1000 resultados para Amino acids per unit sediment mass


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The benthic fauna was investigated during the expedition ANT-XXIV/2 (2007/08) in relation to oceanographic features, biogeochemical properties and sediment characteristics, as well as the benthic, pelagic and air-breathing fauna. The results document that Maud Rise (MR) differs distinctly from surrounding deep-sea basins investigated during previous Southern Ocean expeditions (ANDEEP 2002, 2005). Considering all taxa, the overall similarity between MR and adjacent stations was low (~20% Bray-Curtis-Similarity), and analyses of single taxa show obvious differences in species composition, abundances and densities. The composition and diversity of bivalves of MR are characterised by extremely high abundances of three species, especially the small sized Vesicomya spp. Exceptionally high gastropod abundance at MR is due to the single species Onoba subantarctica wilkesiana, a small brooder that may prey upon abundant benthic foraminiferas. The abundance and diversity of isopods also show that one family, Haplomunnidae, occurs with a surprisingly high number of individuals at MR while this family was not found at any of the 40 bathyal and abyssal ANDEEP stations. Similarly, polychaetes, especially the tube-dwelling, suspension-feeder fraction, are represented by species not found at the comparison stations. Sponges comprise almost exclusively small specimens in relatively high numbers, especially a few species of Polymastiidae. Water-column sampling from the surface to the seafloor, including observations of top predators, indicate the existence of a prospering pelagic food web. Local concentrations of top predators and zooplankton are associated with a rich ice-edge bloom located over the northern slope of MR. There the sea ice melts, which is probably accelerated by the advection of warm water at intermediate depth. Over the southern slope, high concentrations of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) occur under dense sea ice and attract Antarctic Minke Whales (Balaenoptera bonaerensis) and several seabird species. These findings suggest that biological prosperity over MR is related to both oceanographic and sea-ice processes. Downward transport of the organic matter produced in the pelagic realm may be more constant than elsewhere due to low lateral drift over MR.


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Sea Surface Temperature (SST), river discharge and biological productivity have been reconstructed from a multi-proxy study of a high-temporal-resolution sedimentary sequence recovered from the Tagus deposition center off Lisbon (Portugal) for the last 2000 years. SST shows 2 °C variability on a century scale that allows the identification of the Medieval Warm Period (MWP) and the Little Ice Age (LIA). High Iron (Fe) and fine-sediment deposition accompanied by high n-alkane concentrations and presence of freshwater diatoms during the LIA (1300-1900 AD) (Science 292 (2001) 662) suggest augmented river discharge, whereas higher total-alkenone concentrations point to increased river-induced productivity. During the MWP (550-1300 AD) (Science 292 (2001) 662) larger mean-grain size and low values of magnetic susceptibility, and concentrations of Fe, n-alkanes, and n-alcohols are interpreted to reflect decreased runoff. At the same time, increased benthic and planktonic foraminifera abundances and presence of upwelling related diatoms point to increased oceanic productivity. On the basis of the excellent match found between the negative phases of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index and the intensified Tagus River discharge observed for the last century, it is hypothesized that the increased influx of terrigenous material during the LIA reflects a negative NAO-like state or the occurrence of frequent extreme NAO minima. During the milder few centuries of the MWP, stronger coastal upwelling conditions are attributed to a persistent, positive NAO-like state or the frequent occurrence of extreme NAO maxima. The peak in magnetic susceptibility, centered at 90 cm composite core depth (ccd), is interpreted as the result of the well-known 1755 AD Lisbon earthquake. The Lisbon earthquake and accompanying tsunami are estimated to have caused the loss of 39 cm of sediment (355 years of record-most of the LIA) and the instantaneous deposition of a 19-cm sediment bed.


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During the past decades, remarkable changes in sea-surface temperature (SST) and sea-ice extent have been observed in the marginal seas of the subarctic Pacific. However, little is known about natural climate variability at millennial time scales far beyond instrumental observations. Geological proxy records, such as those derived from marine sediments, offer a unique opportunity to investigate millennial-scale natural climate variability of the Artic and subarctic environments during past glacial-interglacial cycles. Here we provide reconstructions of sea-ice variability inferred from IP25 (Ice Proxy with 25 carbon atoms) sea-ice biomarker and SST fluctuations based on alkenone unsaturation index (UK'37) of the subarctic Pacific realm between 138 and 70 ka. Warmest sea-surface conditions were found during the early Eemian interglacial (128 to 126 ka), exceeding modern SSTs by ~2 °C. The further North Pacific climate evolu- tion is marked by pronounced oscillations in SST and sea-ice extent on millennial time scales, which correspond remarkably well to short-term temperature oscillations known from Green- land and the North Atlantic. These results imply a common forcing, which seems to be closely coupled to dynamics of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation. However, immediate propagation of such climate fluctuations far beyond the North Atlantic basin suggests a rapid circumpolar coupling mechanism probably acting through the atmosphere, a prerequisite to explain the apparent synchronicity of remote climatic reorganizations in the subarctic Pacific.


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Three pairs of Upper Cretaceous black shales and adjacent green claystones from Hole 530A were analyzed to compare types and amounts of organic matter and lipids and to seek information about their environments of deposition. The organic-carbon-rich black shales have C/N ratios nearly seven times those of the organic-carbon-lean green claystones. The lipid content of organic matter in the black shales is about ten times less than in adjacent green layers. Organic matter in both types of rocks is thermally immature, and distributions of alkanoic acids, alkanols, sterols, and alkanes contain large amounts of terrigenous components. Pristane/phytane ratios of less than one suggest that younger Turonian sediments were laid down under anoxic conditions, but ratios greater than one suggest that older Turonian Cenomanian deposits accumulated in a more oxic environment. Closely bedded green and black layers have very similar types of lipid distributions and differ primarily in concentrations, although black shales contain somewhat larger amounts of terrigenous lipid components. Geochemical and stratigraphic evidence suggests much of the organic matter in these samples originated on the African continental margin and was transported to the Angola Basin by turbidity flow. Rapid reburial of organic-carbon-rich sediments led to formation of the black shales.


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