858 resultados para Basophil Degranulation Test -- methods


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A presente dissertação versa sobre a prova ilícita na investigação de paternidade, com a percepção que inexistem direitos e garantias absolutos. Sob esse ponto de vista, propõe-se a demonstrar que tanto o direito à prova quanto a garantia constitucional da inadmissibilidade da prova obtida por meios ilícitos são passíveis de sofrer restrições. Essas restrições, entretanto, não podem implicar na supressão de direitos e garantias fundamentais. Elas devem limitar-se ao estritamente necessário para a salvaguarda de outros direitos constitucionalmente protegidos, à luz de um juízo de ponderação entre os valores conflitantes. Os valores colidentes a serem analisados no presente trabalho são, por um lado, a proteção constitucional dispensada à intimidade, à vida privada, à imagem, à honra, ao sigilo da correspondência, às comunicações telegráficas, aos dados, às comunicações telefônicas e ao domicílio do suposto pai e, por outro, o direito do filho conhecer a sua origem genética e receber do genitor assistência material, educacional e psicológica, além da herança no caso de morte deste. Avultam-se, ainda, os comandos constitucionais da paternidade responsável (CF, o art. 226, § 7º) e da prioridade absoluta que a Constituição Federal confere às questões afetas à criança e ao adolescente. Nessa linha de perspectiva, procura conciliar o direito fundamental ao conhecimento da origem genética com a garantia constitucional que veda a obtenção da prova por meios ilícitos, reduzindo, quando necessário, o alcance de um desses valores contrastantes para que haja a preservação do outro e o restabelecimento do equilíbrio entre eles. Com o intuito de facilitar a compreensão do assunto, o estudo sobre a prova ilícita na investigação de paternidade encontra-se dividido em três capítulos. No primeiro capítulo são estudados o objeto da prova na investigação de paternidade, os fatos a provar, as teorias sobre o objeto da prova, o ônus da prova, a distribuição e a inversão do ônus da prova na investigação de paternidade, o momento da inversão do ônus da prova, o dever de colaboração e a realização do exame de DNA sem o consentimento das partes. Partindo da compreensão da prova como instrumento capaz de propiciar ao juiz o convencimento dos fatos pertinentes, relevantes e controvertidos deduzidos pelas partes como fundamento da ação ou da defesa, sustenta-se que os fatos a provar não são apenas os principais, mas, também, os acessórios que se situem na mesma cadeia deles. Desenvolve-se, outrossim, estudo sobre as teorias utilizadas pela doutrina para explicar o objeto da prova, a saber: a) a teoria clássica; b) a teoria da afirmação; c) a teoria mista. Nesse tópico, merece ênfase o fato das legislações brasileira e portuguesa estarem alicerçadas sob as bases da teoria clássica, em que pesem as divergências doutrinárias sobre o assunto. No item reservado ao ônus da prova, este é concebido como uma atividade e não como uma obrigação, diante da autonomia de vontade que a parte tem para comportar-se da maneira que melhor lhe aprouver para alcançar o resultado pretendido. Embora não traduza um dever jurídico demonstrar a veracidade dos fatos que ensejam a constituição do direito alegado, quem não consegue reunir a prova dos fatos que alega corre o risco de perder a demanda. No que tange à regra de distribuição do ônus da prova, recomenda-se a observação das disposições do art. 333 do CPC, segundo as quais incumbe ao autor comprovar o fato constitutivo do seu direito e ao réu a existência de fato impeditivo, modificativo ou extintivo do direito do autor. Argumenta-se que o CPC brasileiro adota o modelo estático de distribuição do ônus da prova, pois não leva em conta a menor ou maior dificuldade que cada parte tem para produzir a prova que lhe incumbe. Porém, ressalta-se o novo horizonte que se descortina no anteprojeto do novo CPC brasileiro que se encontra no Congresso Nacional, o qual sinaliza no sentido de acolher a distribuição dinâmica do ônus da prova. Esse novo modelo, contudo, não afasta aquele previsto no art. 333 do CPC, mas, sim, o aperfeiçoa ao atribuir o ônus a quem esteja em melhores condições de produzir a prova. Ao tratar do dever de colaboração, idealiza-se a busca descoberta da verdade como finalidade precípua do ordenamento jurídico. E, para se alcançar a justa composição da lide, compreende-se que as partes devem atuar de maneira escorreita, expondo os fatos conforme a verdade e cumprindo com exatidão os provimentos formais. Sob essa ótica, sustenta-se a possibilidade de inversão do ônus da prova, da aplicação da presunção legal de paternidade e até mesmo da condução coercitiva do suposto pai para a realização de exames, caso o mesmo a tanto se recuse ou crie, propositalmente, obstáculo capaz de tornar impossível a colheita da prova. Defende-se que a partir da concepção do nascituro, a autonomia de vontade dos pais fica restringida, de forma que a mãe não pode realizar o aborto e o pai não pode fazer pouco caso da existência do filho, recusando-se, injustificadamente, a submeter-se a exame de DNA e a dar-lhe assistência material, educacional e psicológica. É por essa razão que, em caráter excepcional, se enxerga a possibilidade de condução coercitiva do suposto pai para a coleta de material genético, a exemplo do que ocorre no ordenamento jurídico alemão (ZPO, § 372). Considera-se, outrossim, que a elucidação da paternidade, além de ajudar no diagnóstico, prevenção e tratamento de algumas doenças hereditárias, atende à exigência legal de impedir uniões incestuosas, constituídas entre parentes afins ou consanguíneos com a violação de impedimentos matrimoniais. Nesse contexto, a intangibilidade do corpo não é vista como óbice para a realização do exame de DNA, o qual pode ser feito mediante simples utilização de fios de cabelos com raiz, fragmentos de unhas, saliva e outros meios menos invasivos. O sacrifício a que se submete o suposto pai mostra-se, portanto, ínfimo se comparado com o interesse superior do investigante que se busca amparar. No segundo capítulo, estuda-se o direito fundamental à prova e suas limitações na investigação de paternidade, a prova vedada ou proibida, a distinção entre as provas ilegítima e ilícita, a manifestação e alcance da ilicitude, o tratamento dispensado à prova ilícita no Brasil, nos Estados Unidos da América e em alguns países do continente europeu, o efeito-à-distância das proibições de prova na investigação de paternidade e a ponderação de valores entre os interesses em conflito: prova ilícita x direito ao conhecimento da origem genética. Nesse contexto, o direito à prova é reconhecido como expressão do princípio geral de acesso ao Poder Judiciário e componente do devido processo legal, materializado por meio dos direitos de ação, de defesa e do contraditório. Compreende-se, entretanto, que o direito à prova não pode ser exercido a qualquer custo. Ele deve atender aos critérios de pertinência, relevância e idoneidade, podendo sofrer limitações nos casos expressamente previstos em lei. Constituem exemplos dessas restrições ao direito à prova a rejeição das provas consideradas supérfluas, irrelevantes, ilegítimas e ilícitas. A expressão “provas vedadas ou proibidas” é definida no trabalho como gênero das denominadas provas ilícita e ilegítima, servindo para designar as provas