849 resultados para Avian Influenza
O caolim adsorve a atividade inibitória mais ràpidamente que o nitrogênio total da clara de ôvo bruta e menos ràpidamente que o nitrogênio total das preparações semipurificadas de inibidor. A adsorção do inibidor é reversível. O tratamento de preparações semipurificadas pelo vírus ativo da influenza suína causa um ligeiro aumento da adsorção da atividade e do nitrogênio total. O vírus ativo combina-se no frigorífico com o caolim que adsorveu o inibidor e pode ser em grande parte recuperado à temperatura ambiente. Uma quantidade menor de vírus é fixada pelo caolim não tratado. O aquecimento do vírus durante 30 minutos a 53°C aumenta sua adorção pelo caolim.
Laboratory surveillance of influenza has shown a low virus activity in Rio de Janeiro during 1980 and 1981. A few influenza A (H3N2) viruses were isolated in both years during the winter months. Serological investigations showed that this subtype has circulated mostly among children under 10 years of age. No H1N1 virus was isolated but an increase in the proportion of adults with antibody to his virus was noted in sera collected in 1981. Influenza B virus was isolated from children in the spring of 1981 and again an increase was noted in the proportion of adults with antibody to this virus.
OBJECTIVES: This study aimed at investigating whether data from medical teleconsultations may contribute to influenza surveillance. METHODS: International Classification of Primary Care 2nd Edition (ICPC-2) codes were used to analyse the proportion of teleconsultations due to influenza-related symptoms. Results were compared with the weekly Swiss Sentinel reports. RESULTS: When using the ICPC-2 code for fever we could reproduce the seasonal influenza peaks of the winter seasons 07/08, 08/09 and 09/10 as depicted by the Sentinel data. For the pandemic influenza 09/10, we detected a much higher first peak in summer 2009 which correlated with a potential underreporting in the Sentinel system. CONCLUSIONS: ICPC-2 data from medical teleconsultations allows influenza surveillance in real time and correlates very well with the Swiss Sentinel system.
The blood parasites of 15,574 birds representing 266 species of 43 families from primarily three areas in São Paulo State, Brazil were examined for haematozoa. Only 1240 (8.0% of 121 species fo 32 families were infected with blood parasites. This prevalence was similar to that reported in a previous study. Species of Haemoproteus were the most commonly encountered haematozoans (38.9%), followed by microfilaria (30.7%), Trypanosoma (13.7%), Plasmodium (7.5%) and Leucocytozoon (0.8%). Prevalence of parasitism was significantly different between the three major areas sampled. It was shown that this was due in part to differences in the avifaunas at both the familial and species levels. Prevalence varied markedly in only one of the 10 years of the study. Monthly fluctuations in prevalence were largely due to changes in relative proportions of highlytion of both. Prevalences of both microfilaria and Trypanosoma were higher than reported for any other similar survey in the world.
A large influenza epidemic took place in Havana during the winter of 1988. The epidemiologic surveillance unit of the Pedro Kouri Institute of Tropical Medicine detected the begining of the epidemic wave. The Rvachev-Baroyan mathematical model of the geographic spread of an epidemic was used to forecast this epidemic under routine conditions of the public health system. The expected number of individuals who would attend outpatient services, because of influenza-like illness, was calculated and communicated to the health authorities within enough time to permit the introduction of available control measures. The approximate date of the epidemic peak, the daily expected number of individuals attending medical services, and the approximate time of the end of the epidemic wave were estimated. The prediction error was 12%. The model was sufficienty accurate to warrant its use as a pratical forecasting tool in the Cuban public health system.
The trypomastigote, epimastigote and amastigote stages of Trypanosoma corvi Stephens and Christophers, 1908 emend. Baker, 1976 from the peripheral blood, heart and bone marrow are described herein. Other trypanosomes described from the Corvidae are compared to T. corvi and their status is discussed.
