989 resultados para Béton à hautes performances--Propriétés mécaniques--Modèles mathématiques


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We investigate the laser actions of 5at.% Yb:Gd2xY2(1-x)SiO5 (Yb:GYSO; x = 0.1) crystals with different cutting directions, parallel and vertical to the growth axis. Our results show that the cutting direction of the sample plays an astonished role in the laser operation. The sample cut vertically to the growth axis possesses the favourable lasing characteristics. Its output power reaches 3.13W at 1060nm with a slope efficiency of 44.68% when the absorbed pump power is 8.9 W. In contrast, the sample cut parallel reaches only 1.65 W at 1044 nm with a slope elLiciency of 33.76% with absorbed pump power of 7.99 W. The absorption and emission spectra of the two samples are examined and the merit factor M is calculated. Our analysis is in agreement well with the experimental results. The wavelength tuning range of the superior sample covers from 1013.68 nm to 1084.82 nm.


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[ES]Este Trabajo de Fin de Grado tiene como objeto crear un programa que sirva como herramienta para los cálculos en las propiedades a fatiga de una pieza. El conjunto del trabajo se centra en su creación mediante la herramienta Excel. El programa cuenta con tres diferentes pestañas: una para los datos que debe introducir el usuario, otra correspondiente a los cálculos y por último una en la que aparecen los resultados. El usuario debe conocer las propiedades de la probeta del material a ensayar, así como el rango de ciclos en el cual se va a trabajar (siempre en un rango de ciclos medio alto). A partir de estas informaciones de la probeta, y gracias a la curva de Basquin y la ecuación de Marin, el programa será capaz de obtener la curva de resistencia a fatiga correspondiente para la pieza. Se incluyen también casos especiales en los que se realicen tratamientos mecánicos de mejora, con una tensión límite del proceso. Para obtener la curva S-N de la pieza se pedirá información en la pestaña de interfaz con el usuario sobre distintas propiedades de la pieza, que permitan así calcular los valores de los coeficientes de Marín gracias a la base de datos que contiene el programa. El usuario tiene también la opción de introducir él mismo los valores de los coeficientes para así obtener una curva que se aproxime más a sus resultados experimentales. En resumen, la función del programa es la de ser una calculadora de la resistencia fatiga de la pieza a partir de los datos que se disponen de la probeta.


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This paper investigates the influences of phase shift on superresolution performances of annular filters. Firstly, it investigates the influence of phase shift on axial superresolution. It proves theoretically that axial superresolution can not be obtained by two-zone phase filter with phase shift pi, and it gets the phase shift with which axial superresolution can be brought by two-zone phase filter. Secondly, it studies the influence of phase shift on transverse superresolution. It finds that the three-zone phase filter with arbitrary phase shift has an almost equal optimal transverse gain to that of commonly used three-zone phase filter, but can produce a much higher axial superresolution gain. Thirdly, it investigates the influence of phase shift on three-dimensional superresolution. Three-dimensional superresolution capability and design margin of three-zone complex filter with arbitrary phase shift are obtained, which presents the theoretical basis for three-dimensional superresolution design. Finally, it investigates the influence of phase shift on focal shift. To obtain desired focal shifts, it designs a series of three-zone phase filters with different phase shifts. A spatial light modulator (SLM) is used to implement the designed filters. By regulating the voltage imposed on the SLM, an accurate focal shift control is obtained.