constituídas, obtidas, utilizadas ou valoradas com afronta a normas de direito material ou processual. A distinção que se faz entre a prova ilícita e a ilegítima leva em consideração a natureza da norma violada. Quando há violação a normas de caráter processual, sem afetar o núcleo essencial dos direitos fundamentais, considera-se a prova ilegítima; ao passo em que havendo infringência à norma de conteúdo material que afete o núcleo essencial do direito fundamental, a prova é tida como ilícita. Esta enseja o desentranhamento da prova dos autos, enquanto aquela demanda a declaração de nulidade do ato sem a observância da formalidade exigida. A vedação da prova ilícita, sob esse aspecto, funciona como garantia constitucional em favor do cidadão e contra arbítrios do poder público e dos particulares. Nessa ótica, o Direito brasileiro não apenas veda a prova obtida por meios ilícitos (CF, art. 5º, X, XI, XII e LVI; CPP, art. 157), como, também, prevê sanções penais e civis para aqueles que desobedeçam à proibição. A análise da prova ilícita é feita à luz de duas concepções doutrinárias, a saber: a) a restritiva - exige que a norma violada infrinja direito ou garantia fundamental; b) a ampla – compreende que a ilicitude afeta não apenas as normas que versem sobre os direitos e garantias fundamentais, mas todas as normas e princípios gerais do direito. A percepção que se tem à luz do art. 157 do CPP é que o ordenamento jurídico brasileiro adotou o conceito amplo de ilicitude, pois define como ilícitas as provas obtidas com violação a normas constitucionais ou legais, sem excluir àquelas de natureza processual nem exigir que o núcleo do direito fundamental seja atingido. Referido dispositivo tem sido alvo de críticas, pois a violação da lei processual pode não implicar na inadmissibilidade da prova e aconselhar o seu desentranhamento dos autos. A declaração de nulidade ou renovação do ato cuja formalidade tenha sido preterida pode ser suficiente para contornar o problema, sem a necessidade de exclusão da prova do processo. Noutra vertente, como a vedação da prova ilícita não pode ser levada às últimas consequências nem se converter em meio facilitador da prática de atos ilícitos e consagrador da impunidade, defende-se a sua admissão nos casos de estado de necessidade, legítima defesa, estrito cumprimento do dever legal e exercício regular de um direito. Assim, entende-se possível a utilização pela vítima de estupro, no processo de investigação de paternidade movido em prol do seu filho, do exame de DNA realizado mediante análise do sêmen deixado em sua vagina por ocasião do ato sexual que resultou na gravidez. Sustenta-se, ainda, a possibilidade de utilização das imagens captadas por circuito interno de câmaras comprobatórias do estupro para fazer prova da paternidade. Ressalta-se, outrossim, que no Brasil a doutrina e a jurisprudência têm admitido a prova ilícita, no processo penal, para comprovar a inocência do acusado e, em favor da vítima, nos casos de extorsão, concussão, sequestro e outros delitos similares. No ponto relativo ao efeito-àdistância das proibições de prova, aduz-se que as experiências americana e alemã da fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine e da fernwirkung são fonte de inspiração para as legislações de vários países. Por força da teoria dos frutos da árvore envenenada, o vício da planta transmite-se aos seus frutos. Ainda no segundo capítulo, estabelece-se breve comparação do tratamento conferido à prova ilícita nos ordenamentos jurídicos brasileiro e português, destacando-se que no regime de controle adotado pela Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil a prova ilícita é tratada como ineficaz e deve ser rejeitada de plano ou desentranhada do processo. Já na Constituição portuguesa adotou-se o regime de nulidade. Após o ingresso da prova ilícita no processo, o juiz declara a sua nulidade. O terceiro capítulo é dedicado ao estudo dos meios de prova e da incidência da ilicitude no processo de investigação de paternidade. Para tanto são eleitos os meios de prova enumerados no art. 212 do Código Civil, quais sejam: a) confissão; b) documento; c) testemunha; d) presunção; e) perícia, além do depoimento pessoal previsto no CPC, analisando a incidência da ilicitude em cada um deles. Má vontade a investigação de paternidade envolva direitos indisponíveis, isso não significa que as declarações das partes não tenham valor probatório, pois o juiz pode apreciá-las como elemento probatório (CC, art. 361º). Por meio do depoimento e confissão da parte são extraídas valiosas informações sobre o tempo, o lugar e a frequência das relações sexuais. Todavia, havendo emprego de métodos proibidos, tais como ameaça, coação, tortura, ofensa à integridade física ou moral, hipnose, utilização de meios cruéis, enganosos ou perturbação da capacidade de memória, a prova será considerada ilícita e não terá validade nem mesmo como elemento probatório a ser livremente apreciado pelo juiz. A prova documental é estudada como a mais vulnerável à incidência da ilicitude, pelo fato de poder expressar-se das mais variadas formas. Essa manifestação da ilicitude pode verificar-se por ocasião da formação da prova documental, no ato da sua obtenção ou no momento da sua exibição em juízo por meio falsificação material do documento público ou particular, da omissão de declaração deveria constar, inserção de declaração falsa ou diversa da que devia ser escrita, alteração de documento verdadeiro, emprego de métodos proibidos de prova para confecção do documento, etc. Na esteira desse raciocínio, em se fazendo constar, por exemplo, da escritura pública ou particular ou do testamento (CC, art. 1.609, II e III) declaração falsa da paternidade, a prova assim constituída é ilícita. Do mesmo modo, é considerada ilícita a prova obtida mediante indevida intromissão na vida privada, com violação de domicílio, emails, sigilos da correspondência, telefônico ou fiscal, realização de gravações, filmagens, etc. Na prova testemunhal entende-se como elemento configurador da ilicitude o emprego de métodos proibidos por parte de agentes públicos ou particulares, tais como tortura, coação, ameaça, chantagem, recursos que impliquem na diminuição ou supressão da capacidade de compreensão, etc, para que a testemunha faça afirmação falsa, negue ou cale a verdade dos fatos. Destaca-se, ainda, como ilícita a prova cujo acesso pela testemunha tenha ocorrido mediante violação à reserva da vida privada. No caso das presunções, vislumbra-se a possibilidade de incidência da ilicitude quando houver ilicitude no fato conhecido, do qual se vale a lei ou o julgador para extraírem as consequências para dedução da existência do fato desconhecido. A troca maliciosa de gametas é citada como meio ilícito de prova para alicerçar a presunção de paternidade no caso de inseminação artificial homóloga. A consecução da prévia autorização do marido, mediante coação, tortura, ameaça, hipnose, etc, na inseminação artificial heteróloga, também é tratada como ação danosa e capaz de viciar e infirmar a presunção legal de paternidade. Enxerga-se, outrossim, no meio de prova pericial, a possibilidade de maculação do resultado do exame por falha humana intencional no processo de coleta, transporte, armazenamento, manipulação ou troca do material genético coletado. Em se verificando essa situação, fica comprometida a credibilidade da prova pericial ante a sua ilicitude.


