867 resultados para Anti-viral response


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Objective: We investigated the effect of advanced glycated albumin (AGE-albumin) on macrophage sensitivity to inflammation elicited by S100B calgranulin and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and the mechanism by which HDL modulates this response. We also measured the influence of the culture medium, isolated from macrophages treated with AGE-albumin, on reverse cholesterol transport (RCT). Methods and results: Macrophages were incubated with control (C) or AGE-albumin in the presence or absence of HDL, followed by incubations with S100B or LPS. Also, culture medium obtained from cells treated with C- or AGE-albumin, following S100B or LPS stimulation was utilized to treat naive macrophages in order to evaluate cholesterol efflux and the expression of HDL receptors. In comparison with C-albumin, AGE-albumin, promoted a greater secretion of cytokines after stimulation with S100B or LPS. A greater amount of cytokines was also produced by macrophages treated with AGE-albumin even in the presence of HDL Cytokine-enriched medium, drawn from incubations with AGE-albumin and S100B or LPS impaired the cholesterol efflux mediated by apoA-I (23% and 37%, respectively), HDL2 (43% and 47%, respectively) and HDL3 (20% and 8.5%, respectively) and reduced ABCA-1 protein level (16% and 26%, respectively). Conclusions: AGE-albumin primes macrophages for an inflammatory response impairing the RCT. Moreover, AGE-albumin abrogates the anti-inflammatory role of HDL, which may aggravate the development of atherosclerosis in DM. (C) 2012 Elsevier BM. All rights reserved.


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Myeloid cell leukemia-1 (Mcl-1) ist ein anti-apoptotisches Mitglied der Bcl-2-Proteinfamilie. Als solches ist es in der Lage, die mitochondriale Aktivierung während der Apoptose zu hemmen. Dadurch schützt es Zellen bei zellulärem Stress (wie z.B. Differenzierung, Proliferation oder Virusinfektion) vor Apoptoseinduktion. Aufgrund dieser Eigenschaft ist es unabkömmlich während der Embryogenese und in verschiedenen hämatopoetischen Zellpopulationen. Des Weiteren ist Mcl-1 als Protoonkogen in verschiedenen humanen Tumorentitäten verstärkt exprimiert und kann so zu einer verminderten Apoptosesensitivität von Tumorzellen beitragen. Auch primäre humane Hepatozyten können nach Mcl-1-Induktion durch Wachstumsfaktorbehandlung gegenüber CD95-vermittelter Apoptose geschützt werden. Daher sollte untersucht werden, welche Bedeutung Mcl-1 im hepatozellulären Karzinom (HCC) und in der gesunden Leber einnimmt. Hierzu wurde zunächst humanes HCC-Gewebe hinsichtlich der Expression von Mcl-1 untersucht. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass Mcl-1 sowohl auf mRNA- als auch auf Protein-Ebene in HCC-Gewebe verstärkt exprimiert ist im Vergleich zu benachbartem Normalgewebe. Auch in verschiedenen HCC-Zelllinien konnte eine starke Mcl-1-Expression nachgewiesen werden. Diese war vor allem über den PI3K/Akt-Signalweg reguliert. Eine Hemmung dieses Signalwegs führte zu einer Reduktion der Mcl-1-Expression und so zu einer Sensitivierung der Zellen gegenüber verschiedenen Chemotherapeutika und zielgerichteten Therapien. Des Weiteren wurde die Mcl-1-Expression spezifisch durch RNA-Interferenz gehemmt. Auch hier konnte gezeigt werden, dass Zellen mit unterdrückter Mcl-1-Expression deutlich sensitiver gegenüber verschiedenen Apoptose-induzierenden Substanzen reagierten. Eine kombinierte Hemmung der Mcl-1-Expression und der PI3-Kinase führte schließlich zu einer nochmals verstärkten Sensitivierung. Im Gegensatz dazu führte eine Überexpression von Mcl-1 zu einer Hemmung der Apoptoseinduktion. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit wurde eine Mauslinie etabliert, welche spezifisch in Hepatozyten kein Mcl-1 exprimiert, um so die Bedeutung von Mcl-1 für die Leber in vivo zu untersuchen. Es zeigte sich, dass Mcl-1flox/flox-AlbCre-Mäuse bereits im Alter von acht Wochen eine verminderte Lebergröße aufweisen. Dies wurde verursacht durch spontane Apoptoseinduktion in den Mcl-1 negativen Hepatozyten. Hierdurch kam es zu einer Leberschädigung, ersichtlich durch erhöhte Transaminasenwerte, erhöhte Caspase-3-Aktivierung, und Schädigung der Gewebsstruktur. Zudem war als kompensatorischer Effekt die Zellproliferation erhöht, ohne dass sich jedoch das Lebergewicht an das von Kontrolltieren anglich. Interessanterweise kam es in Mcl-1flox/flox-AlbCre-Mäusen als Folge der chronischen Leberschädigung zur Entwicklung einer Leberfibrose, ersichtlich durch eine verstärkte Collageneinlagerung. Weiterhin reagierten Mcl-1flox/flox-AlbCre-Mäuse wesentlich empfindlicher gegenüber Todesrezeptor-vermittelter Apoptose. Diese Daten zeigen zum einen, dass Mcl-1 zur Apoptoseresistenz von HCC-Zellen beitragen kann. Zielgerichtete Therapien, welche die Expression von Mcl-1 hemmen, könnten folglich für die Therapie des HCCs von Interesse sein. Des Weiteren konnte in dieser Arbeit zum ersten Mal gezeigt werden, dass Mcl-1 ein zentraler anti-apoptotischer Faktor für Hepatozyten in vivo ist.


