de croisements consanguins, j'ai effectué des croisements dont le pollen était un mélange des deux mâles (frère et étranger), puis j'ai déterminé la paternité dans les fruits obtenus. J'ai pu mettre en évidence un effet de dépression de consanguinité- significatif dans les populations étudiées, même dans des conditions expérimentales moins rudes qu'à l'extérieur. Bien que le mâle étranger n'ait pas engendré un nombre significativement plus important de graines, il y avait un effet de dissimilarité génétique sur la paternité. Ceci suggère que la paternité est affectée par le degré d'apparentement entre les partenaires, mais qu'elle peut aussi être affectée par d'autres facteurs tels que la compétitivité du pollen ou encore par les interactions mâles-femelles. L'utilisation de croisements consanguins et hybrides m'a également permis d'étudier l'héritabilité du biais de sex ratio chez cette espèce. Il s'est avéré que le biais de sex ratio de la génération parentale était significativement corrélé au succès de germination du pollen de la génération F2, ce qui signifie que, chez cette espèce, le biais de sex ratio résulte d'une combinaison spécifique de X/Y et non uniquement de la performance de Y. Un effet de X et Y est compatible avec l'hypothèse de distorsion de ségrégation méiotique des chromosomes sexuels. En conclusion, il ressort de mes résultats que la paternité multiple est un phénomène largement répandu chez S. latifolia et la paternité accomplie par un mâle est plus similaire entre soeurs qu'avec une femelle étrangère J'ai également mis en évidence que la dépression de consanguinité a un impact considérable; aussi, recevoir du pollen de plusieurs donneurs différents pourrait permettre à la femelle de produire moins de descendants consanguins. J'ai aussi trouvé un effet de la dissimilarité génétique sur le partage de paternité, ce qui indique que la discrimination contre le pollen d'apparentés est possible, bien que cela ne semble pas être le seul facteur déterminant dans le résultat de la paternité. Enfin, j'ai trouvé que le biais de sex ratio est dépendant des deux chromosomes X et Y, conformément à la théorie de distorsion de ségrégation méiotique des chromosomes sexuels.