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O tratamento de eleição para uma mobilização precoce nos casos de fratura trocantérica do fémur é cirúrgico, em que se usam tradicionalmente placas laterais e parafusos ou cavilhas intramedulares. O principal objetivo deste trabalho é o de criação e desenvolvimento de uma nova placa trocantérica de contenção (TPC - Trochanteric Plate of Contention), sistema para fixação de fraturas trocantéricas e especialmente vocacionada para as fraturas de obliquidade reversa. Nesta dissertação apresenta-se um conceito de tratamento de fraturas trocantéricas. Este estudo tem como objetivo o desenvolvimento de um sistema alternativo de fixação interna que deverá permitir a eliminação, ou pelo menos reduzir, os problemas de cut-out. Mais, nos casos em que o cut-out não pode ser evitado, o sistema foi desenvolvido para permitir a substituição da cabeça do fémur, preservando a placa e o parafuso do colo do fémur, o que o tornará numa prótese total. A especificidade da sua geometria foi desenhada para ultrapassar as falhas de sistemas alternativos especialmente em pacientes com fragilidade óssea, resultante da perda da sua densidade, anisometria e desorganização da microestrutura trabecular, associada à osteoporose. As propriedades biomecânicas deste novo sistema, TPC, deverá cumprir as linhas de orientação da norma ASTM (American Standard Specifications and Test Methods) F384-12.


