201 resultados para Authorial fantasies


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This dissertation examines ancient historiographic citation methodologies in light of Mikhail Bakhtin’s dichotomy between polyphony and monologization. In particular, this dissertation argues that Eusebius of Caesarea’s Historia ecclesiastica (HE) abandons the monologic citation methodology typical of previous Greek and Hellenistic historiography and introduces a polyphonic citation methodology that influences subsequent late-ancient Christian historiography to varying degrees. Whereas Pre-Eusebian Greek and Hellenistic historiographers typically use citations to support the single authorial consciousness of the historiographer, Eusebius uses citations to counterbalance his own shortcomings as a witness to past events. Eusebius allows his citations to retain their own voice, even when they conflict with his. The result is a narrative that transcends the point of view of any single individual and makes multiple witnesses, including the narrator, available to the reader. Post-Eusebian late-ancient Christian historiographers exhibit the influence of Eusebius’ innovation, but they are not as intentional as Eusebius in their use of citation methodologies. Many subsequent Christian historiographers use both monologic and polyphonic citation methodologies. Their tendency to follow Eusebius’ practice of citing numerous lengthy citations sometimes emphasizes points of view that oppose the author’s point of view. When an opposing viewpoint surfaces in enough citations, a polyphonic citation methodology emerges. The reader holds the two different narrative strands in tension as the author continues to give voice to opposing viewpoints. After illustrating the citation methodologies with passages from numerous Greek, Hellenistic, and late ancient Christian historiographers, this dissertation concludes with a short computational analysis that uses natural language processing to reveal some broad trends that highlight the previous findings and suggest a possibility for future research.


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"...is a novel that combines literature and art to create a unique postmodern object. It was published just over a decade ago, and in that time numerous scholars and students have written papers and articles on it. Within these articles, the themes are usually about deconstruction, the house as a digital object, the house's lack of homeliness, or characters who claim authorial presence. Danielewski distance himself from that role. The house and its impossible labyrinth are the central feature of the book. A house should provide stability, but this house shifts its rooms and walls at random. A house should protect its occupants, but this one kills people. This house links itself into an infinite amount of information through its use of the internet as an influence and a stylistic device, but it has nothing but an absence in its very foundation, an empty labyrinth with an unseen monster."


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On t.p. of vols. 1 and 2: in two volumes.


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A problem in evolution.--Apocalyptic.--Infelicities of possession.--Germany and Japan.--The still small voice.--Life's complex ways.--The psychology of lying.--China and the United States.--The autocracy of labor.--Municipal rule and misrule.--The declination of law.--Fallacies and fantasies.--The economics of education.--The mysterious history of the spirit creation.--Spiritual and rational development.--Ab ovo.--As others see us.--Spirit worship of to-day.--The new religion.--The war in Europe.--Crystallized civilization.--Why a world industrial centre at San Francisco Bay?--Revival of citizenship.--The initiative.--Assurances for the future.


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III. Novels of ingenuity: v. 14. Desperate remedies.--v. 15. The hand of Ethelberta.--v. 16. A Laodicean.--v. 17. A changed man, [The waiting supper, and other tales: concluding with the Romantic adventures of a milk-maid] Poetical works.--v. 18. Wessex poems and other verses; poems of the past and the present.--v. 19. The Dynasts; parts 1st and 2d.--v. 20. The Dynasts, part 3d. Time's laughingstocks.--v. 21. Satires of circumstance; Moments of vision and Miscellaneous verses.


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The essential problem that Soren Kierkegaard is concerned with in his authorship is that of becoming a Christian. It is argued that Kierkegaard's authorial strategy reflects the principles of paradoxical psychotherapy. These principles indicate that both the psychological problem and its solution involve an ironic process. In the Kierkegaardian frame of reference, the situation of the immature self is paradoxical, and so is the pathway to full selfhood. The philistine and the aesthete attempt to secure autonomy and personal freedom through an external orientation. But the way to the self is inwards. Consequently, these personalities get caught in an ironic process. The further they push outwards, the further they move away from the locus of genuine selfhood and freedom. This immature form of life can only lead to a loss of self and the associated experience of despair. Paradoxically, Kierkegaard advocates the choice of despair as the way to find oneself in God.


