857 resultados para Atherosclerotic Plaques


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Increases in plasma cholesterol are associated with progressive increases in the risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. In humans plasma cholesterol is contained primarily in apolipoprotein B-based low density lipoprotein (LDL). Cells stop making the high-affinity receptor responsible for LDL removal as they become cholesterol replete; this slows removal of LDL from plasma and elevates plasma LDL. As a result of this delayed uptake, hypercholesterolemic individuals not only have more LDL but have significantly older LDL. Oxidative modification of LDL enhances their atherogenicity. This study sought to determine whether increased time spent in circulation, or aging, by lipoprotein particles altered their susceptibility to oxidative modification. Controlled synchronous production of distinctive apolipoprotein B lipoproteins (yolk-specific very low density lipoproteins; VLDLy) with a single estrogen injection into young turkeys was used to model LDL aging in vivo. VLDLy remained in circulation for at least 10 days. Susceptibility to oxidation in vitro was highly dependent on lipoprotein age in vivo. Oxidation, measured as hexanal release from n-6 fatty acids in VLDLy, increased from 13.3 +/- 5.5 nmol of 2-day-old VLDLy per ml, to 108 +/- 17 nmol of 7-day-old VLDLy per ml. Oxidative instability was not due to tocopherol depletion or conversion to a more unsaturated fatty acid composition. These findings establish mathematically describable linkages between the variables of LDL concentration and LDL oxidation. The proposed mathematical models suggest a unified investigative approach to determine the mechanisms for acceleration of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease risk as plasma cholesterol rises.


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Transcription of the macrophage scavenger receptor A gene is markedly upregulated during monocyte to macrophage differentiation. In these studies, we demonstrate that 291 bp of the proximal scavenger receptor promoter, in concert with a 400-bp upstream enhancer element, is sufficient to direct macrophage-specific expression of a human growth hormone reporter in transgenic mice. These regulatory elements, which contain binding sites for PU.1, AP-1, and cooperating ets-domain transcription factors, are also sufficient to mediate regulation of transgene expression during the in vitro differentiation of bone marrow progenitor cells in response to macrophage colony-stimulating factor. Mutation of the PU.1 binding site within the scavenger receptor promoter severely impairs transgene expression, consistent with a crucial role of PU.1 in regulating the expression of the scavenger receptor gene. The ability of the scavenger receptor promoter and enhancer to target gene expression to macrophages in vivo, including foam cells of atherosclerotic lesions, suggests that these regulatory elements will be of general utility in the study of macrophage differentiation and function by permitting specific modifications of macrophage gene expression.


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By screening a cDNA library constructed from aortic total RNA derived from Watanabe heritable hyperlipidemic (WHHL) rabbits by differential hybridization, we have obtained a cDNA encoding the kappa light chain of immunoglobulin. Northern blot analysis of total RNA prepared from aortas of WHHL and normal rabbits of various ages revealed that this light-chain mRNA accumulates gradually with age in aortas in WHHL rabbits. Northern blotting and in situ hybridization with an antisense oligonucleotide specific to rabbit immunoglobulin gamma heavy-chain mRNA also detected accumulation of this heavy-chain mRNA in advanced lesions of WHHL rabbit aortas. Moreover, immunohistochemical and electron microscopic analyses demonstrated the presence of plasma cells in the atherosclerotic lesions.


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The discovery that the epsilon 4 allele of the apolipoprotein E (apoE) gene is a putative risk factor for Alzheimer disease (AD) in the general population has highlighted the role of genetic influences in this extremely common and disabling illness. It has long been recognized that another genetic abnormality, trisomy 21 (Down syndrome), is associated with early and severe development of AD neuropathological lesions. It remains a challenge, however, to understand how these facts relate to the pathological changes in the brains of AD patients. We used computerized image analysis to examine the size distribution of one of the characteristic neuropathological lesions in AD, deposits of A beta peptide in senile plaques (SPs). Surprisingly, we find that a log-normal distribution fits the SP size distribution quite well, motivating a porous model of SP morphogenesis. We then analyzed SP size distribution curves in genotypically defined subgroups of AD patients. The data demonstrate that both apoE epsilon 4/AD and trisomy 21/AD lead to increased amyloid deposition, but by apparently different mechanisms. The size distribution curve is shifted toward larger plaques in trisomy 21/AD, probably reflecting increased A beta production. In apoE epsilon 4/AD, the size distribution is unchanged but the number of SP is increased compared to apoE epsilon 3, suggesting increased probability of SP initiation. These results demonstrate that subgroups of AD patients defined on the basis of molecular characteristics have quantitatively different neuropathological phenotypes.