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At head of title: ASA, L22


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Specifications and test methods of the American society for testing materials relating to the paint, varnish and lacquer industry": 3 \U+25a1\., A1-A350 p.


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"3/94"--P [4] of cover.


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The work presented in this thesis describes an investigation into the production and properties of thin amorphous C films, with and without Cr doping, as a low wear / friction coating applicable to MEMS and other micro- and nano-engineering applications. Firstly, an assessment was made of the available testing techniques. Secondly, the optimised test methods were applied to a series of sputtered films of thickness 10 - 2000 nm in order to: (i) investigate the effect of thickness on the properties of coatingslcoating process (ii) investigate fundamental tribology at the nano-scale and (iii) provide a starting point for nanotribological coating optimisation at ultra low thickness. The use of XPS was investigated for the determination of Sp3/Sp2 carbon bonding. Under C 1s peak analysis, significant errors were identified and this was attributed to the absence of sufficient instrument resolution to guide the component peak structure (even with a high resolution instrument). A simple peak width analysis and correlation work with C KLL D value confirmed the errors. The use of XPS for Sp3/Sp2 was therefore limited to initial tentative estimations. Nanoindentation was shown to provide consistent hardness and reduced modulus results with depth (to < 7nm) when replicate data was suitably statistically processed. No significant pile-up or cracking of the films was identified under nanoindentation. Nanowear experimentation by multiple nanoscratching provided some useful information, however the conditions of test were very different to those expect for MEMS and micro- / nano-engineering systems. A novel 'sample oscillated nanoindentation' system was developed for testing nanowear under more relevant conditions. The films were produced in an industrial production coating line. In order to maximise the available information and to take account of uncontrolled process variation a statistical design of experiment procedure was used to investigate the effect of four key process control parameters. Cr doping was the most significant control parameter at all thicknesses tested and produced a softening effect and thus increased nanowear. Substrate bias voltage was also a significant parameter and produced hardening and a wear reducing effect at all thicknesses tested. The use of a Cr adhesion layer produced beneficial results at 150 nm thickness, but was ineffective at 50 nm. Argon flow to the coating chamber produced a complex effect. All effects reduced significantly with reducing film thickness. Classic fretting wear was produced at low amplitude under nanowear testing. Reciprocating sliding was produced at higher amplitude which generated three body abrasive wear and this was generally consistent with the Archard model. Specific wear rates were very low (typically 10-16 - 10-18 m3N-1m-1). Wear rates reduced exponentially with reduced film thickness and below (approx.) 20 nm, thickness was identified as the most important control of wear.


