947 resultados para Barefoot Running
Organic amendments are commonly used to improve tree nursery soil conditions for increased seedling growth. However, few studies compare organic amendments effects on soil conditions, and fewer compare subsequent effects on seedling growth. The effects of three organic amendments on soil properties and seedling growth were investigated at the USDA Forest Service J.W. Toumey Nursery in Watersmeet, MI. Pine sawdust (red pine, Pinus resinosa), hardwood sawdust (maple, Acer spp. and aspen, Populus spp.), and peat were individually incorporated into a loamy sand nursery soil in August, 2006, and soil properties were sampled periodically for the next 14 months. Jack (Pinus banksiana), red, and white pine (Pinus strobus) were sown into test plots in June, 2007 and sampled for growth responses at the end of the growing season. It is hypothesized; pine sawdust and peat can be used as a satisfactory soil amendment to improve soil conditions and produce high quality seedlings, when compared to hardwood sawdust in bareroot nursery soils. This study has the potential to reduce nursery costs while broadening soil amendment options. The addition of peat and pine sawdust increased soil organic matter above control soil conditions after 14 months. However, hardwood sawdust-amended soils did not differ from control soils after same time period. High N concentrations in peat increased total soil N over the other treatments. Similarly, the addition of peat increased soil matric potential and available water over all other treatments. Seedlings grew tallest with the largest stem diameter, and had the largest biomass in both control soil and soil amended with peat, compared to either sawdust treatment. Seedlings grown in peat-amended soils had higher N concentrations than those grown in soils treated with pine sawdust, though neither was different from seedlings grown in control or hardwood sawdust-amended soils. Overall, peat is a well suited organic soil amendment for the enhancement of soil properties, but no amendments were able to increase one-year seedling growth over control soils.
Although U-clip anastomoses were studied for hemodynamics and patency, their potential for unimpeded growth after congenital cardiovascular surgery has not been investigated yet. In 53 children aged 2.1+/-3.3 years operated on between March 1998 and August 2005 growth of U-clip (U) vs. polypropylene running sutured (P) anastomoses in coarctation repair (Coarc; n=26), bi-directional Glenn (BDG; n=13) and arterial switch operation (ASO; n=14) was retrospectively analysed. Coarc showed 2.39+/-4.33 vs. 3.09+/-2.24 mm of growth during the observation period (21+/-16 vs. 30+/-27 months); no growth (0 vs.16%), restenosis (14 vs. 37%) and reinterventions (14 vs. 11%) were similar (all in U vs. P, P=ns). BDG showed 3.68+/-3.43 vs. 2.50+/-2.55 mm (P=ns) of growth during 15+/-5 vs. 29+/-18 months (P=0.046); no growth (17 vs. 0%), stenosis (0 vs. 14%) and reinterventions (0%) were similar in U vs. P, respectively (P=ns). Main pulmonary artery (MPA) anastomosis in ASO showed 0.28+/-1.73 vs. 1.30+/-3.16 mm of growth during 8+/-14 vs. 28+/-28 months; no growth (60 vs. 14%), stenosis (50 vs. 63%) and reinterventions (0%) were similar (all in U vs. P, P=ns). Anastomotic growth, stenosis and reintervention rates show no difference between interrupted U-clip and polypropylene running sutured technique in Coarc repair, BDG and MPA anastomosis in ASO.
Following the end of a half-century of Soviet occupation, Lithuania, like other former Soviet republics, has been in socio-economic disorder. Now that Lithuania is free, the system of social welfare is characterized by under-funded health services and pensions, and a large number of institutions. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with students and practitioners focusing on community development, using Lofland’s model of social setting analysis.Results indicate that the collaborative efforts successfully produced a revolutionary and successful social service program, a multi-generational living facility offering full-time social services to unwed mothers, infants, and elderly residents.This article is based upon the qualitative study of social work practitioners and social work students and chronicles the successes and difficulties encountered within the process of community development.
Zum 65. Geburtstag von Prof. Dr. iur. et lic. oec. Heinrich Koller, haben über 40 Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter des Bundesamtes für Justiz (BJ) eine Festschrift für ihren scheidenden Direktor verfasst. Die in deutscher und französischer Sprache verfassten Beiträge spiegeln das breite Spektrum einer Institution, aus deren «atelier» manch ein Gesetzesentwurf stammt. Oft übersehen wird dabei, dass das BJ aber auch eine «Werkstatt» ist, die das geltende Recht umsetzt und im Rahmen dieser Konkretisierung wichtige Akzente setzt. Die Festschrift bietet damit einen Blick hinter die Kulissen eines wichtigen Kompetenzzentrums für Rechtsfragen und beleuchtet aktuelle Probleme aus «erster Hand». Abgerundet wird die Festschrift mit einem Grusswort des Vorstehers EJPD (Bundesrat Christoph Blocher) und einem Schriftenverzeichnis von Heinrich Koller. Enthalten ist unter Anderem - die Bundesverfassung - weitere wichtige Gesetze und Verordnungen aus dem öffentlichen Recht - ZGB und Nebenerlasse - OR und Nebenerlasse - Erlasse zum Strafrecht und zur Strafrechtspflege - Gesetze zu Gesundheit, Arbeit und sozialer Sicherheit - wichtige Gesetze zu Wirtschaft und Kredit Autorinnen und Autoren Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter des Bundesamtes für Justiz
Despite antibiotic therapy and supportive intensive medical care, bacterial meningitis remains a disease with high mortality and morbidity. Rapid recognition of symptoms is crucial to direct physicians quickly towards appropriate diagnostic measures and, initially, empiric antibiotic therapy. It has become evident that time from arrival at the hospital to application of the first dose of antibiotics is a crucial independent factor that influences outcome. Here, we review the clinical and laboratory presentation of community-acquired bacterial meningitis and the antibiotic regiments that are currently recommended for its treatment; future therapeutic options are also discussed. Finally, suggestions for the approach to a patient with suspected bacterial meningitis are presented.
