282 resultados para Azambuja
This study aimed to investigate physical performance of particleboards produced with waste from sawmills, containing different wood species, and two adhesives: urea-formaldehyde (UF) based resin and castor-oil (PU) based bi-component polyurethane resin. Panels were produced with nominal density 0.8gcm(-3); pressing temperature 110 degrees C; pressing time 10 min; specific pressure 5 MPa. Water absorption (2 and 24h); thickness swelling (2 and 24h); density; and moisture content were investigated. Results confirmed that the produced panels presented compatible physical properties in comparison with other researches referred in literature, proving the feasibility of inputs employed. Panels produced PU showed better performance than those produced with UF.
This experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of grazing heights on daytime behavioral activities of Nellore beef cattle in the rainy season. The experimental area was 12 hectares divided into paddocks of one hectare each. The treatments consisted of four defoliation heights (15, 30, 45 and 60 cm) in pastures of Brachiaria brizantha cv. Xaraes with three replicates each. It was used the continuos grazing method, with variable stocking rate. Forage samples collected on the plots were sent to the laboratory for separation of the botanical components, weighing and determination of dry matter, with the material collected by simulated grazing. The variables: grazing time, idle time and ruminating time were evaluated for 12 consecutive hours on days 15 and 16 February 2011, considering the morning and afternoon periods. It was used a completely randomized design. The height of the canopy significantly influenced the daily grazing time and ruminating time, with a quadratic response as a function of time of defoliation. The bite rate decreased as a function of heights studied. However the chemical composition of the material collected by simulated grazing did not differ between treatments. Xaraes grass swards grazed at around 45 cm height provide greater ease of apprehension by grazing cattle.
The production of grazing cattle has been very interesting, due to the low cost to produce fodder, compared to other sources of forage used to feed these animals, but the adequate management pasture has high influence on the success and profitability of cattle production systems. Thus, the objective of this study was to determine the optimum grazing height of Brachiaria brizantha cv. Xaraes, which provides the highest individual weight gain and gain per area. The stocking rate was continuous, with variable stocking rate. The experimental period was from January to December 2010. Three Nellore males were used in each experimental plot, and, when needed, additional animals were used for adjusting the desired heights. Monthly sampling was obtained to estimate forage mass (kg.ha(-1) of DM) and the structural characteristics of the pastures, such as, leaf: stem ratio. The animals were weighed at the beginning of the experiment and every 28 days, after 12 hours of fasting, to measure the average daily gain (ADG) After weighings were performed adjustments stocking rate to desired heights. Throughout the experimental period the animals received mineral supplementation. The desired sward heights were 15, 30, 45 and 60 cm, with three replicates each. The experimental design was completely randomized with four treatments and three replications. To body weight gain (BWG) and average daily gain (ADG), each animal was considered an experimental unit. To gain per area and stocking rate, the paddock was considered the experimental unit. The leaf: stem ratio showed a linear increasing behavior in the spring and summer seasons. The smaller grazing heights provided higher gain per unit area (812.15 kg ha(-1)), while the highest grazing heights promoted high individual weight gain (0.790 kg.dia(-1)). The results suggest that Xaraes grass pastures should be grazed between 30 and 45 cm to allow reasonable performances by area and individual performances.
The objective of this study was to analyze the production of dry mass, forage accumulation rate and the structural composition of Brachiaria brizantha cv. Xaraes pastures, managed under different grazing heights in continuous stocking. The experimental area was 12 hectares, divided in paddocks of one hectare each. The treatments were 15, 30, 45 and 60 cm of defoliation heights. Nellore steers were used to reach the desired heights. Every 28 days four cut samples and eight visual samples were collected for comparative performance in the experimental plots. Two grazing exclusion cages were used per treatment to estimate accumulation rates kg.ha(-1) DM. The cut material was taken to the laboratory for separation of the botanical components (green leaf, stem and senescent material), weighing and determination of dry matter. The experimental design was the completely randomized with three replicates. There were treatments effects at all seasons for the production of total mass, except in the spring. In summer and spring seasons it was observed the highest values for leaf blades (1.100 kg DM.ha(-1)). In the winter, the highest values of senescent material was observed, as expected. The average accumulation showed no significant difference among the treatments, except for stem and total mass in the summer and stem in the fall. The tillers were heavier and higher values for number of green leaves per tiller occurred in the fall, but for senescent leaves per tiller ocurred in the winter. Swards grazed at heights between 45 and 60 cm of defoliation, had good production of forage mass and leaf constituent.
The objective of this study was to determine the best height of the Tanzania grass under grazing, assessing morphological and productive characteristics of the sward. This experiment was conducted in Cidade Gaucha, Parana, where he was rated the accumulation rate and morphological characteristics of Tanzania grass pastures grazed at 20, 40, 60 and 80 cm grazing under continuous stocking with variable stocking rate for beef cattle. The experimental area was 12 hectare divided in paddocks of one hectare each. For each paddock were allocated two grazing exclusion cage for estimating herbage accumulation, and eight samples were taken every 28 days throughout the year 2010. The completely randomized design. The herbage mass of the morphological structures showed a linear positive function of sward heights. The height of defoliation did not influence the rate of herbage accumulation for any of the morphological structures: green leaf, stem + sheaths and senescent material. There were also no differences in leaf: stem ratio. All heights within the range studied provided adequate number of green leaves per tiller. Tanzania grass pastures grazed under continuous stocking between 40 and 60 cm, for providing a good association between accumulation and mass of green leaf blades, and acceptable values of the mass of stem + sheaths and senescent material. Pasture of Tanzania grass under 60 and 80 cm allow of leaves satisfactory accumulation in the autumn.
