984 resultados para Amine, Sam


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Determination of patients' ability to self-administer medications in the hospital has largely been determined using the subjective judgment of health professionals.


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The use of copper radioisotopes in cancer diagnosis and radionuclide therapy is possible using chelators that are capable of binding Cu(II) with sufficient stability in vivo to provide high tumour-to-background contrast. Here we report the design and synthesis of a new bifunctional chelator, 5-(8-methyl-3,6,10,13,16,19-hexaaza-bicyclo[6.6.6]icosan-1-ylamino)-5-oxopentanoic acid (MeCOSar), that forms copper complexes of exceptional stability by virtue of a cage amine (sarcophagine) ligand and a new conjugate referred to as SarTATE, obtained by the conjugation of MeCOSar to the tumour-targeting peptide Tyr(3)-octreotate. Radiolabeling of SarTATE with (64)Cu(II), a radioisotope suitable for positron emission tomography (PET), was fast (~20 min), easily performed at room temperature and consistently resulted in high radiochemical purity (>99%). In vitro and in vivo evaluation of (64)CuSarTATE demonstrated its high selectivity for tumour cells expressing somatostatin receptor 2 (sstr2). Biodistribution and PET imaging comparisons were made between (64)CuSarTATE and (64)Cu-labeled DOTA-Tyr(3)-octreotate ((64)CuDOTATATE). Both radiopharmaceuticals showed excellent uptake in sstr2-positive tumours at 2 h post-injection. While tumour uptake of (64)CuDOTATATE decreased significantly at 24 h, (64)CuSarTATE activity was retained, improving contrast at later time points. (64)CuSarTATE accumulated less than (64)CuDOTATATE in the non-target organs, liver and lungs. The uptake of (64)CuSarTATE in the kidneys was high at 2 h but showed significant clearance by 24 h. The new chemistry and pre-clinical evaluation presented here demonstrates that MeCOSar is a promising bifunctional chelator for Tyr(3)-octreotate that could be applied to a combined imaging and therapeutic regimen using a combination of (64)Cu- and (67)CuSarTATE complexes, owing to improved tumour-to-non-target organ ratios compared to (64)CuDOTATATE at longer time points.


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Thin-film composite membranes, primarily based on poly(amide) (PA) semipermeable materials, are nowadays the dominant technology used in pressure driven water desalination systems. Despite offering superior water permeation and salt selectivity, their surface properties, such as their charge and roughness, cannot be extensively tuned due to the intrinsic fabrication process of the membranes by interfacial polymerization. The alteration of these properties would lead to a better control of the materials surface zeta potential, which is critical to finely tune selectivity and enhance the membrane materials stability when exposed to complex industrial waste streams. Low pressure plasma was employed to introduce amine functionalities onto the PA surface of commercially available thin-film composite (TFC) membranes. Morphological changes after plasma polymerization were analyzed by SEM and AFM, and average surface roughness decreased by 29%. Amine enrichment provided isoelectric point changes from pH 3.7 to 5.2 for 5 to 15 min of plasma polymerization time. Synchrotron FTIR mappings of the amine-modified surface indicated the addition of a discrete 60 nm film to the PA layer. Furthermore, metal affinity was confirmed by the enhanced binding of silver to the modified surface, supported by an increased antimicrobial functionality with demonstrable elimination of E. coli growth. Essential salt rejection was shown minimally compromised for faster polymerization processes. Plasma polymerization is therefore a viable route to producing functional amine enriched thin-film composite PA membrane surfaces.


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Primary and secondary amines, including amino acids, biogenic amines, hormones, neurotransmitters, and plant siderophores, are readily derivatized with 6-aminoquinolyl-N-hydroxysuccinimidyl carbamate using easily performed experimental methodology. Complex mixtures of these amine derivatives can be fractionated and quantified using liquid chromatography–electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry (LC–ESI-MS). Upon collision induced dissociation (CID) in a quadrupole collision cell, all derivatized compounds lose the aminoquinoline tag. With the use of untargeted fragmentation scan functions, such as precursor ion scanning, the loss of the aminoquinoline tag (Amq) can be monitored to identify derivatized species; and the use of targeted fragmentation scans, such as multiple reaction monitoring, can be exploited to quantitate amine-containing molecules. Further, with the use of accurate mass, charge state, and retention time, identification of unknown amines is facilitated. The stability of derivatized amines was found to be variable with oxidatively labile derivatives rapidly degrading. With the inclusion of antioxidant and reducing agents, tris(2-carboxyethyl)-phosphine (TCEP) and ascorbic acid, into both extraction solvents and reaction buffers, degradation was significantly decreased, allowing reproducible identification and quantification of amine compounds in large sample sets.


