970 resultados para Anterior Conreal Topography
BACKGROUND Some controversy remains about the potential applicability of cognitive potentials for evaluating the cerebral activity associated with cognitive capacity. A fundamental requirement is that these neurophysiological parameters show a high level of stability over time. Previous studies have shown that the reliability of diverse parameters of the P3 component (latency and amplitude) ranges between moderate and high. However, few studies have paid attention to the retest reliability of the P3 topography in groups or individuals. Considering that changes in P3 topography have been related to different pathologies and healthy aging, the main objective of this article was to evaluate in a longitudinal study (two sessions) the reliability of P3 topography in a group and at the individual level. RESULTS The correlation between sessions for P3 topography in the grand average of groups was high (r = 0.977, p<0.001). The within-subject correlation values ranged from 0.626 to 0.981 (mean: 0.888). In the between-subjects topography comparisons, the correlation was always lower for comparisons between different subjects than for within-subjects correlations in the first session but not in the second session. CONCLUSIONS The present study shows that P3 topography is highly reliable for group analysis (comprising the same subjects) in different sessions. The results also confirmed that retest reliability for individual P3 maps is suitable for follow-up studies for a particular subject. Moreover, P3 topography appears to be a specific marker considering that the between-subjects correlations were lower than the within-subject correlations. However, P3 topography appears more similar between subjects in the second session, demonstrating that is modulated by experience. Possible clinical applications of all these results are discussed.
Initial topography and inherited structural discontinuities are known to play a dominant role in rock slope stability. Previous 2-D physical modeling results demonstrated that even if few preexisting fractures are activated/propagated during gravitational failure all of those heterogeneities had a great influence on mobilized volume and its kinematics. The question we address in the present study is to determine if such a result is also observed in 3-D. As in 2-D previous models we examine geologically stable model configuration, based upon the well documented landslide at Randa, Switzerland. The 3-D models consisted of a homogeneous material in which several fracture zones were introduced in order to study simplified but realistic configurations of discontinuities (e.g. based on natural example rather than a parametric study). Results showed that the type of gravitational failure (deep-seated landslide or sequential failure) and resulting slope morphology evolution are the result of the interplay of initial topography and inherited preexisting fractures (orientation and density). The three main results are i) the initial topography exerts a strong control on gravitational slope failure. Indeed in each tested configuration (even in the isotropic one without fractures) the model is affected by a rock slide, ii) the number of simulated fracture sets greatly influences the volume mobilized and its kinematics, and iii) the failure zone involved in the 1991 event is smaller than the results produced by the analog modeling. This failure may indicate that the zone mobilized in 1991 is potentially only a part of a larger deep-seated landslide and/or wider deep seated gravitational slope deformation.
BACKGROUND: Ultrasound Biomicroscopy (UBM) is a new ophthalmological imaging technique essentially designed for the study of the anterior eye segment. Over the last 10 months, we've evaluated its contribution to the conservative treatment of anterior uveal melanoma's by means of accelerated proton beam irradiation. MATERIAL: Using UBM, we have examined 55 cases of uveal melanoma's, whose anterior border was situated at 6 mm or less from the limbus and that were consequently treated by proton beam irradiation. RESULTS: The presumed tumoral origin was the ciliary body's pars plicata in 13 cases and the pars plana or the choroid in 42 cases, 17 of which presented a tumoral invasion of the pars plicata. A pars plana detachment anterior to or surrounding the anterior tumoral border, was present in 22 cases. The height of the tumor could only be measured by UBM if it was less than 2.5 mm. Information gathered using UBM have contributed to an improvement of the therapy plan in 32 cases. CONCLUSION: Because of the strong attenuation of the high frequency ultrasound signal, UBM can only be used for the examination of intra-ocular structures situated in direct neighbourhood to the global wall. Despite this technical limitation, ist contribution to the planning of the conservative treatment of anterior uveal melanoma's by proton beam irradiation has appeared to be considerable.
