978 resultados para Ammonium, dissolved
In this report we describe the temporal and spatial distributions of inorganic nutrients over Georges Bank and in adjacent waters and discuss major features with respect to tbe nutrient environments of pbytoplankton. Nitrate and orthophosphorus were rapidly depleted from the surface layer of much of the study area in spring, but major differences were found between the shallow areas on Georges Bank and the surrounding stratified waters. In the "well-mixed" area of Georges Bank, the depletion encompassed the entire water column and ammonium became the dominant form of inorganic nitrogen throughout. Dissolved silicon was depleted slowly over central Georges Bank, reaching a minimum concentration in September while orthophosphorus gradually increased during the summer. The nutrient environment of phytoplankton over central Georges Bank may be described as vertically uniform but temporally changing in the relative availability of the various nutrients. In areas that undergo stratification (e.g., the central Gulf of Maine), a quasi-steady state was established as the surface water layer formed, consisting of declining nutrient gradients from below the euphotic layer to the top of the water column. These intergrading nutrient environments are relatively stable through time. Destratification reintroduced nutrients to depleted areas beginning in October; however, dissolved silicon was again depleted over shallow Georges Bank in late autumn though nitrate remained abundant. Slope water has been found to enter the bottom layer of the Gulf of Maine via the Northeast Channel. High nutrient concentrations observed in the bottom water of the Northeast Channel are consistent with this mechanism being the nutrient source for the Gulf of Maine. (PDF file contains 40 pages.)
Sediments are an important location in determining the fate of nutrients entering the estuary. Role of sediments needs to be incorporated into water quality models. Purpose of this study was to estimate the portion of sediment oxygen consumption (SOC) and sediment ammonium (NH4+) release directly attributable to benthic invertebrates via the respiratory use of oxygen and catabolic release of ammonium. Samples were collected at 8 locations from August 1985 through November 1988. (PDF contains 45 pages)
In this essay, three lines of evidence are developed that sturgeons in the Chesapeake Bay and elsewhere are unusually sensitive to hypoxic conditions: 1. In comparison to other fishes, sturgeons have a limited behavioral and physiological capacity to respond to hypoxia. Basal metabolism, growth, and consumption are quite sensitive to changes in oxygen level, which may indicate a relatively poor ability by sturgeons to oxyregulate. 2. During summertime, temperatures >20 C amplify the effect of hypoxia on sturgeons and other fishes due to a temperature*oxygen "squeeze" (Coutant 1987)- In bottom waters, this interaction results in substantial reduction of habitat; in dry years, nursery habitats in the Chesapeake Bay may be particularly reduced or even eliminated. 3. While evidence for population level effects by hypoxia are circumstantial, there are corresponding trends between the absence of Atlantic sturgeon reproduction in estuaries like the Chesapeake Bay where summertime hypoxia predominates on a system-wide scale. Also, the recent and dramatic recovery of shortnose sturgeon in the Hudson River (4-fold increase in abundance from 1980 to 1995) may have been stimulated by improvement of a large portion of the nursery habitat that was restored from hypoxia to normoxia during the period 1973-1978. (PDF contains 26 pages)
The Alliance for Coastal Technologies (ACT) Workshop "Making Oxygen Measurements Routine Like Temperature" was convened in St. Petersburg, Florida, January 4th - 6th, 2006. This event was sponsored by the University of South Florida (USF) College of Marine Science, an ACT partner institution and co-hosted by the Ocean Research Interactive Observatory Networks (ORION). Participants from researcldacademia, resource management, industry, and engineering sectors collaborated with the aim to foster ideas and information on how to make measuring dissolved oxygen a routine part of a coastal or open ocean observing system. Plans are in motion to develop large scale ocean observing systems as part of the US Integrated Ocean Observing System (100s; see http://ocean.us) and the NSF Ocean Observatory Initiative (001; see http://www.orionprogram.org/00I/default.hl). These systems will require biological and chemical sensors that can be deployed in large numbers, with high reliability, and for extended periods of time (years). It is also likely that the development cycle for new sensors is sufficiently long enough that completely new instruments, which operate on novel principles, cannot be developed before these complex observing systems will be deployed. The most likely path to development of robust, reliable, high endurance sensors in the near future is to move the current generation of sensors to a much greater degree of readiness. The