971 resultados para Altitude, maximum
A Chironomidae (Diptera) fauna list for headwater streams of high altitude areas in Serra da Estrela (Portugal) is presented, doubling the previously established species richness for the region. The findings include 17 new records for Portugal, which represent an increase to 219 species for the Continental Portugal Chironomidae fauna. Two new records were detected for the Iberian Peninsula: one species (Tvetenia duodenaria), and one subgenusPsectrocladius (Mesopsectrocladius); and the presence of the genus Natarsia is confirmed. The last two occurrences correspond to monoespecific taxa of the Palearctic region. However, as taxonomic identification has been based on larval material, instead of pupae, pupal exuviae or imagoes, species level assignment is still uncertain. Key words: Diptera, Chironomidae, high mountain streams, Serra da Estrela, Portugal, Iberian Peninsula. RESUMEN Quironómidos (Diptera, Chironomidae) de alta montaña de la Sierra de Estrela (Portugal) y adiciones a la fauna de Portugal y la Península Ibérica Se presenta una lista de especies de Chironomidae (Diptera) recolectados en los ríos de cabecera de zonas de alta montaña en la Serra da Estrela (Portugal). Con esta aportación se duplica la riqueza de especies regional conocida hasta el momento y se eleva la fauna de quironómidos del Portugal continental a 219 especies. Se incluyen dos nuevas citas para la Península Ibérica, una especie (Tvetenia duodenaria) y un subgéneroPsectrocladius (Mesopsectrocladius), y se confirma la presencia del género Natarsia. En los dos últimos casos se trata de larvas de taxones hasta el momento monoespecíficos en la región paleárctica, pero al no haberse recolectado pupas o adultos no se puede asegurar la identificación específica. Palabras clave: Diptera, Chironomidae, ríos de alta montaña, Serra da Estrela, Portugal,
Potential-Scour Assessments and Estimates of Maximum Scour at Selected Bridges in Iowa, HR-344, 1995
This report presents the results of potential-scour assessments at 130 bridges and estimates of maximum scour at 10 bridges, in Iowa. All of the bridges evaluated in the study are constructed bridges (not culverts) that are sites of active or discontinued streamflow-gaging stations and peak-stage measurement sites. The period of the study was from October 1991 to September 1994. The potential-scour assessments were made using a potential-scour index developed by the U.S. Geological Survey for a study in Tennessee. Higher values of the index suggest a greater likelihood of scour-related problems occurring at a bridge. The estimates of maximum scour were made using scour equations recommended by the Federal Highway Administration. In this study, the long term aggradation or degradation that occurred during the period of streamflow data collection at each site was evaluated. Although the abutment-scour equation predicted deep scour holes at many of the sites, the only significant abutment scour that was measured was erosion of the embankment at the left abutment at one bridge after a flood.
BACKGROUND/AIM: With the evolving boundaries of sports science and greater understanding of the driving factors in the human performance physiology, one of the limiting factors has now become the technology. The growing scientific interest on the practical application of hypoxic training for intermittent activities such as team and racket sports legitimises the development of innovative technologies serving athletes in a sport-specific setting. METHODS: Description of a new mobile inflatable simulated hypoxic equipment. RESULTS: The system comprises two inflatable units-that is, a tunnel and a rectangular design, each with a 215 m(3) volume and a hypoxic trailer generating over 3000 Lpm of hypoxic air with FiO₂ between 0.21 and 0.10 (a simulated altitude up to 5100 m). The inflatable units offer a 45 m running lane (width=1.8 m and height=2.5 m) as well as a 8 m × 10 m dome tent. FiO₂ is stable within a range of 0.1% in normal conditions inside the tunnel. The air supplied is very dry-typically 10-15% relative humidity. CONCLUSIONS: This mobile inflatable simulated hypoxic equipment is a promising technological advance within sport sciences. It offers an opportunity for team-sport players to train under hypoxic conditions, both for repeating sprints (tunnel configuration) or small-side games (rectangular configuration).