Mortality of corals is increasing due to bleaching, disease and algal overgrowth. In the Caribbean, low rates of coral recruitment contribute to the slow or undetectable rates of recovery in reef ecosystems. Although algae have long been suspected to interfere with coral recruitment, the mechanisms of that interaction remain unclear. We experimentally tested the effects of turf algal abundance on 3 sequential factors important to recruitment of corals: the biophysical delivery of planktonic coral larvae, their propensity to settle, and the availability of microhabitats where they survive. We deployed coral settlement plates inside and outside damselfish Stegastes spp. gardens and cages. Damselfish aggression reduced herbivory from fishes, and cages became fouled with turf algae, both locally increasing algal biomass surrounding the plates. This reduced flushing rates in nursery microhabitats on the plate underside, limiting larvae available for settlement. Coral spat settled preferentially on an early successional crustose coralline alga Titanoderma prototypum but also on or near other coralline algae, biofilms, and calcareous polychaete worm tubes. Post-settlement survival was highest in the fully grazed, lowest algal biomass treatment, and after 27 mo 'spat' densities were 73 % higher in this treatment. The 'gauntlet' refers to the sequence of ecological processes through which corals must survive to recruit. The highest proportion of coral spat successfully running the gauntlet did so under conditions of low algal biomass resulting from increased herbivory. If coral recruitment is heavily controlled at very local scales by this gauntlet, then coral reef managers could improve a reef's recruitment potential by managing for reduced algal biomass.
INTRODUCTION AND HYPOTHESIS The prevalence of female stress urinary incontinence is high, and young adults are also affected, including athletes, especially those involved in "high-impact" sports. To date there have been almost no studies testing pelvic floor muscle (PFM) activity during dynamic functional whole body movements. The aim of this study was the description and reliability test of PFM activity and time variables during running. METHODS A prospective cross-sectional study including ten healthy female subjects was designed with the focus on the intra-session test-retest reliability of PFM activity and time variables during running derived from electromyography (EMG) and accelerometry. RESULTS Thirteen variables were identified based on ten steps of each subject: Six EMG variables showed good reliability (ICC 0.906-0.942) and seven time variables did not show good reliability (ICC 0.113-0.731). Time variables (e.g. time difference between heel strike and maximal acceleration of vaginal accelerator) showed low reliability. However, relevant PFM EMG variables during running (e.g., pre-activation, minimal and maximal activity) could be identified and showed good reliability. CONCLUSION Further adaptations regarding measurement methods should be tested to gain better control of the kinetics and kinematics of the EMG probe and accelerometers. To our knowledge this is the first study to test the reliability of PFM activity and time variables during dynamic functional whole body movements. More knowledge of PFM activity and time variables may help to provide a deeper insight into physical strain with high force impacts and important functional reflexive contraction patterns of PFM to maintain or to restore continence.
PURPOSE Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) affects women of all ages including young athletes, especially those involved in high-impact sports. To date, hardly any studies are available testing pelvic floor muscles (PFM) during sports activities. The aim of this study was the description and reliability test of six PFM electromyography (EMG) variables during three different running speeds. The secondary objective was to evaluate whether there was a speed-dependent difference between the PFM activity variables. METHODS This trial was designed as an exploratory and reliability study including ten young healthy female subjects to characterize PFM pre-activity and reflex activity during running at 7, 9 and 11 km/h. Six variables for each running speed, averaged over ten steps per subject, were presented descriptively, tested regarding their reliability (Friedman, ICC, SEM, MD) and speed difference (Friedman). RESULTS PFM EMG variables varied between 67.6 and 106.1 %EMG, showed no systematic error and were low for SEM and MD using the single value model. Applying the average model over ten steps, ICC (3,k) were >0.75 and SEM and MD about 50 % lower than for the single value model. Activity was found to be highest in 11 km/h. CONCLUSION EMG variables showed excellent ICC and very low SEM and MD. Further studies should investigate inter-session reliability and PFM reactivity patterns of SUI patients using the average over ten steps for each variable as it showed very high ICC and very low SEM and MD. Subsequently, longer running distances and other high-impact sports disciplines could be studied.
Reducing energy consumption and eliminating wastage are among the main goals of the European Union (EU) [2]. In order to satisfy all challenges arising from the Kyoto protocol, improving energy efficiency is a very important factor to take into account. There is significant potential for reducing consumption with cost-effective measures. Some studies show that 40% of our energy is consumed in buildings, and the EU has introduced legislation that aims to ensure that less energy is consumed in this way in the future.
The number of breast cancer survivors increases every year, thanks to the development of new treatments and screening techniques. However, patients present with numerous side effects that may affect their quality of life. Exercise has been demostrated to reduce some of these side effects, but in spite of this, few breast cancer patientes know and follow the exercise recommendations needed to remain healthy. In this review, we describe the differente breast cancer treatments and the related side effects and implications of exercise in relation to these. We propose that exercise could be and integrative complementary intervention to improve physiological, physical and psychological factors that affect survival and quality of life of these patients. For that reason, the main objective of this review is to provide a general overview of exercise benefits in breast cancer patients and recommendations of how to design exercise interventions in patients with different side effects.