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Esta Tese apresenta o SAM (Sistema Adaptativo para Multimídia), que consiste numa ferramenta de transmissão e recepção de sinais multimídia através de redes de computadores. A ferramenta pode ser utilizada para transmissões multimídia gravadas (vídeo sob demanda) ou ao vivo, como aulas a distância síncronas, shows e canais de TV. Seu maior benefício é aumentar o desempenho e a acessibilidade da transmissão, utilizando para isso um sinal codificado em camadas, onde cada camada é transmitida como um grupo multicast separado. O receptor, utilizando a ferramenta, adapta-se de acordo com a sua capacidade de rede e máquina no momento. Assim, por exemplo, um receptor com acesso via modem e outro via rede local podem assistir à transmissão na melhor qualidade possível para os mesmos. O principal foco da Tese é no algoritmo de controle de congestionamento do SAM, que foi denominado ALM (Adaptive Layered Multicast). O algoritmo ALM tem como objetivo inferir o nível de congestionamento existente na rede, determinando a quantidade de camadas que o receptor pode suportar, de forma que a quantidade de banda recebida gere um tráfego na rede que seja eqüitativo com outros tráfegos ALM concorrentes, ou outros tráfegos TCP concorrentes. Como se trata de transmissões multimídia, é desejável que a recepção do sinal seja estável, ou seja, sem muitas variações de qualidade, entretanto, o tráfego TCP concorrente é muito agressivo, dificultando a criação de um algoritmo estável. Dessa forma, desenvolveu-se dois algoritmos que formam o núcleo desta Tese: o ALMP (voltado para redes privativas), e o ALMTF (destinado a concorrer com tráfego TCP). Os elementos internos da rede, tais como os roteadores, não necessitam quaisquer modificações, e o protocolo funciona sobre a Internet atual. Para validar o método, se utilizou o software NS2 (Network Simulator), com modificações no código onde requerido. Além disso, efetuou-se uma implementação inicial para comparar os resultados das simulações com os da implementação real. Em http://www.inf.unisinos.br/~roesler/tese e também no CD anexo a esta Tese, cuja descrição encontra-se no Anexo B, podem ser encontrados todos os programas de apoio desenvolvidos para esta Tese, bem como a maior parte da bibliografia utilizada, o resultado das simulações, o código dos algoritmos no simulador e o código do algoritmo na implementação real.