Foram avaliados os efeitos da aplicação de fósforo (P) em solo argiloso, de textura média e arenoso, sobre a produção de matéria seca de Panicum maximum Jacq. cv. Tanzânia. O ensaio foi conduzido em casa de vegetação, em vasos de plástico contendo 10 dm³ de solo, em esquema fatorial e delineamento inteiramente ao acaso. Após calagem para V = 70% e aplicação de 0, 35, 70, 105 e 140 mg/dm³ de P, o solo foi umedecido, e depois de 30 dias, secado e amostrado. O ensaio foi conduzido por 76 dias, a partir da emergência das plântulas, com o primeiro corte aos 48 dias, a 10 cm do solo, e o segundo, aos 76,rente ao solo. Com a aplicação de P houve aumento de produção de matéria seca, e o maior acréscimo ocorreu com a aplicação de 35 mg/dm³. A maior produção foi obtida no solo de textura média. O teor de P nas plantas estava adequado nos solos arenoso e argiloso. No de textura média, ele diminuiu com o aumento da produção,caracterizando efeito de diluição. Com aprodução relativa e o teor de P de cada solo, foi determinado o nível crítico de 38 mg/dm³ de P extraído por resina.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as características físicas, físico-químicas e químicas de frutos de nove genótipos de acerola (Malpighia sp.) cultivados no Município de Anápolis, GO, localizado a 1.000 m de altitude. Os resultados mostraram que nessa região se consegue produção de frutos com elevados teores de vitamina C (acima de 1.000 mg/100 mL de suco). Há, entretanto, uma considerável variabilidade entre os genótipos estudados. Os genótiposde número2, 6, 3, 1 e 7 destacaram-se, atendendo àsprincipais exigências da indústria de suco.
About 30 million people live above 2500 m in the Andean Mountains of South America. Among them are 5.5 million Aymaras, an ethnic group with its own language, living on the altiplano of Bolivia, Peru, and northern Chile at altitudes of up to 4400 m. In this high altitude region traces of human population go back for more than 2000 years with constant evolutionary pressure on its residents for genetic adaptation to high altitude. Aymaras as the assumed direct descendents of the ancient cultures living in this region were the focus of much research interest during the last decades and several distinctive adaptation patterns to life at high altitude have been described in this ethnic group. The aim of this article was to review the physiology and pathophysiology of circulatory adaptation and maladaptation to longtime altitude exposure in Aymaras and Caucasians.
It is estimated that around 230 people die each year due to radon (222Rn) exposure in Switzerland. 222Rn occurs mainly in closed environments like buildings and originates primarily from the subjacent ground. Therefore it depends strongly on geology and shows substantial regional variations. Correct identification of these regional variations would lead to substantial reduction of 222Rn exposure of the population based on appropriate construction of new and mitigation of already existing buildings. Prediction of indoor 222Rn concentrations (IRC) and identification of 222Rn prone areas is however difficult since IRC depend on a variety of different variables like building characteristics, meteorology, geology and anthropogenic factors. The present work aims at the development of predictive models and the understanding of IRC in Switzerland, taking into account a maximum of information in order to minimize the prediction uncertainty. The predictive maps will be used as a decision-support tool for 222Rn risk management. The construction of these models is based on different data-driven statistical methods, in combination with geographical information systems (GIS). In a first phase we performed univariate analysis of IRC for different variables, namely the detector type, building category, foundation, year of construction, the average outdoor temperature during measurement, altitude and lithology. All variables showed significant associations to IRC. Buildings constructed after 1900 showed significantly lower IRC compared to earlier constructions. We observed a further drop of IRC after 1970. In addition to that, we found an association of IRC with