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O presente estudo teve como objetivo, por meio de uma pesquisa qualitativa segundo a abordagem fenomenológica existencial, investigar os pensamentos, sentimentos e atitudes do oncologista na informação do diagnóstico de câncer à paciente. Foram realizadas 5 entrevistas semi-dirigidas com oncologistas que atendem em consultório particular, e foi delimitada a análise compreensiva fenomenológica do conteúdo. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que: A informação do diagnóstico de câncer de mama para pacientes jovens em idade reprodutiva foi considerada a mais marcante para os médicos, lhes causando maior preocupação, medo e tristeza, devido às limitações impostas pela doença aos planos de vida da paciente e às questões da maternidade. Os entrevistados referiram que em qualquer caso, o momento da notícia lhes repercute emocionalmente, pela vivência do sentimento de tristeza, ou por fantasias relacionadas à responsabilidade pela doença. Eles apontaram como mais difícil nesse processo, o confronto com as reações emocionais da paciente e falar sobre o câncer utilizando palavras para amenizar o impacto dessa informação. Diante dessas dificuldades, a evolução da medicina, a possibilidade de cirurgia conservadora e a reconstrução mamária foram consideradas atenuantes. Os médicos afirmaram que informam a paciente de maneira clara, objetiva e gradativa, mas nem todos eles utilizam sempre a palavra câncer . Procuram encorajar a paciente com otimismo e solidariedade, engajando-a no tratamento como participante ativa. Além disso, sentem-se responsáveis por motivar aquela que demonstra desânimo ou que reluta em seguir o tratamento. Eles percebem que a partir da informação do diagnóstico a paciente estabelece um vínculo de confiança e dependência, e identificam que em alguns casos eles também se vinculam à paciente. Entretanto, reconhecem que desse vínculo deriva um desgaste emocional que os leva ao questionamento sobre a escolha de sua especialidade. Constatou-se que alguns oncologistas podem emitir sua opinião sobre determinado diagnóstico, às vezes, a pedido da paciente, mas que ao errarem nesse pré-julgamento, evidenciam sentimentos de impotência, ou fracasso, ou culpa, por não se prepararem, nem à paciente, para o momento da informação. Os casos em que a família interfere com questionamentos ou com o pedido de ocultação da informação não foram vistos por eles de modo negativo, contudo, o pedido de ocultação nem sempre é acatado. Os entrevistados referiram algum tipo de aprendizado através do contato com a paciente oncológica, ou por meio da reavaliação de seus valores morais, ou da reflexão sobre sua própria finitude. Particularmente nos casos de câncer avançado ou terminal, esse aprendizado abrangeu o apoio nos momentos que precedem a morte, ou o reconhecimento da própria impotência. Conclusão: A análise dos resultados revelou os conflitos e as dúvidas do médico como ser ético , que assume os riscos ao escolher quanto, quando e como informar o diagnóstico à paciente, sua consciência de culpabilidade, a ansiedade existencial desencadeada pelas reações emocionais da paciente, a manifestação de sua maneira preocupada de existir no mundo, a busca pelo encontro autêntico e criativo, a subjetividade utilizada como caminho para a compreensão do ser doente e a possibilidade do fracasso de um projeto resultar em frustração e num rebaixamento temporário da confiança em sua própria capacidade. Desse modo, esse trabalho demonstra a inevitável influência dos fatores subjetivos na atitude do médico que informa o diagnóstico de câncer para sua paciente e que esse processo está muito além de qualquer pretensa objetividade.


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O presente estudo visa investigar a sexualidade na adolescência em suas inquietações e necessidades por meio do método de investigação clínica de abordagem psicanalítica de Enrique Pichon-Rivière, para se obter uma compreensão da psicodinâmica do grupo de adolescentes com enfoque operativo. Os objetivos são: 1. Levantamento do que os adolescentes pensam sobre sexualidade; 2. Discutir os principais conflitos vividos pelos adolescentes com relação à sexualidade e; 3. Analisar as formas de manifestações culturais dos adolescentes sobre a sexualidade. O procedimento inicial foi um levantamento bibliográfico sobre os temas: sexualidade, repressão, fantasias inconscientes e grupo com enfoque operativo. Os adolescentes de uma comunidade religiosa da metrópole de São Paulo foram os participantes. Realizaram-se 12 encontros grupais com enfoque operativo, utilizando-se a teoria e técnica dos grupos operativos de Pichon-Rivière. Houve um roteiro temático, que forneceram os conteúdos para cada encontro. Os temas revelaram sentimentos e reações emocionais dos adolescentes sobre sexualidade, dificuldades e facilidades encontradas em relação às manifestações culturais e a existência de conflitos (medos e desejos inconscientes) vividos pelos adolescentes. As análises dos resultados levaram a considerações que direcionam a duas vertentes: a) As inquietações representadas por dúvidas, sentimentos de perda, informações consistentes e medos; b) As necessidades estavam representadas pela lealdade, confiança, interação social, acolhimento (continência) e valores do grupo primário de referência. Conclui-se que o adolescente apresenta forte sentimento de desconfiança, caracterizando uma constelação de fantasias na qual predomina a persecutoriedade; esse adolescente está sempre preocupado com o externo, com o que os outros estão pensando