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The mechanical and adhesives properties of epoxy formulations based on diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A cured with various aliphatic amines were evaluated in the glass state. Impact tests were used to determine the impact energy. The adhesive properties have been evaluated in terms single lap shear using steel adherends. Its durability in water at ambient temperature (24 degrees C) and at 80 degrees C has also been analyzed. The fracture mechanisms were determined by optical microscopy. It was observed a strong participation of the cohesive fracture mechanisms in all epoxy system studied. The 1-(2-aminoethyl)piperazine epoxy adhesive and piperidine epoxy adhesive presents the best adhesive strength and the largest impact energy. The durability in water causes less damage to piperidine epoxy networks. This behavior appears to be associated with the lower water uptake tendency of homopolymerised resins due to its lower hydroxyl group concentration. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Os autores padronizaram métodos para a avaliação da atividade da glicose-6-fosfato desidrogenase e glutationa redutase. O princípio geral do primeiro método baseou-se na formação de metahemoglobina pelo nitrito de sódio, seguido da estimulação da via das pentoses pelo azul de metileno. Foram estudados 46 indivíduos adultos, sendo 23 do sexo masculino e 23 do feminino, não deficientes em glicose-6-fosfato desidrogenase (G6PD), com idades variando entre 20 e 30 anos. Os resultados revelaram que a redução da metahemoglobina pelo azul de metileno para sangue total, foram de 154.50 e 139.90 mg/min (p<0.05) respectivamente para o sexo masculino e feminino. Para hemácias lavadas os valores foram de 221.10 e 207.85 mg/min (n.s.) respectivamente. Estas observações permitiram concluir que ao se empregar hemácias lavadas e 0.7 g% de concentração de nitrito de sódio, por um lado não houve diferença entre os sexos e por outro, abreviou o tempo de leitura da quantidade residual de metahemoglobina para 90 minutos. A avaliação da atividade da glutationa redutase foi feita baseado no fato de que a cistamina (agente tiol) liga-se aos grupos SH da hemoglobina formando complexos. Estes complexos são revertidos pela ação da glutationa redutase, ocorrendo conjuntamente nesta reação a redução da metahemoglobina. Foram estudados 32 indivíduos adultos, sendo 16 do sexo masculino e 16 do feminino, não deficientes em G6PD, com idades variando entre 20 e 30 anos. Os resultados revelaram valores de redução da metahemoglobina pela cistamina de 81.27 e 91.13 mg/min (p<0.01) respectivamente para o sexo masculino e feminino. Estas observações permitiram concluir que o emprego de hemácias lavadas e 0.1 molar de concentração de cistamina torna possível a leitura da quantidade residual de metahemoglobina aos 180 minutos de incubação. A atividade da glutationa redutase avaliada por meio da redução da metahemoglobina pela cistamina, foi estudada em 14 indivíduos do sexo feminino antes e após o tratamento com 10 mg por dia de riboflavina durante 8 dias. Os resultados foram de 73.69 e 94.26 mg/min (p<0.01) antes e após o tratamento. Estas observações permitiram concluir que a oferta de riboflavina, mesmo para indivíduos normais, aumenta a atividade da glutationa redutase. Foram ainda avaliados 3 indivíduos da raça negra e deficientes em G6PD, sendo 2 do sexo masculino e 1 do feminino. Houve ativação parcial da G6PD e glutationa redutase, sendo estas alterações mais intensas nos indivíduos do sexo masculino. Considerando-se a raça e as características laboratoriais observadas, foi possível sugerir que a deficiência em G6PD verificada é do tipo Africano, bem como, permitiu considerar os indivíduos do sexo feminino coin o sendo heterozigoto para esta deficiência. Por fim, a análise dos resultados em seu conjunto permitiu concluir que os métodos propostos se mostraram eficientes para avaliar a atividade da G6PD e glutationa redutase. Esta última é dependente da via das pentoses, geradora de NADPH e da riboflavina, vitamina precursora de FAD.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition of carbon disulfide to the coordinated azide in the cyclometallated compound [Pd(dmba)(N-3)](2) (1), dmba = N,N-dimethylbenzylamine, was investigated. The compound obtained di(mu, N,S-1,2,3,4-thiatriazole-5-thiolate)-bis[(N,N-dimethylbenzylamine-C-2,N)palladium(II)] (2), was characterized by IR spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction. Complex (2) is dimeric with the two [Pd(N,N-dimethylbenzylamine)] moieties being connected by the two vicinal bridging N,S-1,2,3,4-thiatriazole-5-thiolate anions in a square-planar coordination for the palladium atoms.


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Reaction of equimolar amounts of [Co-2(CO)(6)(dppm)] and [Cr(eta(6)-C6H5)(C=-CCH2NMe2)(CO)(3)] (1) in benzene gives the novel heterotrimetallic complex [Cr(eta(6)-C6H5){(mu(2)-eta(2)-C=CCH2NMe2)Co-2(CO)(4)(dppm)}(CO)(3)] (2) in 40% yield. The X-ray structure analysis of 2 reveals that the Cr(CO)(3) tripod adopts a nearly anti-eclipsed conformation. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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The influence of four levels (25, 50, 75 and 100%) of Class A pan evaporation replenishment (PER) on the marketable yield and bioactive amine content of American lettuce (Lactuca sativa cv Lucy Brown) grown under greenhouse conditions and drip irrigation was investigated. Lettuce was planted in 1.20 m x 2.10 m plots in a completely randomised block design with three replications. Lowest fresh head weights and diameters were obtained at 25% PER. Highest marketable yields and fresh head weights were obtained at 100% PER; however, no significant difference was observed when using 75% PER. The fresh head diameter was smaller only when using 25% PER. Four amines were detected in lettuce grown under 100% PER, with a total content of 7.60 mg kg(-1). Spermidine was the prevalent amine, followed by putrescine, cadaverine and agmatine. Higher spermidine and cadaverine levels were observed in the outer layers of leaves than in the intermediate and inner leaves. The contents of every amine except agmatine increased with water stress; however, a significant difference was observed only between 100 and 25% PER. The concentrations of accumulated putrescine were not capable of negatively affecting the sensory quality of the lettuce. (c) 2005 Society of Chemical Industry.