altitude. With regard to lithology, we observed the lowest IRC in sedimentary rocks (excluding carbonates) and sediments and the highest IRC in the Jura carbonates and igneous rock. The IRC data was systematically analyzed for potential bias due to spatially unbalanced sampling of measurements. In order to facilitate the modeling and the interpretation of the influence of geology on IRC, we developed an algorithm based on k-medoids clustering which permits to define coherent geological classes in terms of IRC. We performed a soil gas 222Rn concentration (SRC) measurement campaign in order to determine the predictive power of SRC with respect to IRC. We found that the use of SRC is limited for IRC prediction. The second part of the project was dedicated to predictive mapping of IRC using models which take into account the multidimensionality of the process of 222Rn entry into buildings. We used kernel regression and ensemble regression tree for this purpose. We could explain up to 33% of the variance of the log transformed IRC all over Switzerland. This is a good performance compared to former attempts of IRC modeling in Switzerland. As predictor variables we considered geographical coordinates, altitude, outdoor temperature, building type, foundation, year of construction and detector type. Ensemble regression trees like random forests allow to determine the role of each IRC predictor in a multidimensional setting. We found spatial information like geology, altitude and coordinates to have stronger influences on IRC than building related variables like foundation type, building type and year of construction. Based on kernel estimation we developed an approach to determine the local probability of IRC to exceed 300 Bq/m3. In addition to that we developed a confidence index in order to provide an estimate of uncertainty of the map. All methods allow an easy creation of tailor-made maps for different building characteristics. Our work is an essential step towards a 222Rn risk assessment which accounts at the same time for different architectural situations as well as geological and geographical conditions. For the communication of 222Rn hazard to the population we recommend to make use of the probability map based on kernel estimation. The communication of 222Rn hazard could for example be implemented via a web interface where the users specify the characteristics and coordinates of their home in order to obtain the probability to be above a given IRC with a corresponding index of confidence. Taking into account the health effects of 222Rn, our results have the potential to substantially improve the estimation of the effective dose from 222Rn delivered to the Swiss population.
O experimento foi conduzido no Município de Santo Antônio do Pinhal, localizado na Serra da Mantiqueira na região do Vale do Paraíba, SP, com o objetivo de estudar o potencial de gramíneas forrageiras, para identificar as espécies mais tolerantes ao frio e capazes de proporcionar boa cobertura vegetal ao solo. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos ao acaso, em três repetições, com parcelas de 5 x 5 m. Os tratamentos consistiram de 16 gramíneas forrageiras. As espécies Hemarthria altissima e Setaria anceps se destacaram quanto à taxa mensal de produção de matéria seca, teor de proteína bruta, cobertura vegetal do solo e tolerância a geadas. Portanto, entre as espécies avaliadas, são estas as mais indicadas para a formação de pastagens nas áreas montanhosas da região do Vale do Paraíba.
RESUME L'Institut de Géophysique de l'Université de Lausanne a développé au cours de ces dernières années un système d'acquisition de sismique réflexion multitrace à haute résolution 2D et 3D. L'objectif de cette thèse était de poursuivre ce développement tout améliorant les connaissances de la géologie sous le lac Léman, en étudiant en particulier la configuration des grands accidents sous-lacustres dans la Molasse (Tertiaire) qui forme l'essentiel du substratum des formations quaternaires. En configuration 2D, notre système permet d'acquérir des profils sismiques avec une distance inter-CDP de 1,25 m. La couverture varie entre 6 et 18 selon le