Oocysts of Eimeria porphyrulae n. sp. are described in faeces of Porphyrula martinica (Aves: Gruiformes: Rallidae). They are ellipsoidal to oval, 22.4 x 17.7 (20.0-23.7 x 16.2-18.7) µm, shape-index (length/width) 1.3. Oocyst wall about 1.25 µm thick, colourless, with two layers: inner one prominently striated. Micropyle and sub-micropylar granule present: no oocyst residuum. Sporocysts 17.5 x 9.0 (17.0-19.0 x 8.0-10.0) µm, shape-index 1.9, with inconspicuous Stieda/sub-Stieda bodies. Sporocyst residuum of scattered granules, sometimes a compact mass: sporozoites with two refractile bodies. Eimeria crypturelli n. sp. is described in faeces of Crypturellus soiu (Tinamiformes: Tinamidae). Oocysts ellipsoidal-oval, 20.75 x 14.5 (17.5-25.0 x 11.25-21.25) µm, shape-index 1.4. Oocysts wall about 1.25 µm thick and bi-layered: inner layer faintly striated. Micropyle present, with oocyst residuum immediately below: single polar body rarely present. Sporocysts 13.0 x 7.5 (12.5-13.75 x 7,5-8.1) µm, shape-index 1.7, with a Stieda body but seemingly no sub-Stieda. Sporocyst residuum compact: sporozoites with two refractile bodies. Isospora cacici n. sp. is recorded from faeces of Cacicus cela cela (Passeriformes: Icteridae). Oocysts subspherical-spherical, 26.5 x 23.7 (22.5-27.5 x 20.0-26.2) µm, shape-index 1.1. Wall a single, colourless layer about 1.5 µm thick. No micropyle or oocyst residuum: 1-2 polar bodies. Sporocysts ellipsoidal, 17.7 x 12.5 (17.5-18.75 x 11.25-13.75) µm, shape-index 1.4, with pronounced Stieda/sub-Stieda bodies: residuum compact and sporozoites with two refractile bodies. Isospora thraupis n. sp. is described from faeces of Thraupis palmarum melanoptera (Passeriformes: Thraupidae). Oocysts subspherial-spherical, 19.9 x 19.0 (18.7-21.2 x 18.75-20.0) µm, shape-index 1.0. Wall about 0.6 µm thick, smooth, colourless and a single layer: no micropyle, oocyst residuum or polar bodies. Sporocysts 14.2 x 9.2 (13.7-16.2 x 8.7-10.0) µm, shape-index 1.5: Stied/sub-Stieda bodies inconspicuous. Residuum compact: sporozoites with two refractile bodies.
Background Individual signs and symptoms are of limited value for the diagnosis of influenza. Objective To develop a decision tree for the diagnosis of influenza based on a classification and regression tree (CART) analysis. Methods Data from two previous similar cohort studies were assembled into a single dataset. The data were randomly divided into a development set (70%) and a validation set (30%). We used CART analysis to develop three models that maximize the number of patients who do not require diagnostic testing prior to treatment decisions. The validation set was used to evaluate overfitting of the model to the training set. Results Model 1 has seven terminal nodes based on temperature, the onset of symptoms and the presence of chills, cough and myalgia. Model 2 was a simpler tree with only two splits based on temperature and the presence of chills. Model 3 was developed with temperature as a dichotomous variable (≥38°C) and had only two splits based on the presence of fever and myalgia. The area under the receiver operating characteristic curves (AUROCC) for the development and validation sets, respectively, were 0.82 and 0.80 for Model 1, 0.75 and 0.76 for Model 2 and 0.76 and 0.77 for Model 3. Model 2 classified 67% of patients in the validation group into a high- or low-risk group compared with only 38% for Model 1 and 54% for Model 3. Conclusions A simple decision tree (Model 2) classified two-thirds of patients as low or high risk and had an AUROCC of 0.76. After further validation in an independent population, this CART model could support clinical decision making regarding influenza, with low-risk patients requiring no further evaluation for influenza and high-risk patients being candidates for empiric symptomatic or drug therapy.
