1000 resultados para Animal anesthesia


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Fully grown oocytes of Apostichopus japonicus have a cytoplasmic protuberance where the oocyte attaches to the follicle. The protuberance and the oolamina located on the opposite side of the oocyte indicate the animal-vegetal axis. Two pre-meiotic centrosomes are anchored to the protuberance by microtubules between centrosomes and protuberance. After meiosis reinitiation induced by DTT solution, the germinal vesicle (GV) migrates towards the protuberance. The GV breaks down after it migrates to the oocyte membrane on the protuberance side. The protuberance then contracts back into the oocyte and the first polar body extrudes from the site of the former protuberance. The second polar body forms beneath the first. Thus the oocyte protuberance indicates the presumptive animal pole well before maturation of the oocyte.


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Os programas de colonização na Amazônia tem chamado atenção de cientistas, autoridades e ambientalistas para o impacto ambiental causado por desmatamentos e queimadas na faixa de fronteira agrícola. O extrativismo vegetal tem sido merecedor de grande atenção por parte destes grupos, mas pouca ênfase tem sido dada ao extrativismo animal. A forma como este é praticado pelas populações ribeirinhas, indígenas e de seringueiros já foi objeto de alguns estudos; porém, os conhecimentos disponíveis sobre extrativismo animal em projeto de colonização em área de fronteira agrícola são inexistentes. Se, o extrativismo animal é pouco conhecido é ainda menos estudado e monitorado quanto ao impacto que exerce sobre a composição e estrutura dos povoamentos e populações faunísticas. Este tópico merece uma avaliação criteriosa, pois a caça é uma atividade tradicional na vida das populações rurais brasileiras, destinando-se principalmente à subsistência das mesmas. Em áreas de fronteira agrícola, onde aproximadamente 70% dos colonos são originários de outros ecossistemas, pouco se sabe sobre o extrativismo animal por eles praticados. Este estudo investigou a utilização dos recursos cinegéticos amazônicos por estes colonos e o impacto que estas atividades causam na fauna amazônica. O município escolhido foi Machadinho d´Oeste, em Rondônia, implantado por um projeto de colonização elaborado pelo INCRA e financiado pelo BANCO MUNDIAL, e que, até 1980, possuía sua área toda florestada e intacta. Hoje, cerca de 20 anos após, tem uma interface agrícola e fauna silvestre , com inter-relações específicas, pouco conhecidas e avaliadas. O conhecimento dessas relações possibilita a adoção de medidas corretas para o monitoramento destas áreas que têm estendido suas fronteiras nos últimos anos.


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A suposição de que prováveis deficiências de elementos minerais nas pastagens de terra firme do Estado do Amazonas estivessem relacionadas com o denominado "mal de secar", doença que ocorre em bovinos, oportunizou a realização do presente trabalho.


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A inviabilidade economica da ensilagem de milho na regiao dos cerrados, devido aos custos muito elevados de insumos necessarios para a sua producao, leva os pecuaristas a ensilar outras forragens. Durante as forragens mais empregadas para ensilagem na regiao, destaca-se o capim-elefante (Pennisetum pupureum Shum) por ser uma graminea de porte grande, de boa producao de massa verde por hectare e bem difundida no meio rural.


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Soft-tissue sarcomas (STSs) are rare mesenchymal tumors that arise from muscle, fat and connective tissue. Currently, over 75 subtypes of STS are recognized. The rarity and heterogeneity of patient samples complicate clinical investigations into sarcoma biology. Model organisms might provide traction to our understanding and treatment of the disease. Over the past 10 years, many successful animal models of STS have been developed, primarily genetically engineered mice and zebrafish. These models are useful for studying the relevant oncogenes, signaling pathways and other cell changes involved in generating STSs. Recently, these model systems have become preclinical platforms in which to evaluate new drugs and treatment regimens. Thus, animal models are useful surrogates for understanding STS disease susceptibility and pathogenesis as well as for testing potential therapeutic strategies.