nombre de traces et la distance inter-tir. Le canon à air (15/15 eu. in.), offre une résolution verticale de 1,25 ni et une pénétration maximale de 300 m sous le fond de l'eau. Nous avons acquis au total plus de 400 km de sections 2D dans le Grand Lac et le Haut Lac entre octobre 2000 et juillet 2004. Une campagne de sismique 3D a fourni des données au large d'Evian sur une surface de 442,5 m sur 1450 m, soit 0,64 km2. La navigation ainsi que le positionnement des hydrophones et de la source ont été réalisés avec des GPS différentiels. Nous avons utilisé un traitement sismique conventionnel, sans appliquer d'AGC et en utilisant une migration post-stack. L'interprétation du substratum antéquaternaire est basée sur l'identification des sismofaciès, sur leurs relations avec les unités géologiques adjacentes au lac, ainsi que sur quelques données de forages. Nous obtenons ainsi une carte des unités géologiques dans le Grand Lac. Nous précisons la position du chevauchement subalpin entre la ville de Lausanne, sur la rive nord, et le bassin de Sciez, sur la rive sud. Dans la Molasse de Plateau, nous avons identifié les décrochements de Pontarlier et de St. Cergue ainsi que plusieurs failles non reconnues jusqu'ici. Nous avons cartographié les accidents qui affectent la Molasse subalpine ainsi que le plan de chevauchement du flysch sur la Molasse près de la rive sud du lac. Une nouvelle carte tectonique de la région lémanique a ainsi pu être dressée. L'analyse du substratum ne montre pas de failles suggérant une origine tectonique de la cuvette lémanique. Par contre, nous suggérons que la forme du creusement glaciaire, donc de la forme du lac Léman, a été influencée par la présence de failles dans le substratum antéquaternaire. L'analyse des sédiments quaternaires nous a permis de tracer des cartes des différentes interfaces ou unités qui les composent. La carte du toit du substratum antéquaternaire montre la présence de chenaux d'origine glaciaire dont la profondeur maximale atteint la cote -200 ni. Leur pente est dirigée vers le nord-est, à l'inverse du sens d'écoulement actuel des eaux. Nous expliquons cette observation par l'existence de circulations sous-glaciaires d'eau artésienne. Les sédiments glaciaires dont l'épaisseur maximale atteint 150 ni au centre du lac ont enregistré les différentes récurrences glaciaires. Dans la zone d'Evian, nous mettons en évidence la présence de lentilles de sédiments glaciolacustres perchées sur le flanc de la cuvette lémanique. Nous avons corrélé ces unités avec des données de forage et concluons qu'il s'agit du complexe inférieur de la pile sédimentaire d'Evian. Celui-ci, âgé de plus de 30 000 ans, serait un dépôt de Kame associé à un lac périglaciaire. La sismique réflexion 3D permet de préciser l'orientation de l'alimentation en matériel détritique de l'unité. La finesse des images obtenues nous permet également d'établir quels types d'érosion ont affecté certaines unités. Les sédiments lacustres, dont l'épaisseur maximale imagée atteint plus de 225 m et sans doute 400 ni sous le delta du Rhône, indiquent plusieurs mécanismes de dépôts. A la base, une mégaturbidite, épaisse d'une trentaine de mètres en moyenne, s'étend entre l'embouchure de la Dranse et le delta du Rhône. Au-dessus, la décantation des particules en suspension d'origine biologique et détritique fournit l'essentiel des sédiments. Dans la partie orientale du lac, les apports détritiques du Rhône forment un delta qui prograde vers l'ouest en s'imbriquant avec les sédiments déposés par décantation. La structure superficielle du delta a brutalement évolué, probablement à la suite de l'évènement catastrophique du Tauredunum (563 A.D.). Sa trace probable se marque par la présence d'une surface érosive que nous avons cartographiée. Le delta a ensuite changé de géométrie, avec notamment un déplacement des chenaux sous-lacustres. Sur l'ensemble de nos sections sismiques, nous n'observons aucune faille dans les sédiments quaternaires qui attesterait d'une tectonique postglaciaire du substratum. ABSTRACT During the last few years the institute of Geophysics of the University of Lausanne cleveloped a 2D and 3D high-resolution