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Introduction: Antiviral therapy can prevent disease progression in patients with chronic hepatitis C . Transient Elastografy (TE; Fibroscan) is an accurate surrogate marker to liver fibrosis, by measuring liver stiffness (LS). LS decrease has been associated with sustained virologic response (SVR). Aim: to assess the changes of LS measurments in CHC patients during and one year after Interferon (IFN)-based antiviral therapy (IFN/ribavirin) or (telaprevir+IFN/ribavirin). Methods: consecutive 69 CHC patients (53.6% females, mean age 57.9 ± 11.4) who underwent antiviral therapy for at least 20 weeks were enrolled. LS was measured using FibroScan at baseline, after three months, at the end of treatment and one year after treatment discontinuation. Fibrosis was graded using METAVIR score. Results: twenty patients treated with triple therapy and 49 with IFN/ribavirin. Fifty patients had SVR and 19 were non-responders. SVR patients: F0-F1, F2 and F3 patients (39.1%, 7.2% and 17.4%; respectively) showed no significant LS decrease (P= 0.186, 0.068 and 0.075; respectively). Conversely, in F4 patients (36.2%) LS was significantly decreased (P=0.015) after one year of treatment completion. In all patients with no SVR, no significant decrease in LS was observed. Interestingly, all Patients with F4 fibrosis (even non-responders) showed an initial significant decrease in LS (P=0.024) at 3 months after the start of treatment. However, this decrease was not predictive of SVR; area under the ROC curve 0.369 (CI %: 0.145-0.592) P= 0.265. Conclusion: Our study showed that initial decrease in LSM, especially in patients with higher baseline fibrosis score is unlikely to predict an SVR. In addition no significant association was found between clinical or virological parameters and fibrosis improvement. Further studies are needed to delineate the most appropriate clinical scenarios for the LSM by Fibroscan in chronic hepatitis C and its role in monitoring the response to antiviral treatment.


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Discontinuation of maintenance therapy against toxoplasma encephalitis (TE) for individuals infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving successful anti-retroviral therapy is considered safe. Nevertheless, there are few published studies concerning this issue. Within the setting of the Swiss HIV Cohort Study, this report describes a prospective study of discontinuation of maintenance therapy against TE in patients with a sustained increase of CD4 counts to > 200 cells/microL and 14% of total lymphocytes, and no active lesions on cerebral magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). In addition to clinical evaluation, cerebral MRI was performed at baseline, and 1 and 6 months following discontinuation. Twenty-six AIDS patients with a history of TE agreed to participate, but three patients (11%) could not be enrolled because they still showed enhancing cerebral lesions without a clinical correlate. One patient refused MRI after 6 months while clinically asymptomatic. Among the remaining 22 patients who discontinued maintenance therapy, one relapsed after 3 months. During a total follow-up of 58 patient-years, there was no TE relapse among the patients who had remained clinically and radiologically free of relapse during the study. Thus, discontinuation of maintenance therapy against TE was generally safe, but may fail in a minority of patients. Patients who remain clinically and radiologically free of relapse at 6 months after discontinuation are unlikely to experience a relapse of TE.