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Adhesive bonding of aluminium is widely used in the aerospace industry. High initial bood strengths can be obtained, but bond failure occurs atter prolonged exposure to humid enviroments. The thesis contains details ot a test procedure which has been designed and developed for the assessment of different alloys, pretreatments, and adhesives, which will give adhesively bonded aluminium joints of high strength coupled with long term durability. The test involves assembly of lap shear specimens in a precision jig using 250 ballotini spacers in the adhesive to control the bond line thickness. The test is modified by drilling three accurately located holes through the bonded area after assembly of the joint and curing of the adhesive. Further important features at the test, such as fillet control, are detailed. The test was assessed, modified and developed to give a reliable and reproducible method which would discriminate amongst different bonding systems after exposure to humid test environments. This is the first test to have achieved the discrimination necessary for short term assessment of bond systems where long term durability is required. Even better discrimination has been obtained by applying stress in a stress humidity test. Having established accurate, reliable and discriminating test methods they were used to study the durability of structural epoxy adhesive bonds to aluminium as a function of alloy, pretreatment, adhesive and environment. It was established that the long term durability or adhesively bonded aluminium was directly related to the infulence of water migrating within the adhesive. Pretreatments differed in their ability to prevent hydration of the aluminium oxide by the water absorbed within the adhesive.


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This thesis focuses on the investigation of the abrasion resistance of fibre reinforced concrete floors at both the macro and micro levels. A literature review of the available literature concerning subjects allied to the current project is included. This highlights themes relevant to wear mechanisms and the factors influencing it: factors that affect the abrasion resistance of concrete and several test methods for assessing it; and the historical development of fibres and the properties of different fibre types and their influence on concrete. Three accelerated abrasion testers were compared and critically discussed for their suitability for assessing the abrasion resistance of concrete floors. Based on the experimental findings one accelerated abrasion apparatus was selected as more appropriate to be used for carrying out the main investigations. The laboratory programme that followed was undertaken to investigate the influence of various material and construction factors on abrasion resistance. These included mix variations (w/c ratio), fibre reinforcement, geometry, type and volume, curing method and superplasticizing agents. The results clearly show that these factors significantly affected abrasion resistance and several mechanisms were presumed to explain and better understand these observations. To verify and understand these mechanisms that are accountable for the breakdown of concrete slabs, the same concrete specimens that were used for the macro-study, were also subjected to microstructutural investigations using techniques such as Microhardness examination, Mercury intrusion porosimetry and Petrographic examination. It has been found that the abrasion resistance of concrete is primarily dependent on the microstructure and porosity of the concrete nearest to the surface. The feasibility of predicting the abrasion resistance of fibre reinforced concrete floors by indirect and non-destructive methods was investigated using five methods that have frequently been used for assessing the quality of concrete. They included the initial surface absorption test, the impact test, ball cratering, the scratch test and the base hardness test. The impact resistance (BRE screed tester) and scratch resistance (Base hardness tester) were found to be the most sensitive to factors affecting abrasion resistance and hence are considered to be the most appropriate testing techniques. In an attempt to develop an appropriate method for assessing the abrasion resistance of heavy-duty industrial concrete floors, it was found that the presence of curing/sealing compound on the concrete surface at the time of accelerated abrasion testing produces inappropriate results. A preliminary investigation in the direction of modifying the Aston accelerated abrasion tester has been carried out and a more aggressive head has been developed and is pending future research towards standardisation.