multichannel seismic reflection acquisition system. The objective of the present work was to carry on this development white improving our knowledge of the geology under Lake Geneva, in particular by studying the configuration of the large accidents affecting the Tertiary Molasse that makes up the basement of most Quaternary deposits. In its 2D configuration, our system makes it possible to acquire seismic profiles with a CDP interval of 1.25 m. The fold varies from 6 to 18 depending on the number of traces and the shooting interval. Our air gun (15/15 cu. in.) provides a vertical resolution of 1.25 m and a maximum penetration depth of approximately 300 m under water bottom. We acquired more than 400 km of 2D sections in the Grand Lac and the Haut Lac between October 2000 and July 2004. A 3D seismic survey off the city of Evian provided data on a surface of 442.5 m x 1450 m (0.64 km2). Ship's navigation as well as hydrophone- and source positioning were carried out with differential GPS. The seismic data were processed following a conventional sequence without .applying AGC and using post-stack migration. The interpretation of the pre-Quaternary substratum is based on sismofacies, on their relationships with terrestrial geological units and on some borehole data. We thus obtained a map of the geological units in the Grand Lac. We defined the location of the subalpine thrust from Lausanne, on the north shore, to the Sciez Basin, on the south shore. Within the Molasse de Plateau, we identified the already know Pontarlier and St Cergue transforms Fault as well as faults. We mapped faults that affect subalpine Molasse as well as the thrust fault plane between alpine flysch and Molasse near the lake's south shore. A new tectonic map of the Lake Geneva region could thus be drawn up. The substratum does not show faults indicating a tectonic origin for the Lake Geneva Basin. However, we suggest that the orientation of glacial erosion, and thus the shape of Lake Geneva, vas influenced by the presence of faults in the pre-Quaternary basement. The analysis of Quaternary sediments enabled us to draw up maps of various discontinuities or internal units. The top pre-Quaternary basement map shows channels of glacial origin, the deepest of them reaching an altitude of 200 m a.s.l. The channel's slopes are directed to the North-East, in opposite direction of the present water flow. We explain this observation by the presence of artesian subglacial water circulation. Glacial sediments, the maximum thickness of which reaches 150 m in the central part of the lake, record several glacial recurrences. In the Evian area, we found lenses of glacio-lacustrine sediments set high up on the flank of the Lake Geneva Bassin. We correlated these units with on-land borehole data and concluded that they represent the lower complex of the Evian sedimentary pile. The lower complex is aider than 30 000 years, and it could be a Kame deposit associated with a periglacial lake. Our 3D seismic reflexion survey enables us to specify the supply direction of detrital material in this unit. With detailed seismic images we established how some units were affected by different erosion types. The lacustrine sediments we imaged in Lake Geneva are thicker than 225 m and 400 m or more Linder the Rhone Delta. They indicate several depositional mechanisms. Their base is a major turbidite, thirty meters thick on average, that spreads between the Dranse mouth and the Rhone delta. Above this unit, settling of suspended biological and detrital particles provides most of the sediments. In the eastern part of the lake, detrital contribution from the Rhone builds a delta that progrades to the west and imbricates with the settling sediments. The shallow structure of the Rhone delta abruptly evolved, probably after the catastrophic Tauredunum event (563 A.D.). It probably coincides with an erosive surface that we mapped. As a result, the delta geometry changed, in particular associated with a displacement of water bottom channels. In all our seismic sections, we do not observe fault in the Quaternary sediments that would attest postglacial tectonic activity in the basement.