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Respiratory disease in beef calves has been associated with the stress of weaning. Management practices commonly delay vaccination of calves to this time, and weaning stress could potentially suppress the immune response. To reduce this stress we have been experimenting with a procedure termed “pasture weaning” in which the dams are removed and the calves remain on pasture. Observation suggests that calves weaned with this approach adapt to the weaned state much better than those held in drylot. Consequently, one would expect less stress-mediated effects including those on the immune system. Calves were weaned and assigned to groups that were pasture or drylot weaned, and calves within the groups were vaccinated with one of two inactivated virus vaccines by either the intramuscular or subcutaneous route. Weaning placement did not affect antibody responses to the viruses included in the vaccines. The route of administration did not influence responses with subcutaneous injection inducing responses equivalent to the intramuscular site. Utilization of this route for vaccination could be advantageous because it precludes the tissue damage and hidden abscessation that sometimes results from intramuscular injections. A distinct difference was noted in the immunogenicity of the vaccines with the Vira Shield product yielding significantly better responses to all viral entities.


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Cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) play an important role in the suppression of initial viremia after acute infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the causative agent of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). Most HIV-infected individuals attain a high titer of anti-HIV antibodies within weeks of infection; however this antibody-mediated immune response appears not to be protective. In addition, anti-HIV antibodies can be detrimental to the immune response to HIV through enhancement of infection and participating in autoimmune reactions as a result of HIV protein mimicry of self antigens. Thus induction and maintenance of a strong HIV-specific CTL immune response in the absence of anti-HIV antibodies has been proposed to be the most effective means of controlling of HIV infection. Immunization with synthetic peptides representing HIV-specific CTL epitopes provides a way to induce specific CTL responses, while avoiding stimulation of anti-HIV antibody. This dissertation examines the capacity of synthetic peptides from the V3 loop region of the gp120 envelope protein from several different strain of HIV-1 to induce HIV-specific, MHC-restricted CD8$\sp+$ CTL response in vivo in a mouse model. Seven synthetic peptides representative of sequences found throughout North America, Europe, and Central Africa have been shown to prime CTLs in vivo. In the case of the MN strain of HIV-1, a 13 amino acid sequence defining the epitope is most efficient for optimal induction of specific CTL, whereas eight to nine amino acid sequences that could define the epitope were not immunogenic. In addition, synthesis of peptides with specific amino acid substitutions that are important for either MHC binding or T cell receptor recognition resulted in peptides that exhibited increased immunogenicity and induced CTLs that displayed altered specificity. V3 loop peptides from HIV-1 MN, SC, and Z321 induced a CTL population that was broadly cross-reactive against strains of HIV-1 found throughout the world. This research confirms the potential efficacy of using synthetic peptides for in vivo immunization to induce HIV-specific CTL-mediated responses and provides a basis for further research into development of synthetic peptide-based vaccines. ^


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Introduction: Drought is one of the most significant factors that limit plant productivity. Oxidative stress is a secondary event in many unfavorable environmental conditions. Intracellular proteases have a role in the metabolism reorganisation and nutrient remobilization under stress. In order to under stand the relative significance of oxidative stress and proteolysis in the yield reduction under drought, four varieties of Triticum aestivum L. with different field drought resistance were examined. Methods: A two-year field experiment was conducted. Analyses were performed on the upper most leaf of control plants and plants under water deficitat the stages most critical for yield reduction under drought (from jointing till milk ripeness). Leaf water deficit and electrolyte leakage, malondyaldehyde level, activities and isoenzymes of superoxide dismutase, catalase and peroxidase, leaf protein content and proteolytic activity were studied. Yield components were analyzed. Results: A general trend of increasing the membrane in stability and accumulation of lipid hydroperoxides was observed with some differences among varieties, especially under drought. The anti-oxidative enzyme activities were progressively enhanced, as well as the azocaseinolytic activities. The leaf protein content decreased under drought at the last phase. Differences among varieties were observed in the parameters under study. They were compared to yield components` reduction under water deprivation.