Pós-graduação em Matemática em Rede Nacional - IBILCE
Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FMVZ
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This study aims to determine physical properties of particleboard made of sawmill waste, as a mix of several wood species, and two adhesives: urea-formaldehyde, usually employed in industry (even with drawbacks or formaldehyde emission during pressing) and FASTBOND®, water based resin, still poorly referenced in literature. Sixteen panels have been produced, in four experimental conditions, defined by using two adhesives and a 12 mm thick limiter (or not). Variance analysis was adopted to evaluate influence of experimental conditions on physical properties of produced panels, manufactured in nominal dimensions 350x350mm; 10% resin related to particles mass (at 5% moisture); 3.5 MPa compaction pressure, temperature 130°C, in a 10 min cycle. Tests to determine density, moisture content, swelling and water absorption were carried out based on normative parameters of ABNT NBR 14810:2006. Results have been satisfactory to panels produced with urea-formaldehyde but those manufactured with polychloroprene based resin (FASTBOND®) not meet regulatory requirements. Best results have been obtained without limiter.
Sensorial and microbiological characteristics of a Brazilian fresh cheese samples with Bifidobacterium animalis subps. lactis as well as samples with this probiotic and polydextrose, a prebiotic ingredient, were evaluated. The addition of this microorganism was studied as: (1) lyophilized probiotic added to cheese curd and (2) by using milk previously fermented by this probiotic to produce the cheese. Cheese samples were microbiologically characterized after 0, 7, 14, 21 and 28 days of storage at a temperature of 4 °C. The microbiological analyses conducted were quantification of total lactic acid bacteria, mesophilic microorganisms, Bif. animalis subps. lactis, coliforms at 30 °C and 45 °C. Affective sensory test was conducted for two different cheese samples (with probiotic and with probiotic and prebiotic) as well as for control one week after manufacturing date. Cheese samples provided acceptable results for coliform counts at 30 °C and 45 °C in compliance with legislation. The cheese samples produced using milk fermented by probiotic showed counts of 107 -108 CFU/g after 28 days of storage, which assures functional property for this product to be claimed.
The neurovascular bundle may be vulnerable during surgical procedures involving the mandible, especially when anatomical variations are present. Increased demand of implant surgeries, wider availability of three-dimensional exams, and lack of clear definitions in the literature indicate that features of anatomical variations should be revisited. The objective of the study was to evaluate features of anatomical variations related to mandibular canal (MC), such as bifid canals, anterior loop of mental nerve, and corticalization of MC. Additionally, bone trabeculation at the submandibular gland fossa region (SGF) was assessed and related to visibility of MC. Cone beam computed tomography exams from 100 patients (200 hemimandibles) were analyzed and the following parameters were registered: diameter and corticalization of MC; trabeculation in SGF region; presence of bifid MC, position of bifurcations, diameter, and direction of bifid canals; and measurement of anterior loops by two methods. Corticalization of the MC was observed in 59% of hemimandibles. In 23%, MC could be identified despite absence of corticalization. Diameter of MC was between 2.1 and 4 mm for nearly three quarters of the sample. In 80% of the sample trabeculation at the SGF was either decreased or not visible, and such cases showed correlation with absence of MC corticalization. Bifid MC affected 19% of the patients, mostly associated with additional mental foramina. Clinically significant anterior loop (> 2 mm of anterior extension) was observed in 22-28%, depending on the method. Our findings, together with previously reported limitations of conventional exams, draw attention to the unpredictability related to anatomical variations in neurovascularization, showing the contribution of individual assessment through different views of three-dimensional imaging prior to surgical procedures in the mandible.
Language alterations in Huntington's disease (HD) are reported, but their nature and correlation with other cognitive impairments are still under investigation. This study aimed to characterize the language disturbances in HD and to correlate them to motor and cognitive aspects of the disease. We studied 23 HD patients and 23 controls, matched for age and schooling, using the Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination, Boston Naming Test, the Token Test, Animal fluency, Action fluency, FAS-COWA, the Symbol Digit Modalities Test, the Stroop Test and the Hooper Visual Organization Test (HVOT). HD patients performed poorer in verbal fluency (p<0.0001), oral comprehension (p<0.0001), repetition (p<0.0001), oral agility (p<0.0001), reading comprehension (p=0.034) and narrative writing (p<0.0001). There was a moderate correlation between the Expressive Component and Language Competency Indexes and the HVOT (r=0.519, p=0.011 and r=0.450, p=0.031, respectively). Language alterations in HD seem to reflect a derangement in both frontostriatal and frontotemporal regions.
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of clinical criteria for the diagnosis of hyposalivation in hospitalized patients. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A clinical study was carried out on 145 subjects (48 males; 97 females; aged 20 to 90 years). Each subject was clinically examined, in the morning and in the afternoon, along 1 day. A focused anamnesis allowed identifying symptoms of hyposalivation, like xerostomia complaints (considered as a reference symptom), chewing difficulty, dysphagia and increased frequency of liquid intake. Afterwards, dryness of the mucosa of the cheecks and floor of the mouth, as well as salivary secretion during parotid gland stimulation were assessed during oral examination. RESULTS: Results obtained with Chi-square tests showed that 71 patients (48.9%) presented xerostomia complaints, with a significant correlation with all hyposalivation symptoms (p <0.05). Furthermore, xerostomia was also significantly correlated with all data obtained during oral examination in both periods of evaluation (p<0.05). CONCLUSION: Clinical diagnosis of hyposalivation in hospitalized patients is feasible and can provide an immediate and appropriate therapy avoiding further problems and improving their quality of life.