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Diabetes mellitus is becoming increasingly prevalent worldwide. Additionally, there is an increasing number of patients receiving implantable devices such as glucose sensors and orthopedic implants. Thus, it is likely that the number of diabetic patients receiving these devices will also increase. Even though implantable medical devices are considered biocompatible by the Food and Drug Administration, the adverse tissue healing that occurs adjacent to these foreign objects is a leading cause of their failure. This foreign body response leads to fibrosis, encapsulation of the device, and a reduction or cessation of device performance. A second adverse event is microbial infection of implanted devices, which can lead to persistent local and systemic infections and also exacerbates the fibrotic response. Nearly half of all nosocomial infections are associated with the presence of an indwelling medical device. Events associated with both the foreign body response and implant infection can necessitate device removal and may lead to amputation, which is associated with significant morbidity and cost. Diabetes mellitus is generally indicated as a risk factor for the infection of a variety of implants such as prosthetic joints, pacemakers, implantable cardioverter defibrillators, penile implants, and urinary catheters. Implant infection rates in diabetic patients vary depending upon the implant and the microorganism, however, for example, diabetes was found to be a significant variable associated with a nearly 7.2% infection rate for implantable cardioverter defibrillators by the microorganism Candida albicans. While research has elucidated many of the altered mechanisms of diabetic cutaneous wound healing, the internal healing adjacent to indwelling medical devices in a diabetic model has rarely been studied. Understanding this healing process is crucial to facilitating improved device design. The purpose of this article is to summarize the physiologic factors that influence wound healing and infection in diabetic patients, to review research concerning diabetes and biomedical implants and device infection, and to critically analyze which diabetic animal model might be advantageous for assessing internal healing adjacent to implanted devices.


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Neuromyelitis optica (NMO), or Devic's disease, is an idiopathic severe demyelinating disease that preferentially affects the optic nerve and spinal cord. Neuraxial anesthesia in women with multiple sclerosis is widely accepted, but reports of the use of neuraxial anesthesia in patients with NMO are scarce. We report the case of a morbidly obese primigravida undergoing a planned cesarean delivery at 32 weeks' gestation due to an acute exacerbation of NMO, managed with spinal anesthesia. Other than increased intraoperative hyperalgesia requiring inhaled nitrous oxide/oxygen, the mother experienced no apparent anesthetic-related complications.


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INTRODUCTION: We previously reported models that characterized the synergistic interaction between remifentanil and sevoflurane in blunting responses to verbal and painful stimuli. This preliminary study evaluated the ability of these models to predict a return of responsiveness during emergence from anesthesia and a response to tibial pressure when patients required analgesics in the recovery room. We hypothesized that model predictions would be consistent with observed responses. We also hypothesized that under non-steady-state conditions, accounting for the lag time between sevoflurane effect-site concentration (Ce) and end-tidal (ET) concentration would improve predictions. METHODS: Twenty patients received a sevoflurane, remifentanil, and fentanyl anesthetic. Two model predictions of responsiveness were recorded at emergence: an ET-based and a Ce-based prediction. Similarly, 2 predictions of a response to noxious stimuli were recorded when patients first required analgesics in the recovery room. Model predictions were compared with observations with graphical and temporal analyses. RESULTS: While patients were anesthetized, model predictions indicated a high likelihood that patients would be unresponsive (> or = 99%). However, after termination of the anesthetic, models exhibited a wide range of predictions at emergence (1%-97%). Although wide, the Ce-based predictions of responsiveness were better distributed over a percentage ranking of observations than the ET-based predictions. For the ET-based model, 45% of the patients awoke within 2 min of the 50% model predicted probability of unresponsiveness and 65% awoke within 4 min. For the Ce-based model, 45% of the patients awoke within 1 min of the 50% model predicted probability of unresponsiveness and 85% awoke within 3.2 min. Predictions of a response to a painful stimulus in the recovery room were similar for the Ce- and ET-based models. DISCUSSION: Results confirmed, in part, our study hypothesis; accounting for the lag time between Ce and ET sevoflurane concentrations improved model predictions of responsiveness but had no effect on predicting a response to a noxious stimulus in the recovery room. These models may be useful in predicting events of clinical interest but large-scale evaluations with numerous patients are needed to better characterize model performance.


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Anesthesia providers in low-income countries may infrequently provide regional anesthesia techniques for obstetrics due to insufficient training and supplies, limited manpower, and a lack of perceived need. In 2007, Kybele, Inc. began a 5-year collaboration in Ghana to improve obstetric anesthesia services. A program was designed to teach spinal anesthesia for cesarean delivery and spinal labor analgesia at Ridge Regional Hospital, Accra, the second largest obstetric unit in Ghana. The use of spinal anesthesia for cesarean delivery increased significantly from 6% in 2006 to 89% in 2009. By 2012, >90% of cesarean deliveries were conducted with spinal anesthesia, despite a doubling of the number performed. A trial of spinal labor analgesia was assessed in a small cohort of parturients with minimal complications; however, protocol deviations were observed. Although subsequent efforts to provide spinal analgesia in the labor ward were hampered by anesthesia provider shortages, spinal anesthesia for cesarean delivery proved to be practical and sustainable.