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Reluctance has been expressed about treating chronic hepatitis C in active intravenous (IV) drug users (IDUs), and this is found in both international guidelines and routine clinical practice. However, the medical literature provides no evidence for an unequivocal treatment deferral of this risk group. We retrospectively analyzed the direct effect of IV drug use on treatment outcome in 500 chronic hepatitis C patients enrolled in the Swiss Hepatitis C Cohort Study. Patients were eligible for the study if they had their serum hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA tested 6 months after the end of treatment and at least one visit during the antiviral therapy, documenting the drug use status. Five hundred patients fulfilled the inclusion criteria (199 were IDU and 301 controls). A minimum exposure to 80% of the scheduled cumulative dose of antivirals was reached in 66.0% of IDU and 60.5% of controls (P = NS). The overall sustained virological response (SVR) rate was 63.6%. Active IDU reached a SVR of 69.3%, statistically not significantly different from controls (59.8%). A multivariate analysis for treatment success showed no significant negative influence of active IV drug use. In conclusion, our study shows no relevant direct influence of IV drugs on the efficacy of anti-HCV therapy among adherent patients.


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BACKGROUND Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) is the major cause of viral encephalitis in Southeast Asia. Vaccination of domestic pigs has been suggested as a "one health" strategy to reduce viral disease transmission to humans. The efficiency of two lentiviral TRIP/JEV vectors expressing the JEV envelope prM and E glycoproteins at eliciting protective humoral response was assessed in a mouse model and piglets. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS A gene encoding the envelope proteins prM and E from a genotype 3 JEV strain was inserted into a lentiviral TRIP vector. Two lentiviral vectors TRIP/JEV were generated, each expressing the prM signal peptide followed by the prM protein and the E glycoprotein, the latter being expressed either in its native form or lacking its two C-terminal transmembrane domains. In vitro transduction of cells with the TRIP/JEV vector expressing the native prM and E resulted in the efficient secretion of virus-like particles of Japanese encephalitis virus. Immunization of BALB/c mice with TRIP/JEV vectors resulted in the production of IgGs against Japanese encephalitis virus, and the injection of a second dose one month after the prime injection greatly boosted antibody titers. The TRIP/JEV vectors elicited neutralizing antibodies against JEV strains belonging to genotypes 1, 3, and 5. Immunization of piglets with two doses of the lentiviral vector expressing JEV virus-like particles led to high titers of anti-JEV antibodies, that had efficient neutralizing activity regardless of the JEV genotype tested. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE Immunization of pigs with the lentiviral vector expressing JEV virus-like particles is particularly efficient to prime antigen-specific humoral immunity and trigger neutralizing antibody responses against JEV genotypes 1, 3, and 5. The titers of neutralizing antibodies elicited by the TRIP/JEV vector are sufficient to confer protection in domestic pigs against different genotypes of JEV and this could be of a great utility in endemic regions where more than one genotype is circulating.


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A serologic response to hepatitis B virus (HBV) defined as 'anti-HBc alone' is commonly observed, but its significance remains unclear. This study aimed to define the relationship between 'anti-HBc alone' serostatus and HBV infection, including HBV-specific T- and B-cell memory responses. We enrolled 31 'anti-HBc alone' patients. Total HBV DNA and cccDNA were tested by nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis in liver samples from 22 'anti-HBc alone' patients vs controls (chronic or resolved HBV infection), followed by HBsAg/HBcAg immunohistochemical (IHC) staining. IFN-γ secretion by HBV-specific T cells was compared in individuals who were 'anti-HBc alone' (n = 27), resolved HBV (n = 21), chronic HBV (n = 24) and 12 healthy controls using enzyme-linked immunospot (ELISpot) assays. An HBsAg-IgG B-cell ELISpot assay was performed in 'anti-HBc alone' patients before and after one dose of recombinant HBsAg vaccine. The majority (23/31, 74.2%) of the 'anti-HBc alone' individuals were co-infected with HCV. Infrequent intrahepatic total HBV DNA (2/22, 9.1%) and cccDNA (1/22, 4.5%) were detected in biopsies; HBsAg and HBcAg IHC staining was negative. HBV-specific T-cell responses were similar between 'anti-HBc alone' individuals and HBV resolvers. Circulating HBV-memory B-cell responses were detected in all 'anti-HBc alone' individuals, consistent with an HBsAg-specific memory pool. After one HBV vaccine dose, increased anti-HBs antibody levels were observed, accompanied by an expansion of HBsAg-specific memory B cells (P = 0.0226). 'Anti-HBc alone' individuals showed HBV-specific T-cell and memory B-cell responses typical of previous viral exposure and protective memory, suggesting a resolved infection.