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A presente dissertação tem como objetivo refletir sobre a imagem do artista na obra de Silviano Santiago, mais precisamente sobre a figura do narrador-escritor da novela Uma história de família (1992), em abordagem comparativa com outros artistas, cuja produção e aparecimento na mídia problematizaram as primeiras décadas do HIV/AIDS, tais como Cazuza e o artista visual Leonilson, que posavam midiaticamente como perigosos. Pretende-se apontar, na obra de Silviano Santiago, uma performance do artista (soropositivamente) perigoso, na qual a relação entre enfermidade, dor, prazer e labor literário é verificável. Outros artistas são estudados, tais como o escritor Jean-Claude Bernardet, a artista visual Teresa Margolles e o performer Ron Athey, assim como os já citados Cazuza e Leonilson. Partindo da tese de Doutorado e da dissertação de Mestrado de Marcelo Secron Bessa, este trabalho procura avançar com algumas questões que, para tanto, recorrem ao conceito de performatividade, em Judith Butler, à noção do corpo como um Outro radical, de Henri-Pierre Jeudy, e à análise da relação entre AIDS e a discursividade empreendida por Susan Sontag. Os textos críticos de Silviano Santiago também fundamentam o presente estudo, mais precisamente na análise daqueles da relação entre dor e prazer na criação literária e da noção de uma homossexualidade astuciosa em resposta às discursividades heteronormativas


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Dependence of performances of non-line-of-sight (NLOS) solar-blind ultraviolet (UV) communication systems on atmosphere visibility is investigated numerically by correlating the propagation of UV radiation with the visibility. A simplified solar-blind UV atmospheric propagation model is introduced, and the NLOS UV communication system model is constituted based on the single scattering assumption. Using the model, numerical simulation is conducted for two typical geometry configurations and different modulation formats. The results indicate that the performance of the NLOS UV communication system is insensitive to variation of visibility in quite a large range, and deteriorates significantly only in very low-visibility weather, and is also dependent on the geometry configuration of the system. The results also show that the pulse position modulation (PPM) is preferable due to its high-power efficiency to improve the system performance. (c) 2007 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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Statistical data (1959-1977) of the trawling fishery off the continental shelf of Côte d'Ivoire has been fitted to the Fox (PRODFIT) global model. Owing to the proliferation of baliste (B. capriscus) since the years 1971-1972, data were divided into two groups. Maximum Sustainable Yield MSY: PMMC in the text), for the whole of commercial species in the continental shelf, decreased from 8800t to 5900t between the two periods; the difference represents balistes potentialities at bottom level. The model has also been fitted to data which concern Sciaenidae coastal community and Sparidae community which are parts by the 50 m isobathe. Deep layer (50-120m) MSY is at 2350t during the whole period of study. Until 1977, this potentiality was never reached, because of the low productivity of the Sparidae community.


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[ES] El conjunto industrial achelense de Puyo (Lannemezan, Hautes-Pyrénées), descubierto por G. Laplace en 1954 en posición estratigráfica rissiense, está compuesto por 360 ejemplares líticos tallados en cuarcita local. Este efectivo industrial se reparte entre: 218 piezas retocadas (en las que se han definido 226 tipos primarios), 136 lascas y 6 núcleos. Tecnológicamente, la mayor parte de las industrias parecen estar en relación con un debitado sobre yunque; técnica de talla que ha procurado unas lascas con unos atributos muy específicos, en las que, en varios casos, son más que evidentes sus analogías morfológicas con los "hachereaux". En este sentido, la elevada presencia de "hachereaux" bien formateados y de otras piezas hacheroides más elementales, menos elaboradas, así como de varias formas particulares de utillaje macrolítico (ojivas, puntas), nos ha llevado a plantear una propuesta de definición y clasificación analítica particular para estos temas. La contribución global de estas piezas macrolíticas es superior a la de los útiles convencionales o más habituales. Por último, en lo que concierne a la valoración tipológica, este original complejo achelense está definido esencialmente, además de por los más numerosos tipos hacheroides, por una casi similar presencia de denticulados y una importante contribución de puntas carenoides. Más complementariamente, deben estimarse las aportaciones de ojivas y raederas, y son francamente minoritarios los restantes grupos tipológicos considerados (de cantos tallados, truncaduras, puntas planas, abruptos, raspadores, "becs", fragmentos de piezas bifaciales indeterminadas y "écaillés").