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Este estudo teve como objetivos investigar aspectos da dinâmica intrapsíquica de mães de crianças institucionalizadas em abrigo por ordem judicial, e identificar recursos defensivos utilizados por essas mães. Para atingir estes objetivos, realizou-se uma investigação clínica com estudo de três casos de mães de crianças abrigadas. Foram utilizados dois instrumentos: a) Roteiro de Entrevista roteiro de temas a serem abordados em uma ou mais entrevistas não diretivas de cunho clínico, a fim de auxiliar na investigação da psicodinâmica destas mães. b) Procedimento de Desenho Estória com Tema técnica projetiva que associa o uso de desenhos com estórias, como forma de explorar livre e dinamicamente os conteúdos da personalidade. A técnica permite o estudo das características formais e estruturais da personalidade, pois tem a particularidade de facilitar a expressão de aspectos inconscientes relacionados a pontos de angústias presentes, focos conflituosos e perturbações emergentes. Estes procedimentos foram realizados nas dependências da instituição (abrigo) onde as crianças estavam hospedadas. Os principais resultados comuns aos três casos foram: Ambigüidade e os Impeditivos de Crescimento a primeira mãe entrevistada ao mesmo tempo ataca a mãe que a abandona (mãe biológica e a mãe adotiva), em busca de uma mãe idealizada. Essa ambigüidade a impede de crescer. Nota-se a mesma tentativa de idealização na segunda mãe estudada que demonstra dificuldade em aceitar a atual situação em que vive e não consegue perceber que a aproximação de sua mãe é por causa da doença que ela adquiriu e não por continência. A terceira e última mãe entrevistada demonstra conteúdos persecutórios diante do abrigamento dos filhos e dificuldade de sentir gratidão. Os mecanismos predominantes que aparecem nos três casos são os de: idealização e regressão a estágios primitivos. Nota-se ainda, depressão, dificuldade de elaboração da posição depressiva. Estas mães não conseguem vivenciar continuamente a realidade psíquica, que implicaria na elaboração da posição depressiva, pois não conseguem fazer, ainda que tentem, uma comparação entre os mundos interno e externo, o que as levariam à uma melhor compreensão das semelhanças e diferenças. De modo que, a figura dos pais (principalmente da mãe) fica cindida entre aterrorizante e idealizada, porém os mecanismos predominantes são suas fantasias que propiciam idealização; identificação projetiva maciça. A persecutoriedade e a culpa, ao mesmo tempo parecem indicar a depressão que pode ser tão forte que levam à intensificação destes sentimentos. Há a presença da inveja que também intensifica as angústias persecutórias, requerendo mecanismos de defesa que violentam as funções psíquicas.(AU)


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Sexualidad y Escritura (1850-2000) is a collection of thirteen essays which focus on the complex relationship between gender and writing in Spain from 1850 to 2000. This collection aims to provide a specifically Spanish cultural and historical context to the study of gender and writing and to challenge the effectiveness and validity of applying and adapting some feminist theory (based mainly in French and Anglo literary traditions) to works by both male and female Spanish writers. The introduction sets the tone of the essays it contains by discussing the Gilbert and Guar’s concept of female authors anxiety of authorship, and the reasons why their notions of the male dominated writing profession does not necessarily apply to Spanish literature of the nineteenth century in particular. The notable presence and success of female writers during the Romantic period and the way in which they in effect managed to feminize the writing profession illustrates how very different the Spanish literary context is from French, English or American models. The editors state that, rather than needing to work up the courage to take up the pen and publish their works, the issue facing Spanish women writers during parts of the last 150 years has been how to either maintain or regain their authorial voice and their place in letters, fighting to keep their heads above the rising and falling tides of literary trends.


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Why is the public presentation of the war on terror suffused with sexualised racism? What does this tell us about ideas of gender, sexuality, religious and political identity and the role of the state in the Western powers? Can we diffuse inter-ethnic conflicts and change the way the West pursues its security agenda by understanding the role of sexualised racism in the war on terror? In asking such questions, Gargi Bhattacharyya considers how the concepts of imperialism, feminism, terror and security can be applied, in order to build on the influential debates about the sexualised character of colonialism. She examines the way in which western imperial violence has been associated with the rhetoric of rights and democracy - a project of bombing for freedom that has called into question the validity of western conceptions of democracy, rights and feminism. Such rhetoric has given rise to actions that go beyond simply protecting western interests or securing access to scarce resources and appear to be beyond instrumental reason. The articulations of racism that appear with the war on terror are animated by fears and sexual fantasies inexplicable by rational interest alone. There can be no resolution to this seemingly endless conflict without understanding the highly sexualised racism that animates it. Such an understanding threatens to pierce the heart of imperial relations, revealing their intense contradictions and uncovering attempts to normalise violent expropriation.