The objectives of this work were to estimate the genetic and phenotypic parameters and to predict the genetic and genotypic values of the selection candidates obtained from intraspecific crosses in Panicum maximum as well as the performance of the hybrid progeny of the existing and projected crosses. Seventy-nine intraspecific hybrids obtained from artificial crosses among five apomictic and three sexual autotetraploid individuals were evaluated in a clonal test with two replications and ten plants per plot. Green matter yield, total and leaf dry matter yields and leaf percentage were evaluated in five cuts per year during three years. Genetic parameters were estimated and breeding and genotypic values were predicted using the restricted maximum likelihood/best linear unbiased prediction procedure (REML/BLUP). The dominant genetic variance was estimated by adjusting the effect of full-sib families. Low magnitude individual narrow sense heritabilities (0.02-0.05), individual broad sense heritabilities (0.14-0.20) and repeatability measured on an individual basis (0.15-0.21) were obtained. Dominance effects for all evaluated characteristics indicated that breeding strategies that explore heterosis must be adopted. Less than 5% increase in the parameter repeatability was obtained for a three-year evaluation period and may be the criterion to determine the maximum number of years of evaluation to be adopted, without compromising gain per cycle of selection. The identification of hybrid candidates for future cultivars and of those that can be incorporated into the breeding program was based on the genotypic and breeding values, respectively. The prediction of the performance of the hybrid progeny, based on the breeding values of the progenitors, permitted the identification of the best crosses and indicated the best parents to use in crosses.
Biometric system performance can be improved by means of data fusion. Several kinds of information can be fused in order to obtain a more accurate classification (identification or verification) of an input sample. In this paper we present a method for computing the weights in a weighted sum fusion for score combinations, by means of a likelihood model. The maximum likelihood estimation is set as a linear programming problem. The scores are derived from a GMM classifier working on a different feature extractor. Our experimental results assesed the robustness of the system in front a changes on time (different sessions) and robustness in front a change of microphone. The improvements obtained were significantly better (error bars of two standard deviations) than a uniform weighted sum or a uniform weighted product or the best single classifier. The proposed method scales computationaly with the number of scores to be fussioned as the simplex method for linear programming.
Lutetium zoning in garnet within eclogites from the Zermatt-Saas Fee zone, Western Alps, reveal sharp, exponentially decreasing central peaks. They can be used to constrain maximum Lu volume diffusion in garnets. A prograde garnet growth temperature interval of 450-600 A degrees C has been estimated based on pseudosection calculations and garnet-clinopyroxene thermometry. The maximum pre-exponential diffusion coefficient which fits the measured central peak is in the order of D-0= 5.7*10(-6) m(2)/s, taking an estimated activation energy of 270 kJ/mol based on diffusion experiments for other rare earth elements in garnet. This corresponds to a maximum diffusion rate of D (600 A degrees C) = 4.0*10(-22) m(2)/s. The diffusion estimate of Lu can be used to estimate the minimum closure temperature, T-c, for Sm-Nd and Lu-Hf age data that have been obtained in eclogites of the Western Alps, postulating, based on a literature review, that D (Hf) < D (Nd) < D (Sm) a parts per thousand currency sign D (Lu). T-c calculations, using the Dodson equation, yielded minimum closure temperatures of about 630 A degrees C, assuming a rapid initial exhumation rate of 50A degrees/m.y., and an average crystal size of garnets (r = 1 mm). This suggests that Sm/Nd and Lu/Hf isochron age differences in eclogites from the Western Alps, where peak temperatures did rarely exceed 600 A degrees C must be interpreted in terms of prograde metamorphism.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar, com dados de temperatura mínima média decendial do ar (Tm) de 41 municípios do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, de 1945 a 1974, se a Tm pode ser estimada em função da altitude, latitude e longitude. Para cada um dos 36 decêndios do ano, realizaram-se análise de correlação, análise de trilha das variáveis causais - altitude, latitude e longitude - sobre o efeito Tm, e estimaram-se os parâmetros do modelo das equações de regressão linear múltipla, pelo método passo a passo, com teste para saída de variáveis, considerando Tm como variável dependente e altitude, latitude e longitude como variáveis independentes. Na validação dos modelos de estimativa da Tm, usou-se o coeficiente de correlação linear de Pearson, entre a Tm estimada e a Tm observada em dez municípios do Estado, com dados da série de observações meteorológicas de 1975 a 2004. A temperatura mínima média decendial do ar pode ser estimada pelas coordenadas geográficas em qualquer local e decêndio, no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. A altitude e latitude explicam melhor a variação da Tm.