Six clinical isolates of influenza A viruses were examined for hemagglutinin receptor specificity and neuraminidase substrate specificity. All of the viral isolates minimally passaged in mammalian cells demonstrated preferential agglutination of human erythrocytes enzymatically modified to contain NeuAc alpha 2,6Gal sequences, with no agglutination of cells bearing NeuAc alpha 2,3Gal sequences. This finding is consistent with the hemagglutination receptor specificity previously demonstrated for laboratory strains of influenza A viruses. The neuraminidase substrate specificities of the clinical isolates examined were also identical to that described for the N2 neuraminidase of recent laboratory strains of human influenza viruses. The H3N2 viruses all displayed the ability to release sialic acid from both alpha 2, 3 and alpha 2, 6 linkages. In addition, two clinical isolates of H1N1 viruses also demonstrated this dual neuraminidase substrate specificity, a characteristic which has not been previously described for the N1 neuraminidase. These results demonstrate that complementary hemagglutinin and neuraminidase specificities are found in recent isolates of both H1N1 and H3N2 influenza viruses.
Résumé La performance diagnostic des signes et symptômes de la grippe a principalement été étudiée dans le cadre d'études contrôlées avec des critères d'inclusion stricts. Il apparaît nécessaire d'évaluer ces prédicteurs dans le cadre d'une consultation ambulatoire habituelle en tenant compte du délai écoulé entre le début des symptômes et la première consultation ainsi que la situation épidémiologique. Cette étude prospective a été menée à la Policlinique Médicale Universitaire durant l'hiver 1999-2000. Les patients étaient inclus s'ils présentaient un syndrome grippal et si le praticien suspectait une infection à Influenza. Le médecin administrait un questionnaire puis une culture d'un frottis de gorge était réalisée afin de documenter l'infection. 201 patients ont été inclus dans l'étude. 52% avaient une culture positive pour Influenza. En analyse univariée, une température > 37.8° (OR 4.2; 95% CI 2.3-7.7), une durée des symptômes < 48h (OR 3.2; 1.8-5.7), une toux (OR 3.2; 1-10.4) et des myalgies (OR 2.8; 1.0-7.5) étaient associés au diagnostic de grippe. En analyse de régression logistique, le modèle le plus performant qui prédisait la grippe était l'association d'une durée des symptômes <48h, une consultation en début d'épidémie, une température > 37.8° et une toux (sensibilité 79%, spécificité 69%, valeur prédictive positive 67%, une valeur prédictive négative de 73% et aire sous la courbe (ROC) de 0.74). En plus des signes et symptômes prédicteurs de la grippe, le médecin de premier recours devrait prendre en compte dans son jugement la durée des symptômes avant la première consultation et le contexte épidémiologique (début, pic, fin de l'épidémie), car ces deux paramètres modifient considérablement la valeurs des prédicteurs lors de l'évaluation de la probabilité clinique d'un patient d'avoir une infection à Influenza.
We evaluated the feasibility of using faeces as a non-invasively collected DNA source for the genetic study of an endangered bird population (capercaillie; Tetrao urogallus). We used a multitube approach, and for our panel of 11 microsatellites genotyping reliability was estimated at 98% with five repetitions. Experiments showed that free DNases in faecal material were the major cause of DNA degradation. Our results demonstrate that using avian faeces as a source of DNA, reliable microsatellite genotyping can be obtained with a reasonable number of PCR replicates.
Objective. The existence of two vaccines seasonal and pandemic-created the potential for confusion and misinformation among consumers during the 2009-2010 vaccination season. We measured the frequency and nature of influenza vaccination communication between healthcare providers and adults for both seasonal and 2009 influenza A(H1N1) vaccination and quantified its association with uptake of the two vaccines.Methods. We analyzed data from 4040 U.S. adult members of a nationally representative online panel surveyed between March 4th and March 24th, 2010. We estimated prevalence rates and adjusted associations between vaccine uptake and vaccination-related communication between patients and healthcare providers using bivariate probit models.Results. 64.1% (95%-CI: 61.5%-66.6%) of adults did not receive any provider-issued influenza vaccination recommendation. Adults who received a provider-issued vaccination recommendation were 14.1 (95%-CI: -2.4 to 30.6) to 32.1 (95%-CI: 24.3-39.8) percentage points more likely to be vaccinated for influenza than adults without a provider recommendation, after adjusting for other characteristics associated with vaccination.Conclusions. Influenza vaccination communication between healthcare providers and adults was relatively uncommon during the 2009-2010 pandemic. Increased communication could significantly enhance influenza vaccination rates. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Pandemic Flu
An independent review of the UK response to the 2009 influenza pandemic