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The Wilhelmine battle fleet was a powerful symbol of national strength and unity not only within the Reich but also in German ethnic communities abroad. A global network of 179 navy clubs with 9,500 members (1913) was coordinated by the Berlin-based Central League for German Navy Clubs Abroad (Hauptverband Deutscher Flottenvereine im Auslande). Its aims were the collection of migrants’ money for concrete navy projects and the promotion of allegiance to the Reich and of ethnic cohesion abroad. The article analyses German navy campaigning within a transnational framework and supports the view that migrants were discursively drawn into Imperial Germany’s global aspirations as outposts of ‘Germanness’ abroad. Existing scholarship, however, tends to look at them as passive objects of a discourse conducted within Germany, as a canvas onto which (semi-)colonial fantasies could be projected. This article argues, rather, that ‘Germans abroad’ could also be active participants within a transnationally conducted and multi-directional discourse. They did not necessarily defy nationalist assumptions but could, in fact, be deeply embedded in the construction of these assumptions.


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Intercultural communication in the global environment frequently involves recourse to translation. This generates new phenomena which, in turn, raise new questions for translation theory and practice. This issue is concerned with the concept of the hybrid text as one of these phenomena. In this introductory chapter, a hybrid text is defined as: „a text that results from a translation process. It shows features that somehow seem ‘out of place'/‘strange'/‘unusual' for the receiving culture, i.e. the target culture”. It is important, however, to differentiate between the true hybrid, which is the result of positive authorial and/or translatorial decisions, and the inadequate text which exhibits features of translationese, resulting from a lack of competence. Textual, contextual and social features of hybrid texts are postulated (see discussion paper). These are the object of critical reflection in sub-sequent chapters, in relation to different genres. The potential of the hybrid text for translation research is explored.


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This book takes on a global perspective to unravel the complex relationship between Imperial Germany and its diaspora. Around 1900, German-speakers living abroad were tied into global power-political aspirations. They were represented as outposts of a "Greater German Empire" whose ethnic links had to be preserved for their own and the fatherland’s benefits. Did these ideas fall on fertile ground abroad? In the light of extreme social, political, and religious heterogeneity, diaspora construction did not redeem the all-encompassing fantasies of its engineers. But it certainly was at work, as nationalism "went global" in many German ethnic communities. Three thematic areas are taken as examples to illustrate the emergence of globally operating organizations and communication flows: Politics and the navy issue, Protestantism, and German schools abroad as "bulwarks of language preservation." The public negotiation of these issues is explored for localities as diverse as Shanghai, Cape Town, Blumenau in Brazil, Melbourne, Glasgow, the Upper Midwest in the United States, and the Volga Basin in Russia. The mobilisation of ethno-national diasporas is also a feature of modern-day globalization. The theoretical ramifications analysed in the book are as poignant today as they were for the nineteenth century.


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This dissertation explores the similarities and differences which characterize the depiction of people of color in certain representative nineteenth century Cuban and Brazilian slavery novels as a function of the authorial approach of each territory's literary tradition toward the issues of slavery, racial prejudice, and people of color. The selected texts, derived from the peak periods in slavery literature of each territory, include Francisco , by Anselmo Snárez y Romero; Sab, by Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda; Cecilia Valdés , by Cirilo Villaverde; A escrava Isaura, by Bernardo Guimarães; O mulato, by Aluísio Azevedo; and Bom-Crioulo, by Adolfo Caminha. While the present study explores the enslavement, abuse, and discrimination of people of color as a consequence of a deep-seated discourse of power, privilege and racial superiority, it focuses more extensively on the representation of people of color, particularly in their capacity to constructively appropriate the cultural values of the white dominant group and recognize their identity as ambiguous. ^ Said's theories of Orientalist discourse and geography and formation as well as Dube's perspective on subaltern-oriented studies provide a theoretical framework for exploring the response of slavery writers whose common exposure to slavery but dissimilar socio-political contexts generate some startling findings. Crafted within a period of political repression, fear of black revolt, factional in-fighting as well as strong socioeconomic ties to the slaveholding class, the Cuban texts generally fashioned an approach to slavery as one marked by moderation, reform, and cultural counter discourse and consequently depict people of color with a more passive but culturally authentic outlook. On the other hand, the Brazilian response to the issue of slavery, steeped in an ideological amalgam of liberalism, positivism, republicanism, and abolitionism, is characterized by overt opposition to slavery and a representation of people of color that is less concerned with cross-cultural input but reclaims their humanity as highly educable and socially mobile persons in search of greater freedoms. Ultimately, there is a shared message of higher significance couched in the worthwhile mission of raising slaves to the level of men. ^