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A study of information available on the settlement characteristics of backfill in restored opencast coal mining sites and other similar earthworks projects has been undertaken. In addition, the methods of opencast mining, compaction controls, monitoring and test methods have been reviewed. To consider and develop the methods of predicting the settlement of fill, three sites in the West Midlands have been examined; at each, the backfill had been placed in a controlled manner. In addition, use has been made of a finite element computer program to compare a simple two-dimensional linear elastic analysis with field observations of surface settlements in the vicinity of buried highwalls. On controlled backfill sites, settlement predictions have been accurately made, based on a linear relationship between settlement (expressed as a percentage of fill height) against logarithm of time. This `creep' settlement was found to be effectively complete within 18 months of restoration. A decrease of this percentage settlement was observed with increasing fill thickness; this is believed to be related to the speed with which the backfill is placed. A rising water table within the backfill is indicated to cause additional gradual settlement. A prediction method, based on settlement monitoring, has been developed and used to determine the pattern of settlement across highwalls and buried highwalls. The zone of appreciable differential settlement was found to be mainly limited to the highwall area, the magnitude was dictated by the highwall inclination. With a backfill cover of about 15 metres over a buried highwall the magnitude of differential settlement was negligible. Use has been made of the proposed settlement prediction method and monitoring to control the re-development of restored opencase sites. The specifications, tests and monitoring techniques developed in recent years have been used to aid this. Such techniques have been valuable in restoring land previously derelict due to past underground mining.


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The diatomite is a natural material that has numerous applications due to changes in their physical and chemical properties after processing. It is currently used in the industry as a sound insulator , filter aid and industrial load . The filter material shall be inert chemical composition , which will diatomite confers a high commercial value and performance not found in other particulate materials , for this application. The diatomite surface undergoes changes after thermal treatment at high temperatures , from 800ºC , with properties that enable its application in the food , beverage , pharmaceutical , cosmetic and textiles . In this work , we developed a study on thermal treatment on natural diatomite to adapt their properties to the application as a filter aid . The heat treatments were performed in an open oven at temperatures of 800ºC , 1000ºC and 1200ºC for a time of 24 hours. Reagents were added in the constitution of the samples analyzed. The reagents used were sodium carbonate (Na2CO3 ) and sodium chloride (NaCl) . The samples were characterized by x - ray diffraction , x -ray fluorescence , scanning electron microscopy , analysis and particle size distribution , specific surface area by the BET method , and pore volume by BJH method. The results showed a reduction in porosity of the material as well as a significant increase in specific surface area after heat treatment and the reactants in the ratio of 3 wt%. The diatomaceous earth , after heat treatment , undergone changes in its coloration , varying in white, cream and beige , which directly interferes with the speed of filtration materials process. All results obtained before and after heat treatment of the material with the values obtained for samples already used industrially , Brazilian and American industry , which were characterized using the same test methods performed with the samples in the study were compared and showed promising efficiency when material studied in the region of Punaú - RN , after processing , reagent addition and heat treatment, as an element in the composition of filter .


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Aim : To evaluate and to standardize surface electromyography (sEMG) normalization procedures for respiratory muscles by comparing muscle activation during Maximal Voluntary Isometric Contraction (MVIC) and Maximal Respiratory Pressures (MIP, MEP and sniff test). Methods: Healthy subjects were evalua ted regarding demographics, spirometry and sEMG during the five maneuvers: sniff test, MIP , MEP and Maximal Voluntary Isometric C ontraction (MVIC) of RA, SCM and SC A . For electrode placement, skin was prepared with abrasion, followed by shaving in the foll owing regions for acquisition of el ectromyographic signals: (1) SC M: lower third of the distance between the mastoid process and t he sternoclavicular joint; (2) SC A : 5 cm to the right from the sternoclavicular joint and at this point, up to 2 cm; and (3 ) RA: the level of umbilicus, 4 cm to the right. In electromyographic variables analysis , the data normality was assessed by Shapiro - Wilk test. Comparisons among studied maneuvers were performed by Friedman Test and Dunn’s post - hoc for multiple comparisons a mong inspiratory maneuvers, and Mann Whitney test for expiratory maneuvers. Subgroups differences between genders were performed by Student's t test or Mann - Whitney test according to data normality. Results: 35 subjects participated in the study, b ut 5 we re excluded (BMI> 25 kg/ m²). Sample consisted of 30 subjects (1 5 women), mean age 27.3±7.43 years, BMI 22.2 ± 1.69 kg/m² and spirometric indices within normal limits. Specific MVIC for SCM, SCA and RA showed the highest RMS. When we grouped sample into gender we found no difference among RMS values for the studied SCM maneuvers, while for SCA, MVIC SCM / SCA was the one with the highest RMS and for RA, MVIC RA in men. Once considering women, MVIC SCM/SCA showed the highest RMS for SCM, SCA and MVIC RA showed t he highest value for RA. Conclusion: MVIC for SCM, SCA and RA muscles showed the highest RMS values. When comparing RMS between the studied groups, there was no significant difference between men and women.