ACT Oxygen Sensor Technology Evaluation demonstrated two important facts that are related to the need for sensors. There is a suite of commercially available sensors that can, in some circumstances, generate high quality data; however, the evaluation also showed that none of the sensors were able to generate high quality data in all circumstances for even one month time periods due to biofouling issues. Many groups are attempting to use oxygen sensors in large observing programs; however, there often seems to be limited communication between these groups and they often do not have access to sophisticated engineering resources. Instrument manufacturers also do not have sufficient resources to bring sensors, which are marketable, but of limited endurance or reliability, to a higher state of readiness. The goal of this ACT/ORION Oxygen Sensor Workshop was to bring together a group of experienced oceanographers who are now deploying oxygen sensors in extended arrays along with a core of experienced and interested academic and industrial engineers, and manufacturers. The intended direction for this workshop was for this group to exchange information accumulated through a variety of sensor deployments, examine failure mechanisms and explore a variety of potential solutions to these problems. One anticipated outcome was for there to be focused recommendations to funding agencies on development needs and potential solutions for 02 sensors. (pdf contains 19 pages)
The Alliance for Coastal Technology (ACT) convened a workshop on the in situ measurement of dissolved inorganic carbon species in natural waters in Honolulu, Hawaii, on February 16, 17, and 18, 2005. The workshop was designed to summarize existing technologies for measuring the abundance and speciation of dissolved inorganic carbon and to make strategic recommendations for future development and application of these technologies to coastal research and management. The workshop was not focused on any specific technology, however, most of the attention of the workshop was on in situ pC02 sensors given their recent development and use on moorings for the measurement of global carbon fluxes. In addition, the problems and limitations arising from the long-term deployment of systems designed for the measurement of pH, total dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), and total alkalinity (TA) were discussed. Participants included researchers involved in carbon biogeochemistry, industry representatives, and coastal resource managers. The primary questions asked during the workshop were: I. What are the major impediments to transform presently used shipboard pC02 measurement systems for use on cost-eficient moorings? 2. What are the major technical hurdles for the in situ measurement of TA and DIC? 3. What specific information do we need to coordinate efforts for proof of concept' testing of existing and new technologies, inter-calibration of those technologies, better software development, and more precise knowledge quantzjjing the geochemistry of dissolved inoeanic carbon species in order to develop an observing system for dissolved inorganic carbon? Based on the discussion resulting from these three questions, the following statements were made: Statement No. 1 Cost-effective, self-contained technologies for making long-term, accurate measurements of the partial pressure of C02 gas in water already exist and at present are ready for deployment on moorings in coastal observing systems. Statement No. 2 Cost-effective, self-contained systems for the measurement of pH, TA, and DIC are still needed to both fully define the carbonate chemistry of coastal waters and the fluxes of carbon between major biogeochemical compartments (e.g., air-sea, shelf-slope, water column-sediment, etc.). (pdf contains 23 pages)
This study investigated the generation of dissolved free amino acids (DFAA) by the bacterivorous flagellate Rhynchomonas nasuta when feeding on abundant prey. Specifically, it examined whether this flagellate protist exhibits a chemosensory response towards those amino acids. The concentrations of glycine and the and D-enantiomers of glutamate, serine, threonine, alanine, and leucine were determined in co-cultures of the flagellate and bacteria. Glycine, L- and D-alanine, and L-serine were found to accumulate under these conditions in amounts that correlated positively with flagellate abundance, suggesting that protists are involved in their generation. Investigations of the chemotactic response of young and old foraging protists to the same amino acids, offered in concentrations similar to those previously generated, showed that glycine elicited the strongest attraction in both age groups. Young protists were strongly attracted to all the assayed amino acids, whereas older protists maintained a high level of attraction only for glycine. These results suggest that glycine generated by protists actively grazing in bacterially enriched patches functions as an infochemical, signaling to foraging protists the presence of available prey in the aquatic environment.