To evaluate the severity of airway pathologies, quantitative dimensioning of airways is of utmost importance. Endoscopic vision gives a projective image and thus no true scaling information can be directly deduced from it. In this article, an approach based on an interferometric setup, a low-coherence laser source and a standard rigid endoscope is presented, and applied to hollow samples measurements. More generally, the use of the low-coherence interferometric setup detailed here could be extended to any other endoscopy-related field of interest, e.g., gastroscopy, arthroscopy and other medical or industrial applications where tri-dimensional topology is required. The setup design with a multiple fibers illumination system is presented. Demonstration of the method ability to operate on biological samples is assessed through measurements on ex vivo pig bronchi.
Background: The current data comparing posterior and anterior circulation strokes with regards to clinical, etiological, radiological and outcome factors are conflicting. We searched for distinguishing features between both territories in 1'449 consecutive acute ischemic stroke patients. Methods: All consecutive patients with acute ischemic stroke admitted to a single stroke unit from January 2003 to July 2008 were included in a prospective registry. Territory of acute stroke was determined by a combination of neuroimaging (MRI and / CT / CTP) and clinical symptoms and signs. Patients with uncertain localisation and patients with simultaneous strokes in the anterior and posterior circulation were excluded from this analysis. Results: Of a total of 1728 patients, 466 (17.0%) had had posterior, 983 (56.8%) anterior, 136 (7.9%) unknown territory, and 43 (2.5%) simultaneous posterior and anterior territory stroke. Of 39 variables that were compared, 29 differed significantly in univariate analysis, including less dependency (OR_0.50) and mortality (OR_0.56) at 3 months in posterior stroke. In multivariate analysis (see table), male gender, lacunar mechanism, arterial dissection and endovascular recanalisation were more frequent in posterior stroke, and admission NIHSS and IV-thrombolysis rate were lower. Significant acute arterial pathology (_50% stenosis) was less frequently found on acute imaging in posterior stroke (OR_0.33). Of 633 patients with significant arterial pathology, it was more frequently present intracranially in posterior (OR_1.62) and extracranially in anterior stroke (OR _ 0.87). In 610 patients where recanalisation was assessed at 24 hours, intracranial (OR_0.26), extracranial (OR_0.25) and overall recanalisation (OR_0.34) was less frequent in the posterior circulation. Conclusions: Acute posterior strokes are less severe and recover better, despite lower IV thrombolysis and recanalisation rates. They are more frequently due to lacunes and dissections and have less arterial pathology burden then anterior circulation strokes.
Current models of brain organization include multisensory interactions at early processing stages and within low-level, including primary, cortices. Embracing this model with regard to auditory-visual (AV) interactions in humans remains problematic. Controversy surrounds the application of an additive model to the analysis of event-related potentials (ERPs), and conventional ERP analysis methods have yielded discordant latencies of effects and permitted limited neurophysiologic interpretability. While hemodynamic imaging and transcranial magnetic stimulation studies provide general support for the above model, the precise timing, superadditive/subadditive directionality, topographic stability, and sources remain unresolved. We recorded ERPs in humans to attended, but task-irrelevant stimuli that did not require an overt motor response, thereby circumventing paradigmatic caveats. We applied novel ERP signal analysis methods to provide details concerning the likely bases of AV interactions. First, nonlinear interactions occur at 60-95 ms after stimulus and are the consequence of topographic, rather than pure strength, modulations in the ERP. AV stimuli engage distinct configurations of intracranial generators, rather than simply modulating the amplitude of unisensory responses. Second, source estimations (and statistical analyses thereof) identified primary visual, primary auditory, and posterior superior temporal regions as mediating these effects. Finally, scalar values of current densities in all of these regions exhibited functionally coupled, subadditive nonlinear effects, a pattern increasingly consistent with the mounting evidence in nonhuman primates. In these ways, we demonstrate how neurophysiologic bases of multisensory interactions can be noninvasively identified in humans, allowing for a synthesis across imaging methods on the one hand and species on the other.
