1000 resultados para Amado, Jorge, 1912 - 2001
Jorge Lobo`s disease is a chronic infection caused by the fungus Lacazia loboi endemic in South America. The infection is characterized by the appearance of parakeloidal, ulcerated or verrucous nodular or plaque-like cutaneous lesions. The histopathological aspect is characterized by poorly organized granulomas with histiocytes and multinucleated giant cells. Little is known about local immune response in lobomycosis skin lesions. Thirty-three skin biopsies from patients with Jorge Lobo`s disease were selected from Ambulatory of Dermatology, UFPA. The control group was constituted by ten biopsies from normal skin. Langerhans cells were identified by immunohistochemistry using anti-CD1a antibody (Serotec). The number of positive cells was statistically analyzed. Langerhans cells were visualized along the epidermis in biopsies from Jorge Lobo`s disease and the morphology and the number of Langerhans cells did not differ from normal skin (p > 0.05). In Jorge Lobo`s disease, this cell population probably presents some escape mechanism of the local immune system to evade the antigen presentation by those cells. (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier B.V.
Objective: To present the clinical and radiographic results of a case series of patients with acute acromioclavicular dislocation (MD) treated by arthroscopic coracoclavicular fixation with suture anchors. Method: Twenty patients with AAD with less than 30 days since the injury were submitted to a coracoclavicular stabilization procedure using 2 suture anchors placed at the base of the coracoid process. Each suture anchor was connected to 2 strands of No.2 nonabsorbable-braided sutures, which were passed through the holes drilled in the clavicle and tied to the upper surface of the clavicle. The coracoclavicular distance was measured and compared to the opposite side using radiographic evaluation. Constant and UCLA scores were used to determine clinical and functional evaluation after 6 months. Results: Of the initial twenty cases, six were submitted to a new surgical procedure and were excluded from the study. Of the fourteen patients remaining, only two maintained the initial reduction, while the remainder presented some degree of reduction loss. The Constant and UCLA score averages were 94.79 (82-100) and 32.64 (26-35) respectively. Conclusion: The technique had a high incidence of reduction loss after 6 months of follow up. The clinical and functional evaluation was satisfactory, with a high average score. Level of Evidence: Level III, retrospective study.
BACKGROUND - Cancer represents the third principal cause of death in Brazil. Skin is the most frequent location and about 50% of caucasian patients older than sixty years will develop some type of cutaneous cancer OBJECTIVE - To describe the profile of the individuals with skin cancer assisted at the University Hospital of Taubate in the period between 2001 and 2005. METHODS - A hospital-based cross-sectional study involving individuals assisted at the Dermatology Department at the University Hospital of Taubate in the period between January 2001 to December 2005 was performed. Study variables were gender, age, skin color, location and clinical type of the tumor basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, combined and melanoma. Statistical analyses were performed using qui-square, Student`s t-test and ANOVA. RESULTS - A total of 639 individuals were included in the study. Prevalence was 50 cases/100.000 inhabitants. The most prevalent age group was that of individuals older than sixty years of age, gender distribution was higher among females than males (57.2% / 42.8%) and the proportion of white to non-white was of 4:1. CONCLUSION - This study fills a gap that was due to the inexistence of studies in the region and also to the small number of studies in the state of Sao Paulo, and its results are in accordance with, those in the literature.
Background. Rubella vaccination is contraindicated during pregnancy. During mass immunization of women of childbearing age against rubella, women unknowingly pregnant may be vaccinated. To evaluate the effects of rubella vaccination during pregnancy, the Brazilian state of Sao Paulo conducted a follow-up study of pregnant women vaccinated during a rubella campaign in 2001. Methods. Women vaccinated during pregnancy were reported to a national surveillance system. In the state of Sao Paulo, follow-up of vaccinated women included household interviews. Serum samples from vaccinated women were tested for antirubella antibodies to classify susceptibility to rubella infection. Children born to susceptible mothers were tested for evidence of congenital rubella infection and evaluated for signs of congenital rubella syndrome. Results. The Sao Paulo State Health Department received 6473 notifications of women vaccinated during pregnancy. Serology performed for 5580 women identified 811 (15%) that were previously susceptible. Incidence of spontaneous abortion or stillbirth among previously susceptible vaccinated women was similar to women with prior immunity. Twenty-seven (4.7%) of 580 newborns tested had evidence of congenital rubella infection; none had congenital rubella syndrome. Conclusions. Mass rubella vaccination of women of childbearing age was not associated with adverse birth outcomes or congenital rubella syndrome among children born to women vaccinated during pregnancy.
Pompe disease (glycogen storage disease type II or acid maltase deficiency) is an inherited autosomal recessive deficiency of acid alpha-glucosidase (GAA), with predominant manifestations of skeletal muscle weakness. A broad range of studies have been published focusing on Pompe patients from different countries, but none from Brazil. We investigated 41 patients with either infantile-onset (21 cases) or late-onset (20 cases) disease by muscle pathology, enzyme activity and GAA gene mutation screening. Molecular analyses identified 71 mutant alleles from the probands, nine of which are novel (five missense mutations c.136T > G, c.650C > T, c.1456G > C, c.1834C > T, and c.1905C > A, a splice-site mutation c.1195-2A > G, two deletions c.18_25del and c.2185delC, and one nonsense mutation c.643G > T). Interestingly, the c.1905C > A variant was detected in four unrelated patients and may represent a common Brazilian Pompe mutation. The c.2560C > T severe mutation was frequent in our population suggesting a high prevalence in Brazil. Also, eight out of the 21 infantile-onset patients have two truncating mutations predicted to abrogate protein expression. Of the ten late-onset patients who do not carry the common late-onset intronic mutation c.-32-13T > G, five (from three separate families) carry the recently described intronic mutation, c.-32-3C > A, and one sibpair carries the novel missense mutation c.1781G > C in combination with known severe mutation c.1941C > G. The association of these variants (c.1781G > C and c.-32-3C > A) with late-onset disease suggests that they allow for some residual activity in these patients. Our findings help to characterize Pompe disease in Brazil and support the need for additional studies to define the wide clinical and pathological spectrum observed in this disease.