A literature review of 50 titles including nearly all relevant publications ensures adequate basis on the present level of knowledge. The proposal includes (a) the determination of the biozoenosis and selected environmental factors, and (b) of fishery and stock data of the main fish and shellfish species. The ecological research studies physical and chemical variables of the estuarine waters (flow velocity and direction, water temperature, conductivity, pH, dissolved oxygen, salinity, nutrients such as ammonium, nitrite, phosphate, silicate, pollutants such as hybrocarbons, pesticides and heavy metals, biochemical oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand), plankton (bacterio-phyto-and zooplankton), benthos, sediment. The fishery biological and fishery investigations include: number of villages and fishermen, number of boats and gears by type, length and weight data of the main fishery objects with concentration on the shrimps, species and numbers of fish parasites. The ecological variables were monitored at fixed stations on sections in the Cross-River Estuary, Calabar and Great Kwara Rivers two times per month during spring and neap tides. The fishery biological and fishery variables were obtained during spring and neap tide too. For the determination of the detailed methodology the ecological and fishery part of the progeamme should be started with frame surveys based on a larger number of stations. These frame surveys should be repeated from time to time. Both parts of the programme are based on three years duration. It seems already appropriate to continue the work with selected representative stations, villages and variables in form of a long-term data chain
In this article, pathways from freshwater and marine environments are described. DOM is defined operationally as all the organic compounds which pass through a filter of pore size 0.45 microm., those retained on the surface of the filter being particulate organic matter (POM). DOM can be taken up directly by animals by transfer across the body wall, but more commonly DOM is obtained from ingested food. Once ingested POM from food particles are broken down in the gut, small molecules of DOM are released for transfer across the gut wall. Some ingested particles are attacked by micro-organisms living in the gut, thereby making the DOM available to the host animal. The importance of the microbial loop is discussed, as well as aggregation processes between the fractions of DOM which are more obviously particulate in nature. (DBO)
The reaction of Mn(II) with water-dissolved oxygen, to a higher manganese hydroxide in an alkaline medium, as with the longstanding classic Winkler method, is the first step in the method described here. The assumption for faultless results by the conventional and modified Winkler method is clean water, which contains no organic substances by Mn(III) or Mn(IV). In many cases, however, eg. in river and lake-water tests, it can be seen with the naked eye that after some time the originally brown-coloured precipitate of manganese hydroxide becomes more and more colourless. Oxygen content was analysed in the water samples and evaluated by raising the amount of the leuko-base and giving the corresponding dilution of the colouring matter solution formed still higher oxygen contents can be measured.
A dissolved oxygen sensor made of plastic optical fiber as the substrate and dichlorotris (1, 10-phenanthroline) ruthenium as a fluorescence indicator is studied. Oxygen quenching characteristics of both intensity and phase were measured; the obtained characteristics showed deviation from the linear relation described by the Stern-Volmer equation. A two-layer model is proposed to explain the deviation, and main parameters can be deduced with the model. (C) 2009 Optical Society of America
O picoplâncton (0,2 - 2,0 m) e ultraplâncton (> 2,0 - 5,0 m) despertam interesse por utilizarem ativamente a matéria orgânica dissolvida, estabelecendo a alça microbiana. Responsáveis por 50-80% da produção primária em águas oligotróficas, essas frações apresentam elevadas eficiência luminosa e razão superfície/volume que as permitem alcançar alto desenvolvimento mesmo sob baixas luminosidade e disponibilidade de nutrientes. Buscando relacionar a distribuição espacial e composição da comunidade pico e ultraplanctônica aos controles bottom-up na plataforma continental e talude ao largo dos Estados do Rio de Janeiro e São Paulo (22S a 26S), foram coletadas amostras de água em 39 estações oceanográficas e utilizadas as imagens dos sensores MODIS Terra e Aqua, bem como dados de hidrografia, para a descrição dos fenômenos oceanográficos de mesoescala. A abundância total de ambas as frações de tamanho, assim como a dominância do picoplâncton, reduziu em função do distanciamento da costa. Os organismos autotróficos foram em média (102 cél.mL-1 a 104 cél.mL-1 ) majoritariamente uma ordem de grandeza inferiores aos heterotróficos (103 cél.mL-1 a 105 cél.mL-1). A Água Central do Atlântico Sul (ACAS) e as plumas das baías de Guanabara e Sepetiba (RJ) permaneceram na plataforma interna favorecendo o aumento na concentração dos macronutrientes e refletindo na mudança da estrutura da comunidade através do aumento da contribuição de autótrofos no centro da plataforma, principalmente do ultraplâncton à superfície (cerca de 21%) e na profundidade do máximo de clorofila (44%). O transporte de águas costeiras carreadas por uma corrente de origem sul gerou o vórtice de plataforma identificado nas imagens de satélite para a região da plataforma interna de Ubatuba (SP), onde concentrações mais elevadas de amônio (0,28 M) e fosfato (9,64 M) a partir dos 50 m sustentaram maior densidade do ultra autótrofo (2,89 x 103 cél.mL-1) que superou a densidade de heterótrofos (2,50 x 103 cél.mL-1) no máximo de clorofila. Os resultados destacaram um forte gradiente nerítico-oceânico na distribuição dos organismos. Sugerem ainda a predominância do metabolismo heterotrófico na maior parte das águas oligotróficas da plataforma e talude entre o Rio de Janeiro e São Paulo, bem como a presença de caráter autotrófico naquelas regiões influenciadas por feições de mesoescala, como plumas estuarinas e vórtices de plataforma.