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The aged population have an increased susceptibility to infection, therefore function of the innate immune system may be impaired as we age. Macrophages, and their precursors monocytes, play an important role in host defence in the form of phagocytosis, and also link the innate and adaptive immune system via antigen presentation. Classically-activated 'M1' macrophages are pro-inflammatory, which can be induced by encountering pathogenic material or pro-inflammatory mediators. Alternatively activated 'M2' macrophages have a largely reparative role, including clearance of apoptotic bodies and debris from tissues. Despite some innate immune receptors being implicated in the clearance of apoptotic cells, the process has been observed to have a dominant anti-inflammatory phenotype with cytokines such as IL-10 and TGF-ß being implicated. The atherosclerotic plaque contains recruited monocytes and macrophages, and is a highly inflammatory environment despite high levels of apoptosis. At these sites, monocytes differentiate into macrophages and gorge on lipoproteins, resulting in formation of 'foam cells' which then undergo apoptosis, recruiting further monocytes. This project seeks to understand why, given high levels of apoptosis, the plaque is a pro-inflammatory environment. This phenomenon may be the result of the aged environment or an inability of foam cells to elicit an anti-inflammatory effect in response to dying cells. Here we demonstrate that lipoprotein treatment of macrophages in culture results in reduced capacity to clear apoptotic cells. The effect of lipoprotein treatment on apoptotic cell-mediated immune modulation of macrophage function is currently under study.


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Since the earliest descriptions, senile plaques (SP) and neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) have been regarded as the pathological hallmarks of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Consequently, studies of the morphology, distribution, and molecular composition of SP and NFT have played an important role in developing theories as to the pathogenesis of AD; the most important being the 'Amyloid Cascade Hypothesis (ACH)'. Nevertheless, the significance of SP and NFT to the pathogenesis of AD remains controversial. This review examines three questions: 1) is there a relationship between the lesions and the degree of clinical dementia, 2) is the pathogenesis of the NFT linked to that of the SP, and 3) what is the relationship of SP and NFT to the pathogenesis of AD? These questions are discussed with reference to the morphology and molecular composition of SP and NFT, the effects of gene mutations, studies of head injury patients, experimental studies involving brain lesions and transgenes, and the degeneration of specific anatomical pathways. It was concluded that SP and NFT are not closely related to the developing dementia in AD, arise as relatively independent lesions, and may be the products of a degenerative process rather than being their cause.


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The density of senile plaques (SP) and neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) was studied in Glees and Marsland stained sections of the hippocampus and parahippocampal gyrus (PHG) in 20 pateints with Alzheimer's disease. In addition, in six of the patients, the density of beta/A4 protein deposits, as revealed by immunohistochemistry and neurofibrillary changes demonstrated with the Gallyas stain, were studied in adjacent sections. The density of Glees SP and beta/A4 deposits was significantly greater in area CA1 of the hippocampus and in the subiculum than in the PHG. Hence, neurofibrillary degeneration appears to be a more important lesion than beta/A4 deposition in the hippocampus compared with the PHG. In addition, the detailed distribution of the lesions in the hippocampus could be explained if beta/A4/SP and NFT occur on the axon terminals and in the cell bodies respectively of the same neurons.


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This study tested three hypotheses: (1) that there is clustering of the neuronal cytoplasmic inclusions (NCI), astrocytic plaques (AP) and ballooned neurons (BN) in corticobasal degeneration (CBD), (2) that the clusters of NCI and BN are not spatially correlated, and (3) that the lesions are correlated with disease ‘stage’. In 50% of the regions, clusters of lesions were 400–800 µm in diameter and regularly distributed parallel to the tissue boundary. Clusters of NCI and BN were larger in laminae II/III and V/VI, respectively. In a third of regions, the clusters of BN and NCI were negatively spatially correlated. Cluster size of the BN in the parahippocampal gyrus (PHG) was positively correlated with disease ‘stage’. The data suggest the following: (1) degeneration of the cortico-cortical pathways in CBD, (2) clusters of NCI and BN may affect different anatomical pathways and (3) BN may develop after the NCI in the PHG.