Introduction: The interhemispheric asymmetries that originate from connectivity-related structuring of the cerebral cortex are compromised in schizophrenia (SZ). Recently, we have revealed the whole-head topography of EEG synchronization in SZ (Jalili et al. 2007; Knyazeva et al. 2008). Here we extended the analysis to assess the abnormality in the asymmetry of synchronization, which is further motivated by the evidence that the interhemispheric asymmetries suspected to be abnormal in SZ originate from the connectivity-related structuring of the cortex. Methods: Thirteen right-handed SZ patients and thirteen matched controls, participated in this study and the multichannel (128) EEGs were recorded for 3-5 minutes at rest. Then, Laplacian EEG (LEEG) were calculated using a 2-D spline. The LEEGs were analysis through calculating the power spectral density using Welch's average periodogram method. Furthermore, using a state-space based multivariate synchronization measure, S-estimator, we analyzed the correlate of the functional cortico-cortical connectivity in SZ patients compared to the controls. The values of S-estimator were obtained at three different special scales: first-order neighbors for each sensor location, second-order neighbors, and the whole hemisphere. The synchronization measures based on LEEG of alpha and beta bands were applied and tuned to various spatial scales including local, intraregional, and long-distance levels. To assess the between-group differences, we used a permutation version of Hotelling's T2 test. For correlation analysis, Spearman Rank Correlation was calculated. Results: Compared to the controls, who had rightward asymmetry at a local level (LEEG power), rightward anterior and leftward posterior asymmetries at an intraregional level (first- and second-order S-estimator), and rightward global asymmetry (hemispheric S-estimator), SZ patients showed generally attenuated asymmetry, the effect being strongest for intraregional synchronization. This deviation in asymmetry across the anterior-to-posterior axis is consistent with the cerebral form of the so-called Yakovlevian or anticlockwise cerebral torque. Moreover, the negative occipital and positive frontal asymmetry values suggest higher regional synchronization among the left occipital and the right frontal locations relative to their symmetrical counterparts. Correlation analysis linked the posterior intraregional and hemispheric abnormalities to the negative SZ symptoms, whereas the asymmetry of LEEG power appeared to be weakly coupled to clinical ratings. The posterior intraregional abnormalities of asymmetry were shown to increase with the duration of the disease. The tentative links between these findings and gross anatomical asymmetries, including the cerebral torque and gyrification pattern in normal subjects and SZ patients, are discussed. Conclusions: Overall, our findings reveal the abnormalities in the synchronization asymmetry in SZ patients and heavy involvement of the right hemisphere in these abnormalities. These results indicate that anomalous asymmetry of cortico-cortical connections in schizophrenia is amenable to electrophysiological analysis.
The use of cages of different material and shapes for cervical discectomy with fusion (ACDF) has increased during the last few years. The use of additional osteogenic material is controversial. We prospectively evaluated an empty, Plasmapore-covered titanium cage (PCTC) in 45 patients undergoing 58 ACDFs. Patients were evaluated using standard clinical and radiological criteria. Good to excellent outcome was achieved in 93%, 78% and 75% after 3, 12 and 48 months, respectively. Sixty-five percent of patients could resume their prior work after 48 months. Disc space height and lordosis could be preserved in all cases. Two percent of the treated levels showed subsidence and 2% increased segmental motion. There were no procedure-related complications. Implantation of an empty PCTC after microsurgical anterior cervical discectomy is a safe procedure with good results and low incidence of complications. Disc height and lordosis can be preserved with low incidence of subsidence and good fusion rates.