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A presente tese problematiza a ideia defendida por Walter Benjamin (1892-1940) da perda da aura dos objetos artísticos na modernidade técnica, em sua reprodutibilidade, e defende que os cancionistas são neo-sereias modernas que carregam na performance vocal a gaia ciência nutrida pelo instinto caraíba de nossa cultura brasileira. Para tanto, numa metodologia majoritariamente interpretativa de canções populares, aliada ao método comparatista confrontando W. Benjamin, T. Adorno e Oswald de Andrade, entre outros pensadores , investiga: (1) a aplicação prática do conceito de mitopoética na re-criação e permanência do mito sirênico do mito como fonte de saber, a partir do arquétipo da sereia-mãe Iemanjá e suas derivações; (2) o conceito de metacanção, da canção como produto da neo-sereia e como subjetivação da linguagem; e (3) a distinção entre sujeito cancional e sujeito da canção, como artifícios artísticos neo-sirênicos assentados no Brasil


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This paper presents a comparison between SiC and diamond Schottky barrier diodes using the oxide ramp termination. The influences of the dielectric thickness and relative permittivity on the diode's electrical performance are investigated. Typical commercial drift layer parameters are used for this study. The extension of the space charge area throughout the drift region and the current distribution at breakdown are shown. The efficiency of the termination is also evaluated for both SiC and diamond diodes. © (2009) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.


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The numerical propagation of subcritical Tollmein-Schlichting (T-S), inviscid vortical and cut-on acoustic waves is explored. For the former case, the performances of the very different NEAT, NTS, HYDRA, FLUXp and OSMIS3D codes is studied. A modest/coarse hexahedral computational grid that starkly shows differences between the different codes and schemes used in them is employed. For the same order of discretization the five codes show similar results. The unstructured codes are found to propagate vortical and acoustic waves well on triangular cell meshes but not the T-S wave. The above code contrasting exercise is then carried out using implicit LES or Smagorinsky LES for and Ma = 0.9 plane jet on modest 0.5 million cell grids moving to circa 5 million cell grids. For this case, even on the coarse grid, for all codes results were generally encouraging. In general, the spread in computational results is less than the spread of the measurements. Interestingly, the finer grid turbulence intensity levels are slightly more under-predicted than those of the coarse grid. This difference is attributed to the numerical dispersion error having a favourable coarse grid influence. For a non-isothermal jet, HYDRA and NTS also give encouraging results. Peak turbulence values along the jet centreline are in better agreement with measurements than for the isothermal jets. Copyright © 2006 by University of Wales.


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The growth of three microalgae species, viz., Nannochloropsis oculata, Tetraselmis chui and Chaetoceros muelleri which are commonly used in aquaculture, was investigated using three different inorganic nutrient media: (i) Modified Guillard's f/2 medium (ii) Rix Mix medium and (iii) BFRI medium. Each microalgae species was cultured for 24 days in small- scale with initial inoculation density of 17xl04 cell /ml in the three media with triplicates. N. oculata cultured in modified Guillard's f/2 medium showed superior growth with a mean peak density of 221 ±4.24 x 104 cell/ ml, to Rix Mix medium (141 ± 10.54xl04 cell/ml) and BFRI medium (47±4.94 x 104 cell/ml) on the 16th day of culture at stationary phase. Considering the increase in cell density for 20 days of culture in Rix Mix medium, C. muelleriwas significantly (P<0.05) highest than in other two media. N. oculata cultured in BFRI medium resulted in the poorest growth with a mean peak increase in density of 84±9.19 x 104 cell/ml in 12 days of culture. However, with an increase in cell density, growth of T. chui (182 ± 6.26 x 104 cell/ml) was significantly (P<0.05) higher in BFRI medium than in modified Guillard's f/2 medium. The results of the present study suggest that N. oculata and C. muelleri can be grown very well in both the modified Guillard's f/2 medium and Rix Mix medium. Better growth of T. chui can be obtained while culturing either in BFRI and Rix Mix medium. These three nutrient media used in the present study may be useful for microalgae species culture for establishing green-water culture for suitable target zooplankton, and fish and crustacean larvae in marine and brackishwater hatcheries.