The purpose of the project is to improve our understanding about best management practices that can be utilized on diked managed wetlands in Suisun Marsh for reducing the occurrence of low dissolved oxygen (DO) and high methylmercury (MeHg) events associated primarily with fall flood-up practices. Low DO events are of concern because they can lead to undue stress and even mortality of sensitive aquatic organisms. Elevated MeHg levels are of concern because MeHg is a neurotoxin that bio-magnifies up the food chain and can cause deleterious effects to higher trophic level consumers such as piscivorous fish, birds, and mammals (including humans). This study involved two years (2007-2008) of intensive field data collection at two managed wetland sites in northwest Suisun Marsh and their surrounding tidal sloughs, an area with prior documented low DO events. In addition, the study collected limited soils and water quality field data and mapped vegetation for three managed wetland sites in the central interior of Suisun Marsh, for the purpose of examining whether wetlands at other locations exhibit characteristics that could indicate potential for similar concerns. In Year 1 of the study, the objective was to identify the baseline conditions in the managed wetlands and determine which physical management conditions could be modified for Year 2 to reduce low DO and MeHg production issues most effectively. The objective of Year 2 was to evaluate the effectiveness of these modified management actions at reducing production of low DO and elevated MeHg conditions within the managed wetlands and to continue improving understanding of the underlying biogeochemical processes at play. This Final Evaluation Memorandum examined a total of 19 BMPs, 14 involving modified water management operations and the remaining five involving modified soil and vegetation management practices. Some of these BMPs were previously employed and others have not yet been tested. For each BMP this report assesses its efficacy in improving water quality conditions and potential conflicts with wetland management. It makes recommendations for further study (either feasibility assessments or field testing) and whether to consider for future use. Certain previously used BMPs were found to be important contributors to poor water quality conditions and their continued use is not recommended. Some BMPs that could improve water quality conditions appear difficult to implement in regards to compatibility with wetland management; these BMPs require further elaboration and feasibility assessment to determine whether they should be field tested. In practice for any given wetland, there is likely a combination of BMPs that would together have the greatest potential to address the low DO and high MeHg water quality concerns. Consequently, this report makes no sweeping recommendations applicable to large groups of wetlands but instead promotes a careful consideration of factors at each wetland or small groups of wetlands and from that assessment to apply the most effective suite of BMPs. This report also identifies a number of recommended future actions and studies. These recommendations are geared toward improving the process understanding of factors that promote low DO and high MeHg conditions, the extent of these problems in Suisun Marsh, the regulatory basis for the DO standards for a large estuarine marsh, the economics of BMPs, and alternative approaches to BMPs on diked managed wetlands that may address the water quality issues. The most important of these recommendations is that future BMP implementation should be carried out within the context of rigorous scientific evaluation so as to gain the maximum improvement in how to manage these water quality issues in the diked managed wetlands of Suisun Marsh.
An empirical survey of macrophytes distribution and biomass from four stations, along Nta-wogba stream in Port Harcourt, Nigeria, was conducted between April and December 2007, to quantify the relationship between biomass, in stream nutrients and dissolved ions. The correlation analysis indicated that the biomass of the aquatic macrophytes under consideration, Einochloa pyramidalis; Diplazum sammatii; Cyperus difformis; Alternathera sessilis and Ludwigia decurrens were significantly (P<0.05) related to the nutrients: sulphate, ammonium; nitrate, and phosphate in all the stations. The measurement of total dissolved solid, which is correlated to ionic concentrations and turbidity, provided a rough indication of in stream light availability.