The visual cortex in each hemisphere is linked to the opposite hemisphere by axonal projections that pass through the splenium of the corpus callosum. Visual-callosal connections in humans and macaques are found along the V1/V2 border where the vertical meridian is represented. Here we identify the topography of V1 vertical midline projections through the splenium within six human subjects with normal vision using diffusion-weighted MR imaging and probabilistic diffusion tractography. Tractography seed points within the splenium were classified according to their estimated connectivity profiles to topographic subregions of V1, as defined by functional retinotopic mapping. First, we report a ventral-dorsal mapping within the splenium with fibers from ventral V1 (representing the upper visual field) projecting to the inferior-anterior corner of the splenium and fibers from dorsal V1 (representing the lower visual field) projecting to the superior-posterior end. Second, we also report an eccentricity gradient of projections from foveal-to-peripheral V1 subregions running in the anterior-superior to posterior-inferior direction, orthogonal to the dorsal-ventral mapping. These results confirm and add to a previous diffusion MRI study (Dougherty et al., 2005) which identified a dorsal/ventral mapping of human splenial fibers. These findings yield a more detailed view of the structural organization of the splenium than previously reported and offer new opportunities to study structural plasticity in the visual system.
Purpose: To describe the evolution of retinal thickness in eyes affected with acute anterior uveitis (AAU) in the course of follow-up and to assess its correlation with severity of inflammatory activity in the anterior chamber. Methods: Design: Prospective, cohort study Setting: Institutional study Patient population: 72 eyes (affected and fellow eyes) of 36 patients Observation procedure: Patients were followed daily until beginning of resolution of inflammatory activity and weekly thereafter. Optical coherence tomography and laser flare photometry were performed at each visit. Treatment consisted of topical corticosteroids Main outcome measures: Retinal thickness of affected eyes, difference in retinal thickness between affected and fellow eyes and their evolution in time, association between maximal retinal thickness and initial laser flare photometry. Results: Difference in retinal thickness between affected and fellow eyes became significant on average seven days from baseline and remained so through-out follow-up (p<0.001). There was a steep increase in retinal thickness of affected eyes followed by a progressive decrease after reaching a peak value. Maximal difference in retinal thickness between affected and fellow eyes was observed between 17 and 25 days from baseline and exhibited a strong, positive correlation with initial laser flare photometry values (p=0.015). Conclusions: Retinal thickness in eyes affected with AAU presents a steep increase over 3 to 4 weeks and then gradually decreases. Severity of inflammation at baseline predicts the amount of retinal thickening in affected eyes. A characteristic pattern of temporal response of retinal anatomy to inflammatory stimuli seems to arise.
Se estima que en España la incidencia de la lesión del ligamento cruzado anterior (L.C.A) es de 4 casos por cada 10.000 habitantes/año. Su reconstrucción quirúrgica incluye habitualmente la utilización de autoinjertos (con tejido tendinoso propio del paciente). Los dos más frecuentes son de tendón rotuliano y de tendones isquiotibiales.La lesión del L.C.A y su intervención quirúrgica hace tributario al trabajador de una incapacidad temporal (IT). No existe consenso en cuanto a la elección entre los dos injertos en la cirugía de L.C.A ni se conoce su impacto en la duración de la IT.El objetivo principal de este trabajo es describir la duración de la incapacidad temporal en función de la técnica quirúrgica de autoinjertos utilizada en la reconstrucción del ligamento cruzado anterior.Se trata de cohorte retrospectiva de 151 trabajadores que han sido tributarios de una IT por plastia de ligamento cruzado anterior de la rodilla, utilizando autoinjertos. El ámbito de estudio es una mutua de accidentes de trabajo y enfermedades profesionales de la Seguridad Social (Mutual Midat Cyclops - MC MUTUAL). Los trabajadores han sido intervenidos quirúrgicamente en la Clínica MC-Copérnico de Barcelona, por una de las técnicas (T. rotuliano o T. Isquiotibiales).Para la técnica del Tendón Rotuliano se obtuvo una muestra de 68 trabajadores intervenidos quirúrgicamente, con una DM de 121 días, y para la técnica de los Tendones Isquiotibiales se recogió una muestra de 83 intervenciones quirúrgicas, con una DM de 113. La DM total fue de 117 días de IT.El análisis de los datos no arrojó diferencias estadísticamente significativas en el tiempo de retorno al trabajo entre los trabajadores intervenidos por las técnicas quirúrgicas señaladas.