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The unprecedented and relentless growth in the electronics industry is feeding the demand for integrated circuits (ICs) with increasing functionality and performance at minimum cost and power consumption. As predicted by Moore's law, ICs are being aggressively scaled to meet this demand. While the continuous scaling of process technology is reducing gate delays, the performance of ICs is being increasingly dominated by interconnect delays. In an effort to improve submicrometer interconnect performance, to increase packing density, and to reduce chip area and power consumption, the semiconductor industry is focusing on three-dimensional (3D) integration. However, volume production and commercial exploitation of 3D integration are not feasible yet due to significant technical hurdles.

At the present time, interposer-based 2.5D integration is emerging as a precursor to stacked 3D integration. All the dies and the interposer in a 2.5D IC must be adequately tested for product qualification. However, since the structure of 2.5D ICs is different from the traditional 2D ICs, new challenges have emerged: (1) pre-bond interposer testing, (2) lack of test access, (3) limited ability for at-speed testing, (4) high density I/O ports and interconnects, (5) reduced number of test pins, and (6) high power consumption. This research targets the above challenges and effective solutions have been developed to test both dies and the interposer.

The dissertation first introduces the basic concepts of 3D ICs and 2.5D ICs. Prior work on testing of 2.5D ICs is studied. An efficient method is presented to locate defects in a passive interposer before stacking. The proposed test architecture uses e-fuses that can be programmed to connect or disconnect functional paths inside the interposer. The concept of a die footprint is utilized for interconnect testing, and the overall assembly and test flow is described. Moreover, the concept of weighted critical area is defined and utilized to reduce test time. In order to fully determine the location of each e-fuse and the order of functional interconnects in a test path, we also present a test-path design algorithm. The proposed algorithm can generate all test paths for interconnect testing.

In order to test for opens, shorts, and interconnect delay defects in the interposer, a test architecture is proposed that is fully compatible with the IEEE 1149.1 standard and relies on an enhancement of the standard test access port (TAP) controller. To reduce test cost, a test-path design and scheduling technique is also presented that minimizes a composite cost function based on test time and the design-for-test (DfT) overhead in terms of additional through silicon vias (TSVs) and micro-bumps needed for test access. The locations of the dies on the interposer are taken into consideration in order to determine the order of dies in a test path.

To address the scenario of high density of I/O ports and interconnects, an efficient built-in self-test (BIST) technique is presented that targets the dies and the interposer interconnects. The proposed BIST architecture can be enabled by the standard TAP controller in the IEEE 1149.1 standard. The area overhead introduced by this BIST architecture is negligible; it includes two simple BIST controllers, a linear-feedback-shift-register (LFSR), a multiple-input-signature-register (MISR), and some extensions to the boundary-scan cells in the dies on the interposer. With these extensions, all boundary-scan cells can be used for self-configuration and self-diagnosis during interconnect testing. To reduce the overall test cost, a test scheduling and optimization technique under power constraints is described.

In order to accomplish testing with a small number test pins, the dissertation presents two efficient ExTest scheduling strategies that implements interconnect testing between tiles inside an system on chip (SoC) die on the interposer while satisfying the practical constraint that the number of required test pins cannot exceed the number of available pins at the chip level. The tiles in the SoC are divided into groups based on the manner in which they are interconnected. In order to minimize the test time, two optimization solutions are introduced. The first solution minimizes the number of input test pins, and the second solution minimizes the number output test pins. In addition, two subgroup configuration methods are further proposed to generate subgroups inside each test group.

Finally, the dissertation presents a programmable method for shift-clock stagger assignment to reduce power supply noise during SoC die testing in 2.5D ICs. An SoC die in the 2.5D IC is typically composed of several blocks and two neighboring blocks that share the same power rails should not be toggled at the same time during shift. Therefore, the proposed programmable method does not assign the same stagger value to neighboring blocks. The positions of all blocks are first analyzed and the shared boundary length between blocks is then calculated. Based on the position relationships between the blocks, a mathematical model is presented to derive optimal result for small-to-medium sized problems. For larger designs, a heuristic algorithm is proposed and evaluated.

In summary, the dissertation targets important design and optimization problems related to testing of interposer-based 2.5D ICs. The proposed research has led to theoretical insights, experiment results, and a set of test and design-for-test methods to make testing effective and feasible from a cost perspective.


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Background: Evidence-based medication and lifestyle modification are important for secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease but are underutilized. Mobile health strategies could address this gap but existing evidence is mixed. Therefore, we piloted a pre-post study to assess the impact of patient-directed text messages as a means of improving medication adherence and modifying major health risk behaviors among coronary heart disease (CHD) patients in Hainan, China.

Methods: 92 CVD patients were surveyed between June and August 2015 (before the intervention) and then between October and December 2015 (after 12 week intervention) about (a) medication use (b) smoking status,(c) fruit and vegetable consumption, and (d) physical activity uptake. Acceptability of text-messaging intervention was assessed at follow-up. Descriptive statistics, along with paired comparisons between the pre and post outcomes were conducted using both parametric (t-test) and non-parametric (Wilcoxon signed rank test) methods.

Results: The number of respondents at follow-up was 82 (89% retention rate). Significant improvements were observed for medication adherence (P<0.001) and for the number of cigarettes smoked per day (P=.022). However there was no change in the number of smokers who quitted smoking at follow-up. There were insignificant changes for physical activity (P=0.91) and fruit and vegetable consumption.


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Thermal and fatigue cracking are the major pavement distresses that contribute to a drastic reduction of the pavement’s service life and performance in Ontario. Chemical oxidation and hardening of asphalt binders deteriorates its physical properties since physical properties of asphalts depend on its chemical composition. This thesis is aimed to establish a relationship between physical and chemical properties of asphalt binders. A secondary objective is to show the strong correlation between CTOD and temperature. All recovered and straight Ministry of Transportation of Ontario (MTO) samples were investigated using conventional Superpave® test method dynamic shear rheometer (DSR) as well as improved MTO test methods such as extended bending beam rheometer (eBBR) and double-edge-notched tension (DENT) test. DENT test was conducted for all Ontario contract samples at three different temperatures based on their performance grade after three hours of thermal conditioning and compared the results in terms of essential work of fracture, plastic work of fracture and CTOD at different temperatures. Good correlation exists between CTOD and temperature according to the DENT data. X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis was conducted to detect the presence of heavy metals such as zinc and molybdenum believed to have originated from waste engine oil. Fourier transform infra-red spectroscopy (FTIR) was performed to determine the abundance of functional groups such as carbonyl, sulfoxides, polyisobutylene, etc. XRF and FTIR analysis confirmed that most of the samples contain waste engine oil and/or oxidized residues, which is believed to be a root cause of premature pavement failures.


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The Pico de Navas landslide was a large-magnitude rotational movement, affecting 50x106m3 of hard to soft rocks. The objectives of this study were: (1) to characterize the landslide in terms of geology, geomorphological features and geotechnical parameters; and (2) to obtain an adequate geomechanical model to comprehensively explain its rupture, considering topographic, hydro-geological and geomechanical conditions. The rupture surface crossed, from top to bottom: (a) more than 200 m of limestone and clay units of the Upper Cretaceous, affected by faults; and (b) the Albian unit of Utrillas facies composed of silty sand with clay (Kaolinite) of the Lower Cretaceous. This sand played an important role in the basal failure of the slide due to the influence of fine particles (silt and clay), which comprised on average more than 70% of the sand, and the high content presence of kaolinite (>40%) in some beds. Its geotechnical parameters are: unit weight (δ) = 19-23 KN/m3; friction angle (φ) = 13º-38º and cohesion (c) = 10-48 KN/m2. Its microstructure consists of accumulations of kaolinite crystals stuck to terrigenous grains, making clayey peds. We hypothesize that the presence of these aggregates was the internal cause of fluidification of this layer once wet. Besides the faulted structure of the massif, other conditioning factors of the movement were: the large load of the upper limestone layers; high water table levels; high water pore pressure; and the loss of strength due to wet conditions. The 3D simulation of the stability conditions concurs with our hypothesis. The landslide occurred in the Recent or Middle Holocene, certainly before at least 500 BC and possibly during a wet climate period. Today, it appears to be inactive. This study helps to understand the frequent slope instabilities all along the Iberian Range when facies Utrillas is present.